Chapter 981

He was originally a human being, so naturally he learned quickly, following Ye Qingxuan for a while, he soon became a human being.

Of course, they have been learning along the way, and along the way, this guy basically broke away from the orc form.

According to the map, this place has already reached the middle of the wild.

They were resting in the wilderness at night, Ye Qingxuan lit a fire and said to him, "Let's stay here for one night, and we will arrive in the middle of the wilderness tomorrow, and we will go back after we settle the matter here."

Along the way, 22, he has also learned to speak a lot of words, at least he can speak what Jian Dan said, but the speed of speaking is not so fast.

Being drunk in the wilderness is naturally the sound of wild beasts, but he is not afraid at all, because he was raised by these wild beasts.

Ye Qingxuan lay there with his eyes closed, he trusted the guy in front of him very much, Ye Shengtian was also sitting here, and he was lying there too, but he didn't close his eyes, his gaze Looking around, his eyes are completely different from other people's eyes, and he is like day at night.

He could see all the things ahead clearly, the reason why he was like this was because he was protecting Ye Qingxuan, he didn't want any danger to approach him, so he was always watching around.

Ye Qingxuan suddenly said to him, "Don't be so nervous, just sleep when you need to."

His eyes were gradually closed, but at this time if there was a slight sound and he saw it, he would immediately become alert, and his hearing was also extraordinary.

Soon this guy fell asleep, and Ye Qingxuan did the same. Of course, even if there is such a dangerous approach, the vigilance of these two people is very high.

Second, at dawn, Ye Qingxuan stood up and stretched his waist. He took this guy and walked towards the middle. When he arrived, a large town appeared in front of him. You can see that it is very prosperous after entering the city gate.

There are really many pedestrians passing by on the street, even this orc he has never seen such a scene, Ye Qingxuan said to him, "Don't be afraid."

He nodded and followed behind Ye Qingxuan. There were a lot of people coming and going here, so they basically passed by.

It looks particularly crowded, not because it is small, but because there are many people here.

Ye Qingxuan did not expect that the central part of the barren land was so prosperous, and soon they found the alchemy, and the Master Guild was now a five-story pagoda.

Ye Qingxuan and the others walked to the door of the guild. At this moment, Ye Qingxuan pinned the medal on his chest. When they were about to enter, they were suddenly stopped by two people at the door.

The gatekeeper said, "This is the Alchemists Union, what are you doing here for 087?"

Ye Qingxuan coughed twice, "Ahem! Didn't you see my alchemist medal here?"

"Looking at your age, it is impossible for you to be a pharmacist of this level. You still want to lie to us where you got the medal, or that you made a fake medal yourself."

Ye Qingxuan rolled his eyes and said, "Do I have the ability to make fake medals?"

"There are quite a lot of fake medals like this recently."

Ye Qingxuan didn't expect that someone would dare to fake the medal of a pharmacist, so he took off the medal immediately, knowing that the real medal is naturally distinguishable.

Chapter 982

He handed it to the guy and said, "You should take a good look, is this fake?"

He looked at it carefully, and it was indeed a real medal. He immediately handed the medal to Ye Qingxuan respectfully, and said, "Sorry, your Excellency has appeared a lot of fake medals recently, and you are so young. It's actually an intermediate alchemist, so I'm still a little shocked."

The person made a gesture of invitation, and Ye Qingxuan walked in with Ye Shengtian and the two of them.

After entering, Ye Qingxuan walked directly towards the counter, and said, "I want to obtain the medal of Senior Alchemist."

The man on the counter immediately put on his glasses. He looked forward and said, "Intermediate Alchemist Medal, you are an Intermediate Alchemist, and now you want to obtain the Advanced Alchemist Medal, please come with me."

Under his leadership, Ye Qingxuan came to the third floor of the tower. Of course, he left Ye Shengtian below and told him that he would come down soon, and Ye Shengtian was sitting here waiting.

When you reached the third floor, the old man said, "Go in, it's here, as long as you complete it according to the instructions of the people inside, the medicine he made you can basically pass."."

Ye Qingxuan nodded, and the old man turned and left very respectfully.

He didn't expect that the young man in front of him was already an intermediate alchemist at such a young age, his mind was full of question marks, his talent was too powerful.

When Ye Qingxuan walked in, he was also an older person, sitting there, it was obvious that he was a pharmacist, and he was a little shocked when he saw that Ye Qingxuan's pharmacist's medal was higher than his own.

"You are here to test for the Advanced Alchemist Medal."

Ye Qingxuan nodded, and he directly handed Ye Qingxuan a pill, so as long as he can refine the pill from this mountain, he can get a medal.

Ye Qingxuan clearly remembered that this was the prescription that his master Wan Huangzong handed him. It was too easy for him. No wonder the master said that he could be promoted to a senior alchemist after practicing this prescription. .

He walked over directly, didn't use their tops at all, but suspended the herbs in mid-air and began to refine the guy in front of him, who was stunned.

When Ye Qingxuan's elixir was successfully refined into the bottle, he took the elixir bottle over, and he took the elixir tremblingly and said, "¨¨Wait a minute."

He took the pill bottle and left the room, and walked towards the top floor, and the person on the top floor was either someone else or the owner of the alchemist union, and his alchemy skills were quite superb.

I saw him say, "Chen Lao, please take a look at the elixir refined by someone who has been admitted to the senior pharmacist at this time."

The person in front of him is only an intermediate alchemist, so he has no ability to identify Ye Qingxuan's elixir. The moment Chen Dao took the bottle of Ye Qingxuan's elixir with this (Qian Zhao), he was also shocked .

"Purity level ten, take me to have a look."

These two people walked into the room on the third floor together, Ye Qingxuan sat there and waited, when he saw these two people, he knew that the result was about to come out.

"This is the one who got the medal."

Elder Chen looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "I never thought you would have such talent at such a young age."

Chapter 983 Advanced Artifact Refining Master

Ye Qingxuan has already cleared the level and won the medal of a senior pharmacist, and he is a first-class medal of a senior pharmacist.

At this time, Wanhuangzong's words reached Ye Qingxuan's ears, "By the way, let's get a medal of a master craftsman here."

When Ye Qingxuan got the Advanced Alchemist Medal and was about to leave, Elder Chen said to Ye Qingxuan, "Remember to come to me if you need it."

Ye Qingxuan nodded. After all, he is now a member of the Alchemists Union, so he should be more polite.

Ye Qingxuan walked to the first floor and saw Ye Shengtian was still sitting there motionless waiting for him. The moment Ye Qingxuan appeared, Ye Shengtian immediately stood up and walked towards Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan said, "Let's go, we've already finished 087's affairs here."

Ye Qingxuan took Ye Shengtian and two people out of here. They had just walked out of these two guards and bowed respectfully. Elder Chen behind him kept seeing Ye Qingxuan's figure leave.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect there to be such a talented person in the world. It's really good. Where did he get the pharmacist medal? The intermediate pharmacist medal."

"Old Chen, I have already seen it. His medal is in our branch, that is to say, it is on the Xuanwu Continent."

"Since he didn't come here alone, it seems that his cultivation has surpassed the Xuanshen level."

(ccab) "I think it should be, otherwise he wouldn't be able to come in."

"There are still people who are so talented. It really opened my eyes. They have dual talents."

He still doesn't know that Ye Qingxuan is not only a dual talent, he is also a master of crafting. "

After Ye Qingxuan and Ye Shengtian left here, they walked directly to the craftsman's union.

When he walked to the door, Ye Qingxuan said directly, "I'm here to take the exam to obtain the badge of the master craftsman."

"plz follow me."

Ye Qingxuan walked over, and that guy asked him, "How many levels do you want to test as a master craftsman?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "A master craftsman is at the first level."

"What? I heard you right, you're going to be an advanced refining master."

Ye Qingxuan knew that this guy would have such a reaction, which naturally has a lot to do with his age, besides, he didn't start the exam from the elementary level, but jumped directly to the advanced level. Can you not be shocked?

Ye Qingxuan said, "What? Isn't it possible?"

"Ah, yes."

That person directly took Ye Qingxuan to take the exam to become a high-level craftsman. When Ye Qingxuan entered, the craftsman here thought that Ye Qingxuan was joking, but he didn't expect him to pick up the spirit weapon seriously and start refining it. Moreover, the tempering was very successful, completely changing the attributes of the weapon, and the grade of the spirit weapon has also become a high grade.

The operation is both proficient and shocking, because when he came in at the beginning, they didn't expect Ye Qingxuan to succeed at all. This test requires a high-level refining master for several steps. Anyone can understand that this spiritual weapon has been used. They will know how perfect Ye Qingxuan is after tempering.

In shock, these people gave Ye Qingxuan the badge of Senior Alchemist, and Ye Qingxuan took the badge and said, "Farewell."

Ye Qingxuan and Ye Shengtian did leave here, but the entire Artifact Refining Master Guild was shocked, even the Medicine Refining Master Guild here.

The main reason is that they don't believe that such a young person can have such abilities, so they are shocked.

Chapter 984 Leaving the Central Wilderness

However, they were very excited that such capable people joined their medicine refining master union and weapon refining master union.

Ye Qingxuan said to Ye Shengtian, "I have finished all the things I need to do, and we will return soon. This journey may be faster. I know that with your strength, you will definitely be able to keep up."

Ye Shengtian nodded, and the two of them immediately set off in the direction they came from, and they didn't stay here at all, and such a person is so capable of refining medicine stone guilds and master craftsmen, how could the guilds not be opened? Ye Qingxuan's identity was already known through their inquiries.

Mainly for practice, if they inquired faster, after all, Ye Qingxuan had the medal of an intermediate alchemist from the very beginning, so he could find out his identity through this medal.

Everything went well for Ye Qingxuan in this barren land, so far that guy Lin Feng has not been dealt with, and in the Xuanwu Continent, people from the Bai family can't find out anywhere now, Ye Qingxuan doesn't know where he went.

Even if they knew, they probably wouldn't have the ability to hunt him down. You must know that the elder hasn't come back since he went out.

They paused for a while, but they still didn't change their minds. The idea of ​​dealing with the Ye family has never changed.

As for the people in Baicao Garden being the backing of the Ye family, the Bai family didn't dare to attack the Ye family at all. The two of them drove all night, and after a few days, they finally arrived at the entrance of the barren land.

It was almost dusk when Ye Qingxuan and the others came back here, so he went directly to the courtyard to be the mercenary group in the courtyard, and when he saw Ye Qingxuan, he was so excited.

"It's Ye Qingxuan who's back, hurry up and inform our team leader."

When Feiying and Leihu knew that Ye Qingxuan was back, they immediately returned. They both had smiles on their faces when they came back, not to mention how happy they were.

"You're back, hey, who is this?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "It's a long story, you can consider him a friend of mine, his name is Ye Shengtian."

Lei Hu walked over with a smile, and said, "Hi, I'm Lei Hu."

Ye Shengtian still resisted a little. After all, he is not a normal human being. At this moment, Ye Qingxuan said, "He wants to be friends with you. You can shake hands with him."

····Ask for flowers 0·

Lei Hu and Fei Ying glanced at each other, it seems that it's really a long story, because the person in front of him is obviously a person with a story, he stretched out his hand after Ye Qingxuan said it, but look The hand holding him was very rough, and the calluses on it were also very thick.

Ye Qingxuan didn't know that he had left the middle of the wild. And the president of the master craftsman's union and the president of the alchemist's union were chatting together, and they both said that they had a person with a lot of talent. These two people were blushing and wanted to find Ye Qingxuan to compete with them.


These two old guys don't know the book, they are both talking about the same person.

Ye Qingxuan said to Ye Shengtian, "These people are our friends, you should not have any hostility towards them."

At this time, he nodded, and then said two words, "Friend."

After Ye Qingxuan laughed, several people sat down, Ye Qingxuan introduced Ye Shengtian's situation, they finally understood after hearing that, it turned out to be like this, no wonder he felt weird.

Chapter 985 Lin Feng Discovers Ye Qingxuan's Trace

Lei Hu and the others didn't look down on him in any way, and they all wanted to be friends with him from the bottom of their hearts, which made Ye Shengtian feel no hostility.

You must know that he is a thin person, so his perception ability is very powerful, and his hearing and vision are very powerful. If Lei Hu and the others have any trace of hostility, he can sense it.

"Zero Nine Zero" Ye Qingxuan said to Feiying and the others, "Shengtian is a Haotian-level cultivation base, so he will guard our alchemy from now on."

Feiying said, "That's really great. With the protection of this expert, our place can be much more stable."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "Did something happen during the time I was away?"

Lei Hu and Fei Ying lowered their heads, "What is it? Tell me."

Lei Hu said, "During the time you left, Chen Dong's shop instantly halved his elixir. Although our elixirs are at level eight, their elixirs are at level seven. It’s more than twice as low as ours.”

"So that's how it is, let them do as they please."

"Why let them do what they want?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Let's see how long they can last. If that's the case, then don't blame me for being rude. Starting tomorrow, our store will start selling Fengling Pills."

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