"Then let's get started!"


on the battlefield.

After the Cobra team is killed.

Another twelve appeared in front of Yang Xuan.

These twelve people held all kinds of weapons.

He was also wearing armor that was not ordinary at first glance.

Personal armor.

It is still a super advanced armor worth tens of billions.

Cooperate with the strength of Gang Jin level.

These twelve people are placed above the world.

If you join forces, you will be invincible.

But they are invincible.

It was before.

After Yang Xuan appeared, the title of invincibility fell on him.

"A combination of technology and martial arts?"

"It finally looks a little bit better."

Yang Xuan continued to walk in the void.

But every step he takes.

There will be a slight change in the biochemical gas in his hand.

When he took twelve steps.

The biochemical poisonous gas has already turned into twelve long swords emitting green light around him.

"Tai Chi Sword Art Beginning of Chaos!"

A shot is a trick.

Moreover, it is no longer an ordinary fog sword.

It is a poisonous arrow made of poisonous gas.

in this situation.

All the twelve **** kings of the Hawkeye Kingdom were very depressed.


Those super biochemical toxins were used to deal with Yang Xuan.

As a result, he lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot.

And because of time constraints, none of them had time to get the serum.

So once poisoned, even if you can suppress it yourself.

Strength will be severely affected.

The twelve long swords transformed from poisonous gas correspond to the twelve **** kings.

And, every sword.

They all released powerful moves, the beginning of chaos!

Although the dispersion of power.

Let this attack of the soul manifesting level be directly transformed into an attack of the level of breaking the void and being invincible.

But even so!

It is still difficult for these strong-level fighters to take over.

boom! boom! boom!

Twelve **** kings.

The twelve strongest masters of Hawkeye Country.

Plus the equipment on them.

Taken out alone, each one can deal with a Cobra Ace Special Forces.


Under the joint efforts of twelve people.

But when Yang Xuan directly hit them, they were repelled one after another, and suffered varying degrees of damage.

"Well done!"

"It started with you!"

"The palm of the Tathagata, the first appearance of the Buddha's light!"

Yang Xuan's attitude towards life is fully open.

Under the special attribute of the palm technique, the gravity was changed by Yang Xuan!

A **** king who was closer to him felt lighter in an instant.

Then the whole person, inexplicably, floated up.

But Gang Jin warriors have strong control over themselves.

So, he instantly got down to earth and landed on the ground.

But this time.

Yang Xuan had already stepped forward and came to him.

Tathagata God Palm Golden Top Buddha Lamp!


Just for a moment.

The body of the **** king erupted with a terrifying temperature.

Moreover, there are green flames erupting from his body.

This is the sword of poisonous gas just now.

Their twelve **** kings, although they were named **** kings in Eagle Eye Country.

But it's not even good to see the gods, so naturally they couldn't resist the invasion of poisonous gas just now.

At this moment, the poisonous gas exploded.

In conjunction with the burning of the Buddha Kingdom.

A **** king just fell away.


Eagle Eye Country, the highest-level confidential meeting room.

"let's start!"

"Everything, for the Eagle Eye Country!"

"The **** is questioning us, they have already discovered our actions."

"Ignore it! They are wrong, we are creating peace on our own land, and they can't control it!"

The upper echelons of Eagle Sauce.

It's decided! .

Chapter 42 Messenger of Peace! come! (3 more!)

"Damn! Damn!"

"Don't hold back!"

"The enemy is too strong!"

There are two **** kings, and they see someone as powerful as themselves.

After dying in Yang Xuan's hands.

The mood suddenly became extremely dignified.

Because they thought they could do it before.

But a fight.

They find that they can't even see how to win.

"Proclaiming yourself a **** king is nothing more than that!"

After Yang Xuan saw the three of them, they teamed up and unleashed a killing blow.

He directly chose the person in the middle as a breakthrough.

Tathagata Divine Palm·Buddha Moves Mountains and Rivers!

Yang Xuan resisted the blow of the three of them, and then put his palm directly on the body of the man in the middle.

Immediately afterwards.

That person directly flew out dozens of people, and the body inside the battle armor was directly turned into a fleshy paste.

"How is it possible! There is no harm!"

"Our blow hit him solidly, but he didn't move, this..."

There was a panic in the hearts of the three.

They have already understood the gap between the two great realms.

No matter how hard they try, it is impossible for them to defeat Yang Xuan.

The idea of ​​retreating immediately came to mind.

But at this time, they are so close to Yang Xuan.

It's too late to run.

Tathagata Divine Palm·Dharma is boundless!

Tathagata Divine Palm Ten Thousand Buddhas Dynasty!

The two **** kings were once again killed by Yang Xuan's hands.

The Tathagata Divine Palm also became more and more proficient under his use.

At this moment, there are still eight of the twelve **** kings left.

Among them, five have already seen that the situation is not good and have begun to retreat.

They didn't want to continue fighting with Yang Xuan at all.

Because just suppressing the toxins planted by oneself is already very uncomfortable.

Although Yang Xuan reduced the poisonous gas to twelve points just now, this biochemical poisonous gas is the pinnacle of the Hawkeye Kingdom.

So they all want to rush back to find antibodies.

If the serum is not injected quickly, the consequences will be very serious.


That's when.

Mishap happened.

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