Eagle Eye Country, top secret conference room.

"Launch! Launch now!"

"The Twelve Divine Kings can only hold on for such a short time!"

"Such a person must die!"

"Success happens, and it only takes three minutes to hit the target!"

"This time, we launched three Messenger of Peace!"

"Coverage Strike! Range Strike!"

"Three minutes, no matter how far he runs, he can't escape the envelope of the three peace envoys!"

"This time, we won!"

"Although the loss was heavy, at least we won!"

"God bless Goshawk!"

At this moment, the high-level executives of the Hawkeye country breathed a sigh of relief.

Before they want to come.

No one can stand against the Messenger of Peace.

What's more, they used three of them in one go!


on the battlefield.

"No! It shouldn't be like this!"

"Why Messenger of Peace?"

"Didn't they say that if they use peace envoys, they will definitely notify us?"

"Damn it! Damn it!"

"This is not one round of Peace Messenger, but three rounds!"

"Dead, we are already dead!"

"Haha! I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled!"

These peerless powerhouses.

After hearing the dull voice, he looked up to the sky.

As a result, what they saw was despair!

above the sky.

The three peace envoys are attacking rapidly.

Although for them, three minutes can go a long way.

But compared with the power of the Peace Messenger after it exploded.

It's hardly worth mentioning.


Despair enveloped everyone's heart.

Even Yang Xuan stopped at this moment.

His heart also trembled a few times at this moment.

An unprecedented fear filled his body and mind.

That is the horror of death.

However, at the same time.

His spirit is also rapidly concentrating, rapidly condensing, and rapidly improving.

His eyes even exuded a golden brilliance.

His pupils were already stained with a layer of golden light.

There is great fear between life and death!

But there are also big opportunities.

"Sure enough, they still used this!"

"But I won't sit still!"

"Because I don't have a chance!"

"Taking this opportunity, I want to integrate Buddhism and Taoism and enter the legendary realm."

"Mind consciousness name, the eighth consciousness among the eight consciousnesses!"

"Alaya as the Buddhists say!"

"Spiritual thoughts as spoken by Taoism!"

Yang Xuan was not chasing after the remaining eight **** kings, and sat cross-legged on the ground.

With one hand, he pinched the Buddha's seal, and with the other hand, he pinched the Dao Jue.

The memory of the third life, countless Buddhist and Taoist concepts.

Rapid integration at this moment.

Yang Xuan's thoughts.

It seems to have reached a certain unprecedented level.

At the beginning of the beginning, the chaos is the same.

three minutes.

The remaining eight **** kings are already sitting on the ground sadly.

Waiting for death to come.

The other Hawkeye soldiers who were not killed by Yang Xuan fled to the surroundings, crying for their father and mother.

Some of them wanted to call their families.

Finally found out helplessly.

The signal here is blocked and blocked.

One by one, they can only wait to die.

Especially when they saw Yang Xuan sitting cross-legged on the ground, waiting for the arrival of the peace envoy.

I felt even more desperate.

That is like a devil, like a god.

Like the gods walking in the world, they all chose to wait for death in place.

What can they do!


In the end, in the despair of everyone.

Three mushroom clouds rise slowly.

Chapter 43 Immortal Mind! (4 more)

After three rounds of peace envoys arrived.

The earth trembled!

The terrifying mushroom cloud is even more clearly visible.

Three huge mushroom clouds lasted for more than two hours.

Only gradually dissipated.

But after the mushroom cloud dissipated.

There is still nothing to see in this place.

And the dispatch of the peace envoys cannot be hidden from the federation countries.

for a while.

All the media in the federal countries reported on this matter.

With the help of caring people.

The reason for the launch of the Messenger of Peace has also been known to the world.

An existence beyond mortals.

It made Hawkeye feel tremendous pressure.

to this end.

They did not hesitate to dispatch three peace envoys to ruin the boy.

at first.

Everyone thought it was fake news.

But the video about the exiled immortal Yang Xuan was sent out again.

Everyone will understand.

It turned out that someone had become a fairy.

Ling Kongxudu didn't say anything.

Neither bullets nor shells could pose any threat to him.

at last.

Eagle Eye Country, in order to prevent the immortals from appearing.

Peacemaker is used.

Moreover, it was three rounds at once.

Ever since, many netizens began to condemn the Eagle Eye Country.

But that's all they can do.

No one thinks.

A person can survive from the hands of the Messenger of Peace.

Everyone thinks.

The banished immortal has already passed away.

Mount Tai, Shaolin Temple.

A little novice was crying while reciting the Sutra of the Past Life.

"My Buddha is merciful, my lord!"

"One day, little monk, I will definitely seek justice for you!"

"Buddhas also have anger! When anger strikes the heart, the Buddha will burn forever!"

This little novice who was taught by Yang Xuan.

Actually comprehended a new Tathagata palm move.

Wudang Mountain.

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