Wuchen smiled and said, "Maybe it's because I was too hesitant. I always feel that this is a spirit weapon that can only be contracted once. Of course, I have to choose carefully, so I have never contracted my own spirit." 810 "Items, but these spiritual weapons in the hands are quite handy without a contract, but the ability is not as high as after the contract."

"Then do you have any thoughts on this spiritual weapon that Lin Feng changed attributes for you this time?"

"To be honest, after Lin Feng's transformation, the ability of this spirit weapon has improved a lot, but I still don't have any interest in him. It seems that there is no fate. I must wait until that one is destined for me. The spirit weapon appeared."

In fact, Ye Qingxuan and the others didn't know that this spirit weapon was infused with magic energy. If they had known, they would have destroyed the spirit weapon long ago.

Spiritual weapons are inherently spiritual, and if they are injected with magical energy, their spirituality will instantly become that of magical energy, which undoubtedly makes their energy even more ferocious for a weapon.

They returned to Chongwu Academy very quickly, and that incident never happened again, because they can't find the culprit of this incident now, as long as that person doesn't take action, they will never find out who it is Any clues.

Lin Feng was the most proud of it, because he succeeded, injecting the black magic energy of the inner membrane into the sword, once Wuchen made a contract with the sword, then it can completely control Wuchen, it's just a matter of time.

When Jiugu and the others saw Ye Qingxuan, they stepped forward and said, "How about the master's residence?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "It's nothing much, it's far behind our Pet Academy, but to him, maybe his family is nothing, what he values ​​most is his refining technique Bar."

"Look at the pharmacists and their courtyards are basically filled with all kinds of medicinal materials. When I thought about refining weapons, wouldn't this courtyard be full of all kinds of weapons?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Your imagination is quite rich. Why does the weapon refiner have his yard full of weapons? Although he forges weapons, it is impossible for him to forge weapons for himself every day. So I think the one you are talking about is not in his courtyard at all, it is no different from an ordinary courtyard..."

Ye Wuxuan also came over and said, "Our mentor is really eccentric enough. He only brought you along. Why not bring us along to see what is going on in Lin Feng's courtyard?"

"I think you guys are thinking too much. As for the instructor, I just said it casually. I think this is a good opportunity to see, so I rushed forward. Otherwise, do you think the instructor will take me there? He But it’s only 5.6 for refining, so what are you doing with me?”

The purpose of Ye Qingxuan's going was not just out of curiosity, he went to find this magic sword, and this time he also brought this magic sword back, and now he has no chance to see what happened to this magic sword question.

The magic sword was instantly sucked into the ancient jade, and Ye Qingxuan and his disciples are now in the cultivation tower.

Chapter 806 The Sleeping Ten Thousand Emperors

It is relatively quiet here, no one will talk to him, everyone is sitting there concentrating on cultivation, Ye Qingxuan took this opportunity to come to the ancient jade.

As soon as he walked in, he saw the magic sword hovering there, and Wan Huangzong said, "The magic sword's demon sword has not been unsealed, but it is a pity that Lin Feng used his own refining technique to practice I got this sword, and the ability to integrate a poisonous demon core into the sword has changed."

"Although Mo Brahma's seal cannot be undone, but he has summoned Mo Batian's 22-year-old Mo Batian's Demon Bell War Spirit, which is obviously already contracted by that guy Lin Feng."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "Since there are demon spirits here, why is there no response from this magic sword?"

"I think the demon spirit in this magic sword should be doing this deliberately."

Ye Qingxuan sat down and grabbed the magic sword with one hand. What Wan Huangzong didn't expect was that Ye Qingxuan could grab the magic sword with one hand, and a magic sword with a demon spirit didn't have any dodge. This seemed to surprise him.

Ye Qingxuan held the sword and looked at it, but he didn't feel anything strange, nor did he feel anything in the sword, this sword is very special.

The entire hilt of his sword is black, and even the body is black. This piece of refined black iron is really special, and the smell on the blade is also shocking. This sword is not ordinary. The shape of the sword, it has a very strange shape.

At this moment, the black elf rushed out instantly. Fortunately, Wanhuangzong reacted quickly enough, and he directly used his own ability to seal the sword's demon spirit.

However, it also consumed a lot of his own spiritual power. Ye Qingxuan, looking at the spiritual consciousness in front of him, instantly weakened a lot, almost becoming transparent.

Wan Huangzong said to Ye Qingxuan, "Fortunately, I shot in time, otherwise this guy obviously wanted to use your body."

"Master, what's wrong with you? Why do you look so weak and your whole body has become transparent?"

"Silly boy, it's not all because of you. I just sold too much energy, so I'm very weak now, and I'm afraid I'll have to sleep for a long time. During this time, you just need to follow the method I taught you to carry out your refining technique and The practice of alchemy is enough."

"Then won't you wake up?"

"You brat, do you still want to curse your master, I can't do it? Don't worry, I won't die. I only need to recover for a while before I can return to my previous state. Of course, your cultivation in this cultivation tower will help I recovered because the spiritual power here is abundant."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Okay, I see."

Mobatian's demon spirit, did not expect that Ye Qingxuan has such power, and there is such a master among his ancient jade, he knows very well that this ancient jade belongs to this master, he can tell that he is A dual-cultivation status means not only a high level of weapon refining skills, but also a high level of refining skills.

Among these ancient jades, he is the biggest one who can be sealed by him, which is normal, but being sealed just means that he can't do whatever he wants, but it doesn't mean that he can't disturb Ye Qingxuan's mind.

On Lin Feng's side, he had already done everything. When he went to see his magic sword, he was shocked. The magic sword was gone. How could this be possible? When exactly was it taken away by someone? .

Chapter 807

Lin Feng was a little crazy. He thought about it and couldn't figure out who took it. He thought that if it was Wuchen, he would have been surrounded by now. The spirit man would never allow him to take him away, so how did this magic sword disappear, he really couldn't figure it out.

Although the magic sword disappeared, he found that he seemed to be out of control, and he didn't have to consume the spiritual power of those people. Another thing, he found that his cultivation base was still at a very high stage.

How can he be unhappy if he doesn't need to be controlled and has such a high ability? This is a great thing for him, but the more sad thing is that it is gone. It is impossible for him to become the supreme in the whole world with that magic sword.

So Lin Feng still has to find the way out of this magic sword, who took him away, no matter how he thinks about it, he will never think of Ye Qingxuan, let alone Wuchen, because Wuchen was originally from the Pet Academy If one of my mentors really found the magic sword, I am afraid that Lin Feng would not be much better.

Ye Qingxuan knew that it was precisely because of this magic sword that Wan Huangzhong fell into a deep sleep, and he also returned to his own consciousness.

Withdrawing it for a moment, he began to inhale and absorb the spirit weapon here, not for the purpose of making the master in the ancient jade recover faster.

Ye Qingxuan felt that he still wanted to take a look at this magic sword. Although the demon spirit was sealed, he thought that this magic sword was still in great danger. If he looked at this sword again, he would be cautious.

Chen Feng found that absorbing spirit weapons here is indeed very useful for his master, but it is a pity that there is a certain time every day, and all of them will walk out of this cultivation tower after the time.

Ye Qingxuan was no exception. He walked out of the tower and returned to his room. He was lying on the bed thinking about when the master would wake up, and what was going on with this magic sword. No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure it out, so he entered the ancient jade again.

He picked up the magic sword and stared at him intently. Of course, he stared at the sword not because he liked him, but because he was looking for the mystery of the sword. What he never expected was that a voice came to him. in his ears.

"It's really rare for young people to be as talented as you are. You are one of the best treasures in the world. How about it? Would you like to consider becoming my disciple? I will pass on everything I have learned all my life to you. When the time comes Speaking of which, even if it is the whole world, no one will be your opponent〃."

This Mobatian also saw Ye Qingxuan, he was the third cultivator, otherwise he wouldn't have said that, a genius like Ye Qingxuan is indeed rare.

No one appeared in front of Ye Qingxuan, but someone said a lot to him (Qian Dehao). Ye Qingxuan looked around and found that it was not his master. He looked at the magic sword in front of him again. Could it be The demon spirit in the magic sword?

The magic sword spoke again, "¨¨Don't look at it, it's useless for me to look at this magic sword again."

"It turned out to be your magic sword. No wonder you came with me so easily. It seems that you have your own plan. What is your purpose for following me?".

Chapter 808 Thoughts Seen Through

The confession went on to say, "Those people who have been drained of their spiritual energy are not the ones who did it."

"You little guy has enough problems. If I didn't like your status as a third cultivator, do you think you can take me away casually?"

Ye Qingxuan held the sword and said, "You have been sealed now, and you will definitely not be able to display your power in this ancient jade. Let's see what else you can do?"

"Even if I am sealed, I can really do what I want. Don't think that Lin Feng can get rid of me just like that. It is absolutely impossible. If I hadn't fallen in love with you, you would definitely not be able to do it easily took me away."

Ye Qingxuan really didn't bother to pay attention to him, he didn't want to listen, he was talking nonsense here, he returned to his body in the next second, then closed his eyes and prepared to rest, but when he was sleeping, he came to A different place, where is this place? He has never seen this place before, isn't he in Chongwu Academy?

It was dark everywhere here, and there was a lot of magma, and it was these magma that illuminated the place. He suddenly saw a person in front of him surrounded by four magical artifacts. Could this be the sealed Mobatian?

Ye Qingxuan walked forward, he looked at this person carefully, it seemed that he was indeed sealed here, could it be that he was in the magic sword? How could it be possible that he was sleeping on the bed, how could he come here, it must be a dream.

The person who was sealed in the next second actually made a voice, "I brought you in, brat, all of this is true, I am sealed here now and cannot move, but I still feel very grateful to you." If you are interested, as long as you are willing to worship me as a teacher, I will definitely pass on all I have learned in my life to you."

"Who cares that what you have learned all your life is nothing more than the exercises of the demons. You can cultivate your own abilities by absorbing other people's spiritual power and destroying their cultivation. I would rather let this kind of exercises disappear forever."

"Hahaha, that's just a way for me to improve my ability. In fact, all my exercises are not like this."

"I don't care what kind of practice you are, I am not interested in your practice (ccfg) at all, you should keep it, maybe one day you will walk out of here, maybe you will be trapped here forever, this world is unpredictable , no one knows what will happen afterwards, but there is one thing I want to tell you, if you really break the seal, then the one who will destroy you will be me."

"Boy, you are really arrogant, but I like it very much."

Ye Qingxuan left this place in an instant and continued to sleep. When he woke up the next morning, he really thought it was a dream, but in fact it wasn't a dream, it was really the work of that Mobatian.

Mo Batian had a strong interest in Ye Qingxuan and wanted to accept him as his apprentice, but he was not in a hurry at all, because he knew that the most important thing was to convince this kid to worship him as his teacher.

Ye Qingxuan woke up the next day, recalling what happened yesterday, he thought it should be true, but he doesn't need to pay attention to it now, after all, the magic sword has been sealed, and the magic spirit has also been sealed by his master Seal, now he needs to practice in the tower, so that his master Wanhuangzong can quickly restore his ability.

Chapter 809: The Seal of the Four Great Artifacts

Brahma said, "Why haven't I seen Ye Qingxuan for a long time, what is he busy with?"

Ye Wuxuan walked forward with a grin, "What can he be busy with? Of course he is busy with cultivation. Apart from the time in the cultivation tower, he also has to practice his own martial arts hard every day, as well as his exercises, so the natural time is Running out."

Brahma thought for a while and said, "He is still letting people live. He is so talented and so hardworking. What should we do? Don't we have to dig a hole to get in?"

Ye Fengxuan said, "No way, I don't know why he is so anxious to improve his abilities.-"

Feiyue walked in at this time and said, "What you are talking about is nonsense, can you achieve higher achievements if you don't work hard? Of course, it is necessary to constantly work hard to cultivate, which will be of great help to your achievements. You guys Everyone is lazy all day long, if they want to catch up with Ye Qingxuan, I don't think the sky will fall - they won't be able to wait."

Ye Wuxuan smiled and said, "So, we are very self-aware, and we can do it, anyway, if the sky falls, there will be tall people holding it up.

During this period of time, Ye Qingxuan has never stopped practicing, not only practicing other forging techniques every day, but also refining medicine.

Arranging his own time well, even Ye Wuxuan, Ye Fengxuan and Jiugu rarely saw Ye Qingxuan.

The main reason is that he doesn't need to intervene in the affairs of the alchemy shops outside. Brahma and the others can handle it completely, and Ye Qingxuan spends his spare time practicing.

Ye Qingxuan knew very well that if he wanted to deal with that guy Lin Feng, he had to constantly improve his own strength, his master was impossible now, and now other people didn't know that Lin Feng was a guy with a human face and a beast heart.

Of course, under the guidance of Ye Qingxuan, their training time has also been extended a lot. Everyone in the training tower has become serious. Such a genius is still working so hard. Why don't they work hard? So Ye Qingxuan set off the ability to drive cultivation, which made Wuchen and Huaying very gratified.

In a short period of time, Ye Qingxuan broke through from the fifth-level spirit man to the seventh-level spirit man, and the breakthrough speed was quite fast.

And all the spiritual power he absorbed here was absorbed by his master Wan Huangzhong. Wan Huangzhong gradually recovered his original appearance. He looked at the magic sword hovering here and said, I know you I think you should stop trying to get his idea, you will never succeed.


The magic sword is still hovering there without making any sound. He simply ignored Wanhuangzong. He is only interested in Ye Qingxuan Yiren now, so only Ye Qingxuan can hear his voice. He is the demon of the demon clan. My lord, the arrogant Mo Batian, how could he just talk to others casually?


Mobatian has always been proud. When he was not sealed before, with his extraordinary ability, you said that he was about to rule the whole world. If it were not for the appearance of these four magic weapons, he would not have been sealed.

He knew very well that the Wan in front of him was the magic weapon refiner. If he hadn't refined these four magic weapons, he might not have been sealed.

For one thing, he still admires the person in front of him, because his refining technique is indeed very powerful, and the four magic tools he has refined can completely seal it, otherwise this Wan Huangzhong would not be so big. door of fame.

Chapter 810 Weak Meridians

Of course, apart from these four magic weapons, there were still four top masters working together to seal him, otherwise it really wouldn't be possible for one person to do it.

Wan Huangzong knew that if these four magical artifacts were not broken, it would be impossible for him to lift the seal. The reason why he chose this state of demon spirit was that he wanted to use human ability to contract his magic crystal with human beings. Afterwards, it was used to continuously improve one's own abilities, and "August 20" broke through this seal.

As for the Magical Artifact that Wuchen brought back, he never had a contract, and just left it aside. Once the Magical Artifact was contracted, it would be controlled. Fortunately, he has no such plan yet.

Ye Qingxuan also knew about this matter, so he would find a way to destroy that spiritual weapon. As a craftsman, he wanted to destroy a spiritual weapon, which was naturally very easy.

This magic sword warrior can be trapped in this blood jade, even if he has the ability to reach the sky, he can't break through, so he can only hover here, but fortunately he is already on the person named Lin Feng The magic energy was left behind, so he didn't have to worry at all, that guy would naturally come to look for him at that time.

Lin Feng knew that his spirit weapon was lost, but he didn't know who took it away. No matter how much he thought, he never thought that it was Ye Qingxuan who took it away. After all, with Ye Qingxuan's strength, it is impossible to take this spirit weapon away.

But he also knew that Ye Qingxuan was a relatively talented person in Chongwu Academy, but even so, his cultivation level was not too high for a spirit warrior, so if he wanted to take this magic sword away, it was simply impossible things.

Ye Qingxuan's current cultivation base is already seven knots of spirit warriors. It will not be long before he can break through and fight. The magic core in his hand has not been devoured yet, and he has kept it all the time.

If it was true, Ye Qingxuan would have already broken through to become a great fighter, he just didn't want to be promoted so quickly.

Only the Wanhuangzong knows everything, but who would believe Ye Qingxuan, after all, Wanhuangzhong can't appear outside, Ye Qingxuan is practicing his medicine refining technique, and at the moment he is breaking through, he is already an intermediate level He is a pharmacist, but he didn't show it outside.

Wan Huangzong said to Ye Qingxuan, "Your talent is indeed good, but it's a pity that the meridians are still a little weak, but I have a way to lengthen your meridians, that is, I need that special herb. I didn't want to get this kind of herbal medicine, I had to go to the depths of the lava to get it...."

Ye Qingxuan looked at his master and said, "Hey, old man, am I your disciple? You actually let me go to the depths of my face, then I won't be refined."

"Who do you call an old man? I'm not an old man. I'm an extraordinary handsome guy."

This vocabulary was taught to him by Ye Qingxuan, otherwise he wouldn't know what a handsome guy is or isn't, "Yes, yes, handsome guy, if you want me to go to that place, will I still be alive?"

"What are you afraid of? Isn't there still me in 5.6? As long as you find a way to break through the big fighter as soon as possible, you can go directly to get the herb. At that time, I will have my own way to let you go in and come out easily."

Wanhuangzong knew very well that the reason why he said this was not because if Ye Qingxuan's strength was not as strong as that of a great fighter, it would be impossible for him to refine this kind of elixir, because the spiritual power is not enough.

Chapter 811 Unbelievable

Ye Qingxuan said, "Okay, I understand, I will try my best to break through."

"Don't force yourself, just make a steady breakthrough."

The magic sword on the side was still spinning non-stop, Ye Qingxuan walked towards the magic sword and said, "You, just stay here, it's impossible to get out."

The magic sword only flickered a few times, and then there was no more sound. Ye Qingxuan walked out of the blood jade and came back to his senses. He was still in the cultivation tower, and the eyes of the other disciples had not been opened yet, and his cultivation It has ended.

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