"It's nice to listen to you, and you can do whatever you say."

Lei Hu and Ye Shengtian were in the alchemy shop, Lei Hu said, "Bring me a knife, I will split this piece of wood into several pieces."

Ye Shengtian walked towards this side, and then patted Lei Hu on his own chest, as if he understood what he meant, and gave this piece of wood to Ye Shengtian.

I saw that he actually tore the piece of wood into four pieces with bare hands, then he turned around and handed it to Lei Hu, Lei Hu was stunned, he immediately grabbed Ye Shengtian's hand and turned it over, Read it several times.

"What do you have in your hand? Such a big force didn't hurt you at all, you are really amazing."

Ye Shengtian smiled lightly. Lin Feng's many visits were fruitless, so he didn't understand what kind of person is so arrogant. Today he was looking at this side from a distance, but found a half-hidden young man walked in....

This person is dressed in black, half covering his face, who the **** is he? Could it be that he is the alchemist of this alchemy shop?

He looked at his chest, there was no pharmacist's medal, and the purity of yam was tenth level. I am afraid that only one of these people he had seen could do it, and that person was either someone else or Ye Qingxuan.

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth rose slightly, he seemed to be 80% sure that the person in front of him must be Ye Qingxuan.

It couldn't be more clear, none of the pharmacists he had met could reach the tenth level of elixir purity.

He didn't expect to meet him in this place, and he wanted to develop his own affairs here first, and then go to that Ye Qingxuan to get back the magic sword and make himself the most powerful. 0.1

Now that he knew he was here, and he never hung the alchemist's medal on his chest, so what if he did, he just wanted to kill it and get back that piece of ancient jade, and then try to get the magic medal. sword.

At this time, he really had a slight connection with Mo Batian, it seems that his guess was right, Mo Batian was here.

This is also the trace of connection that Mo Batian in the magic sword tried his best to have with him.

Chapter 986 Prevarication

But there was one thing he had to figure out, that was how he could get in that piece of ancient jade, and how could he bring out the magic sword inside, this was the only thing that gave him a headache.

He knew that it might not be so easy to know about it.

But now he has a plan, since he knows that the person in front of him is probably Ye Qingxuan, then he will find a way to test his identity next.

Just as Ye Qingxuan walked in, he also came here with his back foot. Just before Ye Qingxuan went up, he was just below. He turned around and saw Lin Feng, but he didn't have any surprised expression, as if he didn't know him. At this moment, Feiying Walking towards this side, "You are here, what do you need?"

"I'm here to see if your alchemist has returned. Isn't the new ammunition already out?"

"Oh, he is indeed back, but he is refining alchemy at the moment, and he is not here."

"Then it's really a coincidence that I came here. Who is this guy who looks good?"

"He's a friend of mine."

At this moment, he also found someone he had never seen before, and that was Ye Shengtian, but he couldn't ask everyone, and he could see this Ye Shengtian clearly without covering his face, so he was sure that this person was If you don't know him, it's impossible to be Ye Qingxuan.

"I've wanted to see you for several times, but when I saw your pharmacist, I didn't expect it to be such an unfortunate coincidence."

At this moment, the pharmacists sent by Baicaotang came out, they smiled and said, "This is the master of pharmacy, hello, I'm Wu Song, pharmacist, I've been busy practicing medicine, I don't have time."

"You are the alchemist here."

"Yes, I am the pharmacist here."

"Finally, I met you by chance. You are such a busy man."

"I can't help it. This order is going to be sold quickly, so I need to refine more. Come, come, please sit down."

"I won't do it, I still have something to do over there, but I just came to visit us, and we will talk again when we have a chance."

At this moment, Lin Feng turned around and left here. After he came in, he didn't notice any trace of evil energy, and this alchemist was not Ye Qingxuan, but who was that masked man?

Didn't the trace of magic energy sensed just now come from here?

At this moment, Lin Feng's head is full of question marks, and he doesn't know what's going on, obviously he just sensed Moqi outside, but after arriving here, he didn't feel any sense, could it be that he missed something?

He had already left here, and Ye Qingxuan sat down at this moment, "You reacted quite quickly, so you dismissed him like this."

"I think he comes to visit again and again, and wants to see you, 090, because he must think you are someone he knows well."

"Maybe he has some kind of purpose, but I don't like this master craftsman at all, so I don't want to have too much contact with him."

That is a master craftsman and a high-level craftsman, the master Ye Qingxuan actually said that, but he also has this capital, after all, he is now a high-level alchemist.

Such a young person is actually a high-level alchemist, which is already very admirable. The most important point is that his cultivation base has already reached the mysterious **** level. Surprisingly, Lin Feng tried to inquire several times but failed.

Chapter 987 Level Three Burning Jue Against Haotian Level

He has never seen Ye Qingxuan's true face, although he has doubts about this masked person, but he indeed rarely sees him.

But he also has his own certain influence in it.

On the way out, Ye Qingxuan actually met two masters. These two masters were wearing black clothes and covered their faces. Ye Qingxuan couldn't see their faces clearly, but it can be concluded that their cultivation base is very high, definitely above the Haotian level.

He didn't take Ye Shengtian with him, he left Ye Shengtian in the alchemy shop, and he left alone. He didn't expect that someone would attack him, but he didn't offend anyone here, why did he suddenly Someone shot him? The only person he has to doubt is Lin Feng, who else would do such a thing.

The two of them didn't say a word to Ye Qingxuan at all, they shot directly.

The two people's cultivation bases are so high, they shot at Ye Qingxuan together, and they wanted to take off Ye Qingxuan's mask every time they shot.

After they failed, they prepared to kill Ye Qingxuan and made fierce moves, obviously wanting his life.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan changed his posture. Instead of using the wings of his fire spirit and blood essence, he used the super powerful third layer of his Burning Heaven Art. He soon reached the Xuankun Realm, but he didn't use those two exercises. The purpose was to prevent people from watching from a distance. Lin Feng discovered his identity.

The third level of Instant Burning Jue, relying on his current cultivation and his super talented and powerful energy, spread these two guys forward. Although they are Haotian-level masters, they are far behind Ye Qingxuan. , not to mention that this day's instant burning art is not an ordinary skill, and Ye Qingxuan's current cultivation level can naturally surpass someone with a Haotian level cultivation level.

At the moment when his kung fu burst out, the two guys were knocked down and spit out blood instantly. Although Ye Qingxuan couldn't see it because their faces were covered, they knew it.

These two people fled in an instant, and did not stay in place. They ran very fast, which shocked Lin Feng very much. The person in front of him was actually a Haotian-level master.

And it can be seen that his cultivation base is very high, isn't he really Ye Qingxuan? If it was Ye Qingxuan, he would not be able to reach the level of terror now. Who is this person?

I feel that Ye Qingxuan is already terrifying. He has reached the Xuanshen level at such a young age, but the young man in front of him has actually reached the Haotian level. How is this possible?

He turned around and left here, those two guys have already fled, what is he still doing here, at this moment Ye Qingxuan already knew Lin Feng's location, but he didn't chase him, but left here directly.

Ye Qingxuan returned to his room and entered Gu Yuli.

"¨Looks like that fellow Lin Feng has already become suspicious of me'."

"He wants to quickly find out your identity (of Nuohao). He just wants to get this magic sword to improve his ability. It must be that this guy exudes magic energy and he sensed it, otherwise he wouldn't He is so anxious to find the magic sword, but he will definitely find a way to find out whether you belong to Ye Qingxuan, I think he is indeed suspicious of you."

Ye Qingxuan said, "It seems that he already knows about the ancient jade now, and also knows that the magic sword is in the ancient jade, so now he is trying to find a way to get this ancient jade.".

Chapter 988 Two Years Later

"He probably doesn't know my existence yet. No wonder Mo Batian has been so quiet these two days, there is no movement at all. It turns out that all the energy is used to contact that guy Lin Feng."

Xia Tian has indeed used all his abilities, he can no longer continue to communicate with Ye Qingxuan and the others, he is very weak, he was originally sealed in this magic sword, so he exhausted his magic power, It is impossible to radiate magic power.

He needs to recover for a long time before he can emit magic power once, and now he is getting weaker and weaker. If he doesn't find his bearer as soon as possible, I'm afraid he will never be able to get out of this magic sword again, unless someone unseals it.

Two years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Lin Feng never attacked Ye Qingxuan again, but Lin Feng, a traitor, must be eliminated. He must eliminate harm for his master. This guy can even kill his master. What else can he not do?

And Ye Qingxuan's cultivation base has reached the Haotian level now, he can be said to have very powerful strength now, his intensive cultivation base has reached the Haotian level, and his refining technique and alchemy technique have both been quite high. Achievement, with his current ability, he can completely resurrect his master, so they are now making preparations.

Ye Qingxuan has also accumulated a certain amount of crystals now, for him these things are enough for him to use, and the Flying Eagle Mercenary Group, they have never done anything related to mercenaries, they are all running this shop .

The people in the grassland have always been here and have never left. Of course, this time it is not because of the assignment from above, but because of their willingness. They have also made great progress in alchemy under Ye Qingxuan's guidance, mainly because of them. The kind of admiration for Ye Qingxuan, you must know that he is already a senior pharmacist at such a young age, and he has already been promoted from a senior first-level pharmacist to a senior fifth-level pharmacist in two years.

Now he found the person from Baicao Garden, he is Mu Bai, the owner of Baicao Garden, when Mu Bai saw Ye Qingxuan, he was (ccab) a little surprised, he didn't expect Ye Qingxuan to come to him on his own initiative.

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "I'm here to help you this time, not to beg you, you just need to get everything ready."

After Mu Bai heard Ye Qingxuan's words, he was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect it to be so fast, only two years in the barren land, does he have this ability?

"Has your ability reached this level?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, don't worry, I can definitely help you with my current ability, I have already reached the fifth level of the senior alchemist.

But Ye Qingxuan's medal is only the first level of senior pharmacist, but in fact his strength has reached the fifth level. At this moment, he took off the half mask to reveal his appearance, which is still on top of his handsome and handsome face, gradually fading away his cyan color.

Not to mention how happy Mu Bai was, he never thought that this day would come so soon.

So now Mu Bai doesn't need to mention how excited he is, he immediately prepares his left hand.

Everything is ready, because Mu Bai has prepared these things long ago, only one person is missing.

He still walked in. At this moment, he was still a little nervous. He waited outside the door for the time to pass. He was still a little anxious.

Chapter 989 Mubai's Leg Has Recovered

The man next to him said, "Master, do you want me to come and wait for you to rest?"

"No, I'm really anxious now, and I'm still a little nervous. It's better for me to wait here myself."

Time passed little by little, Ye Qingxuan stayed in this room for almost a full day, finally there was a little movement, at this moment he directly moved his wheelchair and turned around.

Because he can't stand up, the chair he's sitting on is also specially made with two wooden wheels, which are specially made for him to walk conveniently.

Ye Qingxuan came out from here, he saw Ye Qingxuan first and asked, "How is it, are you alright?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "I'm fine, it's just consuming some spiritual energy, and I'll be back soon. This is your elixir."

Mu Bai took the elixir and poured it into the palm of his hand, then looked at Ye Qingxuan, "I believe in you."

He swallowed this elixir in one gulp. The moment he swallowed it, powerful energy spread towards his legs. At this moment, he felt hot all over and seemed to be uncomfortable, and a force gathered in his body.

Seeing his uncomfortable appearance, the person next to him asked, "Master, are you alright?"

But he just gently raised his hand to signal them to keep quiet. After waiting for a long time, the energy finally dissipated, and he returned to his normal state.

He felt that his legs seemed to have consciousness, and his legs moved slowly. At this moment, there was a smile on his face, and even the faces of the people next to him also had smiles.

With the support of those two people, he stood up slowly, but his legs still felt weak.

Ye Qingxuan said, "You haven't stood up for a long time, so the muscles in your legs need to be exercised, but what I can tell you is that you have fully recovered, as long as you exercise, you will be able to walk normally soon .”

Suddenly, Mu Bai laughed wildly, he was happy but sad, tears flowed from his eyes, but are these tears of happiness or tears of sadness? Only he himself knows best.

After calming down, he walked in front of Ye Qingxuan, and of course he still needed the support of the people next to him.

"Thank you, I really don't know how to thank you, as long as you can use my place in Baicao Garden, we will definitely be willing."

····Ask for flowers 0·

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Why do you and I say thank you, aren't we friends?"

"Yes, we are friends."


His leg could finally recover, but Ye Qingxuan didn't stop here, he also knew that Ye Qingxuan had his own things to do.


Although the current Ye Qingxuan is only a small Haotian class, he has completely ignored the Bai family. The level that his Haotian class can deal with is much higher than his level. The main reason is because of his natural strength. Level burning decision.

Tianji Burning Jue, this technique should not be underestimated, it can defeat those masters with high-level abilities with earth-level abilities.

And after he finished this matter, the next thing is to help his master recover his body, and then find a way to deal with that guy Lin Feng. As for this magic sword, when his refining skills reach a certain level, he will definitely use it. Its refinement made Mobatian never exist, but he doesn't have that ability yet, and he believes that there will be such a day.

Chapter 990

You must know that Wanhuangzong's cultivation base is already very high. At that time, he was not able to refine this magic sword, because his refining technique had not reached the top level.

So he can only use a divine tool to seal it in the magic sword, so that he can't come out, but he knows that this is not a long-term solution, once the seal is released, Mobatian can still fly out of the magic sword.

Ye Qingxuan returned to his room, at the "103" moment he entered the ancient jade again, Wanhuangzong thought that he came in to practice, and he got the heavenly burning formula.

Ye Qingxuan said to his master, "I decided to help you call the body right now."

Wan Huangzong was a little surprised after hearing this, and he said, "Isn't it a bit early now?"

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