Ye Qingxuan said, "There is nothing to thank, Baicaoyuan has already helped me a lot, even if I am a friend, I will do my best, but I believe I will be able to help you in a short time, you just need to persevere persist in."

"I have waited for such a long time, so I don't care about the past few years."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "In fact, sometimes I admire you very much. Although you are different from us, your ability is really unrivaled."

"Maybe I have this kind of mentality since I was a child, so no matter what I do, I want to do it the best. I don't care if I can succeed this time, because the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment."

Ye Qingxuan said, "I will definitely do my best."

"Why do you guys talk about this when you finally met? Talk about something else, why did you come to Zhenghuanghuang?"

"To be honest, my current cultivation level can completely leave Chongwu Academy, so I naturally want to go out for a while, and the best place to choose is this wild place."

"You are really young and promising, with excellent talents."

"Each each other."

After Ye Qingxuan bid farewell to this place, he returned to his own place. At this moment, Mu Bai looked at the window, and the person behind him said, "¨¨Master, is this the most hopeful time?"

"I don't have much hope anymore, but it's better to try than not to try, even if there is one ten thousandth hope, I still have to try."

"I think this Ye Qingxuan has a pretty good personality."

"Well, Feng is indeed a worthy friend."

After Ye Qingxuan went back, he said to Lei Hu, "I will leave the matter here to you, I may not appear (Zhao Hao) here for a while."

"Are you leaving here?"

"Of course not. I just want to cultivate. Will my cultivation stop here forever?"

"You are really hardworking. Those of us practice every morning, but we still can't hold on for too long. After all, cultivation is still a very distressing thing."

Naturally, Bai knew very well that cultivation was boring, and he didn't know if there would be a breakthrough.

Chapter 973 Cultivating the Third Floor of Heavenly Burning Jue

But he doesn't care, he is now going to practice the third level of Heavenly Fen Jue.

Ye Qingxuan came to his ancient jade, at the moment he was practicing the Heavenly Level Burning Jue, he got the third level and could see that kind of scene around him again, Ye Qingxuan also found that the burning power became stronger with each level up serious.

The third floor is much more painful than the second floor. If Ye Qingxuan didn't have a strong meridian, he wouldn't be able to support it at all.

Of course, all these things relieved him of a lot of pain, and the medicated bath that master Wan Huangzong made for him did help 077 a lot.

Mo Batian was the most speechless, he originally took out this Heavenly Level Burning Jue for Ye Qingxuan to practice, and his purpose was to use its body, but he didn't expect this Ye Qingxuan to be so powerful.

He didn't expect Ye Qingxuan to be able to survive, and what he didn't expect was that the real kung fu in the Heavenly Level Fen Jue he practiced didn't have any magic energy at all.

And now that he no longer consumes his magic power, he wants to accumulate this magic power and find a way to contact Lin Feng. Now he can only rely on that guy, and it would be good to enter his body.

Ye Qing (ccab) Xuan is still big, big beads of sweat are falling down, it's not strange under this situation, Mo Batian knows that although he is refining this exercise, his heart rate is not normal , so he became obsessed, but the pain he endured was hard for ordinary people to bear.

In his heart, he still likes Ye Qingxuan, a stinky boy, and he really envies that Wanhuangzong can have such a disciple.

Naturally, Lin Feng also knew that there was a very capable alchemist here, but he didn't expect it to be Ye Qingxuan, he just wanted to pay a visit. To know Lin Feng's strength, he was an advanced alchemist.

After he came here, he saw Feiying as soon as he entered the door, and Feiying also saw the sign on his waist, and asked, "May I ask what the master is doing here!"

"I just want to visit your alchemist here."

"It's really a coincidence that he's not here. He's gone out for some things recently and said he won't be back until some time later."

"It's really unfortunate, but it's okay for me to visit again when he comes back. Please tell him for me."

"Don't worry, if you come back, you must pass it on."

Lin Feng turned his head and left, Feiying was really sweating, even a senior craftsman came to visit, Ye Qingxuan's ability should not be underestimated.

Lin Feng had been in the wild land for some time, and he hadn't found out about Ye Qingxuan's whereabouts. One thing he knew was that with Ye Qingxuan's ability in this place, if he exposed his identity as a pharmacist, he would be gone soon. will be found by him.

And he also asked someone to inquire about Ye Qingxuan, and took out his portrait. He just wanted to find Ye Qingxuan quickly and see if there was any way to get back the magic sword.

This time I came to visit him, I just wanted to have a look, and I had a little doubt in my heart, but the doubt was not too big, after all, I guess I am not too young to be able to reach the level of an inferior pharmacist like Ye Qingxuan here.

Even if there were alchemists of this age, they wouldn't appear here. Even Lin Feng was already the most powerful alchemist here.

Lin Feng set up his own force here, the main purpose is to find Ye Qingxuan, it is not so easy to find someone with his own strength.

Chapter 974 Someone Staring at the Eagle Mercenary Group

And Ye Qingxuan is constantly improving his cultivation, if he meets that Lin Feng again next time, I am afraid that Lin Feng will not be his opponent.

Ye Qingxuan was so close to him, yet he couldn't find it. The main reason was that Ye Qingxuan was very inconspicuous. When he first came here, he was not a big shot. He did it in the middle of the night, and no one knew him at all.

With so many mercenaries here every day, who would pay attention to an ordinary person?

Ye Qingxuan was practicing here, and he couldn't get out for a while, but he told the truth, because he was afraid that they would look for him everywhere when he was practicing, and it would be troublesome if they interrupted him halfway, so he deliberately followed They said they went to cultivate by themselves.

Lei Hu said to Feiying, "Look at the talented people, they are more diligent than us in cultivation."

"Ye Qingxuan has such a cultivation base at such a young age, his abilities will be limitless in the future."

"You don't even know how surprised I was. I was delusional and never thought that he was actually a pharmacist."

But just recently, Lei Hu found that someone was always staring at their mercenary group. Why, Fei Ying also found out.

That's because they saw that the person in the portrait seemed to resemble Ye Qingxuan.

I found out that Ye Qingxuan actually has so many crystals, so I just wanted to confirm whether this person is in the Flying Eagle Mercenary Corps, but they have been staring here for a few days, but they didn't find that person, could it be a mistake? ?

Some people might notice that Ye Qingxuan appeared in the Flying Eagle Mercenary Group, but no one knew their relationship, and no one knew that Ye Qingxuan was a pharmacist.

When Ye Qingxuan found Lin Feng, he had already covered half of his face.

Ye Qingxuan was about to break through the third level of the Instant Burning Art. At this moment, his face showed a look of joy, and then he really broke through the third level, and used his one-click full level ability to obtain the third level full-level status.

Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes, let alone the Haotian class, he might be able to fight against Haotian, and Ye Qingxuan's current cultivation has reached the peak of the Xuanshen class.

He stayed here for a full two days, and his cultivation speed was much faster than before.

····Ask for flowers 0·

During this period, Lei Hu and the others didn't bother him, and Ye Qingxuan was only in the place where they lived, and no one came to bother him.

Not to mention how happy he was to break through to the third level of the Heavenly Burning Art, and now he just wanted to find the Amethyst Sword so that he could complete the task of the True Spirit Alchemy Pagoda.

His breakthrough speed was so fast, Wan Huangzong said, "This Tianji Burning Art, where have you practiced?"

"The third floor, you can practice the fourth floor soon."

"Hahahaha! That's impossible. You can break through the third floor in a short period of time. Don't be kidding."

The person who spoke was none other than Mo Batian in the Demon Sword. He couldn't believe that Ye Qingxuan had reached the third level so quickly. One must know how long it took him to reach the third level.

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Believe it or not, what is your matter has nothing to do with me, can I still lie to myself?"

Mo Batian, after hearing what he said, there is no need for him to lie. Could it be that this kid is really talented?

Wan Huangzong gave him a single formula and said, "If you can practice this single formula, your medicine refining skills will be improved to a higher level." 1.

Chapter 975 Different Ideas

Mo Batian said, "When you reach the third level of Heaven-level Burning Jue, you will soon be able to break through the Xuanshen level and reach the Xuankun level, and the spiritual power in your body is much more than other Xuanshen levels."

Mo Batian suddenly spoke, but what he said was true, because Ye Qingxuan had already sensed it.

Then he said, "Since you were able to cultivate to the third level of Heavenly Burning Jue, it really surprised me "077"."

Ye Qingxuan turned around and looked at the magic sword next to him, and said, "Thank you for your skills. If it weren't for the heavenly burning formula you gave me, I'm afraid I wouldn't know that I have such a talent."

Wan Huangzong said, "Oh, I really want to thank you. If it weren't for you, such a good exercise would be a pity."


Mo Batian snorted coldly, and then he didn't make any sound again. After Ye Qingxuan took this pill, he began to refine the pill on top of the pill. Of course, all the materials had been prepared.

Everyone else needs a pill furnace for alchemy, but Ye Qingxuan doesn't need it at all.

He only needs to suspend the medicine in mid-air to extract the essence of the medicine, and the evolution will also be suspended in the sky above, and under the constant urging of his spiritual power, it will finally condense into a elixir.

The Wanhuangzong didn't expect that Ye Qingxuan's talent was so great, and this pill was successfully refined so quickly.


He said three good words in a row, and tears welled up in his eyes. His joy was due to Ye Qingxuan's talent.

But he is just spiritual consciousness, where did the tears come from? Everything is just fantasy.

Ye Qingxuan said, "Great, this shows that my love art has improved a step further, and now I'm about to replace my alchemist medal."

Wan Huangzong nodded, and now Ye Qingxuan left here, Mo Batian said, "You can leave here soon."

"It doesn't matter whether you leave or not, do you think I will do anything to break the seal like you?"

"Hahaha! I don't believe that you have no plans for yourself at all. Don't tell me you don't have any selfish desires when you pass on your ability to Ye Qingxuan in front of you?"

"Maybe what you said is right, but at the very beginning I did have such a purpose, but it wasn't unscrupulous as you said, but I already explained the reason at the moment I met him. I am willing, but now I don't care..."

"What exactly do you mean by that?"

"I have no regrets in my life to have a disciple like Ye Qingxuan. The talent is so great. What else do I have to regret? Even if I can't get out, so what?"

"Hmph! Stupid."

"Who's life in this world is more important than your own. In this world, except for yourself, everything else doesn't matter."

"That's just your idea, don't impose it on others. Although your previous experience made you have such an idea, it doesn't mean that everyone's 0.1 experience is the same as yours."

Mo Batian is indeed somewhat paranoid, otherwise he would not be able to become Mo Batian.

Wan Huangzong sat there with his eyes closed to rest his mind, and Mo Batian also became quiet at this moment, he didn't say a word anymore.

Ye Qingxuan left the room, and the military disciple guarding the courtyard said, "You are awake, the regiment leader said to prepare food for you after you wake up, we have already prepared it.".

Chapter 976 Heading to the Alchemists Guild

Ye Qingxuan nodded, and then said, "Has anything happened in the past two days?"

"No, it's been very quiet these two days."

"That's good!"

When Ye Qingxuan was about to go out after dinner, Feiying came back. He saw Ye Qingxuan was about to go out, and he knew where he was going, so don't say, "You have been practicing for two days, and you finally walked out."

Ye Qingxuan said, "I'm going to Danpu."

"I don't have anything to do. I just came back to see that everything in Danpu is fine, but recently a person came to visit you at 22, and the sign on his waist should be a master craftsman."

"Is it Lin Feng?"

"Yes, it seems to be Lin Feng."

"I see. From now on, whenever he comes, he will say that I have gone out."

"You know each other."

"I know him, but I don't want to see him."

"Okay, don't worry, I will arrange everything."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "Where is the nearest alchemist union here?"

"The Alchemist Guild is in the middle of the wild, far away from here."

"I may have to go out for a couple of days, and I'll leave everything to you."

Feiying didn't say much, he knew that Ye Qingxuan must have something important, otherwise he wouldn't have asked where the alchemist union is, so he nodded and said, "Leave it to us, don't worry."

Ye Qingxuan was about to leave this place recently, so he refined some pills and put them in the pill shop. He also knew that he had to find two masters to rely on the strength of Feiying to help them. It's not that easy. If someone really came to make trouble, it must be someone with strength.

However, there is no such suitable person for the time being. After he prepared everything here, he left here directly.

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