Chapter 692 Advanced Monster Beast

"With talent, you suddenly become a third-level warrior, but it's still early for the academy to recruit. Maybe it will be able to break through during this time. We have to trust him."

Several people nodded, because it was the safest thing for Ye Qingxuan to enter the academy, at least no one in the Xuanwu Continent would think of him again.

The business of several people has been completed, no one here knows, Ye Qingxuan indicated that those skills will reach the full level within a day, but only know that this guy has a lot of ability after he has talent.

Although when Ye Qingxuan was a waste, these people would add insult to injury, and some people were bullying him, but no matter what, he was the one he loved, so they would protect him when he was outside.

Now some people are still wondering if Ye Qingxuan will retaliate against them, after all, they have bullied that guy before, and several people are discussing here, just happened to meet Ye Qingxuan walking over there.

Of course, what they were discussing also entered Ye Qingxuan's ears, but he pretended not to hear it, and usually walked past them and glanced over there for a while, but none of them dared to speak, and kept their heads down. Ye Qingxuan turned around and walked forward again, ignoring them at all.

Seeing Ye Qingxuan's figure disappear, one of the disciples said, "This is terrible, do you think he will take revenge on us??"

"This? I don't know, but he didn't say anything here just now."

Ye Qingxuan just didn't bother to pay attention to them, he just wanted to improve his cultivation now, so that he could break through and enter the third floor of Zangshu Pavilion sooner.

He went to the back mountain by himself again, now he was completely worried about Laifu, no one would bully him, and with his current status, Laifu was also very respected.

He rarely participates in the activities of this family, but he used to be like this, so even if he doesn't come, these people are very used to it.

In a few days it will be a contest between the major families, so now the major families are preparing for the battle, and the disciples of the families have been particularly diligent in the recent period, and they all want to win glory for the family in this contest.

But people in the Ye family rarely saw Ye Qingxuan, and they didn't know where he went. Every time they went to his courtyard, they didn't see him. Lai Fu didn't know where he went, after all, a servant didn't know Where he goes, that's normal.

Ye Qingxuan is in the middle of the back mountain, but actually it is very dangerous to go here, if the Patriarch of the Ye family knew that he was here, he would have sent someone to protect him long ago.

Ye Qingxuan is cultivating here. He was about to be promoted to the fourth level, so he was looking for opportunities to break through. Originally, every time he appeared here, he was only on the edge, but this time he went deep.

At this time, he found a blue phoenix flying forward in the sky. When he saw this phoenix (Wang Nuohao), he knew it was a very high-level monster, and it was very proud. Race.

And in front of this cyan phoenix, there was actually another very huge black eagle. He saw these two monsters of such a high level flying towards each other, and this monster actually spoke.

The cyan phoenix said, "Well, you black eagle, you dare to steal my jelly grass, delay my child, and turn into a phoenix, only a fledgling.".

Chapter 693 Two Monster Beasts Fight

"What nonsense are you talking about? I didn't take your fairy grass, so don't accuse me."

"How could I falsely accuse you, in this area, besides you with this ability, there is no other monster that dares to touch my fairy grass."

"I said Xuanniao, you didn't see it, please don't say that, okay?"

"Do you still need me to see it? Hurry up and hand over that fairy grass, or don't blame me for being rude to you."

"I said I didn't take it, so I didn't take it. Don't make trouble here, I don't have time to pay attention to you."

693 Ye Qingxuan knew very well in his heart that the level of talking monsters is very high, and not all human beings can be contracted.

He was still in his mind for a while, and he never thought that he would meet two such high-level monsters when he went out. Hearing what they said about the fairy grass, it seemed that the fairy grass should be a treasure.

But he kept squatting below and didn't dare to make a sound. If these two guys got angry and killed him, it would be over. Besides, with his current strength, it was impossible for him to be the opponent of such a high-level monster.

The black eagle refused to admit that he took the (ccfg) fairy grass, so Qingxuan was very angry, the pouring fire exploded in the next second, and only the blue flames were seen spraying forward.

The Black Eagle God said, "You guys are really messing around."

"Stop talking nonsense, if I don't take out that fairy grass, I will never let you go."

Xuanniao knew very well that without that fairy grass, his child would always be in the form of that chick, and it would be impossible for him to become what he is now.

A huge black eagle uttered a long eagle cry, and its two huge wings kept stirring a huge black energy for the next second, heading towards the blue flames in front of it, these two monsters The energy of the beast is really too powerful, all the trees that looked at this area turned into nothingness in an instant, but fortunately Ye Qingxuan was far away, otherwise he would have exposed himself long ago, maybe he would have become ash.

Is his cultivation too low? There is no chance of self-protection at all. If you are a master, you can barely stand here and watch the battle. The energy of these two monsters is too strong, and the two of them have been fighting like this.

In the next second, the black eagle flew towards Ye Qingxuan, and Qingxuan followed closely. It seemed that he would never give up until he handed over this fairy grass.

"I said I didn't take your jelly, but you just didn't listen."

Black Hawk is also powerless, if this continues, won't it be eliminated by this guy? So he thought about how to escape, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of this guy.

He had no choice but to use his most powerful energy to fight him. The energy of the two monsters exploded with powerful monster power, which shocked Ye Qingxuan.

Suddenly, the gust of wind picked up, and Ye Qingxuan was blown out with a swipe, and he was blown a long distance away. He didn't know where he fell, but he only knew that he fell from a high altitude and fell into a bush Among them, fortunately, the grass here is relatively thick, otherwise it would be no wonder that he would not be thrown into pieces when he fell.

He looked around, and it seemed that there was something that deliberately piled up the grass here. Could it be that it fell into the lair of some monster? Isn't it so unlucky? .

Chapter 694 Obtaining Two Advanced Magic Cores

When he stood up, he found that his finger was cut and was dripping blood. In a second, a chick came out from below, and the dripping blood just happened to land on the forehead of the chick.

In an instant, the fledgling successfully made a contract with him, is there a mistake? His contracted beast was actually a baby bird. He originally wanted to contract a very powerful monster. How did he become this little baby bird now?

The little chick looks very cute, but his feathers are also that kind of cyan, which is exactly the same color as the black bird just now. He jumped onto Ye Qingxuan's palm. It doesn't look too big, but it is Pretty cute, but what's the use of contracting a monster like this?

The next second he heard the sound of a phoenix crowing, and a huge blue phoenix fell from the sky. With a bang, the little chick flew forward immediately after seeing the blue phoenix, although He's not very good at flying yet.

But it can be seen from his eyes that he is very sad.

It turned out that just after Ye Qingxuan left, these two monsters emitted powerful energy, although the huge black eagle fell and dropped a high-level magic core.

But Qingxuan was also seriously injured, and he fell directly from the sky with this magic core. When he met him, he opened his eyes and saw his child, but he also found a person.

At this moment, Xuanniao immediately became angry. Even if he died, he had to protect his child. How could he let this human being hurt it? But he found out how did this child make a contract with this human being?

Damn human, you actually dare to make a contract with my child, Ye Qingxuan saw that it was not good, even though this guy was seriously injured, even if he tried to die, he could kill himself.

"Don't get me wrong, it's not that I want to make a contract with him, it's not that the two of you were fighting there just now, I was blown here, and the blood dripped from my fingers accidentally, otherwise how could I contract this little boy?" Hatchlings - ah."

Ye Qingxuan still thought that his child was just a fledgling, useless, but it was true, it was only in the form of a bird, he was indeed useless, otherwise he would not have desperately tried to **** back that celestial being. Grass, but until he died, the Black Eagle did not admit that he took the fairy grass.


Xuanniao said, "Seeing that you are only a warrior with a third-level cultivation base, how can you make a contract with my child, as long as I kill you, your contract will be terminated."

Ye Qingxuan said, "That's what I said, but if you want to kill me, I'm afraid your child will be seriously injured. If you don't die, half your life is gone. Don't you have the heart?"


The little chick chirped as if talking to this bird, he seemed to mean that he liked Ye Qingxuan very much, Xuanniao also knew that his life was not long, and he would disappear soon and be transported here.

"Since you have made a contract, I hope you will use your life to protect it."

"Originally, I wanted to make a contract with a more powerful monster, the more powerful the better, but unintentionally, I made a contract with this little chick. Although it seems useless, but since it has become my contract Beast, I will definitely not protect it well."

Xuanniao said, "Stupid human being, do you really think he is just a baby bird? No matter what, as long as your ability is strong, he can be better.

Chapter 695 Upgraded to Level 6 Samurai

This is the running-in of that black eagle, and I will also fall here soon, so you can take my magic core with you to improve your own ability. "

The little chick was very sad to hear Qingxuan say this, no matter what, this is also his mother.

Xuan Niao said, "Son, we are about to part, but you must not be sad, and try your best to make "Six Nine Three" stronger."

The blue flame on Qingxuan's body became more and more intense, the sword and arrow turned into ashes, and a cyan magic core appeared there, flying directly towards Ye Qingxuan. Flew to Ye Qingxuan.

Both the magic core and the high-level monster have memories from their lifetime, so Ye Qingxuan can understand, seeing the sad look of that little guy, Ye Qingxuan said, "Let's go, little chick, let's get out of here quickly, in case we meet again What kind of high-level monsters, I can't save you, maybe what kind of monsters can be attracted by the two magic cores in my hand."

The little chick swooped towards this side and disappeared in a second. Because it was Ye Qingxuan's contracted beast, it could hide completely, and it could appear as long as Ye Qingxuanyu summoned it.

I, Ye Qingxuan, know very well that it is useless to summon him by myself, after all, he is just a chick, and if he comes out, he will only be beaten by others.

Ye Qingxuan is very clear that no one below this great fighter will have a contracted beast at all. Even those who are above fighting, few people can contract their own contracted beast. After all, if the level of the contracted beast is not high If so, no one is willing to make a contract.

Everyone can only contract monsters in this lifetime, so of course they have to wait for the opportunity. After all, there are people who have cultivated above the Xuanshen level, and their lifespan will be extended, so those who can reach this level can wait until When one's own monster appeared, no one would contract one's own monster when they were young. Of course, if they really encountered a monster with a particularly high level, they could also make a contract.

Ye Qingxuan finally left here, walked to the edge of the back mountain, and sat here. This place is relatively secret. He took out these two magic cores and prepared to absorb them. It would be troublesome to bring them back, after all, such a high level The magic core is hard to see....

Even if the Patriarch's level is very high, he may not be able to subdue these two monsters. He first absorbed the black magic core of the black eagle. This magic core is really powerful. When it absorbed it, it sensed this energy of.

He himself was about to break through the fourth level. After absorbing the magic core, he was promoted to the fifth level and sixth level in an instant, and he was still growing upwards, but Ye Qingxuan felt that he couldn't break through so quickly.

He hasn't stood firm yet. If he continues to improve, it's not very good for him, so he should slowly increase this energy, first in his body, he didn't allow himself to continue to improve to 5.6, now it's just Only level six warriors.

Looking at the cyan magic core in his hand, he wondered if he could cover up his aura? In the next second, the magic core flew into his space by itself, and the breath was completely hidden.

This made Ye Qingxuan so happy, he didn't expect that Qingxuan had fallen, but his magic core actually possessed such a high spiritual intelligence, which was a very good thing for him.

Chapter 696

He stood up and walked directly to the courtyard, left the back mountain, and walked into his family's courtyard, Laifu stepped forward and said, "Young master, where have you gone?"

"I didn't go anywhere. I just went to practice. I just found a secluded place, and no one found me."

"The head of the family just sent someone over to inquire, saying that if he sees you coming back, please let you go and see him."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I'm not too clear about this. How can I say that I'm also a servant at 22, so it's not convenient to ask, so you should go and see for yourself."

"Okay then, I'll go and have a look first."

Ye Qingxuan turned around and walked in the direction of the Patriarch. This is the main hall of the Ye family. In this hall, everything will be discussed here. Apart from the Patriarch, there are other elders.

When Ye Qingxuan walked in, he found that all the elders except the family were here, but there was no disciple. Could it be that these people were all waiting for him?

Seeing Ye Qingxuan finally appear, the Patriarch said, "You're back."

Ye Qingxuan said, "See the Patriarch and see the elders."

"Excuse me, we called you here because we have something to discuss with you."

Ye Qingxuan was really puzzled, "I need to discuss things with me, what is the matter, let the head of the family and all the elders wait for me here."

The Patriarch smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, we know that you seldom participated in the affairs of the family before, and of course there are some reasons for yourself, but now your identity is completely different, and you also know that after a while, you will be the leader of the family." In the competition, with your third-level cultivation ability, I think you should not take part in it."

"Of course, it's not because of your low ability, but because we want to protect you. There is another thing, that is, if you reach the full level of five cheat books at the same time in one day, don't follow Anyone who says it's a good thing for you."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Of course I will participate in the matter of winning honor for the family, but I will agree to the latter matter, and I also know that it is also for my safety."

Bai Zhuo said, "Your child is only at the third level of cultivation, don't be brave, you must know that the competition in the family is a gathering of masters, not just like Mr. Bai's cultivation."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Don't worry, I know in my heart, if I really lose, I won't fight hard."

The head of the family said, "If that's the case, let him go. Anyway, the Bai family already knows about his ability. I believe people from other families should know it too. It's not a secret."

"Aside from this matter, is there anything else 697?"

"Oh, there are also activities in the family, the usual morning exercises and other activities. If you don't like it, you don't have to participate. I also know that you haven't participated in it for so many years, but if you like it, you can also follow them. Together, these are all up to your heart, as long as you come out and participate in important things."

"No problem, but the matter of precipitation will be avoided. I still want to sleep when I have that time. If I don't have the energy, how can I practice?"

"Hehehe! You child, well, all this is up to you."

"There's nothing else to do, I'll go first."

Chapter 697

"Go, go, just say what you need."


Ye Qingxuan turned around and left. He still didn't need anything for the time being. He just wanted to go back to his room and take a good rest. Although he didn't practice much today, he was not lightly tossed by those two big birds.

Back in the courtyard, Ye Qingxuan plunged into his room. The doctor knew that the young master was tired, so he ordered the two servants not to approach this side, and let the young master sleep peacefully.

In fact, these two people are also very popular in this courtyard, because the two of them don't have to do anything other than cleaning the courtyard. If they were in other courtyards, this job would be endless. .

One person hid in a small corner, and one of them said, "It's really leisurely in this courtyard. Apart from cleaning the courtyard every day, the young master doesn't let us do anything."

"It's Fauci who can stay for the two of us, as long as he does his job well, that's an account to the young master〃."

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