"I know that your Jiuyou clan has produced an extremely outstanding disciple this time. His name is Ye Qingxuan. Who is he? Stand up and let me see."

Ye Qingxuan took two steps forward and said, "It's me."

Tianshu looked up and down, and found that his talent really offended, at least he could see that his cultivation had reached Zhenwujing.

"Okay, I see. Go back and sit down. I will know your names one by one. The first thing you will learn when you come out of Tianmen is the elementary skills of Tianmen. I will teach you how to meet people who want to be on Tianmen. If you want to parade casually, the first thing you need to learn is the skill of controlling the sword, only those who are supreme in the Tianmen will use this kind of exercise."

They listened quietly to the scriptures and read out the heart of Yujianshu. On this first day, they only need to remember the heart of Yujianshu, but they don't need to worry about the rest.

"Keep this method firmly in your heart, and remember, except for those who came up to learn it naturally, other people are not allowed to learn sword control. Even if you leave Tianshan, if you pass this method to others, when the time comes He can't do it either."

"Even if you can practice it, you have cheated them, because practicing this kind of sword control technique can only be done in Tianshan Mountain. Going down to Tianshan Mountain to practice sword control technique is tantamount to seeking death and paying for your own meridians."

"Don't think I'm just talking casually. The reason why I can practice sword control here has a lot to do with the spiritual power on it."

In fact, they have heard a little about this kind of swordsmanship. If they learn it at the bottom of the mountain, they will definitely not succeed, and it will be very miserable. It is very likely that the meridians will be broken and they will die.

The reason I don't know is because the spiritual power below is not as abundant as the spiritual power above, so if you are resting in Yujian, the mental method will completely collide with the meridians.

Chapter 1134

He only said the mental method once, and then let them start to remember this mental method, with their eyes closed, the mental method he just recited.

It will echo in their minds over and over again. This is simply amazing. Usually when practicing exercises in the family, it is just a step-by-step method, but this is the first time this method is used.

Ye Qingxuan just read it, did he think it's not difficult? Because his consciousness is already in his pendant.

According to the mental method mentioned above, he can now step on the Bing Ning sword in the space of the pendant, and flying back and forth is quite interesting.

Master Yuhua said, "You are the most intelligent disciple among all the disciples I have ever met. It seems that this time I did not accept the wrong person."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Hey, of course, do you need other apprentices with me here? I think I am your closed disciple."

"Hahaha brat, it's an excellent opportunity to come here this time. You must practice that medicine refining technique well. That Huaying's medicine refining technique is not bad."

"Can't those few alchemy techniques be practiced together~?"

"I'm afraid you won't be able to learn it."

"I have my own measure."

"Then let me go."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Master asked me to learn medicine refining, is it because refining medicine can save my life at critical times."

"That's right!"

"Master, you are the one who cares about me the most."

"Come on brat, don't flatter me here. Another important reason is that you can use your alchemy technique to enhance my spiritual consciousness."

"So there is still such a way, I will definitely practice hard."


Ye Qingxuan's consciousness disappeared in an instant, he returned to his body, opened his eyes the next second, and said, "I've already remembered."

Tianshu looked at him and said, "You are so smart, your future is limitless."

After waiting for a long time, the other disciples gradually opened their eyes, and it seemed that they were almost done.

"Let's stop here today. After all, you have just arrived at Tianmen, and I will take you to a place to rest now."

Ye Qingxuan and the others followed the Tianshu and walked over there. On top of the floating peaks, you can see the highest peak, which is on top of these peaks.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Tianshu said, "That's where the head is, that's why it's floating. The highest level where you are is the lowest level."

"This is Zihua Garden and also a place for you to rest. Disciples from other families also have their own places to rest."

"Remember, this place must not be dirty, and you must keep it as it was when you came here."


"Understood, master."

"Okay, then you can move freely, you can go anywhere here, just go and see."

This made them very happy. This is what they were thinking about. They were naturally curious when they came to Tianmen, so of course they wanted to look around. Now it seems that there is still time.

Ye Qingxuan and the others walked towards the outside of Zihua Garden.

At the top of the left side, you can see a bridge. This bridge is arched, with pool water on both sides. The pool water is full of lotus flowers. It is really beautiful, and there are big koi fish in the pool water.

Going forward, there are some gazebos where you can sit and watch, and there is a chessboard on the table of the gazebo.

Chapter 1135 The Scenery on the Gate of Heaven

Ye Qi said, "Wow! This place is really beautiful, like a fairyland on earth, look at the white smoke floating above the lotus pond over there, what is that?"

Ye Shiwen also thinks this place is so beautiful, he is looking around who can answer Ye Qi's question, they have just arrived here, no one knows why there are bursts of white smoke floating on the lotus pond, and these white smoke are very It is a peculiar "two six zero", which just floats among the lotus flowers and does not overflow a little bit outside.

Ye Qingxuan said, "I'm afraid no one will be able to answer this question for you for the time being, but you will know it naturally after a long time."

They walked towards the gazebo, and saw on the chessboard that it was already a good endgame.

"I don't know anything about playing chess."

Ye Qingxuan stood here and looked at the chess game, it was indeed a very difficult game to break, no wonder it kept stopping here, it was because someone wanted to play chess, but his hand couldn't reach in, it seemed that there was a force pulling him towards Extrapolating, it seems that people with insufficient spiritual power cannot move this chess game.

Ye Feng said, "There is no way to put chess pieces."

Ye Qingxuan said, "This chessboard cannot be moved by anyone who wants to. Only people with a certain level of spiritual power can touch the chessboard. Besides, I don't know what will happen to this chess piece when it is dropped?"

Now that the chess game in the east they continue to move forward, look at other places.

But here he ran into other disciples. It turned out that they were the same as himself, and now they could walk around here casually. Ye Qingxuan saw the Yuhuatian of the universe, and the two of them looked at each other.

Yu Huatian said, "Next time I will definitely defeat you."

"Okay! I'll wait."

Disciples from other clans were also watching here, and they didn't have too much hostility when they met, and they would greet each other.

Xue Wu looked at Ye Qingxuan with a meaningful look, without any hostility, but it could be seen from his eyes that his look at Ye Qingxuan was not simple.

Kuang Sha said, "That guy still has some skills, I thought he was just beating you and me, but I didn't expect that even that guy Yu Huatian could be defeated by him."

"Hmph! I hope he can continue to be stable like this."

Obviously, Xuewu didn't know what method Ye Qingxuan used to defeat them, but suddenly he was so powerful, he never believed it...

This person from the Ye family has always been unknown, how could he defeat them? If it is possible to defeat them, what about the Yu Huatian of the Yu Clan.

Ye Qi said, "Look at the owner's unconvinced look."

Ye Qingxuan said, "It depends on what they do, we just need to do our own thing, right?"

"Don't forget that the master told them the rules of Tianmen, don't break the rules here."

Ye Shiwen said, "That's right, let's see what they do."

They can only be in this place for the time being, because they can't go to other places yet, and they don't have such powerful flying skills.

Ye Qi 0.1 said to Ye Qingxuan and the others, "I finally know why there is such a powerful sword control technique in Tianmen."


"You see, this mountain peak is not connected to the next mountain peak, and they are all suspended in the air. If you don't know how to control the sword, how can you go to the next mountain peak?"

"So I guess this is what learning fencing is for.".

Chapter 1136 Flying directly with the sword

Ye Qingxuan said, "Sword control naturally has its uses. As for what it can be used for, that's up to you."

They are almost familiar with the whole place, and all the addresses have gone to Fenglin in front.

It should be said that this is the most beautiful place here. Looking at the steep **** of this mountain, the red area is all maple forest.

Yu Ling said, "It looks really beautiful here, much more beautiful than our Yu Clan."

The next day they were the same as today, they still gathered at the original place, Ye Qingxuan and all his disciples entered the small bamboo forest again.

Their master Tianshu is still 22, let them memorize it, the mind of Yujianshu.

It went on like this for about four or five days.

The book of heaven said, "I believe everyone should remember this sword control technique."


"Keep your mind in mind, and then it's your turn, no matter whether the spiritual weapon in your hand is a swordsman's knife or something else that is useful for fencing fighters, as long as you can control the spiritual weapon in your hand, perform sword fighting Just fly."

Everyone began to summon their spirit weapons, which floated in front of them, and began to use the mind of Yujianshu to control their spirit weapons and fly with swords.

Although it is said to be his own contract spirit weapon, it is not so easy to directly control it.

Ye Qingxuan jumped up and stood on top of his Bingning Sword.

"Is it possible? Otherwise, the two of us will go up and fly around and have a try."

The Bingning Sword exuded a faint light, expressing agreement with Ye Qingxuan's proposal. Ye Qingxuan just stepped on the Bingning Sword, and the sword flew into the sky in an instant. Ye Qingxuan almost lost his footing. This speed is really fast enough.

Ye Qingxuan said, "You're really good at it, you can fly to the sky with me so soon."

According to Ye Qingxuan's practice of controlling swordsmanship, the current Bing Ning sword has become much bigger.

The sword that Ye Qingxuan was stepping on was flying freely in the sky, he was the first person among them who could directly control his spiritual weapon to fly into the sky.

The other people were a little unsteady just as they jumped onto their spirit weapon, so let alone fly up, it was impossible to do it in such a short period of time.

The main reason why Ye Qingxuan is so fast is because after he successfully cultivated, he reached the peak state of his sword control skills in an instant with one click of full level.

Not to mention that he can fly into the sky now, even if he is compared with an old disciple on Tianshan Mountain, he is not inferior at all.

Ye Qi said, "My God, what's the situation? Why did Ye Qingxuan fly up directly?"

Ye Shiwen said, "Who knows."

Even Tianshu was very surprised when he read it. He didn't expect that in just a few days, his sword control skills had reached such a level. It could be said that today was the first time he used sword control skills right and wrong.

He was secretly delighted, because another outstanding disciple appeared in their Tianmen, who had such a talent, and learned the art of controlling the sword so quickly.

At the same time, the disciples who were learning Yujianshu in other places also used Yujianshu to fly into the air for the first time today, but still no one could do it.

Although that Yuhuatian was barely able to do so, he was not as smooth as Ye Qingxuan. Others had to be a little better to stand firm, let alone fly.

Yu Huatian was praised by many people for being able to do this, and he thought he was the only one.

Chapter 1137 Completing the training of sword control

But he didn't expect someone to do better than him, but they didn't practice together, so he didn't know about it.

As soon as Ye Qingxuan flew to the top, how could he be invisible from such a high position? When everyone was praising Yuhuatian, they found someone flying in the sky above.

Looking at his spirit weapon, there seemed to be bursts of cold air, only one person's spirit weapon looked like this, could it be Ye Qingxuan from Jiuyou?

Xue Wu said, "How is this possible?"

The other disciples are also very wonderful, and it's not like they don't know how difficult it is to do it.

But Yu Huatian's expression changed instantly when he saw it. He didn't expect that he thought his talent was good enough, and this Ye Qingxuan could actually fly directly.

Not only these disciples, but also the elders and masters in Tianmen.

They were all very shocked. How could a disciple be able to fly with a sword just a few days after entering the Tianmen? This is simply shocking.

The headmaster looked down and asked, "Which clan is this disciple?"

An elder next to him said, "The place where I saw him flying should be a small bamboo forest, and in the sky above, it should be the disciple of Jiuyoumen led by Tianshu."

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