When Ye Qingxuan and the others turned to leave, the shopkeeper sent them away in a special way, and everything made Feiying, I couldn't believe it, he looked at Ye Qingxuan with that special look.

Ye Qingxuan knew that he was very surprised, at this moment he said to Feiyun, "¨¨Because their owners are my friends."

"Ah, that's how it is."

"The treatment is really different."

Ye Qingxuan appeared here, Baicaoyuan's information network is very powerful, so don't worry about the owner of Baicaoyuan, he will naturally know Ye Qingxuan's whereabouts.

They brought all these herbs back to their shop, and everything (of Zhao's) was ready. At this moment, Baicao Garden sent two more pharmacists. Ye Qingxuan and the others were all ready and ready to refine When preparing the elixir, the pharmacist sent by Baicaoyuan came to help Ye Qingxuan.

The owner of Baicao Garden knew that Ye Qingxuan would naturally need a lot of crystals in this wild place, and he knew that if he sewed the crystals on directly, he would definitely not need it, so he could only help Ye Qingxuan to the best of his ability.

Chapter 968 The Purity of the Elixir Surprises

Although these two alchemists are not as capable as Ye Qingxuan, it can be seen that their medals are only the first level of intermediate alchemists, while Ye Qingxuan is already the eighth level of intermediate alchemists. There is a big gap between them of.

The two of them respected Ye Qingxuan very much. Originally, Ye Qingxuan's identity as a pharmacist was respected, and the two of them also knew Ye Qingxuan's attainments in pharmacy, so they had special respect for Ye Qingxuan. In this case, Ye Qingxuan asked them to help Refining the most basic elixir, the elixir of recovery and the elixir for treating internal injuries.

073 All pharmacists know that these two kinds of pills are the simplest and best to refine, but the purity of the pills refined by the two of them can only reach level seven, which is already relatively high purity here.

But when they saw that Ye Qingxuan's elixirs had reached level ten, not to mention how shocked they were, their admiration for Ye Qingxuan became even stronger.

Although the young man in front of them was much older than the two of them, they still respected Ye Qingxuan.

With these two helpers, Ye Qingxuan is not so busy, so he has more time.

You must know that Feiying and the others are a mercenary group, so they know a lot of mercenary groups, so they naturally advertised their alchemy shop, and when it first started selling, the price was definitely very low.

Naturally, all of these people came here to line up to buy. After all, they can’t buy it at this price, and although this place is remote, the front door is very wide. get crowded.

This is what Lei Hu and the others never expected, but this Lei Hu has become a buddy here, and he is really busy. Almost everyone who comes here knows them, and some people even said, "Why are you changing careers? Are you really not going to be a mercenary?"

Lei Hu said with a smile, "Is there anything wrong with this (ccab)?"

"It's nothing bad, it's just a surprise to us."

Looking at the sudden rush here, does it have a lot to do with the price reduction of their elixir, and I don't know if there will be such a business in the future.

Ye Qingxuan is not worried about them at all, this is from level 7 to level 10 of purity. Here, medicines with level 7 purity are considered relatively high level, while those with level 10 purity are not seen at all. Obviously, level 10 purity relatively more expensive.

A pharmacist walked up to Ye Qingxuan and said, "May I ask if you can give me some advice as to why we can't go any further when we have reached the seventh level of handwriting practice?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "During the purification, you didn't concentrate your consciousness and spiritual power fully, which is why your single medicine only stays at the seventh level."

"Is it necessary to pour your own consciousness into it when you purify?"

The corner of Ye Qingxuan's mouth raised slightly and said, "You will know if you try it?"

The two of them suddenly understood, but they knew that it was very difficult for senior alchemists to tell others about their experience, and Ye Qingxuan was able to tell them this method, and they were really grateful.

Calling Ye Qingxuan is a respect, but when they refined the elixir again, they found that it was really effective.

Chapter 969 Attention

Although the purity has not been raised all at once, the degree of infusion of elixir will increase every time, which means that they will soon be able to raise the purity to level eight.

The two of them glanced at each other, not to mention how happy I am, you must know that there has been no breakthrough for so many years.

To tell the truth, these two people really treat Ye Qingxuan as if they respected their own master. Originally, he is an intermediate alchemist and has been greatly promoted by the two of them. Coupled with Ye Qingxuan's guidance this time, it is really quite It's the same as my own master. It seems that two older people are respectful to a younger person. It seems that they are not used to it.

But Lei Hu and Feiying also knew why, after all, Ye Qingxuan's intermediate pharmacist was stronger than the two of them in swinging barriers, so the intermediate pharmacist was really improved by those people here, especially the pharmacist-to them Respect.

All of a sudden these mercenaries crowded into this position, and other alchemists naturally noticed it, they didn't expect so many people to be crowded in such a remote place.

And I know that the price of their elixir is relatively low today, but this is also normal, after all, they have just started, but these people also look like they are watching the show, they don't believe that after the elixir returns to normal, here It will still be like this.

The pharmacist over there said, "How about their elixir?"

"I've already inquired about it, and the purity of their elixir is above level seven, and the price is very low so far."

"You mean the lowest level has reached level seven."

"That's right, the lowest level has reached level seven."

"What about their highest level?"

"I have already sent people to buy them from them. Except for the seventh-level pills, the highest level of purity has reached tenth-level, but the tenth-level purest medicines are relatively expensive."

"What? You said that the purity level is ten, how is this possible?"

"This is the elixir I brought back. Please take a look."

When he opened the elixir, the fragrance of the elixir was so strong that he was really at the tenth level of purity. Such a high-level pharmacist is really hard to see. It would be even better if he could give some advice.

····Ask for flowers 0·

"Okay, I see, you go down."

He doesn't know who owns the newly opened alchemy shop, if there is one thing he knows, that is, this alchemy shop has a lot to do with the Flying Eagle Mercenary Group.

Feiying used to come here often to buy ammunition, so why did he suddenly open a pill shop? He really wanted to ask, pretending to congratulate, to see what was going on.


Ye Qingxuan and the two alchemists were sitting on the second floor, and they could see the outside scene through the window, and there was another person sitting here, Feiying.

Feiying looked forward and said, "How did he get here?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "Who are you talking about?"

"He is the alchemist of the alchemy shop. Our mercenary group often bought pills in his alchemy shop before. It seems that he also came here to check the situation, so I will go down and meet him."

"Okay, then you go."

Feiying came downstairs and happened to walk across from that alchemist. He still respects him, so he must be a pharmacist.

Chapter 970

He said, "I didn't expect the head of your mercenary group to open a pill shop. Congratulations. This is a small gift, not a respect."

"You are welcome, you are very polite, please sit down."

"I only know that you are a mercenary group. I didn't expect that there are pharmacists in the mercenary group."

"You are really flattering me. This pharmacist is not from our mercenary "073" group, but just a friend, and our mercenary group is only here to help him."

"So that's it. Then your friend is really shocking. Can you recommend me to visit him?"

"I'm afraid he doesn't have time at all right now, so how about it, how about introducing the two of you to meet you when you are free for a while."

"That's right, I'm all to blame for being abrupt. After all, he's an intermediate alchemist. I'll just take his time and see you later."

The fact that two people are talking here, to him depends entirely on it being one, and the fact that he talks to Feiying so politely here depends entirely on the fact that they have an intermediate alchemist here.

Moreover, he knew that the identity of this pharmacist was not simple, otherwise he would not be able to refine a elixir with a purity of tenth level. He knew that it was considered a relatively high-purity elixir for them to reach the seventh level. Unexpectedly, someone's elixir can reach the tenth level of purity. He has broken through for a long time, and he has never broken through to this level.

"In that case, I will visit another day."

Feiying said, "Okay, okay, I will definitely introduce you someday."

"Then don't bother me, goodbye."

According to Feiying, they are only here to help. It is not their Feiying Gang who opened this alchemy shop. He also knows that the Feiying Gang does not have such strength. It seems that he is not lying.

So he turned around and left here. The refining shop where Er Linfeng was located was also very popular. The main thing is that it is not so easy for you to ask someone to refine your weapon. As for the matter, Lin Feng is not a casual craftsman like a master craftsman, he will never talk to him, as long as the spar is in place, he may still consider it.

Of course, I tried my best to invite him to come, that person also knew that he was a high-level craftsman, so naturally he wouldn't casually refine weapons for others.

But this is hard to find, which is of course normal.

Many people among them want to worship him as a teacher. Although he can accept apprentices, he also has requirements, that is, you must have a certain talent, otherwise Lin Feng really won't accept him.

Lin Feng himself has earned a lot of crystals, so he can have his own mansion in this place.

Chen Dong knew very well that he wanted to control him, and that was absolutely impossible. This Lin Feng was so talented, and he was an advanced craftsman, so it would be good to be friends with him and ask him to help, although he was really close to Lin Feng. is purposeful.

Flying Eagle 0.1 returned upstairs, Ye Qingxuan said, "Who is he?"

"He is the craftsman and pharmacist from the alchemy shop over there."

"So he came here to find out the truth."

"I think there should be this meaning, but he still wants to visit you. I just said that you are busy, so I put it off.".

Chapter 971

At this moment, the other two alchemists said, "It should be the elixir with a purity of tenth level that attracted him here. After all, the elixir with a purity of level seven in this place is already considered a very powerful alchemist."

The two pharmacists sent by Baicaoyuan are named Wu Song and Wu Yun. They are brothers.

Another Wu Yun said, "The more powerful pharmacists will not appear here, and the elixirs they refine are so pure that they are hard to find."

Feiying said, "But so far, our place is already full of people, obviously more conspicuous than 22. Not only will they be eyeing us, I'm afraid other people will also be eyeing us."

Ye Qingxuan said, "I have my own measure, don't worry."

Ye Qingxuan's own sense of propriety, that is, his shop only sells these two types of elixir, and does not sell the others, which makes other shops have a way to survive.

This first day really made them sweat profusely. It wasn't because the price was so low that these people came over to buy a lot more.

Of course, they have also tried that the purity of these medicines is indeed very good, otherwise so many people would not come to buy them. Of course, this also has a lot to do with Feiying and the others being a mercenary group before.

Ye Qingxuan is now half-covered, so no one knows him, and in this wild place, probably no one knows his identity except Lin Feng.

After a busy day, he was finally free, Lei Hu said, "This is really exhausting, I haven't been free since I opened the door, hurry up and get me something to eat, I'm already starving. "

Ye Qingxuan, Feiying and the others smiled, "The food has already been prepared for you, don't hurry up."

It's not that they won't eat, but that they are so busy that they don't have time to eat. When they saw the food prepared for them, they were overjoyed. This is really good, and several people sat there and ate.

Lei Hu said, "This is really good, I never thought there would be so many people in such a remote place."

Ye Qingxuan said, "As long as the news gets out, no matter where you are, you will be found, but it also depends on whether the things we have produced are worth people coming here."

"Hey hey, do you need to say that?"

Seeing Leihu gobbling it up, Ye Qingxuan said, "After tomorrow, it won't be like today. Although there will still be a lot of people, such a long queue will definitely not be ruled out intermittently."

"Why is this? Is our stuff bad?"

Feiying smiled and said, "Of course you are not, you idiot, it's because everyone has already bought a lot, so it's natural to consume it before doing it again."

For a while, other shops 073 also knew that the shop in this corner was different, so they all wanted to ask where the pharmacist came from, and wanted to poach the wall, but later heard that it was the pharmacist's own shop. The Eagle Mercenary Group was just there to help.

They all came to visit one after another. On the surface, they wanted to congratulate the Flying Eagle Mercenary Group, but in fact they all wanted to come here to meet the alchemist.

This Leihu rolled his eyes in front of him, it would never be good for these people not to visit the door.

But it was not so easy for Ye Qingxuan to be rejected one by one, so they naturally understood that he was also an intermediate pharmacist, and that he was no ordinary intermediate pharmacist who could refine elixirs of this level.

Chapter 972 Do Your Best

Generally, if there was an interview, it would not be Ye Qingxuan, but Wu Song and Wu Yun brothers.

The purity of the elixir that the two of them are now refining is approaching level eight, so naturally they have the right to talk to them.

However, many people also recognized that this was the power of Baicao Garden, so no one dared to offend them. They were originally intermediate alchemists, but they were already discouraged, and they were very diligent. Not to mention, so Ye Qingxuan and the others will definitely not dare to make trouble here.

That day Ye Qingxuan went to Baicao Garden in person, and he brought all the crystals with him. Originally, the shopkeeper would not accept it no matter what, but Ye Qingxuan said it was necessary.

The people upstairs couldn't get down, Ye Qingxuan let him go, he is the owner of Baicao Garden, Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Long time no see, when did you come here?"

"It's not long since I've just been here."

He asked Ye Qingxuan to go upstairs to catch up on the old days. Lei Hu and the others who followed Ye Qingxuan were waiting outside, while Ye Qingxuan went up to the second floor to talk to this guy.

Mu Bai said, "Actually, this is also my gratitude, why do you refuse to accept it?".

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