"It's really good that there is such an outstanding disciple in Jiuyou."

The others also nodded in satisfaction. Few people have been able to achieve it for so many years, so how can they be unhappy?

After Ye Qingxuan flew freely in the sky for a week, he directly landed on the ground.

Tianshu said, "Not bad, true vision is good."

"Unexpectedly, this is just the beginning. You have already mastered it and have already mastered it to such a degree. Your fencing technique has passed."

"Others continue to practice, Ye Qingxuan can choose other courses."

Ye Qingxuan knew those masters, so he went directly to Huaying and decided to choose medicine refining. He wanted to learn all of them, so he learned medicine refining first before talking about other things.

Seeing Ye Qingxuan's arrival, Hua Ying knew that he wanted to learn medicine refining, and said, "You must be the disciple who has mastered sword control."

Ye Qingxuan scratched his head and said, "Unexpectedly, even you know."

"I don't want to know about your soaring into the sky. I think even the head of the sect already knows."

"Since you are interested in alchemy, you can practice with me."

Ye Qingxuan walked in and saw that there were quite a few disciples practicing alchemy here, and they were all disciples who were interested in alchemy.

"¨Just go over there and sit down."

"There is a book on the table. You should take a look at the pharmacology of various herbs and keep them all in your mind."

"If you can remember it, you'll be fine, because as a pharmacist, you must understand the pharmacology of these herbs, otherwise you won't be able to write your own prescriptions."

After saying this, he turned around and left the place, while the others were studying their alchemy.

(Hao Wang) And Ye Qingxuan can only read this book here, but since it is just the beginning, he naturally wants to read the book first.

On the first page, the first medicine was written, with a picture drawn on it, and the words "earth and spirituality" written underneath.

"Nursing the mind and tranquilizing the mind in winter"

Ye Qingxuan just read page by page like this, and he still needs to remember how the grass will grow, but who is he, he is Ye Qingxuan, he can completely record this book in his mind once and for all.

Chapter 1138

It didn't take long for him to memorize all the herbs in this book, and then he picked up another book.

One after another, the speed of reading was very fast. The disciples who practiced alchemy beside him shook their heads helplessly when they saw his speed, thinking that he didn't have this talent at all.

Three hours have passed, and Ye Qingxuan has read all the thick books in this book. He stretched himself. He never looked at other people while reading the book. Looking at his eyes, at this moment he just Focusing on what he was doing, when he stretched himself, he stood up and walked outside.

"Let me just say, he must not be able to hold on and decided to leave after only three hours."

"Look at 263 and he has no patience to read those books. How could he succeed? You know, it took us a full year to memorize these things."

There is such a thick stack of books on the table. If you have to remember all these books clearly when you send them, how can you live in two days? A year is already considered fast.

The moment Ye Qingxuan walked out, Huaying was sitting there tasting tea, and it could be seen that the tea in his tea bowl was not ordinary tea, it should be some expensive herbs.

Huaying said, "Feel a little tired? Then you can come back tomorrow."

Ye Qingxuan said with a smile, "I have already memorized these books, can I learn the next one when I come back tomorrow?"

"How is this possible? You can memorize so many books in such a short period of time. It's only been three hours. Don't be kidding."

The others also stopped, and today's practice has also gone to other electives.

They only practice martial arts for a few hours a day, and they can choose to take courses at other times, and practice other cultivation bases.

Some people will join the forging technique and some will join the formation method. Anyway, it is a personal preference.

When Ye Qingxuan walked out from here, it was already past noon, he didn't decide to go back, but walked towards the forging technique.

At this time someone saw his figure, this person was none other than Yuhuatian, he and this Yuhuatian really had a predestined relationship (ccab), and he could always meet the Yuhuatian Chosen Clan, that is, the formation spell is necessary here On the way, when he saw Ye Qingxuan, he said, "You are really a strong opponent."

Ye Qingxuan smiled faintly and said, "What's the meaning of this?"

"Today, you've made the most of the show. Don't you know what I'm talking about?"

"Oh, so this is the matter, but it's just a sword flying technique. Is there any difficulty?"

Yu Huatian did not expect Ye Qingxuan to speak so loudly.

Before he could say anything, Ye Qingxuan said, "Sorry, I still have something to do. If there is something to do, see you then."

Ye Qingxuan turned around and strode away, walking directly towards Qingfeng, while Yuhuatian turned around and walked towards Wu Shan.

Ye Qingxuan knew that he just went to practice formation spells, and he didn't have time for those two things yet, so he had to learn the forging technique first, he felt that refining medicine and forging techniques were a must.

He strode into Qingfeng Hall where Qingfeng was located.

Seeing these disciples learning the forging technique, Qingfeng also saw Ye Qingxuan coming in, and all the new disciples were on the other side.

He just pointed there, and Ye Qingxuan walked over there, seeing those disciples were reading, "Why are you reading again?".

Chapter 1139

Qingfeng walked towards here and said, "If you want to learn forging, you must first understand the properties of these things."

Ye Qingxuan just sat down without a word of nonsense, picked up those books and started reading.

It's still the same as before, but the books here are not as simple as the medicine refining books. He just memorized them all at a glance. The speed is amazing. The people reading next to him didn't expect Ye Qingxuan to read books The speed is so fast, how is this possible? Unless he has no interest in forging at all, so it's just perfunctory.

"Isn't he that Ye Qingxuan from Jiuyou? What the **** is this guy doing?"

Ye Qingxuan has already finished reading these books, so those people are discussing over there, they don't believe that someone can memorize all the dozen or so books in such a short period of time.

"Did he just come here to perfunctory, or to show off, how talented he is?"

Qingfeng said, "What do you mean?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "I have memorized all these books according to your instructions."

Qingfeng couldn't believe it, he picked up a book and said something casually, Ye Qingxuan said it very fluently, which shocked the disciples sitting here instantly.

Because they turned the book to that page when asking questions, and it was exactly what Ye Qingxuan said.

"This is too unbelievable."

At this moment, Qingfeng turned a few more pages. He thought it was just a coincidence. When he asked another question, Ye Qingxuan answered fluently again, which caused the people below to discuss a lot. Everyone is talking in English, what is going on?

Qingfeng said, "Hahaha! Brat's photographic memory is pretty good. Alright! You've passed the test, so wait until this time tomorrow to learn forging."

Ye Qingxuan strode away, and now there are still array spells and rhythm spells left, and he also wants to learn more about these two.

So he also walked towards Yuhuatian. Yuhuatian just sat down and looked through those books when he found that Ye Qingxuan had also walked in. Didn't he choose the forging technique?

Why come here again, is it deliberately provoking yourself?

····Ask for flowers 0·

Yu Huatian just looked at him and ignored it, and continued to look at the formation in his hand. The book contained various contents of the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams formation in detail.

The main thing is to let them understand what formations are, so they are allowed to read this book. There are not as many books as ten or twenty, but only two or three.

Wu Shan said, "Sit down, first understand what formation is."


Ye Qingxuan sat down, and he was also flipping through those books, this time faster, that is, in a short time, he finished reading these three books, and he also answered the questions fluently, which shocked them all.

After he left here, he walked towards the cliff.

There are not many disciples on the cliff, and among so many disciples, only a few disciples have learned the rhythm technique.

When Mengzui saw Ye Qingxuan walking towards this side, he did not expect that such an outstanding disciple would be interested in his rhythm.

"Are you still interested in rhythm?"

Ye Qingxuan said lightly, "I know I'm not here to listen."

"Sit down." 1.

Chapter 1140 Dream Drunk Rhythm Illusion

"Maybe after listening to the rhythm, many people feel that it is useless, but they don't know that this is also a practice."

"There's nothing to teach today. All students who choose music and temperament just need to listen to me playing the piano."

They all sat there cross-legged, listening to the rhythm he played.

Meng Zui originally seemed to give people a very mysterious feeling, and he was also the most handsome of all the masters.

He was dressed in white with a light green gauze over his white clothes, and his half-tied hair was black and long.

The rhythm he played gave you a particularly relaxing feeling, and it felt like everyone's eyes were closed, but Ye Qingxuan was still looking at him.

He thought maybe he should close his eyes and listen carefully, the moment his eyes were closed.

He began to listen carefully to the sound emanating from this temperament.

Gradually, he felt that he seemed to have entered an illusion, because he was obviously sitting there listening to the music, why did he suddenly come to this scene?

He found that he had returned to the True Spirit Pagoda, and the Reincarnation Pagoda was right in front of him.

Only then did Ye Qingxuan realize that his piano sound can bring you to your most real mind, and what you think in your mind in the world will bring you to that state.

But Ye Qingxuan's eyes opened in an instant, but Ye Qingxuan couldn't be trapped by his environment, and then he saw other disciples, all kinds of disciples dancing swords there.

Some of the disciples were laughing loudly. Ye Shiwen next to him was even more funny in every scene. This guy looked aggrieved by being teased.

Naturally, Mengzui could see that Ye Qingxuan was out of his piano sound, it seems that this kid's talent is not bad.

In the next second, his piano sound became faster and faster, and Ye Qingxuan noticed that painful expressions began to appear on the faces of these people after the rhythm became faster.

Finally, his hands gently caressed the strings.

I saw the corner of his mouth slightly raised and let out a cold snort, and everyone recovered. When they opened their eyes normally, they realized that what they were in just now was an illusion. The sound of the piano is too powerful, right? .

Menglei said, "How can this melody bring you to your most real illusion..."

Ye Shiwen said, "This is too powerful."

"In the eyes of others, maybe the melody is just a melody for listening to, but for me it is a practice."

"Since you have all chosen to learn temperament, then start preparing a piano that suits you from tomorrow."

Ye Qingxuan said, "But we are all within the Tianmen now, how do we prepare a piano?"

"Naturally there are in the spiritual weapon storehouse."

"This piano is actually considered a spiritual weapon."

"Otherwise, you think it's just an ordinary piano. If so, it's impossible for it to play such a 0.1 tone. Even if you can play it, the moment you inject spiritual power into it, that piano will be scrapped long ago. gone."

All the people opened their mouths, which is too shocking.

After speaking, I saw him standing up and walking down, the long robe dragging on the ground, coupled with his walking speed and his posture, it really made people's eyes shine. This dream drunk really gives people a feeling of dream drunk.

Chapter 1141: Learning Primary Alchemy and Returning to Panacea

Ye Shiwen said, "Where is the spirit weapon?"

"Someone will take you there tomorrow."

All the lessons for this day have ended, Ye Qingxuan now wants to go back to his room to have a good sleep, just as soon as he returned to the room, he heard the voice of the master in his pendant.

"Brat, you think a lot, and you actually learned everything. Is your experience really enough?"

"I'm very interested in these, learn to read first, if it's really not suitable for me at 22, then give up."

Ye Qingxuan's spiritual consciousness entered the pendant and continued to practice.

The upper part of his Xuanbing Jue has already been refined to a full-level effect, so he doesn't need to practice Xuanbing Jue now.

The next day, Ye Qingxuan and the others still went to the small bamboo forest to practice the Sword Controlling Technique. The other disciples could not fly freely in the air like Ye Qingxuan, so he could leave here and practice other skills instead of practicing the Sword Controlling Technique.

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