He is now thinking of a way to get Wuchen's 22 sword back.

He strode away to practice it, and then walked towards the clean room. Wuchen is not here. This is a good time. He quietly closed the door and searched in the room. He found it in a corner. That magic weapon.

Ye Qingxuan hid the spirit weapon in his own space, turned around and walked away, before seeing Wuchen.

"Teacher, you are back, I still want to see if you are there?"

"Is there anything you want from me? It's nothing, I just feel very strange, why did that guy disappear all of a sudden? Is he also afraid of us?"

"The people of the demon race are always unpredictable. If he doesn't show up, we won't be able to find his trace, so we can only wait quietly."

Ye Qingxuan nodded and said, "I thought I could find the culprit so that these dead people could rest in peace, but I didn't expect that the demons are really unpredictable."

Wu Chen said, "How are you doing?"

"Very good, I have been going to the cultivation tower every day to practice, so I found that my spiritual power is also abundant, and there are signs of breakthrough."

"You brat is so talented, you never thought you'd break through again so soon, didn't you just break through as a Spiritualist?"

Ye Qingxuan scratched his own head with his hands, and said, "Well, this time, I broke through to the seventh step by accident."

After saying this, Wuchen was shocked instantly, "Say what you said again."

"I said that I have now broken through to the seventh level of spiritual master."

With shock and joy on Wuchen's face, he turned his head towards Ye Qingxuan, walked over and patted him on the shoulder and said, you brat is too shocking, how is this possible? At your current age, break through to the seventh level of spiritual master. "

"But I really did break through."

"I know, I'm just a little unbelievable, you brat is too surprising, you really brought me too many surprises, I suddenly feel unbelievable."

If the head of the Ye family knew, Ye Qingxuan's current ability would be even more shocking. To know the abilities of these two great families, they only reached the level of Xuanshen.


Moreover, the abilities of the four Patriarchs on the Xuanwu Continent are probably within this range. No one has broken through to the Xuanshen level. They are much older than Ye Qingxuan. At this age, although they can maintain their appearance, they have never broken through this It is the most important thing for them, because there is no way to break through.

Cultivation is a very simple matter for Ye Qingxuan, but it is even more difficult when it falls on others.

Your family is really looking for faults everywhere, they don't know where to invite a pharmacist and a tool smith, the pharmacist is an intermediate pharmacist, the pharmacist, and the tool smith are also an intermediate pharmacist.

Chapter 812 Nine Days Visit

The intermediate level is also divided into ten levels. The two of them have just stepped into the intermediate level, and that Lin Feng is already the pinnacle of the intermediate level, and will soon become a senior craftsman.

Even those who attack are very rare in the Xuanwu Continent, so we can see that the business of the Bai family, which is almost a monopoly, is getting better day by day, while other families are gradually weakening, especially those closest to them. This Ye family.

Ye Qingxuan's ability is surprising, but he is not clear about the family's affairs, and the Ye family's family did not tell this matter to the disciples studying in Chongwu Academy, because they know very well that telling them at this time will count as returning. It is also powerless, and there is another point, that is, it will delay their studies, so they have to wait until they have completed their studies and return.

The Patriarch of the Ye family said, "How much money did the Bai family spend to invite these two masters? With their abilities, we're afraid that our swords and arrows will all be shut down."

At this time, someone came to the door and a disciple came in and reported, "The head of the Patriarch Jiutian Sect, Jiutian, brought his family's disciples here."

The mount of the master of Jiutianmen stood on the ground. When they jumped off, his mount flew away in an instant. The master of the Ye family came out to greet him directly with a smile on his face, followed by Ye Qingxuan's father.

"What wind brought you here?"

"Hehe, long time no see to see you."

"It's really a long way to welcome a distinguished guest. Please, please come inside."

Jiu Tian took his disciples away, went in, they sat down, and Jiu Tian said straight to the point, "How about it, the two people invited by the Bai family recently are really unexpected."

"Could it be that your Jiutian family has also been affected?"

"It's not just my Jiutian family, I'm afraid that the entire Xuanwu Continent's family has been affected by it. Some big families can still support small families, and I'm afraid they will be desperate."

"That's true. Of course, they will win all the business in this form."

The Patriarch of the Ye family mentioned this matter straight to the point when he heard the head of the Jiutianmen, which showed that he was not shy about it, but what was his purpose for coming here?

The master of Jiutianmen said, "Jiugu, a disciple of the family, is also in Chongwu College, so he has reported to me the situation there. We are also very clear about the Bai family. They have always had such ambitions. Not only does he want to annex the Ye family, he probably wants to unify the entire Xuanwu Continent."

The Patriarch of the Ye family didn't expect Jiu Tian to be so straightforward and didn't guard against him at all. Did he have other premeditated plans when he came up this time? Or just to discuss this matter.

He glanced at Ye Zhuo next to him, Ye Zhuo also had a lot of meaning, because he didn't know the reason for the visit of the master of Jiutianmen, in fact, his purpose of coming here was to tell Ye family that their Jiutianmen and Ye family were standing ( Qian Li Zhao), and he also knew about the unexpected visit, after all, they hadn't practiced before, which made people suspect that it was normal.

Jiutian said with a smile, "¨¨I know you still have concerns."

"But don't worry, we have no other intentions. We just want to tell you that our Jiutian family and your Ye family are definitely on the same front. After all, if the Bai family swallows the Ye family, it will be very unfavorable to us Jiutian. ".

Chapter 813 Nine Heavens Sect's Support

Since Jiutian and the others are not shy about it, then the Ye family has nothing to shy away from. He said that they are not planning to sell it yet, they are just suppressing it, but if they continue to suppress it like this, it will be very serious for the family to sit back and eat. question.

"I'm already very clear about this matter. Although our side can barely hold on, it won't last long. I don't know where they found these two. You must know that this craftsman and pharmacist are extremely rare. Yes, and always proud, how much spar did it cost to invite the two of them?"

The two things they refined were actually not high-level refining, if the level of refining elixir was only at level seven, and the ability of that refining tool was about 827 like his.

If a weapon refiner can change a weapon's attributes and at the same time train it to an excellent state, then he is a good weapon refiner. Although his ability is not so strong, after its change, The spirit weapon is naturally more powerful than before. Although they spent a lot of money, they have made a lot of money during this period of time.

It can be seen that the refiner and pharmacist are walking sideways in their Bai family. No one dares to say anything about them. These two people are lying there like junglers. Everything is served, as long as they (ccfg) All the treatment is up to them.

Alchemists of their level are rare, but their abilities are really not that good. Although intermediate alchemists are divided into levels, they are also divided into levels within the same level. The purity of the medicine also determines the quality of a pharmacist.

On this side, they can only do their best to maintain it, and of course there is the support of the Jiutianmen. Although the Jiutianmen is not very easy, they still support the Ye family.

All of this is nothing but the existence of Ye Qingxuan, a peerless genius in the Ye family. Ye Qingxuan's current ability has reached the seventh level of a spirit warrior, but they don't know it. They just know that Ye Qingxuan just broke through as a spirit warrior. , and the Ye family didn't even know the news, after all, no one summoned them back.

The matter of the magic sword came to an end, the warrior's magic sword was sealed in the blood jade, and that guy Lin Feng didn't do his best anymore, he also stopped for a long time, but during this time he was always looking for the magic sword whereabouts.

Ye Qingxuan and the others passed another year like this, and Ye Qingxuan has now broken through to become a spirit warrior and was promoted to a great fighter. Of course, others do not know about his promotion.

This morning, when all the disciples gathered on the square, Wuchen walked in front of them and said to them, "I want to tell you a piece of news, that is the time when Zhenwu Academy will compete with us, and they are already rushing this way!" coming."

"Everyone be mentally prepared, because the disciples of Zhenwu Academy are no less capable than you, and they haven't seen each other for so long, maybe they have improved a lot. The disciples recruited this time are about the same time as yours. Little, don't be ashamed."

Ye Wuxuan said to Ye Qingxuan from the side, "True Martial Academy, this is the first time I've heard of it, but since we came here until now, no academies have appeared here, this time I can finally see the abilities of other academies' disciples.".

Chapter 814 The Arrival of Zhenwu Academy

All the disciples are talking about it, their duel is also graded first-level disciples, Yu Yisuke's duel, of course, is also relying on his own strength to move forward.

A few days after this matter was finished, the disciples of the Zhenwu Academy really came here. They came from the Zhenwu Continent, and the Zhenwu Continent has its own academy, the Zhenwu Academy.

It has been a while since they came to Chongwu Academy, and now everyone's cultivation base has improved a lot, and even Jiugu's ability is about to break through, and the spiritual masters are basically about to reach the level of their current disciples. Before and after this ability, there is not much difference.

Lei Yun brought his disciples to Chongwu College, and Wu Chen stepped forward and said, "Long time no see."

"Last time, you guys went, we are here, this time we are here with you."

Discussions between the colleges are often held, but only once every few years, and their disciples are also particularly neatly dressed.

Jiugu stood beside Ye Qingxuan, pointing to that side, "This is the disciple of Zhenwu Continent."

"At first glance, it looks like neat attire, plus there are two mentors leading the front, and look at the dean and elders of our college, don't they all come out~ come out to greet them."

Ye Fengxuan stepped forward from behind and said, "Looking at their cultivation base, they should be pretty good too."

Ye Qingxuan said, "If you don't go to the ring, who knows how powerful they are, and then you can give full play to it."

Disciples with a little talent in the world, their promotion speeds are comparable, even if the difference is not much difference, and there are still very few talented students like Ye Qingxuan, the disciples of Zhenwu Academy and Chongwu Academy , Their strength is actually comparable, but there are a few who are more prominent and have better abilities.

And Ye Qingxuan and the others among these new disciples are Ye Qingxuanlan, followed by Bai Liang from the Bai family. The abilities of the disciples of the Ye family here are also quite outstanding, it just depends on who they compare with.

If compared with these ordinary disciples here, he is definitely the one who stands out, but if compared with Ye Qingxuan, he is relatively weak, because Ye Qingxuan's current strength has already surpassed him, and he is still stronger than him now. Ye Qingxuan and the others were one class higher, mainly because he was the first to enter Chongwu Academy at his age.


Now that the disciples from Zhenwu Academy have arrived, it means that their sparring will begin immediately. Sure enough, they only rested here for a day, and the ring was set up the next day. The instructors from both academies are here .


Of course, the first to enter the arena were the disciples who had just entered the school. From the performance of the disciples of Zhenwu Academy, Ye Qingxuan could see that the disciples of Zhenwu Academy were also quite good. minus.

At the beginning of the duel, it was still in a flat state, but gradually it became obvious that the disciples from Zhenwu Academy had won several matches in a row.

Knowing that Ye Wuxuan from the Ye family played in the end, Ye Wuxuan's ability was quite outstanding, he defeated the opponent directly, and won several games in a row. Of course, Ye Wuxuan was defeated.

Bai Liang from the Bai family is also on the field at this moment. Bai Liang's cultivation base is not bad, and he directly helped to tie the score.

Jingyun from Zhenwu Academy came up to the door from below.

Chapter 815 Ye Qingxuan's Strength

His ability is still very strong. It can be seen that Bai Liang is not his opponent at all. Ye Fengxuan said to Ye Qingxuan, "The disparity in strength is too great. I have no chance to make a move. My move is too big." Disgraceful."

Jiugu also had no chance to make a move. His ability to guard himself was not as good as that of Bai Liang.

There were no more disciples coming forward, Ye Qingxuan stood up now and jumped onto the ring directly, the startled cloud and cold face looked at the person in front of Ye Qingxuan, making him unable to see through, what is the cultivation base of this person.

As soon as Ye Qingxuan appeared on the stage, his Qiankun sword appeared in his hand in an instant, and the Qiankun swordsmanship was also displayed vividly. The opponent was still in a daze, but Ye Qingxuan had already made a move, but its reaction ability was also quite fast. Blocked Ye Qingxuan's attack.

Ye Qingxuan's attack was easy, which is enough to see that the person in front of him is not Ye Qingxuan's opponent at all, Ye Wuxuan said to Ye Fengxuan next to him, "Ye Qingxuan has absolutely no problem making a move, look at their aura just now, and see how aloof they are now. "

"That's because he belongs to our Ye family."

Jiu Gu said, "Hey, he is from our Flight Attendant Academy, don't put Ye Jia here, he will now belong to Chongwu Academy."

"Hey, you're really envious and jealous, don't touch anything, you feel uncomfortable all over."

"I'm called Bianbian. We are originally from the same academy."

Bai Liang, who was defeated on the other side, looked at everything on the ring. He didn't expect that Ye Qingxuan's duel with this guy would be easy. He also didn't see what Ye Qingxuan's cultivation was.

Standing on a high place, Lei Yun said to Wu Chen next to him, "This is your newly recruited disciple this time."

Wu Chen smiled and said, "That's right."

"The ability is not low, and he has broken through as a spirit man."

Wuchen added another sentence, "It's the seventh level of spiritual master."

As soon as these words came out, Lei Yun and Zihua who were standing next to them were shocked, "Are you kidding us, you have broken through to the seventh level of spirits, how is this possible?"

"Do you think I'm joking?"

In fact, Ye Qingxuan has already broken through the big fighter, but he just didn't show his strength. Even if he is the seventh-level spirit warrior, none of the disciples on the opposite side are his opponents...

Sure enough, Jingyun on the ring was knocked down, followed by Leng Qing from Zhenwu Academy, Leng Qing also couldn't see through Ye Qingxuan's cultivation, but he also shot directly, looking at his swordsmanship is also very fierce Yes, and Ye Qingxuan used his own Divine Sword Art.

It's just a full-level skill, and he directly drove his opponent back tens of meters with a single strike. Fortunately, he didn't exert his full power, otherwise the opponent would be seriously injured.

After being forced back 5.6 dozens of steps, he knew that he had lost, so he walked on, but there was one thing he couldn't imagine that this person's skills seemed to have reached the full level. Cultivate such skills to a full-level state.

After thinking about it, not to mention the person in front of me, even if it is a mentor, their skills have not reached such a state of full level.

Chapter 816 Defeat the opponent with one move

This Leiyun also did not expect to use only one move, a sword to cut Xinghe, at this time, the Divine Sword Art, but seeing that his skills have reached the full level, this is really shocking, you know, even if he comes Practicing Divine Sword Art has not reached such a high state.

Lei Yun said, "Where did this disciple come from? Such a talent?"

Wu Chen said with a smile, "He comes from the Ye family in the Xuanwu Continent."

"The Ye family in the Xuanwu Continent, this Ye family is really shocking. The waste came from them, and the genius 22 also came from them."

Wu Chen chuckled and said, "He is that trash."

Leiyun looked at Wuchen with a surprised look and said, "How is this possible?"

"It's impossible. He only started enlightenment when he was eighteen years old, and this enlightenment directly broke through the sixth-order five-form."

"He has met our recruitment criteria, so for us, he is still a talent."

Wuchen didn't tell him the color of his talent. If he told him, he would be even more shocked. He broke through 6954 at the age of 18. In just a few years, he has already reached the seventh rank of a spiritual master. What a genius among geniuses.

Everyone knew that the disciples with a little bit of ability were taken away by these academies, and the disciples they took away were all geniuses, otherwise he wouldn't have said that Ye Qingxuan was a genius among geniuses.

And the last capable disciple of Zhenwu Academy came up, he was Wuming from Zhenwu Academy, Wu Ming had been watching from below just now, he didn't see how much Ye Qingxuan's cultivation level was, he only knew that he was above the Spiritualist.

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