Yang Xuan responded to Wang Hong lightly.

This made Wang Hong even more depressed.


Then, he turned red with anger.

Spit out a blood.

Obviously the enemy is close at hand, but he has nothing to do.

This situation made Wang Hong depressed to death.

Chapter 51

Although Yang Xuan seems to have only the power of the second tier.

However, his actual combat ability is too strong.

And the calculation in his heart is also daunting.

He obviously has the power to kill Wen Xing with one blow.

But didn't do that.

Instead, he pretended to take advantage of the opportunity to sneak attack, or shot with all his strength, which cost a lot of money.

Under the witness of Ta Ling, Zhang Shuyi called out a death fight.

In the end, he died, and all his property belonged to Yang Xuan.

He also helped Yang Xuan become a third-tier demon emissary.

This heart, this calculation.

Especially this power.

It made Wang Hong feel terrified.

To know.

Although the Reincarnation Tower will help host duels and deathmatch.

But only if both parties agree.

Otherwise, one disagrees.

The Reincarnation Tower will not form a duel field.

But once the two parties agree, the duel field will be formed.

Then it's useless to regret.

Therefore, Wang Hong is afraid now, and he dare not say the words of a duel.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

That's when.

A sound of chaotic footsteps came out.


Seven people with strong breaths.

Standing behind Wang Hong.

"Brother Hong, we've heard about Chang He, so we're sorry!"

"Ah Hong, Grand Uncle asked me to tell you that he has just started reincarnation."

"This time the goal is directly aimed at promotion to the fifth rank!"

"So, let's not get out of hand!"

"This Yang Xuan, let him go for now."

"That's right! Let him jump for a while, although he got a great opportunity in the initial world."

"But Uncle, once you advance to the fifth level."

"Then, when the time comes, the laws of the Federation will not be able to keep this kid."

The visitors are all masters of the Wang family.

They already know everything.

However, no one dared to continue to challenge Yang Xuan.

Because of the Wang family, the strongest person is a reincarnation of the fourth rank.

But that reincarnated person is named Wang Shan.

Wang Shan is at the critical moment of advancement.

Of the rest of the royal family, the strongest is only the third rank.

But Yang Xuan has just become a professional.

But the two battles have already been revealed.

He has the power of a third-tier professional in Sweeping City.

Even if they go up, they will die.

The third rank is actually not a Chinese cabbage.

So they plan to hide for a while.

Anyway, Yang Xuan didn't dare to kill them by force.

Once strong, they can join forces without even having to work hard.

As long as he escapes, let the federal law enforcement team deal with Yang Xuan directly.

"Okay! Let's wait for Uncle Shan to avenge my son and my wife!"

Wang Hong finally gave Yang Xuan a vicious look.

Then he turned and left.

The members of the Wang family were still afraid of Yang Xuan in the end.

Yang Xuan also watched them leave.

Finally withdrew from the duel arena.

"Wang Shan, a fourth-tier professional!"

"Say this in front of me, trying to put pressure on me, trying to scare me."

"You are really stupid and hopeless!"

After Yang Xuan and other members of the Wang family left.

There is a little want to laugh.

Such crucial information, they actually told themselves so simply.

It was simply, deliberately trying to kill that Wang Shan.

"One-click tracking: Reincarnator Wang Shan."

"Do you want to consume 10,000 true spirit points to conduct a preliminary trace?"


After Yang Xuan returned to the True Reincarnation Tower, he started tracking directly.

As for consumption, he doesn't care.

Although it took a lot of true spirit points before.

But he killed two third-tier professionals in a row.

Yang Xuan's true spirit points not only recovered, but also improved.

At this moment, his true spirit points are 180,000!

"The deduction was successful!"

"Reincarnator Wang Shan!"

"The world I live in is a spiritual world where the laws are broken and manifested."

"Further traceable."

"With the help of the reincarnation pod, the real soul reincarnation tracking consumes 50,000 real soul points."

"Without using the reincarnation pod, it costs 500,000."

"The real body has come (unopened), the primordial spirit has not yet been completed, and it cannot be opened!"

Immediately afterwards.

A piece of information appeared in Yang Xuan's mind.

Yang Xuan didn't even think of it.

Use one-click tracking in the overworld.

There is still such a terrifying supernatural power.

He could actually do it without using the Reincarnation Tracking Seal.

Directly track the world where Wang Shan is located.

Even, if there are enough soul points.

As long as there is a coordinate, you can skip the reincarnation cabin and track it directly.

This method is very strong!

super strong!

Worthy of being a golden finger, the plug-in is blah blah!

Yang Xuan couldn't even think of it.

He was able to bypass the reincarnation cabin and use his one-key tracking to forcibly reincarnate into the world of the tracked.

It just costs a little more.

But it also felt worth it.

"Time to choose a college!"

"The authority to use the Tower of Reincarnation is basically firmly controlled by the colleges, families, and factions."

"The university I want to go to is naturally where my parents are..."

At this time, Yang Xuan looked into the distance.

Soon, he found the person wearing the teacher's uniform of Kyoto Daiichi University.

It was a woman in ancient costume who looked only in her twenties.

But Yang Xuan knew.

The other party is a university teacher, so his rank is at least the fourth rank.

That is, the corresponding Yuanshen and Dharma Saint professions.

But just when Yang Xuan was about to walk there.

All of a sudden, something happened.

There are two terrifying coercions slowly emerging from the clouds.

As soon as these two breaths appeared.

All the teachers looked shocked and terrified.

Chapter 52 Above the Federation, Transcendental Forces

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