Wan Huangzong thought for a while and said, "Then what are your plans?"

"I was thinking, if we can get that Zhao Liang out of that room, maybe I will have a chance to go in and see if the magic sword is in the secret room."

"I'm afraid this is really not an easy task. It seems that we have to think carefully about what countermeasures we can use to quote him."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "I have a way. I can go to the Alchemist's Union and ask them to hold a pill auction to see if they can attract that guy. Isn't that a chance to make a move?"

"That's a good idea. I'll leave this matter to 183."

Ye Qingxuan knew, because most people don't know the identity of his master, but as long as he goes out, he will definitely attract the attention of the blood clan, especially the one called Devil May Cry.

The master will definitely succeed if he goes there, after all his master is not a simple person, Wan Huangzong is leaving immediately.

Next, Ye Qingxuan continued to practice his weapon refining technique, and he must make his weapon refining technique reach the top level within a short period of time.

Ye Qingxuan once again came to his ancient jade, and these two guys actually started playing here. It can be seen that his own contracted beast, Qingluan, ran towards that side quickly, and then entered the pond. In the middle of the moment, the surface of the pond water was covered with a layer of ice crystals.

The dragon beast chased after him, he stepped on the ice crystal, and he was a little unstable, but this guy is quite smart, he stomped down hard, and fell down with a plop, the two of them played in the water, It was very calm at first, but suddenly the pool of water surged up.

Ye Qingxuan didn't pay attention to the two of them, and let them play casually.

Ye Qingxuan continued to practice his forging technique. This time he wanted to forge a top-level pet ring. You must know that the top-level pet ring has a lot of space. It can also be said that no matter how many things you have, you can put them together.

If his storage ring is finished, the effect may reach the effect of ancient jade. The (ccab) real ancient jade is something made by a blacksmith, but it does not appear in the form of a ring. Instead, it appeared in the form of a piece of jade.

The reason why it is called ancient jade shows that it was forged by a blacksmith a long time ago. The level of this blacksmith is by no means simple, because this ancient jade is extremely special.

What he accommodates is not only that these items can be seen, even retail can appear here, and the master's spiritual consciousness can also appear here.

Ye Qingxuan was thinking about his forging technique. If he could reach this level, it would mean that he had already reached the top level, so he began to practice his storage ring now.

I saw the blue flame in his hand burst out instantly, and he began to continuously forge the ring in front of him.

Forging an item is not only possible with only one spirit weapon, but also the forging material. For example, if you want to turn this thing into a water attribute, then you must have the water attribute material.

If it is of the fire attribute, it must have fire attribute materials, and what Ye Qingxuan wants to forge now is a storage ring, and the material it needs is the space spar.

One by one spar was integrated into it, Ye Qingxuan's forehead was soaked with sweat, the level spirit weapon he forged now was beyond his range, but Ye Qingxuan wanted to finish it.

Chapter 1039

The two spirit beasts seemed to have become much more well-behaved. At this time, both of them came out from the depths of the pool, and looked at Ye Qingxuan quietly.

Ye Qingxuan sensed the spiritual power in his body, and he didn't know it. He didn't expect it to be consumed so much. At this time, Ye Qingxuan's level was actually promoted. Because the original Haotian level was suddenly promoted to the Qiankun level. It's about to break through, but I didn't expect to break through directly at this time.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan easily poured all the spiritual power into it, and all the space crystals were exhausted. In the next second, Ye Qingxuan successfully forged the demist ring~.

But this ring is very different from his piece of ancient jade. The ring he forged now just has a larger space.

There is one thing that makes Ye Qingxuan feel very elite, and that is his forging technique - there are signs of promotion.

With a look of joy on her face, Qingluan croaked and flew in the sky, seeming very happy, and the dragon beast below seemed to be very excited too.

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "I know you two are happy for me, right?"

Ye Qingxuan put away the storage ring and left the ancient jade. He was waiting for news from his master Wanhuangzong.

Ye Wuxuan, Ye Fengxuan and the others came back, with a smile on their faces as soon as they came in, they walked towards Ye Qingxuan and said, "Ye Qingxuan is actually quite interesting to do missions for the mercenary group."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "It's interesting, but it's also very dangerous."

Feiying said, "The mission we did this time is not too thrilling, and the mission was completed very smoothly."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "You must be tired, take a good rest."

Ye Wuxuan said, "Not tired, why don't you see the Wanhuangzong?"

"Master, he went to the Alchemist Union for business, and he will be back in two days."

"During the time we've been away, that Zhao Liang didn't cause trouble, right? And that Devil May Cry has come out to kill people or something."

Ye Qingxuan said, "They are quite quiet, nothing happened during this time."

"That's good!"

I saw Ye Wuxuan, Ye Fengxuan and the others sat down, poured a glass of water and gulped it down.

Although it is not difficult for them to do the mission this time, Ye Qingxuancai would not believe it if they were not tired at all, it's not that he has never done missions with the mercenary group.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Ye Qingxuan said again, "Okay, let's go and rest."

"Okay then, let's go to rest first, and call us if there is anything."

Ye Wuxuan, Ye Fengxuan and the others turned around and left, and the others also retreated. It is true that they were still a little tired after this task, and they naturally wanted to rest.


They all left, Ye Qingxuan spread out his palms, looking at the storage ring he made, he was full of joy.

After a few days, Wan Huangzong finally came back.

Ye Qingxuan said, "How is the matter going?"

"The matter has been settled, and the news will reach here in a few days. At that time, we can just keep an eye on them. As soon as they go out, you can find a way to sneak in and see if there is a chance to take out the magic sword." .”

Sure enough, the news arrived very quickly. Here you need to know that the elixirs that the pharmacist guild can auction must be very special elixirs that cannot be bought by ordinary pharmacists. It must be a pill with extremely special abilities.

Chapter 1040 At the Blood Clan Gate

Zhao Liang also heard such news after the end of his training. So far, his level of burning consciousness has reached the second level. Although each level is not very good, at least he has practiced for two consecutive layer up.

It's a good thing, he will naturally go, Mo Batian said to him, then go and see what kind of pill they are auctioning, maybe the pill auctioned this time is still very useful to me.

"The disciple has already inquired about it, it is a magic pill."

"The panacea is really a treasure. No matter what method you use, you must bring this elixir back to me."

"Then shall I take you with me?"

"You don't need to go by yourself, I should be fine here."

"It's the master, the disciple will set off now."

Ye Qingxuan and his people also pretended to set off, but in fact only Ye Qingxuan didn't go, the others went, but the one who took the lead was Feiying, who was also half-faced, wearing a mask and wearing Ye Qingxuan's clothes, The shape is similar to that of Ye Qingxuan, so I can't recognize it at all.

At that time, he was also carrying Ye Qingxuan's Alchemist Medal, not to mention how airy he was.

When they all set off, Ye Qingxuan was already ready to make a move, and he couldn't believe where the secret room that he couldn't find this time was.

Wan Huangzong said, "That Ye Fengxuan would definitely not take this demonic sword with him, because he would emit demonic energy from him, so I conclude that he must have left that sword at the Blood Gate."

Now that it was late at night, Ye Qingxuan was already ready. He wrapped himself tightly in a night clothes, only showing his two eyes.

Taking advantage of this late night to block the sight of many people, he jumped over the wall and entered directly.

He had already been here last time, so he was quite familiar with the terrain here. Ye Qingxuan approached the room quietly according to the route he had walked before. The room was still dark, with no lights on, and no one guarding the room. That said, Ye Fengxuan is quite smart, which means that this is not a very important place.

Ye Qingxuan looked around, but after finding no one, he quietly opened half of the door.

As soon as he walked in, he closed the door behind him.

He is also somewhat familiar with the environment in this room, Ye Qingxuan closed his eyes tightly, remembering the last time he groped here, everything he touched was reflected in his mind.

He clearly remembered that the things on the table were all normal, and he had touched all the things on the bookshelf, except for a painting on the wall that he had never touched.

Although he didn't know if it was a painting on the wall, it was indeed a painting when he touched it with his hand. He moved his hand over there again, and no matter how he touched it, it was a painting.

The moment he pulled the painting away, there was a crash, and an underground passage appeared here, and the torches in the passage were instantly illuminated.

Ye Qingxuan did not expect that he would guess correctly. It turns out that this 0.1 painting is the entrance. At this moment, he walked directly into the underground passage. There is finally some light in it. In fact, the room can also be lit with light. Yes, it's just that he doesn't want to attract other people's attention, won't he be discovered by then?

After he entered the underground passage, he walked deep into it. This is an underground secret room.

When he came to this stone room, he found that there was indeed a stone bed here.

Chapter 1041 Discovered

Looking at the spotless appearance here, he knew that people often come here, and it seems that the person practicing in this stone room is either someone else or Ye Fengxuan.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan found that in a nearby stone room, the magic sword was floating there. It seemed that it took no effort, but when he reached out to touch it, he found that there was a formation here. The guy is pretty smart.

Ye Qingxuan is a master craftsman, how can such a formation stop him? I saw that he quickly untied the formation, and the 22 magic weapon on the magic sword appeared instantly.

It's a pity that he can't resist at all. When Ye Qingxuan saw him for the first time, he had the ability to resist, but now he no longer has this ability. Ye Qingxuan took him over and put him in his own Among the ancient jade, he quickly left the underground secret room.

The moment he walked out of the door and closed the door casually, he heard someone shouting, "There are thieves."

It didn't matter that this sound attracted all the guards nearby, and Devil May Cry and Grandma Wanmian also rushed out of the room.

"Bold thieves dare to come here to steal things."

Devil May Cry asked loudly, "Where did he come from?"

A disciple next to him said, "I just passed by here, but I saw him coming out of that room."

In the world, Ye Qingxuan had already calculated how long these guards would come over, so it was all within his expectations, but this person came suddenly, so Ye Qingxuan did not expect it at all. And Granny Wanmian took photos of all of them.

"Boy, no matter who you are, you must stay here today. What did you take from here?"

Ye Qingxuan didn't say a word, but he didn't use his Qiankun Sword either.

But he exposed who he was by using the Qiankun circle, so he directly used the sword with water function that he had just refined.

This sword will be even more powerful if it encounters water. Obviously, there is a pond in this courtyard, and there are goldfish everywhere in the pond, but whether there are goldfish or not, as long as there is water, the water arrow will rush into it instantly. In the water, it flew out with a whoosh as if it was full.

Devil May Cry said loudly, "It's water attribute aura."

The next second Ye Qingxuan swung the sword in his hand, and a wave of water rushed forward in an instant. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he didn't run away and waited for a while, only to see Ye Qingxuan leaping over the wall, quickly escaping from the people behind him. People chased after him immediately, especially Devil May Cry and the outsider-in-law.

It was fine if the two of them didn't chase them out, but Ye Qingxuan wanted to kill him backhand as soon as they chased them out. The two of them had such a plan in the first place.

There was a distance of about 190 after chasing them, after which Ye Qingxuan deliberately slowed down his pace to let the two of them keep up with him.

In a wild forest, Ye Qingxuan stopped his footsteps.

Devil May Cry said, "You brat can't run away, you dare to take things under our noses with your three-legged cat skills."

Ye Qingxuan just didn't speak, he was afraid that these two guys would recognize his voice when he spoke, so he remained silent all along.

These two did not recognize Ye Qingxuan, after all the weapons in their hands were not Ye Qingxuan's weapons, so the two of them did not recognize that the person in front of them was Ye Qingxuan.

Chapter 1042

Granny Wanmian said, "This brat is covering his face, obviously because he is afraid that we will recognize him. Who is he? Does it have a lot to do with Ye Fengxuan?"

"It doesn't matter who he is, he can't run away today anyway, and it will be considered cheap for him to fall into the hands of the two of us."

The two people immediately attacked Ye Qingxuan. The martial arts of these two people are really unpredictable. It can be seen that their cultivation base is not low at all, but Ye Qingxuan didn't take them seriously.

Devil May Cry said, "It has actually reached the Qiankun level."

Although he only has one pair of eyes, it can still be seen that he is not very old, and he has actually reached the Qiankun level. His cultivation has also reached the Haotian level.

The two of them didn't expect that the guy in front of him had already reached the Qiankun level, and he was already considered a very powerful master, and the two of them hadn't reached the Qiankun level, but the two of them could sense it, After all, they are also masters close to the Qiankun level.

At this moment, the water sword in Ye Qingxuan's hand swung at the two of them again, and the spiritual energy of the two of them also appeared in his hands, attacking towards Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan's attack speed is getting faster and faster, Chao Chao wants to kill the two of them, and the two of them can sense it.

Devil May Cry said, "I didn't expect you to be so ruthless in your strikes. You actually wanted the lives of both of us with every move. I thought you were only here to get the things you like, but I didn't expect you to have other purposes..."

Ye Qingxuan just didn't bother to pay attention to him, and the first floor of Tianji Burning Excavation appeared.

Powerful energy exploded towards the two of them. The two who were about to charge forward were instantly sent flying by Ye Qingxuan. At this moment, seeing Grandma Wanmian spit out a mouthful of blood, not even Devil May Cry. It was great, although he was not injured as badly as Granny Xiang Wanmian.

Devil May Cry immediately helped him up and said, "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine. I'm afraid the two of us are not his opponents. If we don't think about it, we will die here if we leave."

When he was about to take out the two poisonous **** in his arms again, Ye Qingxuan used his water arrow to stop him in an instant, and he was sent flying by Ye Qingxuan again.

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