"Young master's character is really good. Although he couldn't practice before, he is not so overbearing after practicing."

The next day, Ye Qingxuan came to the Library Pavilion again, and he walked directly to the third floor. Everyone thought Ye Qingxuan was crazy, because the third floor was impossible to enter, and he would not be able to enter unless he was knocked down. strange.

What they never expected was that even after he went in, his people were still puzzled, because they knew very well that it was impossible to enter the third floor without reaching the spirit warrior and the great warrior.

For a while, other people also wanted to go in to see if the guardian elder was not there, but they were beaten down before they could go up.

Seeing such a situation, no one dared to go up, Ye Qingxuan walked into the third floor, saw the old man and said, "How about it, my improvement speed is fast enough."

"Hahaha! In a short period of time, you will be promoted to three levels, and now your cultivation base is already a sixth-level warrior. Not bad, really good."

With Ye Qingxuan's current sixth-level warrior cultivation base, he can definitely enter the academy.

The students accepted by the college are conditional, and they must be born as sixth-level warriors before the age of eighteen. If they are not so talented, they will not accept them at all.

The elder said, "Since you have done it, you can read the third-level exercises casually. However, I want to remind you that many advanced exercises are not suitable for you. Even if you read them, you can't practice them." , You must reach a certain level before you can look at those advanced exercises."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "¨Don't worry, I know I'm still very clear about myself."

The elder turned around and disappeared. Ye Qingxuan knew that this was just his figure, which was enough to prove that the elder's cultivation had reached a certain point, otherwise he would not have reached this level.

Ye Qingxuan flipped through here, he saw a kung fu named Suiyushe (Wang Nuozhao) Dragon Hand, he was very interested in this kung fu, after opening this kung fu, he started to practice the first level, this The guy was actually practicing in the Library Pavilion.

Since the elder gave up this place to Ye Qingxuan, he knew that he would practice here, so he left here.

It has to be said that Ye Qingxuan's talent is really high enough, he watched and practiced and thought about it. After a while, the first level of kung fu has been practiced. He closed the book and walked to other places.

Chapter 698 The Competition of the Four Great Families

He was very interested when he saw the Heavenly Cang Dalong Jue, but he knew that this exercise can only be practiced if he has reached the level of a great fighter, so he just looked at it. In fact, he can also practice it, but he didn't want to. It was so obvious that I still closed the book.

Ye Qingxuan turned around and left the Library Pavilion. As soon as he left, the elder appeared on the back and nodded in satisfaction. Such a talented disciple is really rare in a hundred years.

He didn't even think about this Broken Jade Shooting Dragon Hand. This guy can cultivate successfully just in the Library Pavilion. Although it is only a level of cultivation now, he believes that he will be able to master the skill of 697 in a short time.

Ye Qingxuan left here. When he passed the second floor and the first floor, he saw that the eyes of those disciples looked at him completely changed, with reverence and respect on their faces, because they knew very well that no one could enter the third floor. layer.

Ye Qingxuan swaggered out of here, and these people gradually looked back, one of the disciples of the Ye family said, "This is unlikely, although he is a very talented disciple now, it is impossible for him to become a disciple in a short period of time." Let's break through the spiritual master inside."

"Maybe it's his own ability that set a precedent in the family."

"Come on, no matter how powerful he is, he's just a third-level warrior. What can he do when he enters the third floor? I think he's just going in for a visit."

"Okay, don't talk about him here, if you get into trouble, you won't know."

All the people shut their mouths and continued to look at the exercises they wanted to practice, and they were all dreaming, dreaming, that they could reach the full level of the exercises in their hands.

Time flies and it's time for the four major families to compete. Of course, some small families can also squeeze in. As long as their disciples have this strength, they may improve their family's status.

They didn't expect that Ye Qingxuan would also come to this competition of the four major families. Although he can beat the Bai Gongzi of the Bai clan, it's not likely (ccfg) that he will be able to show his face in this competition. It's just a third-level warrior.

The disciples of the Bai family also came to this side. Of course, Mr. Bai saw Ye Qingxuan at a glance. He didn't expect that this guy would participate this time.

He was thinking about the last time that Ye Qingxuan beat him, did he take any special medicine? But after thinking about it, it's not possible, because it is true that there is such an order that can improve one's ability in a short period of time, but the ability to counterattack oneself is also very strong, so he believes that a person who has just acquired talent will not do this .

With Ye Qingxuan's radiant look now, he knew that he had never taken that kind of elixir, but the people of the Bai family could see that Ye Qingxuan's status in the Ye family was very high.

The Patriarchs of the four major families shabby each other, and then returned to their seats, sitting on the ring, ready, and there was a big drum on the edge of the ring.

There were two huge drum hammers there, and there was a man of incomparably strong stature, who was tall and muscular. He picked up the two drum hammers and banged on them.

This means that the competition is about to begin. The Xuanwu Continent respects martial arts. The initial level is warriors. Above warriors are spirit warriors, great fighters, Xuanshen level, Xuankun level and Haotian level.

Chapter 699 Young Master Bai's Challenge

Among the four major families in the Xuanwu Continent, besides the Bai family and the Ye family, there are also the Situ family and the Jiutianmen.

The drum beat stopped, and the competition officially began. For example, the venue is very free, so whoever wants to play and win at will will get a point for himself. The more points, the higher the score, the higher the ranking.

The first ones to jump into the arena are those with low-level cultivation, and everyone else is watching the battle. Those with low-level cultivation will first appear on the stage, and those with high-level cultivation will wait~then enter the field later.

That Mr. Bai kept staring at Ye Qingxuan, and Ye Qingxuan seemed to have sensed that there was a gaze looking at him, and his gaze also looked over there, meeting Mr. Bai's eyes.

But he didn't bother to pay attention to that guy, he could just speak in the arena if he had any ability, besides voluntarily playing, he could still challenge, as long as the challenge was from other families.

The families of the four major families sat on it and watched. All the families attached great importance to this competition, otherwise they would not have come here in person.

It has always been the Bai family who won, and it seems that their voices are not bad. At this time, Mr. Bai stepped onto the ring and said to the Ye family, "I want to challenge Ye Qingxuan from the Ye family."

Ye Qingxuan didn't expect this guy to challenge him, didn't he defeat him last time? Are you still not convinced? Now he is no match for Ye Qingxuan at all.

Ye Qingxuan suffered a heavier injury than him last time, so Patriarch was still a little worried. He originally wanted to stop him, but Ye Qingxuan glanced at him and said, "Patriarch, I accept his challenge."

He couldn't say anything more after this sentence, so he could only watch Ye Qingxuan walk up. He knew that although Ye Qingxuan was a third-level warrior, facing the person in front of him, the two of them were just tied. The guy was injured, but Ye Qingxuan's injury was not serious.

Ye Zixuan said, "Fool, why accept it?"

Another disciple of the Ye family said, "When I saw that Mr. Bai was very unconvinced, he was injured last time. You must know that Ye Qingxuan is a third-level warrior, but he is a sixth-level warrior. Get back your face."


The patriarchs of the other two big families looked like they were watching the show, because the two of them had also heard about what happened last time, and they didn't expect that this trash of the Ye family would also become a genius.

Ye Qingxuan jumped and stood in the battlefield. He was always hiding his aura, and he never revealed that he was a sixth-level warrior.

But Ping couldn't cover up his own ability. The reason why he could cover up so much was because of the cyan magic core in his body, which had such ability.


Ye Qingxuan looked at Mr. Bai in front of him, with a smile on his face that seemed to be mocking him. Mr. Bai looked at him, and Ye Qingxuan said to him, "I made you provoke me last time, don't think that you are still so lucky this time." .”

"Oh, use whatever skills you have. Let me see how much progress you have made during this time."

"Hmph! Overthinking one's abilities."

In the next second, he really took out his sword. He didn't use punches at all, and the sword was summoned directly. Splash rushed towards Ye Qingxuan. Ye Qingxuan still used his Void Dragon Step Gate just like last time.

Chapter 700 Fast promotion

When Ye Qingxuan used the Void Dragon Step, it also shocked the people here, because his Dragon Beard Cloth was already at full level, but now it looks even more powerful than before.

Especially anyone from the Ye family of the Bai family, because they have seen it before, although other families have not seen Ye Qingxuan use the Void Dragon Step.

But I have never seen any "700" disciple who can practice a skill to the full level, not even the attack technique.

People from other families were quite shocked seeing this scene, and they didn't expect that this trash of the Ye family would suddenly become a genius. Let's not talk about his current cultivation base, just look at the fullness of his skills The level situation is already shocking.

Ye Yu said, "I'm not mistaken, Ye Qingxuan's level has been raised, and he suddenly mentioned a sixth-level warrior."

Ye Zhuo smiled and said, "That's right, his ability is indeed mentioned as a sixth-level warrior, which is really unimaginable, and the speed of improvement is too fast."

Young Master Bai who challenged Ye Qingxuan at that time was also shocked, because he could also sense that Ye Qingxuan's level had been promoted, otherwise how could his Void Dragon Step have such a big change.

Ye Zixuan looked at Ye Qingxuan's change, and he was already in his heart. Originally, he was surprised that he changed from a waste to a very talented person, but everything in front of him shocked him even more.

All the disciples of the Ye family were very surprised, and they didn't expect Ye Qingxuan's promotion ability to be so strong, "Hahaha! It seems that my Ye family is really about to produce a genius."

Ye Yu had just finished speaking, and everyone in the Ye family agreed, so they were naturally happy. This time, besides Ye Yu and Ye Zhuo, other elders were here to watch the battle.

Situ Lei, the head of the Situ family, said, "It's interesting to think that such an outstanding genius came out of this Ye family, and a waste suddenly became a sixth-level warrior."

Jiuyou sat next to Jiutian, and he didn't expect that a person without cultivation would suddenly have such a high ability, "Maybe this is what people have been hiding all the time, what if this person is not a person at all? Trash, otherwise, what kind of ability is there to make the skill to the full level, although being able to practice the skill to the full level is considered a very high talent, but I believe it will not happen overnight..."

After hearing Jiuyou's words, Jiutian said, "Hehehe, maybe."

Naturally, he also had calculations in his heart, he believed that what Jiuyou said might be right, otherwise, how his skills reached the full level, it seems that the Ye family has always been hiding something.

Bai Tiantian didn't expect that this matter would change so quickly. He knew that when Ye Qingxuan confronted Young Master Bai before, he was only a third-level warrior, and he became a sixth-level warrior so quickly. The speed is probably too fast.

It was only two or three months from the last duel on 5.6 to this time, but how did he know that Ye Qingxuan was promoted to a sixth-level warrior in just one day, if he were to know, he would be even more shocked .

Ye Qingxuan used his vanity to avoid Young Master Bai's attack back and forth, it is easier to deal with Young Master Bai with his current level, before when he was a third-level warrior, he was still able to injure him.

Chapter 701 Defeating Young Master Bai

Although I was also injured at the time, but now I am a sixth-level samurai, and the state of full-level skills is of course stronger than the original energy.

The weapon in Ye Qingxuan's hand is still an ordinary weapon, just an ordinary sword. At this time, he also took out his own sword.

The sword in their hands met the person in front of them and collided with his sword, sparks were produced. The boxing techniques they learned could not only be used as boxing techniques, but could also evolve into sword techniques.

The Patriarch of the Ye family said, "Ye Qingxuan's promotion is so fast, and his skills are very stable. It can be seen that he is using the Vajra Fist now."

Ye Zhuo said, "I also added elementary skills that can completely evolve into swordsmanship. As long as you understand the mystery, you can use his strength to cultivate the skills to the full level, which is enough to prove that he has mastered such abilities. "

In time, Ye Qingxuan used the Flame Fist from his family, and the entire sword was covered with powerful flames. It can be seen that the power of this primary skill at full level is not small.

Don't underestimate a primary skill. If it is a person with a very high level, the power of primary skills is not small.

He is also at the sixth level. Obviously, Mr. Bai can't last long, so he was repelled by Ye Qingxuan's footwork change and the rapidity of the attack before a few moves. This time, Ye Qingxuan didn't hurt him, but just defeated him. But the sword in his hand has been shot down.

Ye Qingxuan said, "I'm sorry that the trash in your mouth still defeated you."

When Ye Qingxuan was about to turn around and leave, this guy actually struck behind his back. If this palm was successful, then Ye Qingxuan would undoubtedly be seriously injured. At this time, the Patriarch of the Ye family clenched his fists tightly, and it seemed that he was about to strike. But he didn't expect Ye Qingxuan's reaction to be so fast. He hit back with a shaking fist on his shoulder to knock him back, and a mouthful of blood sprayed out of his mouth in a few steps.

"I think you have a problem with your brain. This contest has already decided the winner, why do you want to do it behind your back? Is this what your Bai family did?"

Ye Qingxuan's punch was justified, so other people can't say anything, especially the Bai family, they have no way to blame him for stopping his hand just now, and did not hit Mr. Bai, and Mr. Bai attacked behind his back. On the contrary, they were injured by others, so their Bai family is the most unreasonable one.

The members of the Bai family ordered people to carry Mr. Bai down. They didn't expect that what the patriarch of the knight Bai family thought was that if Mr. Bai succeeded in sneak attack, it would be good, but he didn't expect that he would be a lion or a beast. Secretly said, "It's not enough to succeed, it's more than failure."

700 Ye Qingxuan came down, and the Ye family's children immediately cheered. Could they be unhappy that the Ye family won? The most important thing is Ye Qingxuan's improved ability. He can be regarded as an outstanding warrior at the age of 18. He who can reach this level at the age of 18 is considered a genius. Although Ye Qingxuan's current ability is among the best among all disciples , but it is not the most prominent, the main reason is that the speed of his promotion is shocking.

Because the other disciples started enlightenment at the age of ten, so Ye Qingxuan was just enlightened, and it is not bad to be promoted to a sixth-level warrior at such a fast speed.

Chapter 702

However, Ye Qingxuan has never tested his own talent. Other disciples are considered very talented if their talents reach orange, but Ye Qingxuan has never withdrawn his own talent.

Originally, the Patriarch of the Ye family was planning to test Ye Qingxuan's talent pill, but after thinking about it later, he felt that it was unnecessary. With his current ability, he is definitely a genius, but if the test shows that his talent is high, the jealousy he will surely provoke will be even greater. many.

The moment Ye Qingxuan walked down, the disciples all cheered for him, and naturally some people talked to him, and one of the disciples of the Ye family said, "Hey, you really shocked us, the speed of promotion is really enough!" Hurry up, how long has it been in such a short time? He has become a sixth-level warrior."

"Hehehe, I think he was suffocated, he kept it for a long time, and his strength suddenly exploded, and he became a sixth-level warrior directly."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Every one of you will stop teasing me, but my promotion speed is very fast, but now at this age, I am only among the best."

"What's the matter? Before long, I believe you will be the most prominent one."

The duel of his family is still going on, and they know that if they want to be the top of the four major families, they must continue to challenge to increase their family's score.

Disciples from other families also came forward to compete constantly. It can be seen that the strength of the Bai family is indeed very strong, otherwise they would not be able to become a relatively powerful family in the Xuanwu Continent.

The Patriarch of the Bai family is still very proud. Although Young Master Bai did not defeat Ye Qingxuan, the other disciples are outstanding. Looking at the scores above so far, the Bai family has the highest score.

Originally, Ye Zixuan also wanted to go up, but with his current strength, the opponents above seem to be above his ability, and the slightly older disciples of the Ye family have already started to compete.

The scores of the Situ family are also close behind. Of course, the scores of the Ye family are not low, and they are on the same level as the Jiutianmen. The Jiutianmen did not expect the strength of the Ye family to improve so quickly.

I know that they were at the bottom at the beginning, but now they are even with them, but this competition is not over yet, even if the Bai family is in the first position now, it does not mean that he will always be in this position.

Of course I know, in fact, this ranking is still very important, at least in the Xuanwu Continent, the first and last place, their status has completely changed.

The person standing on it right now is Bai Hua from the Bai family. This guy's ability is at the eighth level of a warrior, an eighth level warrior, but he is twenty years old, completely two years older than Ye Qingxuan.

Among the younger generation, no one dared to challenge this guy. It is said that he belongs to the Bai family, and he is already considered the most talented at the age of twenty.

Some people (Zhao's) didn't even get promoted to a level for several years, Ye Qingxuan looked at this guy with a proud look, as if their Bai family was the number one this time.

Ye Qingxuan turned around and said to the head of the Ye family, "¨I'm not talented, I want to fight this guy."

"Qingxuan, I don't think you should go up. Although I know you are very talented, but he is an eighth-level warrior. You can't be his opponent. Let others challenge." .

Chapter 703 Ye Qingxuan Challenges Bai Hua

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