According to their divination prophecy on Tianmen 297, one of the most outstanding disciples will appear among all the disciples of this family. At first, they thought it was the Yuhuatian of the Yu clan.

Now it seems that there are other people, this person is most likely Ye Qingxuan of Jiuyou, he is the most talented among all the disciples, his medicine refining technique, weapon refining technique, formation technique, and rhythm technique are all relatively powerful, And the cultivation base is also very high, there are simply no disciples with such talents.

Three days passed quickly, and they were so hungry that their chests were stuck to their backs.

Ye Qi said, "Facing the wall for three days is finally over, I (ccab) want to eat right now, I'm really hungry."

Their master, Tianshu, had already prepared food for them. When they came here, they saw that the table was full of food and knew that the master had prepared it for them.

It seems that the master still feels sorry for them, in fact, Tianshu also knows that he does not blame them for this incident.

In any case, they also fought against each other, and his own disciple suffered a big loss.

When they were all eating here, Tianshu left and came in and said, "Whether you have a long memory after today, no matter who the cause of this matter is, if you don't participate, there will be no subsequent results."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Master, this disciple realizes his mistake."

"It's good to know you're wrong."

"Hurry up and eat, and then go to the bamboo forest brother."

The image of that person suddenly appeared in Ye Qingxuan's mind, that is, the person in white clothes holding a fan.

Ye Qingxuan said to his master, "Who was that guy that day? He must have made the mess."

"Yes, he is not from our Tianmen, but he can move freely in Tianshan."

"Then this guy is really capable."

Ye Qi said, "Why are capable people so idle? Why would he set up a mess there?"

"Hahaha! Because I want to find an opponent."

Speaking of this, this person appeared in front of them. With a smile all over his face, he said to Tianshu, "This disciple is very good, I want to compete with him."

Tianshu turned around and said, "You really are full and have nothing to do."

"I just borrowed your address, why are you so fierce."

"If you have nothing to do, go back to your Taolin, don't stay in our Tianmen, let us disciples fight because of your affairs."

"What does this have to do with me? It's clearly because that disciple is too jealous. If things go on like this, he will easily go mad."

"Mingming will deal with it, he won't watch his disciple become enchanted."

"I'm leaving in the next two days, so I really want to learn from you, my disciple."

Chapter 1174 Master's Teachings

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. If you like to discuss, you can go to him when he goes back to rest at night."

"This means that you have agreed, then I will take my leave first."

"He is Zimo from Peach Blossom Forest. As for whether you want to compete with him or not, that's up to you. I won't ask about this matter. Hurry up and eat. After eating, you all go to the bamboo forest."

After saying this, Tianshu turned around and left. Although these disciples are not as high as the disciples of the Yu clan, at least there are no disciples like Yuhuatian.

Yu Huatian was sitting in his room, and other Yu disciples also came in, and they said indignantly, "Jiuyou's disciples are all trash, except that Ye Qingxuan has some skills, why should they follow?" Shall we compete?"

Yu Huatian thought for a while and said, "You can just think about this sentence in your heart, don't say it casually, if the master hears it, I'm afraid you will inevitably be punished."

"It's unbelievable that such a disciple as Ye Qingxuan will appear in Jiuyou."

"What's the use of him being powerful alone? You didn't look at the cultivation of other disciples, but you saw their noses and bruises and swollen faces being beaten by us one by one. Thinking about it will relieve your hatred~"

"Stop it, I'm not - told you to stop?"

Yu Huatian suddenly became angry, startling the people next to him.

Yu Huatian has never been like this before, this time it seems to be out of control.

He felt that he had indeed lost his composure, and then said slowly, "I'm sorry, I'm not in a good mood, so don't talk about it."

Yu Ling said, "Let's go, let's go out first, let him be quiet for a while."

All the disciples of the Yu clan walked out.

Yu Huatian closed his eyes.

Ye Qingxuan and the others all came to the small bamboo forest, where Tianshu was waiting for all their disciples to gather here.

"The level of cultivation is not important, the most important thing is a person's character, don't have any jealousy, although it is unavoidable, everyone will have such thoughts, but this kind of thoughts should not be too serious."

"It doesn't matter if your cultivation base is not enough."

They knew why the master said these words to them, but they were afraid that they would be possessed by demons.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Ye Qi said, "Are disciples possessed by demons really that scary?"

"Of course it's not only terrible, but all their cultivations will also be abolished. Tianmen will not allow them to grow. After they have not grown up, their cultivations will be abolished."

"Oh! The disciple knows, and will never make such a mistake."


"Okay, you all should practice hard, and quickly master all the exercises in your hands."

"Yes! Disciple obeys."

Ye Qingxuan and the others replied in unison, this time only Jiuyou and the Yuzu caused trouble.

The other families of the family are very stable, even if they are of other races, there is no disciple like Yu Huatian.

Neither Blood Dance nor Kuangsha showed it. Although the aura of the aliens was inherently demonic, it was something they were born with.

Ye Qingxuan has mastered all the kung fu skills, the sky thunder breaks through, and thousands of miles are frozen, and the absolute sound wave kung fu has already reached the full level.

What he wants to practice now is to improve his cultivation base. He has already reached the Xuanwu realm, and he wants to quickly break through the Kunwu realm and enter the Great True Spirit One.

Chapter 1175

Ye Shiwen was still in a daze when he saw Ye Qingxuan didn't move.

He made a look at Ye Feng next to him, and Ye Feng also looked over there, but Ye Qingxuan stood there without moving.

The two walked towards Ye Qingxuan together, and then patted him on the shoulder at the same time, Ye Qingxuan came back to his senses and said, "What are you doing, you want to scare me."

"Didn't the master tell us to practice the "two nine seven" swordsmanship well? Why are you in a daze here?"

"I was thinking that I have already practiced these few exercises, what should I practice?"

After saying this, both Ye Shiwen and Ye Feng looked at him directly.

"Look what I'm doing, I don't have flowers on my face."

"You guys are really perverted, what do you like to do, the two of us are going to practice, and we don't have time to chat with you here."

"Did you two make a mistake? Obviously you two came here by yourself, and I didn't pull you."

Ye Qingxuan strode away from here, he has nothing to practice in this little bamboo forest, he just wants to find a way to improve his cultivation.

He still wants to become the strongest on this continent as soon as possible, so that he can complete this reincarnation mission by then.

He hasn't been doing medicine refining and weapon refining skills recently, and Ye Qingxuan is missing from the array spells.

These masters thought that Ye Qingxuan was tired of these things, but they didn't expect that Ye Qingxuan had already reached the peak.

This has reached such a state in less than a year, and also opened the strongest bloodline of Jiuyou.

Ye Qingxuan suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a place above the Tianmen Gate that was forbidden, and they were not allowed to enter at all, and that was the Black Tower over there.

Why is there something in the black tower that stops them? Why is it the forbidden area here?

He really became curious about that black tower when he was free for a while.

Just thinking about how to go to see it, I met that guy who blocked the way again, the one who set up the endgame.

"You didn't go to practice, you just hang out here."

"That's because they have nothing left for me to learn."

"How do you feel about my proposal, do you dare to compete with me?"

"If you lose, don't bother me anymore, how about it."

"Okay! It's a deal."

They really sat down, and the two of them started to play chess using the spiritual power on their fingers...

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help sighing, this guy is indeed a master chess player, but unfortunately he is even better, so no matter how he plays chess, he can't play chess with the palm of his hand.

It didn't take long for the two of them to see that the person opposite him became a little nervous, his brows were tightly furrowed, and the fan in his hand was closed, and he no longer had that calm look.

In the beginning, his blue and purple speed was still very fast, but now it seems that he has to hesitate for a moment before he can drop the chess piece.

Ye Qingxuan didn't urge him, he didn't say anything, just quietly waiting for him to finish playing the chess in his hand.

Looking at the chess game now, Ye Qingxuan didn't have much advantage, but when Ye Qingxuan's last piece landed 0.1 on it, the whole chess game changed immediately, and all the pieces on the opposite side were swallowed up.

Ye Qingxuan said, "You lost."

"Your chess skills are so superb, do you really want to achieve such achievements after knowing the rules of chess?"

"Hehehe, you think too much of me. I'm just teasing those guys. In fact, I can play chess."

Chapter 1176 Infiltrating into the Black Tower

"Hahaha! I was a little unconvinced at first, but even if I was unconvinced, I can tell that you are definitely not an ordinary chess player."

"I'm in Taoyuan Zimo, if you really need me, feel free to find me."



Zimo left here, and now Ye Qingxuan can be said to be walking around at will in Tianmen Supreme. Who made his talent so high, and he has completely mastered the things he learned.

In the dead of night, Ye Qingxuan quietly rushed towards this place, and he found that there is indeed an enchantment as the master said.

Real person Yuhua said, "You don't come here because you want to enter this black tower, right?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "Yes, master, I want to know what is inside this black tower? Why is it an enchantment and a forbidden area?"

"I can sense a strong evil spirit here. Someone must be imprisoned here."

It is impossible to pass through this barrier directly, but Ye Qingxuan has found out the weakness of the barrier, and using his special ability in that place, Jiezhen walked in from that place.

He has already mastered the top level of Zero Gossip Formation, so it is easy for him to walk in just a barrier. Someone broke into this barrier and no one found it at the beginning. After all, it is not a hard break. , but use their own special formation to break in.

Ye Qingxuan entered here, and the traps here are exactly the same as what the master said, but he still carefully avoided the traps, and when he was triggered, he naturally ignited and alerted the head of the Tianmen.

"It's not good for someone to break into the Black Tower."

The elders and the others all went to that place. When they arrived here, the barrier was intact. I don't know how that person got in. It seems that this person should be a master.

I immediately went in to look for Ye Qingxuan through the barrier, and at this moment Ye Qingxuan had already reached the door of the black tower.

Ye Qingxuan walked towards here, he only pushed the door lightly with his hand and it opened.

Before he took a few steps forward, a voice came into his ears. After hearing this voice, he had a splitting headache and became dizzy.

"Whoever breaks in is looking for death."

Ye Qingxuan couldn't stand the shock of the sound, he shouted loudly, "I'm just curious about this place, I want to see who you are."

"Hahaha! You are a disciple of Tianmen. Since I was here, there has been an enchantment here. Tianmen disciples are not allowed to enter. You are really a special disciple who violates the teacher's order."

He sensed that someone was coming, and the door of the black tower closed instantly, locking Ye Qingxuan inside.

When Ye Qingxuan pushed the door again, he couldn't open it. He walked up this road, and it was gloomy here.

But only 297 has this road, so he can only continue to walk up along this road. When he reaches an open place, the person who talked to him is here, and all he can see is that his wrists and ankles are all bruised. The iron chain was tied up, and even his neck was fixed. He couldn't move at all when he sat here, so how did he get in the food he ate every day?

"You're the one who was talking to me just now."

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