When Ye Qingxuan returned to the room, the little chick jumped out chirping. Ye Qingxuan looked at this little guy who wanted to fly but couldn't fly high, and it was very funny, so he said to him, "Why do you think it's not fun inside? Want to run out."

Chapter 709

The little chick ignored him at all, and saw him flapping its wings non-stop, jumping back and forth, but Ye Qingxuan could sense the change of the blue magic core in his body.

It seems that the cyan magic core still couldn't calm down after seeing his child, Ye Qingxuan thought in his heart, "Don't worry, I will protect him with my life, and I will never let you down, even if it lasts forever. It’s all in this form.”

Sure enough, the magic core calmed down. He didn't expect the magic core of this high-level monster to be so powerful. Fortunately, the black eagle's magic core had already been refined by him.

However, he knows that his ability can still be improved again. It is because he has been suppressing a magic core that he can improve so much, which really makes him overjoyed. It's even more terrifying, but he knows how easy it is to catch high-level monsters, not to mention that even if he is a top-level expert, it is not so coincidental that he can meet such a high-level monster. It is not easy to deal with.

If it was really that easy to obtain a high-level demon core, those masters would have been ready to move. The little guy was thumping outside, and when he was tired, he returned to Ye Qingxuan's space to rest. up.

Ye Qingxuan's treatment is completely different now. Not only does he have his own sword, but also this advanced space ring. The higher his ability, the more items he can carry.

Of course, this kind of ring also has different sizes, and Ye Qingxuan's treatment of this space ring has a very large space of five square meters.

An ordinary person's interspatial ring is very precious even if it is one square meter, and this kind of ring is not something that anyone can have casually. It is conceivable how precious the five square meter ring in Ye Qingxuan's hand is.

Ye Qingxuan said, "It's really different in this world where martial arts are respected."

Here, only the higher your ability is, the higher your status will be. If you are a waste, then no one will talk to you.

For the next period of time, Ye Qingxuan would go to the back forest to practice every day. Of course, no one disturbed him here, and this little chick would also fly out and play beside him.


Ye Qingxuan also found these swordsmanship in Zangshu Pavilion. Among them was the Phantom Sword Art and the Nine Heavens Xuanhuo Sword. He was very interested in these two swordsmanship books. These two swordsmanship books were not elementary swordsmanship. They have reached the intermediate level of exercises.

Ye Qingxuan practiced swordsmanship here, and it was only enough to reach the first level, so he activated his full-level sword, and the Phantom Sword Art and Nine Heavens Profound Fire Sword became full-level skills in an instant.


Ye Qingxuan's face was full of smiles, this speed is really fast enough, he only needs to practice casually, and after reaching the first level, he can directly reach the full level with one click, which is really cool.

After practicing his swordsmanship, he lay down on the grass next to him with the grass stick in his mouth. He was really not afraid, but suddenly a monster came out.

Actually fell asleep here, this heart is really big enough, this Ye Qingxuan is lying here and fell asleep, this little chick is actually lying on his body, of course there are indeed some low-level people in this picture The monster approached, and when they found this little chick, they retreated instantly. This is a high-level monster.

Chapter 710 Trial in the Dark Forest

Ye Qingxuan didn't know either, but when he woke up, he didn't expect that he would fall asleep in this place. Fortunately, no monsters appeared. If there were monsters, he might have been eaten by monsters long ago.

The little chick returned to Ye Qingxuan's body.

Ye Qingxuan left here and returned to his small courtyard. The two servants in the courtyard were very respectful when they saw Ye "Seven Zero Seven" Qingxuan. The young master never troubled them, but he rarely talked to them. speak personally.

It should be that they seldom talk to the two of them. These two are also leisurely here. After seeing Ye Qingxuan, Lai Fu greeted him with a smile, "Young master, you have been staying in the yard for less and less time recently."

Ye Qingxuan also knows, because he rarely stays here except to sleep, "Because I want to make myself stronger, so there are more things to do."

"The young master is working hard, and I am working hard too."

At this moment, one of them came over and said, "My lord, it's time for meal."

It happened that Ye Qingxuan felt hungry, "Okay, I'll come right away."

The three meals a day are very punctual, but sometimes Ye Qingxuan doesn't come back. Ye Qingxuan said that if he doesn't come back, the meal here will be handed over to the three of them.

Since he became a genius of the Ye family, his status here has really soared all the way. Looking at the food here, you can see how much Ye Qingxuan is valued by the Ye family.

In a blink of an eye, the four major families entered the dark forest. The last time they had a martial arts competition, this time they entered the dark forest to see who caught the most monsters. Of course, the most important thing is to take To the magic core of the monster.

They didn't want Ye Qingxuan to participate in this event. After all, no one knows what happened in the dark forest, but Ye Qingxuan felt that this was also a good opportunity for experience, so he must go in. Of course, the four major families also There is an agreement that fighting with each other is not allowed here.

Look at the four major families in the Xuanwu Continent. The big banners stand there. The four masters are also supreme. They all have their own mounts with exquisite vehicles hanging on them. Every family master sits in the car superior....

The patriarchs of the four major families are waiting outside, and there are also two masters who will follow their disciples, because in this dark forest, very high-level monsters may appear.

The disciples who went into the trial this time were all juniors with not too strong abilities. Those who were all in their twenties and had strong healing abilities were not allowed to enter, because this time it was mainly to test the abilities of these disciples.

Ye Qingxuan and the disciples of the Ye family went through the entrance directly, and the disciples of other families did the same. The team in the family was still very strong, and they rushed into the dark forest with a whizzing whiz. Shuttle back and forth in the forest.

5.6 Among the disciples, they are also interested. If they really encounter high-level monsters, they can call other disciples to gather. Of course, these disciples who enter here are capable of dealing with some low-level monsters.

Everyone is holding their own weapons, the weapon in Ye Qingxuan's hand is still the treasure of their Ye family, Ye Zixuan and the others are behind Ye Qingxuan and the others, of course some disciples set off for other routes.

Chapter 711 Harvesting the First Magic Core

Ye Qingxuan is not the highest among all the disciples, but he is indeed the most capable, and it is only limited to the disciples who are less than 20. After Ye Qingxuan and the others entered here, they walked forward cautiously, and heard the cry of a monster , This sound sounds mighty and powerful, and it seems to belong to that kind of monster with a relatively large size.

Ye Zixuan said, "You seldom come to this kind of monster forest before, you have to be careful."

Ye Qingxuan turned his head to look at him and said, "Are you talking to me?"

"Is there anyone else besides you?"

Ye Qingxuan had a smile on his face, besides him who was a waste before, is there anyone else? So at 22, he has never been to this kind of monster forest.

"Okay, I will pay attention, thank you for your kindness, but do you want to be so heretic with me? We are all children of the Ye family."

The other one was disciple Ye Fengxuan said, "Don't worry too much about it, Zixuan has always been like this, he rarely likes to talk to others, as for you, even less, who made you seldom go out before."

All the disciples in the inner room have a mysterious character in their names. The disciples of the Bai family over there also encountered monsters, and they also encountered the disciples of other families.

They just heard the sound and were looking forward carefully. When they saw the monster through the thick grass ahead, they were a little shocked.

The guy's size is really big, with a huge body, no wonder even hearing his cry, he felt that he was a huge monster. This monster's level was not high, and several of them surrounded him.

The monster in front of him was extremely angry. He waved his extremely sharp claws and kept pounding on the ground until the whole ground trembled. But the few of them jumped up into the air, and the weapons in their hands were thrown out of their hands in an instant, and they all fired at the monster.

For a moment, the monster roared loudly, he said, how could there be no sound for such a strong attack?

The monster fell heavily on the ground, and the magic core in its body floated out in an instant. The magic core was directly put into his bag, because all the magic cores obtained by the disciples would be gathered together. Finally, let's see how many are Which family has the most does not mean that the number of magic cores obtained by an individual is large.

It was the first monster core they received. They continued to walk forward and found several second-level monsters in the sky. The huge Yilong bird was flying in the sky. This kind of bird is also very powerful. Ferocious, when they found these human beings in front of them, they also bent down and rushed towards them, but for their disciples, it was easy to get rid of this 710 second-level monster.

The whole family entered here in groups of four. If they encountered any danger, they would immediately send out a distress signal. In their direction, the distance between each group of them was not too far away.

Ye Qingxuan and his other team received it. The first magic core suddenly found this Yilong bird in the sky, and then the magic core will enter their pocket again. This kind of bird will not be There will definitely be one or two, so Ye Qingxuan and the others first took the two birds in the sky and put the magic core in their pockets, and continued to move forward. Sure enough, these monsters live in groups.

Chapter 712 Tier 4 Snow Leopard

They found other monsters like this, and a steady stream of second-level magic cores entered their pockets. Ye Zifeng said, "It's not bad, the harvest is quite rich."

Ye Zixuan said indifferently, "This is called Fenghou. As long as someone else randomly picks up a third-level to fifth-level outstanding person, he will directly surpass us."

Ye Qingxuan also felt that what he said was very reasonable. If they only got these first-level and second-level magic cores, it would be very disadvantageous for them, so they continued to search forward.

Perhaps it was the cry of the monsters in front, but the monsters behind seemed to have avoided them. They kept walking forward, but they didn't find any monsters.

Ye Fengxuan said, "Could it be that they all hid when they were disturbed?"

A few people just messed around for a while, so they sat on the spot and wanted to take a rest. No one who entered this dark forest would not be able to get out for ten days or eight days.

They have brought the items for rest in this forest in their space rings, and they are resting in place, drinking water, and suddenly feel so cool, logically speaking, it is hot summer now, even in this It is also very hot in the dark forest where the sun is blocked.

Ye Fengxuan said, "Why is it so cool all of a sudden?"

Several people glanced at each other, Ye Zixuan said, "Oops, it might be a fourth-order monster approaching us."

"You mean the fourth-order snow leopard."

The expressions on the faces of all the people became serious. They immediately put away their belongings, then carefully stood up to check the surrounding situation, and they found that there was some frost on the ground in the distance, and it was really a Tier 4 snow leopard.

Ye Qingxuan and the others walked forward cautiously. Frost appeared on the ground. It is conceivable that the abilities of the fourth-order monsters are not low, because the abilities of the fourth-order monsters are relatively high, so they are really good. Be careful.

Ye Fengxuan said, "Let's be careful, this guy is not easy to deal with. If it really doesn't work, we still need to ask for help."

This snow leopard jumped up and down, and stopped in front of Ye Qingxuan and the others. Its forelimbs were half squatting. Seeing his mouth slightly opened, his eyes widened, and his whole body covered in snow and white, it was obvious that he was very angry.

The surrounding trees are also covered with a thick layer of frost. If it weren't for this, such a scene would not appear here.

Several people carefully held their own weapons in their hands, and saw this guy leap forward, flying towards Ye Qingxuan and the others.

The four rolled over one by one, dodging his step. This guy is really fast enough, jumping forward one after another, and spit out a glacier from his mouth in the next second. If the special energy hits it, it's no wonder that it won't be frozen there.

It is a kind of monster with (Zhao De's) ice-type energy, and it can be regarded as a special species. A fourth-order monster with skills is already very special, but even so, this kind of monster is also a special species. No one has a contract, because its level is too low.

It's not because he is only a fourth-order monster, but because his species is not rare. Even if such a monster wants to make a contract, it is very difficult for him. This kind of fourth-order journal has an abnormal temper. of rage.

Chapter 713 Received Tier 4 Monster Beast

They also felt that it was very cold here for a while, as if their fonts were about to lose their control, Ye Zixuan said, "There is no way to go on like this, we will be frozen here by this guy sooner or later."

Ye Qingxuan used his Flame Fist to reach the full level, and the explosion of the skill Flame Fist made him feel a lot more comfortable. Of course, the other disciples would also use this kind of Flame Fist, but they were not at the full level. practice.

After a while, several of them also used the Flame Fist. Sure enough, the limbs became much more flexible. Although it was not as powerful as Ye Qingxuan's explosive energy, at least they could still control their limbs.

In the next second, Ye Qingxuan used the Nine Heavens Profound Fire Sword, a sword skill he had just learned not long ago, the Nine Heavens Profound Fire Sword. Go, the snow leopard in front of you can start to dodge.

Ye Zifeng, Ye Zixuan and another person, all three of them looked at Ye Qingxuan, the Nine Heavens Xuan Fire Sword was considered an intermediate skill, and they couldn't do it.

This sword technique is really awesome, it can be seen that the snow leopard in front of him is jumping back and forth to avoid Ye Qingxuan's non-stop swinging his sword in the air.

Seeing this scene, the family immediately flew into the air, wishing Ye Qingxuan a helping hand. Although they don't know this kind of sword technique (ccfg), other sword techniques are also possible. They control the sword in their hands and start attacking the one in front of them. snow leopard.

After a while, they found that the snow leopard's physical strength was gone, so it wouldn't last long, and Ye Qingxuan and the others could take down this fourth-order monster.

Ye Fengxuan said, "You guys are really awesome. When did you master the Nine Heavens Profound Fire Sword? During the last martial arts competition, you didn't seem to know how to use swordsmanship yet."

Ye Qingxuan said, "After the last martial arts competition, I also felt that I should learn a sword technique, so I went to the library and chose this sword technique. How about it? It's not bad, it's just right for this kind of ice monster. "

Several people were really shocked after hearing Ye Qingxuan's words. How long has it been since the last time? He actually practiced this kind of swordsmanship to the full level.

Now they really don't have time to think about it, they are going to destroy the snow leopard in front of them now, the snow leopard can't support it, but Ye Qingxuan's offensive is getting more and more fierce, and there are attacks from other disciples, so they quickly accepted this four level of monsters.

A snow-white magic core flew out of his body, which was a fourth-order demon beast core, and they directly put it into the box containing the magic core.

Several people landed on the ground, and the frost here gradually melted away, as if it was raining in this area, which was very humid. They continued to move forward and left this place.

This battle did consume a lot of time. Seeing that the sun was about to set, Ye Zixuan said, "I'm afraid we need to find a safer place to rest. The sun will soon set."

Several people searched forward and found a hidden cave not far away. They decided to rest in this place. After all, this is still a cave with only one entrance. It should be safer than they are outside. It's much better if the circle is exposed.

Chapter 714 Flame Tiger

Walking into this dark cave, the front of the cave is full of trees and bushes, but you can vaguely see a cave entrance, but fortunately, it is empty, there is nothing, except for some bats hanging on the top of the cave .

They decided to rest at this place at night, so they also went outside to collect a lot of dry firewood, carried them into the cave, and took out several pieces of animal skins from their storage space and spread them on the ground. Sleeping on the ground at night will not feel cold.

Moreover, these animal skins are particularly warm, even if the night is colder, it doesn't matter.

They set up the firewood, and they just need to light the fire, but they are not in such a hurry now, and they took a casual look around the cave and checked the terrain here. It is relatively safe in this circle. At least the monster has not been found.

Immediately afterwards, they sprinkled some medicinal powder outside the cave, these medicinal powders were designed to prevent those snakes from appearing.

The sun had gradually set, so Ye Qingxuan and the others also walked into the cave, the firewood they had set up had already been lit, and their storage rings contained food and water, so they had enough to eat and drink. , you can lie on the animal skin to rest.

Xie Zifeng was lying on a piece of animal skin, fiddled with a wooden stick a few times with one hand, this pile of fire, "After walking for a day, I really feel a little tired, I don't care if you sleep or not, now I Take a rest, if you wake up early, I will get up and watch over you."

This guy really sleeps when he says he wants to sleep. He closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep, while Ye Qingxuan just sat there with his eyes closed. In fact, he could see all the movements of the cave~ I can hear you clearly.

The other person also fell asleep unknowingly, and only he and Ye Zixuan sat cross-legged. In this dark forest, the roars of those monsters could still be heard at night, but the distance was far away. The voices of these monsters are also quite loud-.

With so many people entering, it's normal for the monsters here to riot a little bit.

They lived against a big tree on Mr. Bai's side, and they lit a fire in that place, but they didn't expect to attract a monster while they were resting.


It's a fire-type monster, the Flame Tiger. Mr. Bai said, "Why did you attract him here, everyone be careful."

This monster is also a Tier 4 monster, so it is also very difficult to deal with, but Mr. Bai and his group's cultivation base is also quite high. After surrounding this monster, they are ready to strangle him , after all, this is a fourth-order monster core.

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