He flew up to get the violin.

When he was about to reach the piano, the cold air spread instantly.

Ye Qingxuan was not afraid, he just smiled, and the Bing Ningjian in his body appeared instantly in the next second.

There is a strong cold air flow on the Bing Ning sword, which makes this piano very fond of.

You gradually floated the qin into Ye Qingxuan's hands, and his Bing Ning sword was also withdrawn from his body instantly.

After Ye Qingxuan got the violin, he saw the words "Shadow Flowing Light" engraved on the body of the violin.

"What a shadow streamer, it's really good."

Ye Qingxuan came out from inside, and when Meng Zui found the shadow streamer in Ye Qingxuan's hand, he was instantly shocked, it is really special enough for him to get this piano.

Who doesn't know that the shadow streamer is not something that ordinary people can carry. The appearance of this violin is like a violin carved out of ice.

Generally, the patterns on it are also very delicate, Qingshen itself emits a faint light, and even the strings are the color of ice crystals.

Meng Zui said, "There were many people who wanted to take this violin away, but they all had no chance with this violin, but unexpectedly, they made it possible for you, kid..."

Ye Qingxuan said, "I just thought he was more in line with my aura, so I chose him, not because of his strong aura."

"Hahaha! If you plant flowers intentionally, the flowers won't bloom, but if you don't intentionally plant willows and willows to make shade, hahaha."

Meng Zui walked towards the cliff, Ye Qingxuan followed behind him.

What Mengzui meant was that there are many people who deliberately wanted to get this violin but couldn't get it, but Ye Qingxuan got this violin just by accident, how can this not make people jealous.

Coming to the top of the cliff, Menglei said, "I stroked a song yesterday, can I play it today?"

Ye Qingxuan glanced at it, Menglei 0.1 said, "Then can I have a try?"

Meng Zui stood on the cliff, he nodded, at this moment he didn't sit beside his piano, but stood there ready to listen to Ye Qingxuan's playing.

In Ye Qingxuan's mind, he recalled how Meng Zui played the piano yesterday, and which string his hand was plucking, he remembered very clearly.

When his fingers just touched the strings, he couldn't move them.

Chapter 1146: Yu Huatian's Jealousy

Tried again and still doesn't work.

Meng Zui said lightly, "Concentrate your spiritual power on your fingertips, and input the spiritual power from your fingertips into the strings."

Ye Qingxuan is learning how to play the piano with Mengzui here, while at Wushan's place, Yu Huatian is very angry at the clenched fists of his hands.

His fingernails were almost rubbed into his flesh. After watching Ye Qingxuan leave, he gradually came to his senses. He couldn't keep looking over there.

Those disciples were still talking behind him and said, "That Ye Qingxuan is really 22, he is a disciple of Jiuyou, I heard that he won the first place this time."

These disciples are not disciples from major families, but the original disciples of this Tianmen, so they are not familiar with it, which is normal, and they don't know that the one standing next to them is Yuhuatian.

Yu Huatian was already very jealous, but now hearing these people say this, he became even more jealous.

I didn't expect it to be the fastest one when practicing Yujianshu, and now it has completed the array spell at such a fast speed.

You must know that although you have made some achievements, there is still a big gap compared with him, which makes you always superior.

He is a little dissatisfied. He has been living in his own world, always thinking that no one can surpass himself, and today someone finally surpassed him.

According to what Meng Zui said, Ye Qingxuan slowly gathered his spiritual power in his fingertips.

Then input the spiritual power in the fingertips into the entire shadow stringer.

There was a sound when his hand played down again, and he followed the steps Meng Zui played yesterday, plucking strings one by one.

Meng Zui was a little shocked, he never thought that Ye Qingxuan would remember the steps he played the piano yesterday, and he played the piano very well, the rhythm was very smooth, without any discomfort.

Although only its shape has no meaning, being able to do this is enough to prove how talented this disciple is.

Meng nodded with the most satisfaction. He never thought that there would be such an outstanding disciple. This is the most talented disciple among all the disciples he has taught. How could he not be happy?

Now the joy in my heart is not only Yun Shu, but Hua Ying, the master of alchemy, Qing Feng, the master of forging, and Wu Shan, the master of array magic. They are all full of joy. Where can I find such talented disciples? Can they be unhappy?

Ye Qingxuan had finished playing this song, and Meng Zui said at this moment, "Well, the talk is good, you have talked about the artistic conception of this rhythm."

Ye Qingxuan smiled faintly, and said, "Although I did play the melody, but does the shape have any meaning?"

"Your current skills are not enough. To be able to come back to this song is already very powerful. You must know that ordinary people can't even play it away."

"When you can play this song out of its charm, you will know it naturally."

Ye Qingxuan seemed to understand something, it turned out that he didn't know much about the meaning of this song.

"The disciple understands, the disciple will practice hard, and strive to understand the meaning of this piece of music as soon as possible."

"Haste makes waste, you can experience it slowly."

Ye Qingxuan doesn't think that haste makes waste. He thinks that talented people can accomplish unexpected things with extremely fast speed.

Chapter 1147

When he was about to leave this part of the tooth, he could see that the spiritual weapon he got disappeared into his body in an instant, and it turned out that the piano had already been mastered by him.

This means that it can also enter his body. Doesn't it mean that each person can only have one spirit weapon? Why can this piano also enter the body?

Mengzui seemed to know what Ye Qingxuan was thinking, so he said to him at this moment, "This is naturally different from the spiritual weapon in your body, so it can become your contracted spiritual weapon together with your spiritual weapon."

Ye Qingxuan knew that it still has its special features, otherwise it would definitely not be the current situation.

Ye Qingxuan was thinking, this Bing Ning Sword can fight for himself, and this Shadow Flowing Light Qin, he also has his special features, as long as he masters the technique of this rhythm, he can use this piano as his own artifact.

Besides the piano, there are other musical instruments, like some disciples, floating on it, but Ye Qingxuan didn't choose those things.

He chose this shadow streamer piano, and he was attracted by the appearance of this piano, because his appearance was just like his Bing Ning sword, icy and translucent.

It's just that Ye Qingxuan has finished studying everything, and it's still early to go back to his room.

Didn't expect to waste so much time after learning all this? And many disciples haven't studied it yet.

I haven't got the second half of the Ice Feeling yet, but I can't just learn the Ice Art, he has already practiced the sword control technique, and I believe that tomorrow he should be able to learn the technique above the Tianmen.

In addition to the Frost Jue, he also mastered the Heaven-Bending-Earth-Cracking Fist and another common sword technique.

But today he doesn't want to do anything, after all, he has learned enough.

At this moment, there was a knock on his door, and Ye Qingxuan strode towards that side. It was none other than Ye Feng, a son of the Ye family, who knocked on the door.

Ye Feng said, "I said why I can't see you everywhere, so you have come back.".."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Have you all finished your training?"

"It just ended, and I came to look for you immediately. Now you have become the most famous celebrity in Tianmen. Wherever you go, those people are talking about you."

Ye Qingxuan didn't know about this point, because he returned to his room after finishing his cultivation, and didn't go anywhere.

Ye Shiwen said, "Would you like to be so scary and proficient in everything, do you know that the five masters are fighting for you?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "How is this possible?"

"I know that you guy will not believe it."

"How is it? Do you want to go and have a look with us?"

Those few masters of his had indeed gathered together, and they were all praising themselves for having a proud disciple.

Tianshu said that his disciple was very smart, and he learned the art of controlling the sword on the first day.

However, there is no conflict between his disciples and the disciples of several other masters, because after learning Yujianshu, he can learn whatever he wants to learn, so today (the moneyed) book does not need to participate in it.

That Ye Qingxuan learned medicine refining from me, so he is quite smart.

Qingfeng said, "He learned forging from me, he is indeed a rare genius."

Wu Shan said, "His formation talent is really good."

Even Meng Zui gathered here, his posture was completely different from these few people, I saw him standing there calmly, dressed in white clothes, the faint green gauze outside set off his fairy spirit.

Chapter 1148 Celebrities on the Heavenly Gate

"His temperament is also quite good. This disciple is really talented. He has learned all the exercises, and the talent of each exercise is not low."

"I think his best thing is to learn my alchemy technique."

Wu Shan said, "No, no, I think his most powerful thing is his array spell."

Qingfeng said, "I think his forging technique is the best."

Mengzui said, "I think he can memorize my temperament after just reading it once, so I think his temperament technique is the most powerful."

"Who said that when he was learning alchemy, he learned about the properties of those herbs. It took a year to read the book, but it only took three hours to memorize it all."

280 My proud disciple is praised by these masters every word, and the happiest one is of course Tianshu.

They are still distinguishing endlessly here. At this time, Tianshu said, "In my opinion, you don't need a minute. Isn't he involved in everything? It's not that he only learns that and doesn't learn this, so there is nothing to argue about." .”

Unexpectedly, these people snorted coldly, turned their heads and all left, no one paid attention to Tianshu.

Tianshu hesitated to speak, he was really helpless, he could only shake his head helplessly, and smiled faintly.

Disciples of all major families can hear such rumors.

A disciple of the Yu clan said in front of Yuhuatian, "Ye Qingxuan of the Jiuyou clan has learned everything. How can he learn everything so well? It's unbelievable."

"Yeah, I've never heard of someone who can involve all the cultivation methods."

"All of his things are related to whether these things will cause his internal spiritual power to be disturbed?"

"If this is really the case, the book would have reminded me that day, indicating that it will never be like this."

"I think the most proud one right now is Tianshu. Among his disciples, Ye Qingxuan is so outstanding, how can he not be proud?"

Yu Huatian also pretended to be very magnanimous, he said, "After all, Tianshu is also our uncle, so don't talk nonsense."

Although Yuhuatian is not the most outstanding (ccab) disciple, he is still the best in the Yu clan, so other disciples still speak respectfully to him.

The blood dance of the alien race said, "I finally saw it today. I can't think of anyone with such a talent."

Kuang Sha said, "Everyone is talking about how great Ye Qingxuan's talent is now. It seems that this time, their Jiuyou Clan has fiercely fought for it all."

"A rising star, someone who had never met before, suddenly became the most talented person, completely replacing Yu Huatian's position."

"I don't believe that Yuhuatian can calm down."

"I think he has his own way."

"I heard that there was a competition some time ago. The disciples of the various clans will compete on the Tianmen to see how their cultivation is. By then, won't they know the ability of Yuhuatian?"

"Let's talk about it later!"

During this period of time, Ye Qingxuan repeated the same order every day to learn all the cultivation bases.

His progress is very fast, on the cliff today, he is still the only one playing the piano here.

He has rotted this piece for more than a month, and now he can master it proficiently, and he can also grasp the meaning of the song very clearly.

Chapter 1149

I saw him pulling the strings, and the sound of the piano was playing forward, and the scene in front of him changed instantly. At this moment, he brought himself into the illusion, and he was in a state of ice and snow.

In the next second, his master Meng Zui also entered this illusion, and he was very satisfied with the environment created by Ye Qingxuan.

Knowing that Ye Qingxuan only had this illusion after playing this song, this is enough to prove that his master Mengzui didn't have any thoughts in his heart, and neither did he.

The two walked out of the illusion at the same time, the melody stopped, Ye Qingxuan put his hands on the strings, and the strings stopped vibrating.

Meng Zui said, "That's right, you have finally achieved this mood."

Ye Qingxuan said, "I didn't expect it would take me a whole month to enter this mood."

"Hahaha! Silly boy, this is already fast enough. You don't know if you want to achieve your artistic conception, it will take as little as three to five years, and as many as ten or eight years."

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