Ye Qingxuan looked at this young man's errands, and was really hesitant. He took out ten taels of silver from his pocket and gave it to him, saying, "It's a good job. This money will be used as your errand expenses. You have worked hard."

The young man could no longer enjoy himself with ten taels of silver, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "It's not hard work, it's not hard work, it's not hard work at all."

Ye Qingxuan smiled, and said to the young man, "It's already getting late, you should go home and rest quickly, come here early tomorrow, there are still many things that make you run away."

As soon as the young man heard that he had ten taels of silver, he ran back home. This young man had never seen ten taels of silver in his life, so Ye Qingxuan just gave it to him, which made the young man very happy.

The story spread very quickly, and the surrounding villages all knew about it, and they all heard that Ye Qingxuan's troupe of magic tricks was also invited, and when he said it, he was invited, as were the shadow puppet performers, and the old monkey performers were lively up.

In the vicinity of this village, there are more than 10 villages, large and small, some with more than 100 households, and some with more than a dozen households, all rushing here.

Ye Qingxuan woke up from this sleep on the second day. As soon as it was dawn, Ye Qingxuan heard loud voices outside, as if there were many people. Ye Qingxuan didn't know what happened. The village was almost surrounded, and Ye Qingxuan was immediately surrounded.


Ye Qingxuan called the second fat man over and asked, "What's going on with the second fat man."

The second fat man looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "Yesterday we invited the theater troupe from the town, and the surrounding villages that the jugglers told about it all heard about it, so we rushed here last night, and they all arrived this morning, and there will be more and more." People who are still thinking about rushing here."


Ye Qingxuan became happy when he saw this, there were so many people, this place really turned into a market, even busier than the market in the town.

Ye Qingxuan saw that young man Ye Qingxuan who was more agile yesterday called her over and said to him, "So many blind dates have arrived, we must not have enough food prepared, you should inform the kitchen now and let them kill the pigs quickly." Sheep, otherwise so many people don’t have enough to eat, we can’t neglect these folks.”

The young man understood as soon as he heard it, and then he went to the kitchen and said that there were too many people and there was not enough food, so he hurriedly called all the pig farmers and killed all the pigs that could be killed. Let everyone have something to eat.

The big man was completely dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

Chapter 520 Big Scene

So many people from ten miles and eight villages have come, what should we do? The big man knew that these people were all here to watch the excitement, to watch the show.

The big man quickly found it, and Ye Qingxuan said to Ye Qingxuan, "We could still afford to receive people from our own village, but now there are so many people here suddenly, what should we do?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said to the big man, "Why are you afraid of "five zeros"? Now it's nothing more than a lack of food and other things, so many people think they are all those things, so don't worry about those, let's prepare the food Just do it."

Ye Qingxuan said to the big guy, "No matter what the purpose of these folks is here, as long as we come, we have to let them have food, we can't let people gossip about us behind our backs, tell the folks to bring out all the things at home, sheep and Pigs and cows, those who can be killed will be killed, and I will go to the town to buy them later, and replenish them for each family, and everything will be mine.”

The big man was completely overwhelmed by Ye Qingxuan this time, Lao Chen thought Ye Qingxuan was crazy, how could he live like this, isn't this a prodigal?

Ye Qingxuan was excited here, and seeing the big guy there again, he didn't know what he was thinking, so he went up and gave the big guy a kick and said, "Hurry up, we don't have much time, go quickly."

At this time, the big man started to contact each other, communicated with each other, and took out all the food that could be eaten. The big man was recording, how many sheep, how many pigs, how many chickens, and how many ducks. down.

It was almost noon, the stage was ready, the shadow puppet show could no longer be supported, the people who told the story were ready, and the monkey show opened the venue.

The mourning altar was in the middle, so Ye Qingxuan walked up to the stage and said to the villagers, "Our family is building a new house today, and the villagers in the village have contributed a lot, so I arranged some meals and singing operas today." You monkey joker, I went to the town to invite all of these, just to let the folks have fun together, happy and happy, I woke up this morning to take a look, and now the folks from ten miles and eight villages are here, no matter what It doesn't matter who it is from, as long as we come, we'll have something to eat, and I'm going to invite everyone to eat and watch a play today, and make it lively."

As soon as Ye Qingxuan finished speaking on the stage, all the villagers were overjoyed and applauded...

They were all there to thank Ye Qingxuan, thinking that Ye Qingxuan was like money like dung, willing to make friends without being stingy, and very close to the people, so everyone was very happy.

In fact, when other villagers came here, they prepared food for themselves, because they just came to watch the excitement. Usually, they would have to walk a long way to go to the town, but this time they were closer, so they all came to watch the excitement , and there is no need to spend money to watch the theater, so so many people gathered, not for eating.

The old lady has never been to a market in her life, nor has she ever been to a market. She seldom goes out even in the village at home. Seeing so many people today, the old lady is also extremely excited.

And 5.6 was so lively because of the new house built by her family. The old lady was so happy that she didn't know what to do, she just stood there and looked at people with a silly smile.

Ye Qingxuan finished speaking on the stage, and then asked the theater troupe to start, as well as the monkey jugglers, each family in the village, whoever wants to see what they want to see, there is still some distance from each other, otherwise it will be too close. very noisy.

Chapter 521 Bazaar

And there are too many people to stand up, so there are performances to watch in the four corners of the village. The main entrance of the old lady's new house is singing opera. This is the middle of the village where many people gather.

The village became lively all of a sudden, perhaps it hadn't been so lively since the village existed, and today was the first time.

As soon as there were more people, some small businesses came here, some sold millet, some sold animal fur, and some made sugar figurines, people who did business all came.

Ye Qingxuan saw that this was a market, so Ye Qingxuan called Er Fatty over, Er Fatty was busy with the kitchen, the kitchen was really busy and lacked people.

The second fat man came over and looked at Ye Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan said, "Look at how lively this place is, there may not be so many people in the market, and it is impossible to be so lively."

The second fat man laughed and said, "It's lively, there's not enough food to eat, and the kitchen is going to be busy, so what should we do?"

Just as a play on the stage had just ended, Ye Qingxuan took advantage of this time to go up to the villagers and said, "I'm sorry folks, I didn't expect so many folks to come today, the meals we prepared are only enough for ourselves People in this village eat, this is really too sudden, I didn't prepare so much, please forgive me."

The audience shouted at this time, "You don't need to worry about us, people from other villages have brought their own food. We are here today just to join in the fun and watch the show. If you don't plan to eat here, even if you do, we will You can't eat here either."

Ye Qingxuan looked at this person, and Ye Qingxuan said, "How can that be possible? If you come, you are a guest. How can you let a guest go back hungry? Wouldn't it be rude."

The person said, "It's good enough to watch the theater for free. We don't expect anything else. You don't need to worry about us if you eat or drink."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "Maybe some villagers have prepared some food and drink when they come. If you don't have any, don't be shy, just go into the yard and find a place to sit down. We are going to have dinner. Don't worry about it." You are polite, they are all from the folks in the village.”

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, the banquet started over there. The tables and benches were all set up. At this time, the dishes began to be served. There were everything from pork, beef, and mutton.

In the end, there were not only things left, but a lot of them left. These villagers were very simple, no one sat here to eat, they all watched the theater there.

Those who can sit here are all from the same village, and they are familiar with their faces. There are really no people from other villages eating here.

The big man and his wife were almost busy in the kitchen at this time, and they also went out to watch a play there, and they also watched the excitement there. They had never felt such a lively atmosphere when they were so grown up. Look here and there.

Ye Qingxuan 500 saw that there weren't many people eating, and then Ye Qingxuan called the second fat man, and the two of them started strolling around the village, walking around all four corners, watching the monkey playing for a while was very interesting.

These monkeys trained really well, and then they went to see a shadow puppet show. After watching a shadow puppet show, they went there to listen to people's stories, and Ye Qingxuan was really attracted by what they said, and they stayed there for a long time.

Then Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man went over there to look around jugglingly, and strolled around. There are all kinds of things used by sellers, food, and things to play. Ye Qingxuan thought to himself, these people really Can do business, as long as people gather, they will appear there, no matter how far away.

Chapter 522 Call it a day

After Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man walked around for a long time, they returned to their own yard, opposite Ye Qingxuan who was singing opera, and the second fat man were sitting in their yard watching the opera.

Ye Qingxuan said to the second fat man, we have been out for a few days.

It's almost time to relax, we will go back to continue practicing tomorrow, and we can't miss the business.

Seeing that the sun was about to go down, Ye Qingxuan thought for a while, if the show didn't stop, these folks would not leave. The roads are not safe either.

So Ye Qingxuan went to the stage and said to the folks, "This is the end of today's performance, folks. The sun is about to go down. If some folks come from far away, go back quickly, otherwise It’s not easy to walk in the dark, it can be dangerous.”

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, he asked the theater troupe to stop and let all those who belonged to the theater stop.

In fact, the folks all retreated slowly and went home, because some folks drove more than ten miles just to watch the show, but it was too dark to go back, and it was deep in the mountains and old forests. Beast is not good.

After a busy day, the folks from the surrounding villages all withdrew, and the rest were people from the village. After a busy day, these people didn’t have any leisure at all, and there were still a lot of delicious food left Yes, Ye Qingxuan said to bring up all the food, and the rest are from our own village, so don't be shy, let's have a good meal by ourselves.

Ye Qingxuan saw that it was going to be dark soon, and then told the big guy to prepare the fire brigade, and 5 fires were lit around the yard, and now the yard was illuminated brightly, as if it were daytime, and the villagers were all from the same village , got very close together, and had a lively meal.

The villagers are also very grateful to Ye Qingxuan and the big family. After all, they have eliminated a big villain in the village, making their life less depressing in the future.

And today's show, my dear ones watched it very lively, and invited the folks to eat, so that the folks are more united, and they can get together. Even during the Chinese New Year, it is not so lively, so the folks are especially grateful to Ye Qingxuan There are two fat people.

The big man and his wife are also very happy today. Although they are very tired and exhausted, they are very happy. One is that they can live in a big house. The environment is better than before. It is cleaner, bigger and brighter. It also removes a big villain for Murakami, so that they can do whatever they want with dignity in the future.

The old lady was even more happy to see the big bright house, her eyes and body recovered, she was extremely happy, and the cows and sheep also came back.

The villagers had a very lively meal. Although it was dark, the fire had already illuminated the whole village.

It was almost midnight soon, and the villagers were still talking and laughing, eating there, (Li Dezhao) drinking, chatting, some women didn’t drink at home at all, and they drank when they were happy today. Got some.

When the folks finished eating, they took all the tables, chairs and benches back, and then cleaned up the yard and the kitchen, as if they hadn’t done anything before. It's home, it's midnight now.

Fatty Ye Qingxuan also went back to the west room to rest, and Ye Qingxuan fell asleep before he knew it.

Chapter 523 Parting

I don't know how long it took, Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes, and saw that it was already the second day, and the sun had risen very high.

Ye Qingxuan went out and called the big man over, and said to the big man, "Did you write down all the things that the villagers used for eating and drinking yesterday?"

As soon as the big man heard this, he took out the account book from his arms and handed it to Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan took a look and said to the big guy, "Go and gather all the folks here, I have something to say."

The breakfast action was also very fast, not too big, and the whole village was notified after a while, and they all gathered in the yard of the big man's house.

Ye Qingxuan saw that almost everyone had arrived, and Ye Qingxuan said to the villagers, "Yesterday, I used things from Meijia to do 517. I have a ledger here. Whose chickens, sheep, cows and Whose pigs, I have them here, I will convert them into money and give them to you, you go to the market to buy them yourself."

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, he read the names of the people with the big guy, and handed out money at the same time. Ye Qingxuan paid the highest price, and even gave more money to each family.

Ye Qingxuan calculated this account neatly.

Ye Qingxuan said to the villagers, "When I came here, I said that I passed by here, and I wanted to go for a stroll in the market. I moved the market to our village (ccfg) yesterday, and I also felt the excitement, and it was I'm also very happy about the extra excitement, but I'm leaving today, and I have more important things to do, so Fatty Two and I are here to say goodbye to everyone, and we'll be leaving in a while."

When the folks heard that it was difficult to leave, they all said there, "I can't leave, stay longer, I have only been here for a few days, so don't rush to leave."

The folks in the yard chattered and said everything, just one sentence, I don’t want Ye Qingxuan to go, one said to stay at his house for a few days, the other said to kill the sheep tomorrow, and leave after eating the lamb, and the other said to kill the pig, go They live at home for a few days.

The villagers were very enthusiastic, and Ye Qingxuan also felt a special touch in his heart.

Ye Qingxuan said that I will come again after a while, and when I come to visit you again, the villagers will not be able to stop me, so I will stop pushing.

The villagers all went home one after another, Ye Qingxuan looked at the big man, his wife and the old lady at this time, they sat at the door of their house and looked at Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan walked up to the old lady and said, "The second fat man and I will leave in a while. We have to take care of our bodies in the future. The good days are yet to come. I will visit you when I have time."

The old lady didn't say anything, tears kept falling down.

Ye Qingxuan said to the big guy, "Next time I pass by here, I will stay at your house. You can live here in peace and stability. Hurry up and ask your wife to have a child, so that the old lady can have something to do all day, and let him take care of you for you." What a wonderful child."

This time, the big man and his wife were a little embarrassed, their heads were lowered, their faces were flushed, and they were chattering happily.

Just when Ye Qingxuan was about to leave, the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and Ye Qingxuan was walking like the sky. This was not an ordinary change of the sky, but mana was manipulating it behind him. Ye Qingxuan suddenly understood that this force was running towards him. Come on, it seems that I have been away for two days and many people are looking for me.

If you are old and young, you must leave immediately, or you will hurt the villagers here.

Ye Qingxuan looked back at the old lady and said to the big man and his wife, I have to leave immediately, you guys go back to the house, it's going to rain soon, I'll visit you again when I have time.

Chapter 524 The Devil Realm Mutation

Ye Qingxuan didn't dare to delay for a while, he had to leave immediately, Ye Qingxuan led the second fat man out of the yard after speaking, and walked straight towards the mountain.

The old lady lived at the door with the big man and his wife, watching Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man leave.

The weather changed so suddenly, but after it didn't rain, the strong wind blew more and more. The old lady, the big man and his wife went back to the house to hide.

Ye Qingxuan followed the second fat man all the way up the mountain, no matter who came looking for them, they must be lured away, and they must not be allowed to appear in the village, otherwise it will hurt innocent people and scare the villagers.

Ye Qingxuan ran up the mountain with the second fat man. After a while, Ye Qingxuan stopped and looked at the sky.

The second fat man shouted to the sky, "Who is here? Since he is here, why doesn't he show up?"

When Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man looked at the sky, suddenly the wind stopped, the clouds dispersed, and everything returned to its old age, as if nothing had happened.

Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man looked at each other, not knowing what happened, and then they walked all the way back, without resting, until they reached the cave where they practiced, they finally came back, stopped in the cave, drank Drink some water, take a rest.

The second fat man looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "The change in the weather just now was obviously abnormal, why did it disappear suddenly? Could it be that he was passing by or came here for you-?"

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while, and said to the second fat man, "There are many people with boundless magic power in the devil world, and I can't guess who they are, and why they left suddenly?"

When Ye Qingxuan was talking to the second fat man, a voice burst into laughter.

After Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man heard it, they stood up quickly and walked out of the cave to look out. Ye Qingxuan recognized him at a glance. This person is the judge of the demon world. The news that suddenly appeared here today came from the Qiankun Pearl.

The things of the universe and the restoration of the magic crystal merged, and no one knew except his thinking, and no one knew that the magic crystal ball had disappeared for tens of thousands of years, and it was impossible for them to link the magic crystal ball and the universe bead.

But these two things were indeed merged into one by Ye Qingxuan, and they were in Ye Qingxuan's body.


It wasn't in the recent news about the Qiankun Pearl, the people who were caught by the Lord of the Rings knew that everyone was looking for Ye Qingxuan for the Qiankun Pearl, and no one knew that Ye Qingxuan got the crystal ball.

At this time, the judge of the demon world came from a distance with a big laugh. He was wearing a cloak from head to toe. He was completely black and looked terrifying. He couldn't see his face, and his eyes were shining yellow. It has boundless mana, with that kind of arrogant arrogance.


The judge of the devil world likes to be alone, no matter what he does, he never cooperates with others, even if he can't do it, he doesn't cooperate with others, he is just a person.

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