At this time, the big man said to Ye Qingxuan, "Thank you so much just now, otherwise these bandits don't know how long they will be arrogant, looking at your face, you shouldn't be this person, right 487?"

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while, and said to the big man, "We are foreigners. We passed by here and wanted to go to the market in front of us to join in the fun. I didn't expect to see such a thing happen here when we came to you."

At this time, those bandits came back with a large pair of troops and killed them all.

Ye Qingxuan looked at it and said, "Second Fatty, come here and take this family to the cowshed in the backyard to hide for a while. No matter what happens, I won't let you out, and none of you will be allowed to come out."

After the second fat man came over, he carried the old woman directly to the cowshed.

Ye Qingxuan got up and walked to the (ccfg) gate at this time, at this time these bandits also came to the gate.

The bandit who was injured just now said, "This is the man who beat us just now. This man is meddling in his own business. He is not from this village."

Ye Qingxuan saw that there should be more than 20 people in this group, Ye Qingxuan left, went over to them and said, "Just now I let you go and didn't care about you, since you dare to come back, you really don't know what to do."

This gang of bandits was very arrogant, and they were all laughing there. The bandit leader said to Ye Qingxuan, "Young people are new here, and you don't inquire about it. Whoever has the final say in this area, don't meddle in other people's business here, or you will have nothing to do." Good fruit, you beat my brother just now, and now I want to settle accounts with you, how do you think this should be understood?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled, and said to the bandit leader, "You still dare to settle accounts with me. I won't seek you out. You have come to your door today. You have done a lot of evil here, bullied the people and burned down their houses. This account is still there. How should it be calculated?"

The bandit leader felt that he had nothing to say, he stared angrily at Ye Qingxuan with his eyes wide open, took out the thing and ran to Ye Qingxuan to chop it.

Ye Qingxuan didn't dodge, jumped up, grabbed the bandit leader's knife, clenched his fist with the other hand, beat the bandit leader off the horse with one round, and then Ye Qingxuan rode directly on On the bandit leader's body, the Lord punched and punched, 7 times in a row, knocking out all the bandit leader's teeth, rolling around with blood all over his face, screaming there.

The remaining 20 or so bandits, seeing that the eldest brother was beaten, all rushed forward, took out the guy, and followed Ye Qingxuan. Ye Qingxuan jumped up, kicked 7 of them with a roundabout kick, and fell to the ground. Another 10 bandits in this circle were knocked down by Ye Qingxuan, yelling, the rest of them didn't dare to charge up at all, after Ye Qingxuan jumped over, he punched left and right but missed They were all knocked down by Ye Qingxuan within a minute.

Ye Qingxuan knows that everything is related to this bandit leader. Your bandits are all from nearby villages, and the people are all fooled by this bandit leader.

Chapter 514 Beheading

While Ye Qingxuan was talking to these people, he picked up a knife on the ground, and when he came to these people, Ye Qingxuan stabbed everyone in the forehead.

These 20 people are more than 20 knives, each of them has a knife on the forehead, and it is very deep, these people are covering their foreheads and screaming.

Ye Qingxuan said to these 20 people, I will not take your lives today, I will leave this knife on you, as a reminder for you, and as a reminder for you all the time, if you dare to come out to do anything wrong again, then you will be killed. Back to your fate is the same as the bandit leader.

When Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, he swung his sword and chopped off the bandit leader's head.

After the bandit leader's head fell off, he gurgled far away on the ground.

Ye Qingxuan said to the 20 people, "The cause of today's incident has nothing to do with you directly. After I let you go today, if you dare to step into this village, you will definitely be punished. Get out!"

These 20 people covered their heads, and when they heard Ye Qingxuan told them to get out, these people covered their heads and ran away without a trace after getting up.

The folks who were watching the excitement were blown away at the time. Yesterday when they were watching the excitement, they didn’t know who would win and who would win, and they didn’t dare to express their opinions or offend the bandit leader, so no one spoke. Today I remembered that we saw the bandit leader’s head I have already moved, so everyone cheered, this villain has been doing a lot of bad things in the ten miles and eight villages.

Everyone hated this man, so Ye Qingxuan killed the bandit leader today, and also helped the villagers take revenge in a disguised form, so the villagers were very enthusiastic, shouting and cheering there.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the second fat man in the yard at this moment, Ye Qingxuan thought to himself, he wanted to go down to find a market to join in the fun and relax because of the boredom of cultivation, but he didn't expect to meet this group of villains. Did it - a good thing.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the house that had been burned down, and then walked to the cowshed in the backyard. At this time, the second fat man, the big man, his wife, and his mother were all here. Fortunately, they were safe and sound.

Ye Qingxuan came and told the villagers at the end point, "The house of the big man was burned down by these villains, whoever has extra space for the old lady and the others to live temporarily for a few days, and then I will build their house When they get up and come back, I don’t know which hometown is convenient to take their family in temporarily, I’m here to thank the folks on behalf of the big guy’s family.”


As soon as Ye Qingxuan's words fell, all the villagers rushed to say go to my house, my house has a place, my new house, what does my family have, what does he have, everyone rushed to ask this family to go to them.


Ye Qingxuan saw that the blind date here was really enthusiastic, and he felt very relieved. Ye Qingxuan arranged the old man, the big man and his wife in the nearest neighbor's house. a care.

Ye Qingxuan doesn't know how to build a house at all, so Ye Qingxuan can only ask the villagers if there is anyone in the village who knows how to build a house, and help the big guy build the house, and I will pay her normally.

Are there any carpenters in our village who can do carpentry? We also need some here. Seats, benches, warehouses, granaries and cowsheds all need to be rebuilt.

A person in the crowd came out and said, "There is no such person in our village, but I am the only one in the neighboring village who can call her for you."

Chapter 515 Young Man

When Ye Qingxuan heard that this was great, he let this person go for a walk, and the bricklayer and carpenter were invited.

When I was a little older, this young man had really good legs and feet, so he invited carpenters and bricklayers. Ye Qingxuan said to these two people, "I want to build a house on this place, as well as a cowshed and barn, and a granary. You have to have everything, you calculate how much materials you need to use, how long it takes for people to "490" and how much wages, you calculate."

Ye Qingxuan went to the carpenter again and said to the carpenter, "There are tables, chairs, benches, wardrobes and beds for living at home. Calculate how much material you need, how much work you need, and how much you should be paid."

The big man came over to Ye Qingxuan at this time and said, "Have you forgotten that I am just a carpenter, why do you still find someone else to do this kind of work?"

Ye Qingxuan haha, smiled and said, "I've forgotten about it, but it doesn't matter, you can just be a supervisor, you have more important things to do, building a house requires people , I need an errand runner everywhere, you can't leave a dead body, so let them do it."

The big man thought for a while and said, "You can stop doing the furniture for now, and I will do it by myself in the future. How much will it cost to invite them?"

Ye Qingxuan understood at once, the big guy really cares about the money, Ye Qingxuan smiled and said to the big guy, "I also brought these people, and I brought these goods, so I should also pay for the money, You don't have to worry about this, you just need to take care of the old lady."

Ye Qingxuan mentioned the old lady at this time, Ye Qingxuan suddenly remembered the old lady's illness, I haven't fixed it for her yet, Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said to the big man, "I have a secret recipe handed down from my family to treat coughs caused by getting angry. Suffering from physical weakness, it’s not a real disease, it’s just a fire, I’ll give you an order in a moment and you’ll go get the medicine, I guarantee that the old lady will be like a good person for three days, there’s nothing wrong with it, and I’ll guarantee that the medicine will get rid of the illness, and follow Just like a good person, I guarantee that you won't see that the old lady has been ill."

At this time, the big man stared at Ye Qingxuan with wide eyes and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Can it really be so effective? That's great, my wife has been ill for so long and hasn't improved, now there is a cure, you hurry up and give me the prescription, I'm going to grab the medicine..."

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan thought, I don't have any prescriptions, I just lied to you, and then Ye Qingxuan said to the big guy, "Don't go, I'll let the second fat man go later, he knows what I should buy and you can buy it." There are other things to do, and you are indispensable to build a house in this house, so leave this matter to Er Fatty."

The big man thought about it and understood, after all, it is a secret recipe handed down from his ancestors. He was afraid that I would know it, so he didn't let me grab this medicine. The big man wanted to thank Ye Qingxuan no matter what, it is better than anything else to cure my mother's illness.

Ye Qingxuan pretended to write a medicine list there and gave it to the second fat man. The second fat man understood what Ye Qingxuan meant at a glance, and went up the mountain to pick some leaves to grind 5.6 into flour, and then handed it to the big man.

The second fat man said to the big man, "These medicines have already been seized. I will boil a bowl for the old lady every day, drink two large bowls of water, boil a bowl, and then give the old lady once a day. After three days, the medicine will be cured."

In fact, the medicine Er Fatty got is some of the most common anti-inflammatory medicines on the mountain, to stop bleeding and reduce inflammation.

Chapter 516

The medicine that the big man took was like a treasure, and he cherished it very much. Then, according to the method that the second fat man said, he made a bowl for the old lady every day, and took it on time every day.

The carpenters and bricklayers at home have already started to work at this time. They have prepared their materials and brought their own workers to start working. The carpenters and bricklayers promised to complete the work within 7 days.

Ye Qingxuan walked up to the second fat man at this time and said, after the house is built, I will take you to the market, let's not forget the purpose of these 22 visits.

The second fat man looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "It doesn't matter whether you go to the market or not. The main thing is to relax. I think it's very good here. The folks here are very enthusiastic."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while, and said to the second fat man, "That's fine, then I'll turn this place into a market and make it lively. When the house is built, let the villagers come and liven it up. In this way, eating and drinking is more interesting than going to the market.”

The second fat man thought about it, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Your idea is really good, so what should I do?"

Ye Qingxuan practiced for a while every night, and the second fat man stood guard in front of Ye Qingxuan as usual.

That night Ye Qingxuan had just finished practicing, and then asked the second fat man, "How many days has the big man's mother been taking medicine?"

The second fat man thought about it, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "After dawn, it will be the third day."

Ye Qingxuan said to the second fat man, "I promised the big man to make that medicine, and the medicine will cure the disease in three days. You know what to do."

Of course the second fat man knew what Ye Qingxuan meant, and Ye Qingxuan didn't need to do this kind of thing himself. The second fat man came to the room of the big man's mother, because it was already late and everyone had already rested. With such a back and forth in the body, the root cause of the old lady's illness has been cured, and then the second fat man quietly returned to the room to rest.

It was like what happened in the miraculous scene after dawn. This morning, I went to the ground and started to work, doing some things within my ability. After the big guy woke up, he came to his mother's house and was shocked.

Why did his mother suddenly fall to the ground, and her body is very good, like a good person, the big man walked up to his mother and said to her, "Hello, you are so good, you are so good, this is really a magic medicine, Ye Qingxuan said Three days later, the medicine was cured, and today is the third day, and you really got better."

The big guy yelled and asked directly, Ye Qingxuan came to this house, Ye Qingxuan was still sleeping, and he was forcibly woken up by the big guy before he woke up, the big guy said to Ye Qingxuan, "Your ancestral secret recipe is really awesome, my mother Well, she is cooking there by herself now, and she looks very energetic 493, today is just the third day, your medicine is really good, you are too powerful."

Ye Qingxuan was sleeping, the big man said so much in one breath in the dream, Ye Qingxuan didn't understand at all, fell back to sleep again.

I was a little excited at this time in the morning, but I saw that Ye Qingxuan hadn't woken up yet, let's forget it in the morning, and I'll tell you when you wake up, and then I went to find his wife and told her, mother is all well now , It's amazing, you hurry to see it.

The big man pulled his wife over and let him see. The big man's wife was also shocked. She was bedridden yesterday and had to be fed. Why did she go to work in the field today? .

Chapter 517

There really is such a miraculous medicine, this medicine is really great, and my mother's illness is finally cured.

The big man walked up to his mother and said, "How do you feel now? Do you still want to cough, or what kind of feeling?"

The old lady said, "I woke up this morning feeling relaxed and dizzy from panting. My body was full of energy. I just wanted to walk around and move around. I felt that I had been lying down for too long. It is indescribably comfortable and energetic."

When the big guy heard this, the Coke was broken, as long as the old lady was better, it was better than anything else.

The old lady knew everything when she was lying in bed. The old lady knew everything that happened at home. The old lady who built the house now started cooking for these workers at home. Now she can do any work. The old lady is in a good mood That's okay, everyone is happy to see the old lady's current state.

The big guy ran up to Ye Qingxuan, knelt down, and said, "You helped our family to have a villain, and you also helped us build a house. The child is well, my mother's eyes, what do you want me to say?" Ah, what a great benefactor of our family〃ˇ.”

Ye Qingxuan quickly helped the big man up, and said to the big man, "I will help no matter who they are in order to punish those wicked people. Your mother's eyes just happen to be a coincidence, and I have a secret recipe handed down from my ancestors. It's a coincidence. It's also a predestined relationship between us. There's nothing to be grateful for." stand up."

The big man said to Ye Qingxuan, "Anyway, you saved our family, and my life is yours now. No matter what happens to you, as long as you say a word, I will go through fire and water."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the big man and said, "Your life was given by your mother, I dare not take it, taking good care of your mother is better than anything else, good days are yet to come."

The old lady started to work in the kitchen at this time. He watched his house change day by day. Thinking of living in a new house at the end of the day, the old lady was extremely happy.

Moreover, some time ago, the family's cattle and sheep were blackmailed by the villain into a fire, and they lost their eyesight at that time. They were bedridden for two months and suddenly recovered from illness. Everything made the old lady so happy that she couldn't keep her mouth shut.

The old lady is working hard now, and the front and back yards of the house are all upright.

Er Fatty is here to help the old lady. Seeing the excitement of the old lady, Er Fatty is also very happy.

After a busy day, it will be night, and tomorrow the house will be completely finished.

After the carpentry work was finished, Ye Qingxuan said to the second fat man, "When there is nothing else to do here tomorrow, I will take you to the town's market for a walk. Let's go there to join in the fun."

The second fat man looked at it and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I have a good idea."

Ye Qingxuan (Ma Nuohao) didn't quite understand at this time, looked at Er Fatty and said to Er Fatty, "What's your idea? Let's hear it."

The second fat man looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "Look, we originally planned to go to the market to watch the fun, but we didn't expect to encounter so many things in this village, and there are more or less reasons for us.

We lured those villains here, and then burned down the big house. We still have that house now, but you see, the folks in the village are busy here.

Chapter 518 Shadow Play

There is no indication, I think we might as well invite the folks to have a meal.

Let the whole village come together to have fun. I think that is more interesting than going to the market. It can be regarded as a favor for the villagers. You see, all the villagers are busy here. We should treat them to a meal . "

Ye Qingxuan thought about it, what the second fat man said, and then said to the second fat man, "Your idea is really good, let's move the market here and make the village more lively, even more lively than that market .”

At this time, Ye Qingxuan came up with an idea, called the big guy over and said, "Now you arrange for me a few people with quick legs and feet, let them go to the town, there are some shadow puppet shows in that market, monkey performers, opera singers, and martial arts sellers Yes, as long as there is excitement, you invite those people over to me."

The big man was a little confused at this moment, and asked Ye Qingxuan, "Why did you invite them here for no reason?"

Ye Qingxuan patted the big man on the shoulder and said to the big man, "Look, I have caused you so much trouble when I came to the village, and the house was even burned down. Although I said I built a new one for you, the villagers are rushing forward. After work, I feel sorry. I want to invite the folks to have a meal, and then bring back all the beautiful and fun things in the town, and let them come to this village to give us a performance. We will build a house for this happy event, and it will be lively , just like the bazaar."

The big man was completely dumbfounded at this moment, he took a moment and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Eating is a matter of course, I think we can invite all the jugglers and monkey jugglers from the troupe, how much will it cost?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at the big man and laughed, and said to the big man, "All the expenses are mine. I originally planned to go to the market to have a good time, but now it seems that I can't go, so I will take the money from the market." People are invited to come here, let's have a good time with the folks, it's not better to kill two birds with one stone, so you don't have to worry about money, just invite it."

Breakfast is a careful person. When it costs money, I feel uncomfortable. I think how much it will cost. No matter who pays for it, it is too expensive. I always feel (ccfg) uncomfortable.

Ye Qingxuan patted the big man on the shoulder and said, "Stop thinking about it, hurry up and find someone to arrange it, tomorrow must be in place, we will all be scheduled for tomorrow, let's have a good time, let's invite anyone who can come today, please come back quickly, don't delay For tomorrow's business, let the people who went to the town buy some firecrackers and come back."

Xiao San shyly left the yard like this, and found a few people to arrange these things for them to go to the town, and invited those who performed monkey shows, shadow plays, magic tricks, opera singers, and those who had something to do with the excitement.

These people looked at it, and the big guy said to the big guy, "There is a God of Wealth coming to your house, you have to take good care of it."

These boys ran away after they finished speaking. They were called Maliu alone. They were familiar with these things, and they gathered all these people in the town in a short time.

When the sun was high and the mountains were setting, these people invited all the opera performers, monkey performers, magic performers, shadow puppet performers and losers from the town to the village.

As soon as these people came, there was a lot of cheering, a large group of people driving carriages, and some carrying things, all rushed here.

Chapter 519 Monkey Show

Seeing people coming, Ye Qingxuan hurriedly walked over a few steps, and the young man who was going to invite these people started to introduce to Ye Qingxuan, this one is a monkey show player, this one is a shadow puppet show player, these two are storytellers, the two car people It's singing, followed by magic.

Ye Qingxuan was stunned there, seeing so many people coming, Ye Qingxuan was overjoyed.

Ye Qingxuan arranged for this young man to arrange all these people to the homes of fellow villagers. He must take care of the food and drink, and he must not neglect them. The young man directly put some of these people in his own house and put a few people in that house, and after a while, he arranged all these people, and they all lived in this village~.

The young man came after making arrangements, went to Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I have already arranged for those people who were invited in the town just now, and I promise not to neglect them. We fellow villagers like them very much."

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