
This guy exudes light, like those magma stones, so his form can be seen in this dark night.

Wherever he walked, there would definitely be a scorched footprint on the ground, but he would not easily set the trees in this black forest on fire.

It is also a hard battle for one person to deal with this fourth-level monster. After all, the energy of this fourth-level flame tiger is also quite powerful, and he is also a monster with attributes of fire energy.

Mr. Bai said, "All I met this day were monsters of the first and second ranks. I didn't expect to attract a fourth-ranking flame tiger this night. This is a big challenge for our magic core. It's a good thing, as long as everyone is careful to take him down, there won't be any problem." The door.

Chapter 715 Received a request for help

Mr. Bai's cultivation has already reached level six warriors, and he has two level seven and one level eight warriors by his side, so of course there is no problem in taking down this monster.

It just took a little longer, but they finally got the magic core of this flame tiger. The fiery red magic core looks quite dazzling.

After receiving this magic core, they don't mention how happy "710" is. They sit here talking and chatting. Of course, they also take turns guarding it when they are resting. After all, this place is in the dark forest, not outside. There are still many dangers here, maybe a monster will appear at any time.

Ye Qingxuan and the others woke up the next morning, and the two people over there had already walked out of the cave. They had a good rest last night, and Ye Qingxuan and Ye Zixuan also stood up and packed up their belongings. Also walked out from here, Ye Fengxuan turned his head and said, "You two are awake too, then we can set off directly."

They let the front walk first, and on this road, they encountered many first-, second-, and third-tier monsters, and they will reach the fourth-tier. Such monsters are rare, although occasionally they will encounter two monsters. Only, but there has never been that kind of monster with energy.

They have been circling here for about six or seven days. At this time, they received a distress signal. Although they entered here, there were experts following them, but the experts never showed up.

And they will only appear when their lives are in danger. Even if they encounter monsters with relatively high levels, these masters will not appear unless their lives are threatened.

After receiving the distress signal, Ye Qingxuan said, "It's that direction, let's hurry there."

After the individuals glanced at each other, they kept running towards the front, that is, towards the place where the signal was sent. When they arrived here, the scene in front of them shocked them. Other support addresses had also arrived here. There is a huge boa constrictor in the middle.

The red python all over his body has a sharp horn on his forehead, and the teeth are so sharp. The huge body makes them look very small...

Ye Qingxuan said, "You guys are really lucky to have met Chi Lian Snake."

This is a fifth-order monster. This fifth-order monster is very difficult to deal with. This guy waved his huge tail and slammed towards the front. Fortunately, these people walked fast enough, otherwise I'm afraid it will be smashed into a meat paste.

Ye Zixuan said, "Everyone, be careful, this guy's energy is not comparable to ordinary monsters."

All the people carefully used their skills to attack the red chain snake in front of them. Ye Qingxuan jumped up and used his newly learned skill, the Nine Heavens Profound Fire Sword.

In fact, when he was using this skill, the master at Hidden 5.6 was also very serious. He didn't expect that this disciple's skill had reached the full level, even he himself couldn't do it.

Many people with very strong abilities have only reached level 7 to level 8, and the highest level is level 9. It is very rare for them to reach the full level, even though they are just elementary skills.

Chapter 716

These disciples attacked the fifth-order monster in front of them together, but they were still in a state of embarrassment, because there were many examples of them being knocked out, and the disciples who were knocked into the air were thrown to the ground heavily, and some even died. They were injured, and there was a trace of blood at the corner of their mouths, but they were also prepared to enter this dark forest, and they brought those pills to restore their internal injuries.

The rewards given by the family, at the entrance of the dark forest, the four masters pitched tents there to rest, they are all waiting for these disciples to come out of the forest, now these disciples enter the There have been seven or eight days in this forest, and they will come out in a few days.

The head of family 22 of Jiutianmen said, "Which family do you think will win this time?"

Patriarch Situ said, "It's not necessarily true, because it doesn't mean ability. The first monster core is the first one. It depends on how many monsters they encounter."

"This also has something to do with ability. If you really encounter a high-level monster, so if you have a low-level disciple, you won't be able to get the magic core of this high-level monster."

"Hehehe, maybe what you said is right, but I believe that the major disciples all have their own strengths, and they will naturally have their own methods."

The four patriarchs are fine, they can chat here if they are free, they are leisurely, Ye Qingxuan and the others are still dealing with the hidden master of the red chain snake, they have never made a move, although some disciples were injured , but there is no danger of life.

Under the swift and violent attacks of Ye Qingxuan and a few other somewhat capable people, this fifth-order monster couldn't hold on anymore, as can be seen from the speed of his tail swinging.

Ye Qingxuan said, "As long as we persevere, this guy will be subdued by us sooner or later."

Several other disciples with higher abilities also sensed that they are now concentrating on dealing with this guy. After his attack slows down, it will be more beneficial to Ye Qingxuan and the others, but Ye Qingxuan's new full-level skills and exercises are also It is indeed of great use, otherwise it would be really troublesome to deal with a fifth-order monster.

The injured disciples were resting on the spot, some of them were adjusting their breathing, and some of them were watching Ye Qingxuan's situation.

Ye Qingxuan and the others fought hard, making the speed of the fifth-order monster in front of him slower and slower. In seconds, Ye Qingxuan flew up directly, and he actually landed on top of the fifth-order monster. He wanted to throw Ye Qingxuan down forcefully, but Ye Qingxuan's sword was stuck on his forehead. 713 held the sword in his hand and did not let go, and then pressed down hard.

This monster felt severe pain in his body, so his roar became louder and louder, and his tail kept shaking. This force seemed to be stronger than before. Of course, it was a dying struggle.

None of them thought that Ye Qingxuan would be so courageous that he jumped on it and stood on his forehead. You must know how dangerous this is.

Seeing that person in the dark was frightening, and he wanted to make a move several times, because Ye Qingxuan's identity is different, he is a genius of the Ye family after all, so this guy must be kept.

Chapter 717 Appearance of Tier 6 Monster Beast

Fortunately, there was no danger, Ye Qingxuan untied himself with his last palm, the huge python fell to the ground, Ye Qingxuan flew forward somersault and landed on the ground, and retracted his sword back.

These disciples were all overjoyed, and some of them even ignored their internal injuries, and suddenly stood up and walked towards the front.

A disciple of the Ye family said, "Great, taking in a fifth-level monster, how many first-level and second-level monsters' magic cores does this represent?"

At this time Ye Wuxuan said, "Are you all okay?"

"We're fine, we just suffered a slight injury. After taking the recovery pill, we will be able to recover soon."

"It's fine, let's go together, I think the deeper you go, the greater the danger."

Ye Qingxuan said, "We should turn a corner and go back by another road. After all, the time is almost here. At least we have to go back within the time limit. If we continue to go forward, then the time for the return journey It's not enough〃."

"Okay, then let's follow what Ye Qingxuan said, now turn a corner and go out. Let's go together for the rest of the road. There is no need to separate. This is safer."

All the disciples of the Ye family gathered here, and none of them were missing, which is pretty good. This time, they came out and entered the dark forest to practice. No one was seriously injured, and no one was missing. This is a good thing. Is it a matter of winning or losing? It doesn't matter, besides, no one knows what kind of monsters other families will encounter.

Their way back was relatively smooth, but when the big families met, something happened, that is, they encountered a sixth-level monster, and none of the disciples in the family could be this sixth-level monster. opponent of the beast.

This monster is huge in size, with four wings on its back and three heads.

They can fly and breathe fire, and the sixth-order monsters are more powerful than the fifth-order monsters. Ye Qingxuan and the others are the disciples of the three major families who came here later, and they are already in a mess. Although no one lost their lives, this Tier 6 monsters are indeed very capable.

None of the hidden masters of the major families showed up, and they would never make a move unless it was absolutely necessary.

Now the other three families are not the opponents of this monster at all, they have already decided to escape here, but Ye Qingxuan and the others just happened to encounter this monster, if anyone gets rid of it, the sixth-level magic core will belong to whoever.

Ye Zixuan stopped Ye Qingxuan and said, "¨¨What are you doing, you have to rush, this is a sixth-order monster, we are definitely not his opponents, let's just take a detour and walk out."

Ye Wuxuan said, "Zixuan is right. We can't be the opponents of this sixth-order monster. We were already very reluctant to deal with that fifth-order monster before."

Ye Qingxuan said, "No matter what, I want to do something different. As long as we can take (Zhao Dehao) this sixth-level monster, then we will be number one this time."

Ye Fengxuan said, "Aren't you crazy? It's really dangerous. Do you really want to go?"

"How do you know if you haven't tried it? So I must try it. If you are afraid, then wait for me here."

Ye Wuxuan turned around and said to the other disciples, "You guys wait here, don't rush up.".

Chapter 718 Obtaining the sixth-order magic core

The other disciples also know that if they can really get the sixth-order magic core, it is indeed a good thing for them, because as long as they can get the sixth-level magic core, they may be the first place this time .

I can't help but feel a little worried in my heart. If I really lose, this guy may not be able to escape.

The disciples of other families have already tried it. At least they didn't retreat directly. They tried to escape when they were defeated. This monster was extremely ferocious and was chasing it.

Ye Qingxuan jumped forward and swung the sword in front of him vigorously. This is the skill of Jiutian 713 Xuanhuojian. The next second, the monster stopped and turned to look at Ye Qingxuan angrily. Fireballs were sprayed at him.

Ye Qingxuan looked back and punched heavily, this time his skill Frost Fist.

After swinging this fist, he also flipped and changed his position. After all, this is a sixth-order monster. Although its ice fist can restrain the energy of the fire element, it may not be the opponent of other energy.

The moment the two energies collided, it really canceled out. After all, Ye Qingxuan's Ice is a full-level skill. In the battle with this monster, Ye Qingxuan was directly promoted from a sixth-level warrior to a seventh-level skill. warrior.

Advancement in fighting really shocked everyone, not only the disciples of the Ye family were very surprised, even people from other families did not think that Ye Qingxuan's cultivation was only a seventh-level warrior, how could it be possible After fighting this monster for so long, they were still a little shocked when they saw the sword he used and the skills they practiced. The Nine Heavens Profound Fire Sword is considered an intermediate skill.

Ye Zixuan said, "You guys are always shocking, but you are promoted again at this time."

I know how slow their promotion speed is. From the enlightenment at the age of ten until now, it is only five or six levels. Ye Qingxuan only opened up his talent at the age of eighteen, and the promotion of the first company has now changed (ccfg) to seven. Although the top samurai is not the most prominent one in the family, the speed of promotion is absolutely unprecedented.

With the sudden increase in energy, the explosive full-level skills are even more powerful. Coupled with the cooperation of several other master disciples, they can barely restrain the sixth-level monster in front of them.

These masters hiding in the dark are also very shocked. This disciple's ability is too powerful. Given time, he must be a rare talent.

Under the temptation of others, Ye Qingxuan erupted with his own powerful energy, and the ultimate move of the Nine Heavens Profound Fire Sword erupted. This time, what Ye Qingxuan held in his hand was a precious sword, not the one that could not withstand the energy of his skills. Ordinary sword.

So this sword came out, mixed with powerful energy, and the powerful power of the full-level skill of the Nine Heavens Xuanhuo Sword directly passed through the neck of this monster, and his head fell to the ground in the next second. A few times, but still fell to the ground.

Ye Qingxuan said, "If it weren't for the cooperation of you guys, it would have been quite troublesome to take down this guy, but it's not bad now, Ye Qingxuan grabbed the magic core and put it in the box."

There was that kind of jealousy and envy in his family's eyes, but since Ye Qingxuan and the others have already accepted this monster, they should quicken their pace and walk out of the dark forest.

Chapter 719 Won the first place in the Monster Beast Demon Core Competition

The four masters all stood outside waiting for the four-legged disciples, and they went out one by one. All the disciples came out, and they put all the magic cores they had obtained together, and then sold them to the top. .

When they saw that among the Ye family's magic cores, there were sixth-level magic cores, fifth-level magic cores, and fourth-level magic cores, and there were countless first-level and second-level magic cores. It seemed that the Ye family won this time.

Situ Lei from the Situ family said, "What's the situation? There is a sixth-order magic core. It seems that the abilities of the disciples of the Ye family are really getting stronger and stronger."

In fact, the head of the Ye family was also very shocked, because he didn't expect that these disciples could actually get the magic core of the sixth-order monster, which really surprised him-.

The hearty laughter still resounded here, and he did not expect that the Ye family would win again this time. Whether it was the martial arts competition or the search for the magic core, the Ye family was very outstanding. Could it be that the number one in the Xuanwu Continent would- It became the Ye family.

After the competition was over, the major families took their disciples back on the road. The masters hiding in the dark told these things to the Patriarchs, and they were really shocked when they heard it. The head of the Ye family was both shocked and happy when he heard it, while the other families were only surprised when they heard it.

Situ Lei said, "Hahahaha! It seems that the world of Xuanwu Continent is about to change, and the Bai family is no longer the leader."

"However, that trash from the Ye family suddenly became a genius. It's really hard to be confident. In a short period of time, he has promoted himself to a sixth-level warrior. He was promoted to a seventh-level warrior during the beast fight, which is really a rare talent, but it's a pity that it's not from my Situ family."

On the other side, the head of the Jiutianmen, Jiutian, said, "If this kid grows up, I'm afraid the innocence of the Xuanwu Continent will change. Can he really grow up so smoothly?"

He didn't continue, but there was a smile in Jiuyou's eyes. They all knew that Ye Qingxuan's talent would not be so peaceful, and the other families would not talk about it. The Patriarch of the Bai family With a human face and a beast heart, maybe when will he make a move?

Jiuyou said, "It's really good to have such a talent, but I don't know if I can make it to the end."


Ye Qingxuan's ability has attracted jealousy now, people from all major families are jealous of them, Ye family can have such a disciple.

Although Ye Yu was also very happy this time, he also knew what the current situation was, but he also knew that the time for the Li Academy to enroll students was almost here, so as long as there were no accidents during this period, there would be no problem.


After returning to the Ye family, the members of the Ye family are not to mention how happy they are, because this year their Ye family has become the leading family in the entire Xuanwu Continent.

When the Patriarch heard that Ye Qingxuan and the others dealt with the sixth-order monsters, he was really worried, but after hearing the process, he had a shocked expression on his face.

He said to the other elders, "As the order goes on, he needs the help of all the families in his cultivation, as long as it can be done, it must be done."

Ye Zhuo is the happiest among them. He was still very worried about Ye Qingxuan at first, but now it seems that his worry is unnecessary. The only thing he has to worry about now is the child's safety door.

Chapter 720 The Envy of Ye Family Disciples

The Ye family won the first place in the Xuanwu Continent in this year's competition. This only represents the new disciples, not the entire family, but the fact that the new disciples can appear like this shows that it won't be long before the Ye family will replace Xuanwu The number one in the mainland replaced the Bai family.

So the person who is most anxious now is none other than the head of the Bai family.

Ye Qingxuan is also very clear that the higher his evaluation in the real "July 17" Spirit Pagoda, the higher the benefits will be for him, and the higher the rating, the more rewards he will get.

So this time he reincarnated here, he really wants to be wonderful, the more exciting his life in this Xuanwu Continent, the better for him.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be too lazy to get ahead. What does these things have to do with him? Several Ye family disciples chased after Ye Qingxuan, "Ye Qingxuan and so on."

Ye Qingxuan turned his head to look at them, they caught up with Ye Qingxuan and said, "You guys have changed too much, you really shocked us, you must know that you were a..."

"But you have become the top genius of our Ye family in the blink of an eye. This is simply unbelievable. You have been unable to practice martial arts since you were born. I didn't expect that now you can not only cultivate profound energy, but also directly promote so fast."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Don't say you didn't think of it, even I didn't think of it. I also know that I have been a waste since I was a child, so it's normal to be looked down upon in this world that respects martial arts. I don't blame anyone, but I didn't expect that there would be a day to turn around."

"You really let our Ye family show off their power today, you know? Every time it is the Bai family who wins, this time our Ye family also made a splash."

"Although I was a waste before, I am still very clear about this matter."

"Hehehe! Now who dares to say that you are a waste, I am afraid that in the entire Xuanwu Continent, your reputation is already very big."

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