But the mother-in-law outside knows very well that it is not so easy for the two of them to escape, but it is still possible if one of them escapes. Obviously, he is deeply injured and there is no way to escape. At this moment, he shouted loudly, "¨¨Go away Me, otherwise neither of us would be able to leave."

The person in front of him didn't say a word, which made the two of them powerless.

Devil May Cry is still a bit unbearable, but it’s okay if you don’t leave. If you don’t leave, it’s exactly what Grandma Wanmian (De Nuo’s) said, both of them have to stay here.

Devil May Cry has no choice but to flee far away, now that Grandma Wanmian blocked Ye Qingxuan's way, he would never let him go after him again.

After Ye Qingxuan killed Granny Wanmian, that guy had long since fled without a trace. I'm afraid he had already returned to the Blood Race Sect.

Ye Qingxuan didn't continue chasing him, turned around and returned to his own Xuanqing Gate.

Chapter 1043 Devil May Cry's Determination

That Devil May Cry was very annoyed, there was nothing he could do about it, who would let someone else's cultivation be higher than his own, and he didn't know what was going on with his mother-in-law outside, maybe it was more ominous than good.

After a while, he led some people and walked directly there, and found that the body of Grandma Wanmian was lying there, with blood still dripping from her mouth. It was obvious that he had just died not long ago.

Devil May Cry clenched his fists tightly, but he could do nothing, he picked up Granny Wanmian and walked towards the blood gate.

When he returned to the blood clan gate, he put her on the bed and took off the mask on her face with his hands. It turned out that Grandma Wanmian was also a young woman with an extremely beautiful appearance, but he often dressed himself up as The appearance of an old woman. Since he is called Wanmian Granny, it means that he can change his face. Obviously, he has never changed his makeup during this period of time.

Devil May Cry said, "Don't worry, I will definitely avenge you, I will find that person, I don't believe I can't find out his identity."

Another thing he didn't doubt about Ye Qingxuan was that they saw Ye Qingxuan participate in the auction of the Alchemist's Union with their own eyes.

Now (ccab) he can only wait until Ye Fengxuan comes back to see if there are any clues about this matter.

If Mo Batian was there, I am afraid that this matter would have been resolved long ago. There is no way for him not to have that strength, so he can only wait quietly now.

He sprinkled a kind of poison on the body of the mother-in-law outside to seal his appearance, and then his body would not rot, so that he could see him forever.

At this moment, his eyes were full of anger, if he caught that person, he would definitely tear him into pieces, and Ye Qingxuan returned to Xuanqing Gate safely.

Ye Qingxuan's master, Wanhuangzong, never rested. He was waiting for Ye Qingxuan to come back. The moment Ye Qingxuan walked in, he knew that he must have succeeded.

After Ye Qingxuan walked in, he took off his black robe, revealed his face, walked to the side of his master Wan Huangzong, and said, "I have already got the magic sword, and I also got rid of Grandma Wanmian. That Devil May Cry escaped, and I didn't go back to chase him."

"I know that Ye Fengxuan will never take this magic sword to the auction of the Alchemists Union."

"Don't worry, the devil may cry will never think that you did it."

"After all, Feiying has already dressed up as you to go to the alchemist. As long as the union wears that half mask, no one will recognize it."

"At that time, the members of the Alchemist Union will help you hide it, so Ye Fengxuan will never find any clues."

Now Ye Qingxuan must rush to the Alchemist Union as soon as possible, so as to deal with emergencies.

Besides, even if they knew that Ye Qingxuan was holding the magic sword, so what.

Do they still dare to blatantly fail?

It was already bad for them to get the magic sword, but Ye Qingxuan got the magic sword for refining, so the purpose of the two people is completely different, and the treatment they receive is completely different.

If outsiders know that the Demon Sword is in the Blood Race Gate, I am afraid that all sects will come to attack the Blood Race Gate.

Ye Qingxuan quickly rushed towards the alchemist union, but he didn't manage to be what he was originally.

Chapter 1044 The Auction Ends

This time he pretended to be standing next to Feiying, also wearing a mask, no one could recognize who was who between the two of them, but what people knew was that Ye Qingxuan had also come, and Ye Fengxuan's face was so arrogant He clearly regarded himself as invincible since he had already practiced Heavenly Fen Jue.

Hei Ying said to Ye Qingxuan who was next to him, "Have you settled everything over there? The speed is quite fast, do you want to change back for the two of us?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "No need, let's leave it at that, anyway, no one can tell who is who."

Feiying smiled and didn't say anything Ye Wuxuan Ye Fengxuan and the others followed beside him, who didn't know how arrogant it was to wear this senior alchemist medal, he walked around here, everyone who saw him nodded and bowed .

Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan were a little envious of Feiying, but Feiying was just to help Ye Qingxuan hide his identity. Of course, the Alchemist Union knew about this, and they did not reveal Ye Qingxuan's identity.

The auction started. This time the elixir auctioned is very rose. There are many people here. They paid a big price. At this moment, Ye Fengxuan has been raising the price upwards, determined to win it, and Ye Qingxuan deliberately lowered the price, which made that Ye Fengxuan was very angry, but he still won the auction with the highest price for this elixir, and he thought that he could just take this elixir back.

Didn't master Mo Batian say that this magic pill is very important to him? Now that he had obtained the panacea, they hurried back to the Blood Race Gate.

Ye Qingxuan and the others also rushed back along the way. At this time, Feiying and Ye Qingxuan had switched identities, and Ye Qingxuan was still half-covering the mask, and they returned to the Xuanqing Gate~.

Ye Wuxuan said to Ye Qingxuan, "It seems that this matter has been successfully handled."

What kind of personality is Ye Wuxuan? How could Ye Qingxuan not know? He could endure such a long time to come back to the Xuanqing Gate before asking him. This is already very courageous. Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Of course, otherwise how could I go to you-?"

Feiying said, "Actually, this time my disguise really didn't cause any accidents. No one doubted my identity, even Ye Fengxuan didn't see it."

However, Ye Fengxuan happily returned to his blood family door. As soon as he entered the door, he found something was wrong. He strode towards his secret room, but found that the magic sword was gone, because he could not sense the magic energy after entering the door. .

····Ask for flowers 0·

He stopped the person next to him and said, "What happened, did someone break into my interview?"

"Yes, there is a man in black. He broke into here in the middle of the night and took away the things in the secret room, but Devil May Cry and Grandma Wanmian have already gone to stop him, but nothing happened."


This made Ye Fengxuan a little angry. He strode towards the room over there. When he opened the door, he found that Devil May Cry seemed to be quite decadent. What about the evil glory from before? , all dispersed, at this moment he found that the woman lying on the bed was very beautiful, but who was she?

Devil May Cry, when Ye Fengxuan came back, don't say, "Dead, Grandma Wanmian is already dead."

"Are you saying he is Granny Wanmian? How is this possible?"

"Hey! You don't know, the reason why he is called Wanmian is because of his ever-changing face. In fact, this is his real appearance."

"Who did this?" 1.

Chapter 1045 Mo Batian's Accident

Devil May Cry said, "I don't know who that person is, he's wearing a black night clothes to hide it tightly, but it can be seen from his skills that he doesn't seem to be very old."

When he said this, he could see that Devil May Cry was full of anger. Regarding the death of Grandma Wanmian this time, he definitely wanted revenge.

Zhao Liang is now extremely angry with "193", because the disappearance of the magic sword means that its Tianji Fenjue cannot continue to practice.

Devil May Cry thought about it and said, "Could it be that guy named Ye Qingxuan did it?"

"It can't be him at all, because he is also present at this auction."

"I really can't think of anyone other than him who can do this."

"I'm also thinking, what exactly is he going to do with the magic sword?"

Ye Qingxuan had already brought the magic sword back into the ancient jade, and now Ye Qingxuan came to the ancient jade, the magic sword exuded a weak devilish energy, and said, "Why did you bring me back again, you brat?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, don't think I'm trying to trick you, I want to destroy you, I'm a high-level craftsman, and I want to use you to improve the crafting.

"Boy, you think the same as that Lin Feng, that Lin Feng can't do anything about me, do you think you can do anything about me?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "Lin Feng's cultivation and mine are incomparable to the two of us, and I want to tell you one more thing, that is, my weapon refining technique is about to reach the top level, and it is now The ninth level of the advanced refining master."

When Lin Feng got the magic sword at the beginning, he just wanted to use it as his stepping stone to refine the magic sword, but he didn't think that he didn't have that ability.

Now Ye Qingxuan also has the same idea, but Ye Qingxuan's Qi refining technique is about to reach the top level, which makes Mo Batian in Demon Sword really worried.

His carrier has not yet been cultivated, and Mo Batian's hearty laughter spread throughout the ancient jade.

Qingluan flew over from there, and Mo Batian said, "You are quite convinced, kid."

He also didn't expect that his contract beast was actually a green luan!

That's why Moba genius would say that, Qingluan is a very rare monster.

When the pool of water surged upwards, the huge dragon beast also came out of the pool. Heaven knows that this dragon beast was acquired by Ye Qingxuan for the Star Shining Stone, but he didn't expect the dragon beast to be here, he actually Didn't kill it....

It's a pity that this brat can't be his carrier, it would be even better if he were his carrier.

Wanhuangzong also appeared here, and Mo Batian said, "Now you have been resurrected with the help of someone else's body, and you can do whatever you want."

Wan Huangzong smiled and said, "Don't you know that what I want to do the most is to refine your magic sword and disappear with you?"

"Hahaha! It's a pity that your qi refining technique has never reached the top level, so you can only seal me 0.1 here."

"I haven't reached that level, but it won't be long before my apprentice can do it."

"Hmph! At least you can't do it for a while."

Ye Qingxuan continued to practice his qi refining technique here, he could see that Ye Qingxuan's qi refining technique had indeed improved a lot, because when Ye Qingxuan was practicing here before, Mo Batian was always watching here.

Chapter 1046

So Mo Batian is very clear, and Ye Qingxuan continues to practice here, and he also knows very well that it will not be long before he breaks through to a full-level master craftsman with his talent.

In fact, Mo Batian can directly enter the body now, Zhao Liang just doesn't want to enter the body when Zhao Liang is so weak now, so for him, his ability will be greatly weakened and become the same as Zhao Liang's cultivation base.

He wanted to wait until this guy had cultivated to a certain level before directly entering his body, and he didn't have to endure the burning pain brought by that day's level of burning.

22 All of this is what he thinks in his heart. At this moment, he is not ready to enter the carrier until it is absolutely necessary.

He gradually restrained his demon energy, reserved his strength, and saved it for use when he had to.

Ye Qingxuan came out of here after practicing in the ancient jade for a long time today, but he felt that his practice today didn't seem to make any progress.

Wan Huangzong said, "That Mo Batian has always been scheming, he won't just catch him without a fight."

Ye Qingxuan said, "I just want to quickly reach the top level of my training skills, so that I can refine that magic sword. From now on, maybe this place will be peaceful."

Ye Qingxuan and the others are now in a wild land, and Mo Batian has never appeared before, and here he is on the four continents.

If he is reborn here, don't think about him, the first thing he wants to do is to rule the whole wilderness. In fact, there are many masters in the wilderness, but Ye Qingxuan and the others are not in the depths of the wilderness.

The cultivation base of these people on the edge of the wilderness is basically like this, but if they enter the depths of the wilderness, it will completely change.

Ye Qingxuan's current cultivation base has not yet reached that level, so now he just wants to wait here until his cultivation base reaches a certain level, and then enter the depths of the wild land.

At this moment, Ye Wuxuan walked over quickly and said to Ye Qingxuan, "It's not good, something happened."

Ye Qingxuan and the others were not in a hurry at all, they looked at Ye Wuxuan and said, "What's the matter, it seems to make you so anxious."

"There is a problem with Danpu."

"What's going on? Take your time and listen."

Ye Wuxuan said, "They opened a new elixir over there, and the purity has reached the same level as ours. Although it is only a rudimentary elixir, the price is quite cheap."

Ye Qingxuan thought about it for a while, he was wondering who could reach the purity of more than ten, even if it was an elementary elixir, there might not be many people who wanted to reach the tenth level.

Wan Huangzong said, "Then go and have a look."

Ye Qingxuan nodded, and strode towards that side, Ye Wuxuan and the others followed Ye Qingxuan's 193.

Soon they came to their pill shop. The pill shop has always been here and has never changed its location. Although this place is a bit remote, it does not affect the sale of pills in the pill shop at all.

When they arrived here, the pharmacist from Baicao Garden came over.

They clasped their fists together and said, "You already know about this, young master."

Ye Qingxuan nodded and said, "I have found out the identity of the other party."

"I have found out clearly that they came here later, and I have sent someone to buy their elixirs, and they are here, my lord, please have a look."

Chapter 1047 Report Your Identity

Ye Qingxuan took this bottle of elixir, it was a bottle of primary spirit recovery pill, he opened the bottle of elixir and embroidered it, the purity was not bad, it was indeed the tenth level of purity, but compared with his level tenth level of purity, there was still a lot. The two alchemists are also very clear about the disparity.

But their prices are very low, and this is the most important thing.

Ye Wuxuan said, "How can we deal with them?"

The two alchemists said, "Do you want us to lower the price as well?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "It's obvious that they are targeting us on purpose, it seems that they want to gain a foothold in this place."

"Let them go. Didn't you say that they can only reach the tenth level by recovering the spirit pill?"

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