"That's why so many people don't like Resting Music Temperament, because the spiritual weapons they get are very troublesome to play musical instruments. Even if they can play a tune, it's just a tune."

After hearing Meng Zui's words, Ye Qingxuan's jaw dropped for such a long time, so he didn't have to do anything.

"Now that you have mastered the ability of this rhythm, the next speed will increase by leaps and bounds, and you can learn an artistic conception in an instant."

"Many disciples can't persevere. In fact, as long as they can persevere and reach a state like yours, then they will be out of control."

Ye Qingxuan said, "To be honest, I have been talking for a month, and I think it is long enough, but I have no intention of giving up. Now that I have made a choice, I will stick to it."

At that time, Meng Zui was really worried that Ye Qingxuan would give up, but he didn't expect that he would be able to master this artistic conception in only one month.

This surprised him so much, even when he was learning the temperament, he didn't reach his speed.

At that time, he thought it was a long time in a year, but he didn't expect that it took only a month for the disciple he met today.

Immediately afterwards, Meng Zui taught Ye Qingxuan another tune with attacking intentions.

····Ask for flowers 0·

I saw Ye Qingxuan plucking his strings towards the waterfall in front of the cliff, and when he played the hole in the strings, he could see the waterfall in front start to splash water, and the speed of the water splashing out became faster and faster getting bigger.

When he plucked the strings for the second time, he saw that the splashed snowflakes turned into crystals one by one, and ice beads fell from the top one by one.


Meng Zui said, "This is the ability of the Shadow Streamer, he has the effect of ice energy."

"You have to know that spirit artifacts with attributes are rare, so to be able to obtain such a spirit artifact is considered very capable of you."

"Maybe you will come across a spiritual tool with fire attribute spiritual power, but as long as his spiritual power is not as high as yours, he won't be able to suppress you."

Ye Qingxuan said, "I know it's normal for attributes to be restrained, but if the spiritual power is high enough, it can be completely suppressed."

"Of course, learning this rhythm will also allow you to better restrain the fire attribute."

Ye Qingxuan put away his shadow streamer. Today's training is over, so he can leave this cliff for a while.

Chapter 1150 The Unstoppable Light

Ye Qingxuan was lying on a sloping grassland, watching the sun that was about to set, and the clouds around the sun were reflected fiery red, and he still had a straw stick in his mouth.

The pendant on his neck emitted a faint light, and a voice came to his ears.

Real person Yuhua said, "You kid is so talented, I never thought you would be in such a "two-eight-three" realm."

"Even I didn't think of it myself. The speed is so fast, and I basically mastered everything in a short period of time."

"You are really talented."

"But often more talented people will attract the envy of others. I think you still have to be defensive."

"I know this, and I will guard against them."

Ye Qingxuan sat up, stretched, and slowly stood up.

He left the mountain and walked towards the flat bluestone road.

Ye Shiwen and the others just came back from there, and Yundingtian and the others followed behind them. It seemed that their cultivation was over.

Ye Shiwen saw Ye Qingxuan walking over there, and said, "I know you won't last long, are you being lazy? Why didn't all the cultivation bases see you today?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "Don't you think others are lazy because you can't see it? Then if you are a pig, don't you think others are just like you?"

"What did you say?"

Ye Shiwen rushed directly to hit Ye Qingxuan, but Ye Qingxuan said while running in front, "You are a pig."

"You wait for me, you dare to call me a pig."

Ye Feng said, "The speed at which Ye Qingxuan advances by leaps and bounds really makes people not confident. As far as I know, he has already practiced all the cultivation bases above Tianmen."

"Isn't that good? This is not only the glory of my Ye family, but also the glory of my Jiuyou, so that other families will not look down on us Jiuyou because they are so ostentatious."

Yun Dingtian behind was already a relatively outstanding disciple of Jiuyou, but he also knew that even so, he was nothing among all the families, just an overly mediocre disciple.

They all know that the reason for Jiuyou's decline is not because in the recent period of time, none of the Jiuyou clan's Yi people have opened Jiuyou's bloodline, which is why all their Jiuyou disciples are so mediocre...

They all knew that it would be a good thing for them if they could open up the family blood.

But I don't know the reason, why Jiuyou's disciples stopped opening the blood, this is also the most troublesome thing for the Jiuyou clan patriarch.

He looked at the bloodline stone in the Nine Serenity Secret Realm, which was shining brightly without any abnormality. How could there be no disciples to open the bloodline?

"Although there are no disciples who have opened their bloodlines, the ability of this disciple Ye Qingxuan has really made their Jiuyou clan shine. A disciple without any bloodlines actually possesses such abilities."

The patriarch of Ye Qingxuan's performance in Tianmen has already known 0.1. The patriarch of the Jiuyou clan is not to mention how happy he is, so the Ye family's family is even happier.

Ye Qingxuan's father said, "I thought I just wanted him to do whatever he wanted, but I didn't expect him to be a luminous stone."

An elder standing next to him said, "Maybe you can't hide his light, just let him go.".

Chapter 1151 Tianmen Library Pavilion

"Anyway, I have done what I promised his mother. No matter from the beginning to now, I have not forced her to do anything. As for his own way, let him go."

The elder nodded.

Ye Qingxuan returned to his room, and he summoned his own piano.

This shadow streamer is really special enough.

As soon as this spiritual weapon appeared, the whole room seemed to be much cooler.

Ye Qingxuan said, "I have been cooperating with you for a long time, and I have never greeted you. Now that there is no one around, I want to have a good communication with you, 22."

Ye Qingxuan and his own Bing Ningjian, the two always communicate with each other, and there is naturally a tacit understanding between the spiritual weapon and him, after all, they have already made a contract with him.

Ye Qingxuan knew that this shadow streamer could not respond to him, so he started playing the melody on it.

His melody was very light. He gradually poured his spiritual power into this shadow violin, feeling everything in this group. This time, his purpose was not for the melody technique.

I still want to sense, this shadow streamer, his spiritual power is very gentle and slowly poured into this spiritual weapon.

The spirit weapon has no resistance.

Gradually, Ye Qingxuan felt everything in this shadow streamer.

The Shadow Streamer also accepted Ye Qingxuan, and it seemed that the relationship with Ye Qingxuan was getting stronger and stronger.

Ye Qingxuan smiled faintly, he stopped playing the piano and said, "Then we will be friends from today onwards, I hope our cooperation will become more and more tacit.

The shadow streamer gave off a faint light, and his light was almost the same as that of the Bing Ning sword, because the Bing Ning sword also belonged to the spiritual weapon of ice energy, so the light emitted by the shadow streamer was almost the same.

The next day in the small bamboo forest, Tianshu said to them, "During this period of time, everyone's sword control skills have been slightly improved, and then we will let everyone practice the exercises on the Tianmen."

"Everyone's chances are different, so the exercises you practice are naturally different. I will guide you to choose the exercises that suit you."

"As long as you have the ability to get the exercises, you can bring them out."

Now all the disciples come with me.

The disciples of Zhulin Xiaodi all followed behind Tianshu, and the disciples of other families also followed their master to choose exercises.

All the disciples gathered here in these three big-character Zangshu Pavilions.

The next second the door slowly opened.

Tianshu said, "Go, remember not to be too greedy, this exercise is not something you can take away if you want, just pick the ones that are predestined with you."

Ye Qingxuan and the others walked towards 283 of Zangshu Pavilion.

As soon as I entered this place, I was shocked. It is really big, and there are many bookshelves here. There are various exercises on each book shelf, and each exercise method is wrapped with a powerful Energy, if you want to take out this exercise, you have to rely on your own ability.

And it's not just this one floor, it's three floors high.

Tianshu told them that the first level is the most elementary level of exercises, the second level is slightly higher, and the third level is not suitable for them at all, because that level is too high, and with their current cultivation base, it is not suitable for cultivation. High-level exercises.

These disciples can see from the outside, the names of the exercises they have chosen.

Chapter 1152

Ye Qingxuan searched on the bookshelf, looking at the titles of each book, but his master, Master Yuhua, didn't move at all.

He walked slowly towards the second floor, and besides Ye Qingxuan, the person who entered the second floor was Yu Huatian.

Yu Huatian didn't stay on the first floor at all, he walked directly to the second floor after he came in, relying on his powerful blood of the Yu clan.

And Ye Qingxuan also walked slowly towards the second floor, and when he came up, he saw Yu Huatian injecting his spiritual power into the exercise, and wanted to take it out.

And Ye Qingxuan walked towards other bookshelves.

Daoist Yuhua said, "Go to that corner over there, the one at the bottom that is the least conspicuous."

Ye Qingxuan walked over there. He followed the instructions of Master Yuhua. When he squatted down, he was shocked and said, "It seems that no one cares about this exercise book in this corner."

"You're right, brat, can I still lie to you?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at the Tianxuan Lei Po written on it, it was obvious that this skill had a lot to do with Lei.

This exercise is extremely difficult to practice, so no disciple will choose him, because if you want to practice this exercise, you must have a strong blood.

But I haven't opened my bloodline yet, but Master Yuhua is my master, so he won't cheat me if I think about it.

So when he injected his spiritual power, he felt pain in his hand as if struck by lightning, but he still endured the pain and took out the exercise book from there.

All of a sudden, this spiritual power exploded, and Ye Qingxuan's face was blackened with a bang in this place.

Yuhuatian has already obtained his own exercises, and he was choosing other exercises, when he heard a bang from this side, because he just saw Ye Qingxuan passing by, he chuckled lightly, but didn't go that way past.

Instead, he continued to casually choose his own exercises.

Ye Qingxuan thought in his heart that I was taking a kung fu book, or joking about my own life, this kung fu book is too stubborn, I just brought him out, and he exploded.

What exploded was the spiritual power that protected him. The spiritual power has a powerful lightning ability, so this phenomenon occurs.

Ye Qingxuan looked at other exercises, he still doesn't know how embarrassed he is.

According to Master Yuhua's instructions, he found another exercise book. The name of this exercise book is Frozen Thousand Miles Jue, which exactly echoes Frozen Sword Jue, and it is also very suitable for his practice of Bingning Sword.

The most important thing is to be more suitable for yourself.

He wanted to take these two exercises and go out, but Master Yuhua asked him to go to the third floor.

After reaching the third floor, the spiritual power wrapped in the hands of the exercises here will become even stronger.

Ye Qingxuan could sense it as soon as he came up, but Yu Huatian was self-aware, he left after choosing his own exercises, and he didn't see Ye Qingxuan go to the third floor.

After entering the third floor, under the guidance of his master, Ye Qingxuan found the sound wave skill, no wonder the master let him come up, this sound wave skill is just suitable for his shadow streamer.

But this spiritual power is so powerful, it's impossible to use it with Ye Qingxuan's power.

The other addresses have all gone out one after another, and now there are only a few people left inside.

Chapter 1153 Weak real Yuhua

Ye Qi said, "Why hasn't this Ye Qingxuan come out yet? Is it okay to choose a few exercises?"

Ye Shiwen said, "Who knows what the **** he's doing inside."

The other disciples also came out one after another, Ye Qingxuan was the only one who did not come out, you can see that the other masters and their disciples have left the Library Pavilion, and Ye Qingxuan has not yet come out, but the book of heaven must wait for him here .

Master Yuhua said, "Don't worry, with me here, what are you afraid of? I will help you."

When Ye Qingxuan poured his own spiritual power into this sound wave valley, the powerful spiritual power of his master Yuhua Daoist entered his body.

The spiritual power wrapped in the outside instantly dissipated 287, this time Ye Qingxuan did not receive any attack, he held this sound wave skill, with a smile on his face, and strode outside.

But he didn't know that his master, Master Yuhua, was very weak, and now he could only sit there without saying a word, absorbing the abundant spiritual power here.

Originally, Tianmen's supremacy had sufficient spiritual power, so he didn't have to worry about it here, and he would be back to his original state in a short time.

When all the disciples saw Ye Qingxuan, they all burst into laughter, Ye Qingxuan must have been too embarrassed.

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