"He, in the training tower, I'm afraid he won't be able to come out for a while, we've all gotten used to it."

"Hahaha! Sure enough, he is extremely talented. No wonder Wuchen and the others like him so much. You must know that from the beginning of Chongwu Academy to the present, no disciple has been able to do this."

After laughing loudly, this guy left here. Ye Wuxuan and the others were baffled, when did this Wan Huangzhong become so familiar with them.

But they didn't think about that at all, because Lin Feng was also a master craftsman anyway, and he was also very famous.

Lin Feng left here with a cunning face. He knew where Ye Qingxuan was now. It turned out to be in the cultivation tower. Now he has a plan. If this brat doesn't come out, he will sneak in in the dead of night.

Of course, within this Chongwu Academy, the dean already knew that Ye Qingxuan entered the cultivation tower again and never came out. They still had smiles all over their faces. It is really rare to meet such a talented disciple. of.

No one would keep staring at Ye Qingxuan in the cultivation tower. Lin Feng knew this very well, so he wanted to take this opportunity to make a move.

In the dead of night, this guy put on a black robe, covered his face, and sneaked into the cultivation tower quietly.

You must know that Ye Qingxuan is currently practicing the Heavenly Level Burning Jue.

There was danger approaching him. Although Lin Feng knew that Ye Qingxuan was in the cultivation tower, he didn't know where he was. He searched on the first floor, but found no trace of him. Then he went to the cultivation tower again. Go to the second floor of the tower.

He still didn't see Ye Qingxuan enter on the second floor, and it was still quiet on the third floor of the cultivation tower. The first floor is already good, can he still succeed in the fourth floor?

This guy walked cautiously towards the fourth floor of the training tower.

He is quite good at picking the right time, because it is now midnight, who would get up and run into the training tower at this time?

After Lin Feng entered the fourth floor of the cultivation tower, he carefully searched for Mingyan's place, but there was no sign of anyone at all.

Chapter 943 Qingfeng Saved Ye Qingxuan

In the corner of the fourth floor, he finally saw Ye Qingxuan. Why did this guy really think his head was sick in the corner? He didn't even know that Ye Qingxuan's spiritual consciousness was in the ancient jade.

He thought he was just practicing here, but he was a little surprised why he was sweating so much.

No matter how much he cares, even if he can't enter Gu Yuli, he won't make this brat proud.

At this moment, he raised his right palm 047, intending to kill Ye Qingxuan with one palm.

At this time, the dean suddenly appeared here. The dean's ability is quite strong. When he hit that palm, the dean directly slapped his palm.

Lin Feng was repelled in an instant. A few steps away, he saw that the person who came was actually the dean of the Pet Academy, so he quickly evacuated here.

The dean was afraid that he would turn the tiger away from the mountain, so he stood there without moving. Lin Feng was already injured.

He saw that Ye Qingxuan was safe and sound. Originally, he had a great (ccab) sensory ability in this cultivation tower. How could he not know that he had entered an outsider here?

Lin Feng didn't expect that he was about to succeed, and killed a person on the way. Why did Qingfeng from the Pet Academy keep staring at this place?

Only the dean knows about this matter, and the others don't. He has a very strong sense of the cultivation tower. Even though he is resting in the middle of the night, he still knows about someone sneaking into him.

Now they are trying to figure out who actually dared to enroll all of them in Chongwu Academy.

To know how powerful he is, it can be said that he appeared here in an instant, if he hadn't made a timely move, then Ye Qingxuan would be finished. Of course, what appeared here was not himself, but his spiritual consciousness.

In the cultivation tower of the entire pet academy, the dean's spiritual consciousness can be guarded and can be reached at any time.

He saw that Ye Qingxuan's side was safe and sound, that guy would definitely not come back, but he didn't understand who this person was and why did he kill Ye Qingxuan? Could it be that he was jealous of his talent, but among the many disciples, no one would reach the Haotian level.

At this moment, he is thinking about who it is.

In the next second, he left here, returned to his body, and slowly opened his eyes.

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure out who this person was, but he was thinking that as long as he didn't appear again, it would be fine. If he appeared here again, he would definitely find out who this guy was.

Lin Feng returned to his room. He quickly took off his robe, and then lay motionless on the bed. He was indeed injured, but at this time he had to hide himself.

He had to pretend he didn't know anything, but now no one doubted him at all.

Ye Qingxuan was in the process of cultivating, so he naturally knew that there was danger approaching, but he didn't expect that the dean would suddenly run out to save him.

He stayed in the cultivation tower for two days, but he still didn't come out, but he didn't know that there was a person in front of him. This person was his master. Although Wanhuangzong's figure was so blurry, But he has shown up, and it's better than not being seen before.

Chapter 944

"Stinky boy, it seems that he is practicing the Heavenly Level Burning Jue again. If that guy Lin Feng appeared, if Qingfeng hadn't blocked it in time, I'm afraid this time it would really be a disaster."

Ye Qingxuan's Heaven-level Burning Jue, the second level of the Great Emperor, is about to be completed. As long as he can complete the first level here, he can directly activate his one-key full-level skill to reach the second-level full-level state.

Wan Huangzong was guarding him here, and his figure could be clearly seen while sitting there, gradually becoming clearer, and becoming clearer and clearer.

Demon Sword reacted, and he said at this moment, "I thought you were dead, but I didn't expect to show up again, but you are quite lucky to have an apprentice who treats you so well."

"Huh! So, I will never let you play his idea anyway."

"Hahaha! It's not up to you, and it's not up to me. Everything depends entirely on him. If he can do it, I can't hit him. If he can't do it, then this sentence belongs to the body." me."

"Don't dream, even if this is the case, I will not let your idea come true."

"If the old guy Qingfeng didn't show up yesterday, he would have died long ago, but I have a good relationship with you. Both of your apprentices are related to me, especially that Lin Feng, who is completely under my control now gone."

"That guy Lin Feng is no longer my apprentice. If you like an apprentice like this who even kills his master, then you can keep it and enjoy it slowly. As for whether you want his body or not, it's up to me-" Nothing to do."

"Hahaha! To be honest, that guy is ruthless enough to be a member of our demon clan. But it's a pity that his talent is not very good. If his talent is half as good as Ye Qingxuan's, maybe I won't bother." It's a big deal, I even handed over my Heavenly Level Burning Jue."

"This Heavenly Level Burning Jue is not yours. Don't think it is a magic book. It is just a book of exercises. It's just that you can't practice well."

"It's true that I haven't practiced the formation technique, so do you think that your apprentice Ye Qingxuan will be able to do it? He is only practicing elementary skills. When he reaches the advanced level, that kind of ability is beyond his ability. "

····Ask for flowers 0·

Mobatian himself knows best, because he has already reached that level, and at that time he also took a shortcut in order to make himself stronger. Indeed, this exercise is quite powerful, whether it is the magic way or the righteous way. .

Ye Qingxuan couldn't hear the two of them talking at all at the moment, he was just practicing the move of Burning Sky with all his heart.


And the whole body bears the pain of burning formulas.

This exercise is difficult to refine, that is, every time you practice the moves in this exercise, the Heavenly Burning Jue seems to emit powerful energy, tempering your entire body.

Ye Qingxuan was dripping with sweat all the time. In the past two days, he had never done anything before he was alive, and everything looked like it. One can imagine how much sweat he shed.

In the next second, Ye Qingxuan suddenly opened his eyes. He has succeeded in the second level of the Heavenly Level Burning Jue. Of course, the main reason is that he only practiced the first level. The other nine levels are all used. One click The full-level ability has reached the full-level status 1.

Chapter 945 Ye Qingxuan's Joy

The moment Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes, his Heavenly Level Burning Jue had already reached the second level, and they were all at full level.

He was able to cultivate to this level, which really shocked Mo Batian. He never thought that Ye Qingxuan's cultivation talent was so high.

The scene when Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes also saw his master Wan Huangzong, which really shocked him, he thought "047" as the master he would never see again.

He didn't expect the master to appear in front of him again, he had already been in this cultivation tower for three days.

Ye Qingxuan's tears seemed to be in the sockets of his eyes, he said, "Master, this is it."

"I'm fine, brat, it's just that the last time I was saving you, all my spiritual knowledge was gone, and now my spiritual power has recovered, so I reappeared, but now I'm still a little weak, and it will gradually become special. Enriched."

"I thought I'd never see you again. So that's what happened. I couldn't find you when I came here. You don't know how anxious I am."

"If I didn't take action last time, I'm afraid you will be killed by that guy."

Ye Qingxuan himself knew very well that it seemed that his strength was still far from enough, but Wanhuangzong also saw that he had succeeded in practicing the Heavenly Level Burning Art, and he had never entered a state of enchantment.

"How many levels have you cultivated in the Heavenly Level Burning Jue?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "It's already at the full level of the second floor."

When he finished saying this, Mo Batian in the Demon Sword was instantly shocked, and the whole Demon Sword erupted with black magic energy, and he said loudly, "No, this is impossible, this is absolutely impossible."

Mo Batian doesn't believe that Ye Qingxuan has already reached the second level and is already at the full level. You must know that when he was practicing the Burning Jue, it took him a lot of time, and the first level At that time, he couldn't bear to be in a state of obsession, and Ye Qingxuan had already cultivated to the second level, and he didn't have any reaction.

This is the reason why he didn't believe it. You must know that he was not welcomed by the family at that time, but when he got this exercise, he realized that this exercise is so good.

This was a chance for him, and he also became like that to dominate the magic sword and practice magic skills. What's wrong, he is still much better than those decent families...

But he didn't think that what he practiced was magic kung fu, while Ye Qingxuan practiced decent kung fu, the difference is too big, that's why he is what he is now.

Wan Huangzong smiled and said, "Why can't you succeed in cultivation, do you want others to fail like you?"

"I don't believe that there are such people in the world, not to mention having these three talents, but also possessing such accomplishments."

It is true that no one will believe this matter if it is told. If you want to say how lucky this guy Wanhuangzong is, all the apprentices are talented. Although that Lin Feng is not very good, he can even kill the master. It can be drawn, but he is indeed an extremely talented 0.1 person.

A master craftsman like Lin Feng is already very famous. If he had no talent, he would not be able to reach the level he is today.

Outside, Lin Feng was already injured. In order to cover up what he had done, he left the next day.

Wuchen said, "I don't know what to do if the Wanhuangzong can't find the magic sword."

Chapter 946 Walking Out of the Training Tower

At this time, Huaying said, "But he has tried his best for so many days, which is obvious to all. We can see that Wan Huangzhong is looking for the magic sword everywhere, and our Chongwu Academy has also tried our best. There is no way to find out. here."

"In that magic sword is Mo Batian, who seals the demon clan. He is sealed inside by the four great artifacts, and the four great artifacts are there, so he cannot break it out."

"I think since Wanhuangzong wants to find him to refine it, it means that it is a great artifact and has its drawbacks. Otherwise, he would not do this. He has been wandering for so long, and the first thing that finally appeared What I have to do is to refine the magic sword, which is really considered for the common people in the world."

This Lin Feng searched for the magic sword everywhere, and brought him a good name. Who knew that he was a madman who murdered his master.

He failed to kill Ye Qingxuan, and failed to take ancient jade. In fact, Mo Batian was still very angry. He didn't expect that he was also his apprentice, and there was such a big difference.

However, he is particularly interested in this Ye Qingxuan, but now he already knows that he has not yet entered the second level of the Heavenly Burning Jue, which is not a good thing for him. If the devil energy cannot enter the body, it will Will not be able to use Ye Qingxuan's body.

At this time, the Patriarch of the Bai family came to the location of the elders and said, "It's been a long time since the elders haven't come back. That brat's level is only that of a great spirit master."

One of the elders said, "Could it be that something happened? I'm afraid it's a disaster if there is not even a message. Does that kid have anyone around him to help him?"

"Except for the people from Baicao Garden, I really don't know who else will help him. Besides, it's impossible for the people from Baicao Garden to follow him every day."

At this time, a disciple came to report, "Recently, Lin Feng has been looking for the whereabouts of the magic sword everywhere, and this time Chongwu Academy has also sent many disciples, including Ye Qingxuan, which means that he has walked out of the pet academy and left the pet academy. into the Xuanxin Continent."

These words shocked them even more, because as long as he left the Pet Academy and the Xuanxin Continent, the elders of the Bai family would definitely take action, which meant that this time it was really a disaster.

"Where did they go?"

"According to the reports from the disciples in the family, they went to Zhenwu Continent this time, but they didn't find the whereabouts of the Demon Sword in Zhenwu Continent, and they returned soon, but that Ye Qingxuan came back safe and sound."

"Immediately send people to Zhenwu Continent to inquire about this matter, and see if the elder is still there?"


After they knew about this matter, they already knew that it was more ominous than good. They didn't expect that this elder's martial arts were so powerful that he couldn't kill that Ye Qingxuan of 047. What's going on?

Now the Ye family can't move this Ye Qingxuan and they can't move, what to do, if this continues, the Bai family will perish?

The members of the Bai family are now going to inquire about the elder's way out, so far they can only wait quietly, and Ye Qingxuan has already walked out of the cultivation tower.

When Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan saw Ye Qingxuan, they said, "You stayed inside for another three days, it's really amazing, hey, did you improve this time?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "It is indeed a great improvement, but what I want to tell you is that I will leave Chongwu Academy soon.".

Chapter 947 Leaving Chongwu Academy

"My cultivation has reached that level, and I think the two of you know it too."

Ye Wuxuan said, "Of course I know that you have indeed reached that level, but you have to know that going out is very dangerous, so many people want your life."

Ye Qingxuan came out with a smile on his face, "It doesn't matter, if there is no danger, there is no breakthrough. This time I am going to the Wild Continent, because there is more spiritual power there, it is much better than here, and it is more suitable for my cultivation. As for you guys?" , you can come to me when you leave the academy."

People like Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan know that because Ye Qingxuan's cultivation is much higher than theirs, and they may not be able to surpass Ye Qingxuan's cultivation in a few years, so when they leave the academy, they may not be like Ye Qingxuan Ability.

If they can't reach such a level of cultivation in advance, they can only leave in the academy until they can really leave here.

Ye Qingxuan also decided to report this matter to their mentor. When Wu Chen and Bai Yan knew that Ye Qingxuan's cultivation had already broken through to the Xuanshen level, they were instantly shocked. No disciple in the entire Pet Academy had broken through to this level. One can imagine how powerful Ye Qingxuan's ability is.

It is true that the Pet Academy has this rule. Students who break through to the Mystic God level can leave the academy early and go to other places to continue their cultivation.

Dean Qingfeng also knew about this, and he was very happy.

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