"That's right, it's me."

"Then you are really miserable. Your whole body is chained here, and you can't move at all."

"You can break in is enough to prove that you are a capable disciple, but you have already alarmed those old guys, and they have already rushed over here.".

Chapter 1177

Ye Qingxuan could see that he could only move in the area he was in, and the length of the iron chain was limited.

Ye Qingxuan said, "No matter who you are, you are really miserable."

A voice resounded in the entire tower, "Whoever breaks in here, come out quickly, or don't blame me for being rude to you."

"You also said that I was pitiful and that I was miserable. Now let's see who is more miserable between the two of us. If you are caught by those old guys outside, I'm afraid your life will be gone."

"They won't come in?"

"Yes! They'll be in right now."

Ye Qingxuan thought in his heart that this is the end, where is he going to hide?

"Don't make fun of me this time."

If it was said that he would not be able to open the dream if he went back the way he was before, but the failure to open the door must have something to do with this guy.

"I'm not making fun of you, I just don't think you should be trapped here."

"I saw a force that directly threw Ye Qingxuan into another strange event. Ye Qingxuan could see everything in front of him clearly, but the people in the previous secret room couldn't see it. It seems that all of this is here. It's that person's ability, I can't imagine that he is so powerful'."

Real person Yuhua said, "This person's ability is so powerful."

Ye Qingxuan and the others were watching from here. After the sect leader and the others walked in, they stared angrily in front of them. The guy was still there and said, "Who broke into this place?"

"You don't know who broke in, so how would I know."

"Don't think that someone can take you away if someone breaks in. This iron chain is a thousand-year-old iron chain that no one can break. No matter how high your cultivation is, you will never escape from this black tower."

There is only one road leading to this place. They walked along this road, but they didn't find other people here, and they didn't know that there was another secret room in the tower.

When they turned angrily and left to look for the entrants in other places, they only found that there was a formation at the weakest part of the barrier. It seemed that this person was a master at using formations. Wu Shan might not even be able to do it.

Neng glanced at each other and said, "This person has such a powerful formation ability, it seems that his cultivation must not be low."

"Since his cultivation base is not low, it is not so easy for us to find him, so we might as well stay here."

They nodded and decided to stay at the formation.

Ye Qingxuan had already been brought out of that secret room by this guy, Ye Qingxuan did not expect his cultivation to be so advanced.

"¨How do seniors know that there is a secret room here, and they don't even know the head of the Tianmen?"

"My cultivation base can spy on the entire Black Tower, just because they are not our opponents at all, if I hadn't been trapped here, I would have eliminated them a long time ago."

"So you're not trapped here by a few of them?"

"That's right, (Liao Nuo Zhao) I was not trapped here by a few of them."

"Since you have such ability, can't you break free from this chain?"

"You don't know about this iron chain. He is a thousand-year-old iron. If I hadn't lost to that old guy, how could I be trapped here? I don't know where that old guy is now. Haven't seen me either."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Who is that old guy you're talking about? Who are you?".

Chapter 1178 Breaking Through the Kun Martial Realm

"I am the legendary devil emperor, the one who defeated me, his name is Qin Hao."

"Isn't Qin Hao the last head of Tianmen?"

"So your boy knows where he is?"

"I only know that he has been in seclusion and hasn't appeared for so many years. It turns out that you are the devil emperor who everyone can kill!"

"After he defeated me that year, I was trapped here, but he has been in retreat."

"After so many years, I don't know how far his cultivation has reached. If you have a chance to see him, please send a message to him, and fight me again if you have the ability."

"I'm afraid I can't get out of 300 now."

"You stinky brat can be regarded as capable. You can actually enter this enchantment. What kind of method did you use?"

"I'm just curious, I want to see what is closed here, why people are called forbidden places, it turns out that this is the case, I used a kind of formation to break into here, but now I want to go out. It's easy, they will definitely stay there, because they didn't find anyone when they came in."

"Just remember what I said, and I will help you, but don't blame me if you don't keep your promise. I will be rude to you next time I see you."

"You mean to say that you can help me break through this enchantment."

"Do you think my majestic Devil Emperor is a waste?"

"Let those old guys guard there, let them guard it, and I will let you out."

"If I really see Qin Hao, I will definitely pass on what you said to him."

Ye Qingxuan walked out of the black tower, and when he went out to reach the barrier, a powerful energy forcefully tore the barrier apart. Ye Qingxuan stepped out of the barrier and the barrier returned to its original state again, making everyone Without any notice, Ye Qingxuan left here quietly.

Ye Qingxuan said to the master in his pendant, "It's safe and sound. I didn't expect him to let me out. I thought he would kill me." (ccab)

"I don't know this devil emperor yet? He just wants to use you."

"The master meant that it was just to use me to send a message."

"Besides you who can do it, who else can do it? Qin Hao has been practicing in seclusion for many years and has never appeared before."

"Then do you know where he is retreating?"

"The topmost floor of Tianmen, if you go up, you will definitely be discovered. With your current cultivation base, you have not yet reached that level."

"But this devil emperor is quite smart. He should have seen your talent, otherwise he would never entrust this matter to you."

Ye Qingxuan left here safely, and the elders and heads of the Tianmen, they didn't even guess that this formation was arranged by their disciples.

Besides, none of these disciples can achieve such an achievement. This is Ye Qingxuan's cleverness, and he has never shown it at all.

But Ye Qingxuan raised his head to look at that side at this time, he really wanted to go up and have a look, since the master said, he would definitely be discovered if he went up with his current ability, so he gave up such a plan now.

These disciples who cultivated in Tianmen have achieved some success within a short year, and the most outstanding disciple among them is Ye Qingxuan.

He rarely appears on the side of other cultivation masters now.

Chapter 1179

Except for practicing with them for a while every day, the rest of the time basically hides in his room.

In his own pendant, he decided to break through the realm he wanted to break through now.

Recently, their master said that they would take them to Tianmen to practice. After all, they have been on Tianshan Mountain for a year, and each master will bring his disciples down to practice for a period of one month.

Ye Shiwen said, "Finally I have a chance to go out, otherwise it would be extremely boring to always stay on this Tianmen."

Ye Qi said in a low voice, "Don't talk nonsense, if Master hears it, he will definitely punish you."

Within a short year, Ye Qingxuan's realm had broken through, the Kunwu realm he wanted to reach.

Ye Qingxuan said, "What exactly are we practicing in Tianmen?"

"Always stay on the Tianmen, and you can't see the outside scene. The experience outside here is naturally to experience your mind."

Walking across from Ye Qingxuan and the others, a woman was wearing purple clothes with a veil on her face, and there was an evil look between her brows.

It can be seen at a glance that these are all disciples of Tianmen.

These people in Tianmen are the ones who imprisoned the Devil Emperor.

He is now under the Devil Emperor's command, and he came here to get close to Tianmen, and wanted to find a chance to see if he could rescue the imprisoned Devil Emperor.

They also knew that the Devil Emperor was trapped by the thousand-year-old iron, so they tried every means to find a way to untie the thousand-year-old black iron.

When passing by Ye Qingxuan and the others, he waved his hand at them and actually poisoned them, but he didn't know that Ye Qingxuan was a very powerful alchemist.

How could his little trick be able to hide Ye Qingxuan's eyes, he also waved his hand, and a white powder appeared, these people acted as if nothing had happened.

After looking at Ye Qingxuan for a few times, he turned and left Ye Qingxuan. He knew his gaze, but he ignored him at all.

Their master also noticed a little bit, he also knew that Ye Qingxuan was a pharmacist, it seems that he has already solved this matter.

Among the disciples brought down the mountain this time, there are many alchemists, and Ye Qingxuan is the most outstanding one.

Although they are very interested in alchemy, it is a pity that alchemy is not suitable for them. It is already good to be able to attack.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Tianshu knew that the woman just now would never stop there, maybe she would make a move.

It seems that the identity of this woman must not be simple.

"Everyone, be careful. Walking outside is not like staying in the big families before Tianmen Supreme, but you rarely accept the outside world."


"The scope of your life is only within the family or within the scope of the family. Outside of this, there are many dangers. If you are not careful, you don't know how you died."

Ye Qi said, "Could it be that exaggerated?"

"If Ye Qingxuan hadn't just made a move, you people would have been poisoned already."

"But we didn't notice it at all."

Ye Qingxuan said, "It's just a trick, if he dares to play tricks in front of me, he's still young."

"Since everything is fine, let's be careful next time. If he really has a purpose, he will never stop there."

The woman's name was Zixuan, he didn't expect that there was such a capable disciple among the disciples of Tianmen.

Chapter 1180 Collecting Tianlu

They found a place to rest and planned to rest here. This inn is quite special, it is a courtyard by itself.

The courtyard is large and can accommodate many people.

In addition to the rooms here, the backyard of the inn is still very empty, and activities can be performed here.

Ye Qingxuan and the others had a lot of people, so they put the table in the yard, and they would sit here at "300" every time they ate.

A woman wears a bamboo hat on her head, and black gauze is wrapped around the hat.

He also entered this inn. Although he covered his face, Ye Qingxuan could tell at a glance that he was Zi Xuan who met them before and poisoned them.

This time, there were two people behind him.

There were also two women, apparently his handmaidens.

But Ye Qingxuan didn't say anything, he just saw it. At this moment, their master Tianshu said, "This time for training, I want you to go to the monster forest for training."

"Or you can stay here and practice for a while, but now I think I have decided to take you to the Tianlu River Pool to collect Tianlu."

"Although there are some dangers, it can be regarded as a good experience. Let's go to Tianluchi tomorrow morning."

They all know that no matter what kind of dew there will be in the early morning, it is obvious that they will leave this place at dawn tomorrow.

A maid beside Zixuan said, "They are leaving early tomorrow morning, so when shall we do it?"

"It's now."

You two stay and I go out the window so they don't know I'm out of this room.

"It's the Palace Master."

Zixuan jumped out from the window, he came to the kitchen, and just passed by there, the black powder fell into Ye Qingxuan's food.

When the waiter in the inn brought the food, Ye Qingxuan could tell at a glance that this woman didn't just stop there, she was still thinking about **** them.

He did the same as that woman did, and waved his hand casually.

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