"He has an honorable status. It would be nice to be able to give you some advice. That's enough. Don't worry about it anymore. He's gone. The next time I want to see him, maybe when will be."

The pharmacist guild has branches on every continent, so Ye Qingxuan of the pharmacist guild naturally also has the pharmacist guild on the Zhenwu Continent. The problems behind are absolutely unsolvable.

After they left here, no one followed them anymore, and Lin Feng never got any news. He had been waiting in place for a long time. What happened? Could it be that those people were killed by Ye Qingxuan?

What a bunch of trash, it seems that he has to go out and see how the situation is.

Lin Feng put on that mask again, and he was still wearing that black robe at the moment. He tracked all the way here, only to find out where Ye Qingxuan and the others were, but he also heard that the young man was an intermediate alchemist. The boy revealed his (good Zhao) identity, so those people have already been beheaded.

Lin Feng clenched his fists tightly. He didn't expect to meet the pharmacist's union by such a coincidence. The pharmacist's union is naturally very diligent about pharmacists, and has nothing to do with him as a master craftsman.

Master craftsmen also have ranks, which can be seen from their badges, which also have their names engraved on them. Otherwise, how could anyone know that he is Lin Feng as soon as they see his badges? .

Chapter 938

In addition to the Alchemist Union, there is also the Artifact Master Union. After Lin Feng appeared here, he already knew that Ye Qingxuan and the others had left, so he disappeared here soon.

When he was hiding his identity, he would put away his badge, and he continued to chase Ye Qingxuan and the others in the direction they left. It knew Ye Qingxuan's current strength, and it was not easy for him to kill him.

Since he couldn't come here to kill them, he had to think of another way, if he secretly followed them and poisoned them.

That's what he thought in his heart, and now he has decided to do so. At this moment, Lin Feng kept a certain distance from Ye Qingxuan and the others according to their footprints.

The corner of his mouth raised slightly, finally 040 found their trace.

This guy used smoke, and when Ye Qingxuan and the others were unprepared, they all smoked down.

Ye Qingxuan and the others fell down in a daze, and even Ye Qingxuan was tricked, and he didn't expect Tangtang Lin Feng to use such indecent methods.

Lin Feng appeared beside them. At this moment, he was not in a hurry to kill Ye Qingxuan, but was looking for ancient jade on him.

He rummaged up and down, and finally found a jade pendant in Ye Qingxuan's arms, which was blood-red in color.

It is the ancient jade blood jade in the legend. Mo Batian told him that the magic sword is in the ancient jade, how can he take it out?

Use your own spiritual power to probe in. The spiritual power has just entered, and it was instantly captured by the mage. When it was opened, the ancient jade emitted a powerful light. The blood-red light floated in the air, and the next second swished Then he returned to Ye Qingxuan.

He was really depressed looking at this scene, what's going on? Could it be that this jade pendant still recognizes its owner?

Although Wanhuangzong is extremely weak, he can still control this piece of ancient jade. It is not so easy for Lin Feng to take him away.

Lin Fengjian couldn't take this piece of ancient jade away, so he summoned his own spiritual weapon, intending to stab Ye Qingxuan to death with a single sword.

The Xuankun sword in Ye Qingxuan's body flew out instantly, and the Xuankun sword stood in front of Ye Qingxuan.

"You are a (ccab) mere spiritual weapon, without the control of the host, and you still want to defeat me, so get out of the way."

The Qiankun sword stabbed towards Lin Feng directly, and at this moment there was a clanging sound, it was obvious that Lin Feng fought with the sword.

Xuan Kunjian was indeed no match for him, because he was not under the control of the host, and in the next second he was directly stuck on the ground, emitting a powerful light, obviously he was still in a hurry.

Ye Qingxuan's will gradually recovered, and when Lin Feng approached him little by little, the ancient jade also emitted light. It was obvious that this piece of jade was also very anxious, after all, the spiritual sense of Wanhuangzong was inside.

Ye Qingxuan woke up suddenly, he dodged the blow with a roll, and got up quickly, the Qiankun Sword appeared in his hand, and the counterattack was an explosive damage that cut Xinghe with one sword.

Powerful energy fluctuations swept towards Lin Feng, this guy knew how strong Ye Qingxuan's explosive action was, he retreated quickly, but still couldn't escape, and was injured by Ye Qingxuan again.

Ye Qingxuan felt that he had a splitting headache, he was still a little dazed, it seemed that the medicine hadn't worn off yet, Ye Wuxuan, Ye Fengxuan and others hadn't woken up yet, Ye Qingxuan took out a few pills from his own space Pills were stuffed in their mouths, and then a pill was stuffed in their own.

Chapter 939 Back to Chongwu Academy

Fortunately, Ye Qingxuan is a pharmacist, otherwise they would be finished.

Several other people also came to their senses with swords and arrows. They didn't expect the person in front of them to follow up again. Isn't this the masked person from before?

Ye Qingxuan wanted to reveal his face right now, so that others could see who he was. Lin Feng also saw Ye Qingxuan's motive, and he fled forward in an instant.

Ye Qingxuan didn't continue chasing him, he said to Ye Wuxuan and the others, "How is it? Are you alright?"

Ye Wuxuan said, "That guy is so despicable, using tricks like Mixiang."

Situ Haoran said, "He will do whatever he can to achieve his goal, but since he has succeeded, why didn't he kill us and give us a chance to escape."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Let's discuss this matter after we go back. The top priority is to leave here as soon as possible. It's really not suitable to stay here for a long time."

Several people left the place quickly, and Lin Feng was injured, but his injury was not serious. The only thing he can do now is to take off this robe and reveal his original appearance. It may be safer to do so.

Ye Qingxuan and the others didn't chase him at all, but left here. Lin Feng didn't expect that he almost exposed himself.

Ye Qingxuan and the others quickly returned to Xuanxin Continent, Ye Wuxuan said, "We are finally back, we can take flying mounts back to Chongwu Academy."

Ye Fengxuan said, "We have been out for so long, but we have not received any information, which means that the other disciples have not found the whereabouts of the magic sword."

The elder of the Bai family has been out for a long time. Those who don't love their family are waiting extremely anxiously. They have never found his whereabouts. How did they know that the elder had already been beheaded by Ye Qingxuan, and he would never come back. .

The head of the Bai family said, "The elder has been out for so long, why hasn't he come back? What's going on? It's absolutely possible to use the elder's strength to deal with that brat."

"Could it be that Ye Qingxuan stayed in Chongwu Academy and never came out, so the elders never had a chance to do anything?"

"I think there should be no chance to make a move. Otherwise, with the elder's strength, he would have killed that brat long ago."

Ye Qingxuan and the others returned to Chongwu Academy safely. At this time, some of the other disciples had already rushed back. They didn't know the whereabouts of the magic sword. No one found out the way of the magic sword. They haven't heard anything yet.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Wuchen said, "How is your situation in Zhenwu Continent?"

Ye Wuxuan hastily stepped forward and said, "That's really a narrow escape, the few of us almost won't be able to come back."

"What happened?"


"Of course someone chased us. First, the elders of the Bai family didn't say anything. Later, an unknown person appeared, but it can be seen that these people are all targeting Ye Qingxuan."

"The elder of the Bai family."

"Oh, it's the Bai family in Xuanwu Continent. They are jealous of Ye Qingxuan's talent."

Ye Qingxuan said, "This matter, our family will solve it on our own without the mentor worrying about it."

"Well, you're fine."

"We have already inquired this time. There is no news about the magic sword on the Zhenwu Continent, and we inquired through Baicao Garden, using my identity as a pharmacist."

Ye Qingxuan didn't say that he had the black card of Baicaoyuan, but that he took advantage of his identity as a pharmacist.

Chapter 940 The Joy of the Wanhuangzong

After the few of them reported the situation, they walked towards the place where they lived. Ye Wuxuan said, "You, I don't know what you were thinking at the time."

"What time is it, you still worry about the safety of the few of us, you can't even save your own life, and you still think about us."

Ye Qingxuan said, "After all, these two people are the ones they want to kill. I have nothing to do with you "043". I don't want to drag you down because of me."

Jiugu said, "Drag your head, we are not friends, we are in trouble together, you see that I am moved to tears when you say this, no matter what, we will not allow you to do such a thing in the future matter."

Situ Haoran said, "That's right, so what if that guy came after you, so what if we lost our lives? It's the same if we die sooner or later."


Ye Wuxuan said, "Bah, bah, bah! What is dead or not? We are still young, and being dead or not is two different things. Maybe in the end we will cultivate to that level of immortality."

A few people sat down, but they saw a little sadness in Ye Qingxuan's eyes, they didn't know why, aren't these people all right now? No one was injured, why did Ye Qingxuan still have such an expression?

The reason why Ye Qingxuan has such an expression is all because of his master Wanhuangzong.

Ye Fengxuan said, "Could it be that you feel lost because you didn't hear about the Demon Sword this time?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "It's nothing, I'm just a little tired, maybe I should take a rest."

Ye Wuxuan said with a smile, "That's right, this journey has been in a hurry, either being chased and killed by others, or in the process of fleeing. I am indeed a little tired. Then you should have a good rest. We won't bother you. We will leave tomorrow." goodbye."

Ye Qingxuan returned to his room. The reason why he had such an expression was not because he felt tired, or because of Gu Yu's affairs. As soon as he returned to his room and sat on the bed, he immediately entered the ancient world. Yuli.

Looking at all the familiar things here, he is indeed a little sad, because there is no change at all here, but the figure of his master is gone...

Wanhuangzong is very important to him. When he got this piece of ancient jade at the very beginning, he knew that Wanhuangzong was a person who wanted to use him, but during the process of getting along with him, he also I know, he really regards him as his apprentice."

Although she couldn't see his own master, Wanhuangzong could see him, all his thoughts and every move were in Wanhuangzong's eyes.

"This time I was really worth it. I didn't expect to accept a good apprentice."

After Lin Feng killed him, he vowed that if he could really be resurrected, he would never accept any apprentices again, but now it seems that he still made a 0.1 mistake in knowing people.

Ye Qingxuan and the others returned to Chongwu Academy safely, and that guy Lin Feng rushed back afterward, but after he entered this continent, he showed his original appearance, and his robe and mask disappeared without a trace up.

The next day, this guy also appeared at Chongwu College. For such a long time, no one heard about the magic sword's descent, which made Lin Feng look downcast.

Chapter 941 Cultivating the Second Level of Heavenly Burning Jue

Seeing his appearance, Wuchen said, "Why didn't you find out the whereabouts of the Demon Sword? Our Chongwu Academy has tried our best, and none of the disciples we sent out found any clues."

"It's nothing. I don't mean to blame at all. I just feel that I am a little sorry for the master. If he finds that there is no trace of the magic sword when he comes back, I don't know what he will think."

"What's the matter, we've tried our best."

Lin Feng said, "It seems that everything has its own destiny."

Welcome came over and said, "22 The other disciples have also come back one after another. It is true that they have not found the whereabouts of the magic sword. They have not even heard of it. It seems that this magic sword has disappeared for a long time."

Only Lin Feng himself knows best that the magic sword has always been in his hands. Before Wanhuangzong died, the magic sword was with them. It was just because the magic sword was sealed, so Wanhuangzong discarded the magic sword. In the corner, he was ignored at all.

Originally, he just wanted to use this magic sword to practice his refining technique, but he didn't expect to get the power of the magic sword by accident, that's why he did this.

Now he really can't wait to get the power of the magic sword. He can see how fast that guy Ye Qingxuan is growing. At the beginning, he only knew that he was a very talented disciple, but he didn't expect his talent to be so great.

But he couldn't bring it up. After all, no one knew that he had left here. If he said it, wouldn't it mean that he had left here and gone to other places?

Besides, Ye Qingxuanzi and the others all knew that someone was chasing and killing them, they just didn't know who that person was.

He was thinking about the field of vision, no one would deliberately ask whether Lin Feng had been there, so he didn't care at all.

After all, no one knows his connection with Demon Sword now.

Ye Qingxuan didn't find any trace of the master, he thought the master just disappeared, maybe he could come back through the absorption of spiritual power, but he didn't know if it was because he withdrew from the ancient jade, wanted to sleep but couldn't sleep over and over again.

The next day they went to practice in the cultivation tower normally. With Ye Qingxuan's cultivation, they could leave here now. The people who were with him knew about it, but Ye Qingxuan didn't mention it, and the few of them That is to say, what they saw didn't happen, because they didn't mention such a thing to anyone after they came back.

Entering the fourth floor of the training tower, he taught Bai to work hard, and began to practice. Entering the ancient jade, he was ready to practice the second floor of the burning formula.

It's just that he didn't notice that a large amount of spiritual power poured into the ancient jade in the cultivation tower, and the speed of this spiritual power pouring in was extremely fast.

Ye Qingxuan 043's eyes are closed tightly, he doesn't know anything now because he is practicing the Heavenly Level Burning Jue.

The second level of Tianji Burning Jue is divided into ten levels, and when practicing the second level, Ye Qingxuan can sense the burning power of flames, which will make him more painful. He couldn't bear the pain.

The sweat of the great emperor dripped from his forehead, and of course his real body also dripped sweat to the ground, and the ground in front of him was already soaked with his sweat.

Things that he didn't know were going on quietly, and this time he would not be able to get out of the second level of the Heavenly Level Burning Jue for a while.

Chapter 942 Lin Feng Sneaks into the Training Tower

About a day passed, and those people had already gone out and been active for a long time, but they didn't find any trace of Ye Qingxuan.

Situ Haoran said, "No way, will Ye Qingxuan not come out for several days again?"

"I think this possibility is still very high."

A few of them were talking while walking. At this time, Lin Feng, that guy, came to meet him. When Lin Feng appeared, they didn't find any special resemblance to the figure they met before.

Lin Feng said, "Why are you guys always together, isn't there another Ye Qingxuan?"

"Oh, you said Ye Qingxuan, it seems that you have a deep impression on him."

"Hahaha! I like him very much. Wasn't he brought to me by Wuchen? He is indeed a talented person, so I still have a deep impression of him. I see you guys often together. "

This guy seldom comes here at all, and he actually knew that they were often together, but Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan didn't think of this at all, they just thought it was normal, because in Chongwu Academy, everyone knew how many of them were together. often together.

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