The ancient Jiaolong and the two fog beasts saw Ye Yu and the others coming here, because they had previously attacked Ye Yu's spiritual pet and recognized Ye Yu.

So these spirit beasts were very anxious when they saw Ye Yu, and quickly told the earth demon bear spirit beast and fierce tiger spirit beast that Ye Yu is the enemy of their master, they must protect their master well, and they must not be allowed to enter the Lingyin Inside the cabinet.

The Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast heard the ancient Jiaolong and the two fog beasts say that Ye Yu is their master's enemy. At this time, the Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast hastened to prepare and join the battle at any time.

Among Ye Qingxuan's spiritual pets, the Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast has the highest understanding and is the most able to understand people's thinking. Relatively speaking, it knows how to appreciate and protect its master better than the other spiritual pets.

At this time, they saw Ye Yu releasing his spiritual pet, because the ancient dragon and the two fog beasts had fought against Ye Yu's spiritual pet before.

So when the enemies met, they were extremely jealous, and saw the ancient dragon and the two fog beasts rushing towards Ye Yu's flying unicorn and Haotian dragon together.

After all, the immortal ranks of the ancient dragon and the two fog beasts were not as high as Ye Yu's flying unicorn and Haotian dragon, because in the battle, the ancient dragon and the two fog beasts were defeated.

However, the ancient flood dragon and the two mist beasts followed Ye Qingxuan and are constantly improving their immortal rank and mana. After all, they are linked by contract with Ye Qingxuan. When Ye Qingxuan's immortal rank and mana power are rising, they also It will follow the master's mana and skills to continuously improve.

So now the immortal ranks of the ancient dragon and the two fog beasts have also been raised a bit, but Ye Yu's two spirit beasts, the flying unicorn and the Haotian dragon, after all, their immortal ranks are too high, so the ancient dragon and the two The fog beasts still struggled slightly when fighting them.

Although the fierce tiger spirit beast had some disputes with the ancient dragon and the two fog beasts before, they both signed a contract link with Ye Qingxuan, I saw it. The ancient dragon and the two fog beasts fought against Ye Yu's two spirit beasts with great difficulty.

And after all, Ye Yu came to trouble Ye Qingxuan and fight Ye Qingxuan. As Ye Qingxuan's spirit beast, he had to protect his master.

Otherwise, if his master is injured, as the master's spiritual pet, his mana and skills will also decrease, and he will be implicated, so the fierce tiger spirit beast followed up to help the ancient dragon and the two fog beasts.

Here, the earth demon bear spirit beast uses its spiritual power to help the ancient dragon and two fog beasts, and the fierce tiger spirit beast fights Ye Yu's several spirit beasts, while looking at Ye Yu and his disciples, afraid They entered the Lingyin Pavilion to disturb their master's cultivation of elixir...

Although Ye Qingxuan is concentrating on refining the elixir here, he will still be alert to the sound of fighting outside, so here Ye Qingxuan has also increased his efforts in cultivating elixir, and wants to get the nine elixir furnaces as soon as possible. The elixir and honey inside are refined.

Ye Qingxuan was also very worried, they would break in and disturb him to refine the elixir with honey, so at this time Ye Qingxuan began to withdraw some internal energy, and tried his best to transfer all the internal energy to the three of the nine alchemy furnaces. Inside these three alchemy furnaces.

Ye Qingxuan did this in order to be able to refine the elixir as soon as possible, and take it into the body to increase his own immortal rank. If he keeps channeling his internal power like this nine elixir furnaces, I am afraid that if they really break in, the nine elixir may not be successful in honey training. .

So at this time, Ye Qingxuan first refined the elixir in the three elixir furnaces with honey, and took these three elixir furnaces into his body as soon as possible.

At this time, because Ye Qingxuan concentrated some of his previous internal and mana powers into these three pill furnaces, as expected, the Sanweizhenhuo in these three pill furnaces became more vigorous, and the aura on the pill furnaces began to linger continuously.

After a while, there was a "bang" from the three pill furnaces, and the three pill furnaces exploded at the same time, and three pills flew into the air. At this time, Ye Qingxuan gently stretched out his hand, and the three fairy 5. Dan, fell into his hands.

Ye Qingxuan quickly swallowed the three elixir into his stomach, at this moment he felt the sea of ​​elixirs burst into flames, roasting his body very hot.

Ye Qingxuan felt the spiritual power brought to him by the three elixir, and his alchemy couldn't help being able to hold the spiritual power, and then Ye Qingxuan hurriedly sat there practicing kung fu and meditating, slowly allowing his spiritual power to expand his alchemy.

Afterwards, Ye Qingxuan hurriedly sat in the center of the Lingyin Pavilion, and continuously sent the mana and skills in his body to the other three furnaces, and practiced the elixir in the other three furnaces.

Because Ye Qingxuan ate three elixir refined here before, Ye Qingxuan felt that his internal energy and mana seemed to be much stronger than before, and it became easier to transport them into the three furnaces.

Chapter 279 Ye Yu Visits (Please Subscribe!)

At this time, I saw that the Sanwei Zhenhuo in the three furnaces continued to strengthen and became hot, and the spiritual energy in the three furnaces continued to surround.

After a while, with the simultaneous "bang" of the three stoves, the three elixir flew into the air again.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan quickly got up and leaped, stretched out his hand to take the three elixir, and quickly put the three elixir into his mouth.

When Ye Qingxuan just put the three elixir into the buckle, Ye Qingxuan heard a few spiritual pets outside, moaning weakly there.

When Ye Qingxuan heard that his spiritual pet seemed to be injured, he didn't care about it, and there were still three elixir that hadn't been refined, so he hurried out of the Lingyin Pavilion.

Ye Qingxuan ran out and saw Ye Yu standing there with many disciples, Ye Yu's spirit beasts were also there, as if mocking Ye Qingxuan's spirit beasts lying on the ground.

Ye Qingxuan only saw a few of his spirit beasts at this time, and they were all injured at this time, especially the earth demon bear beast, lying on the ground weakly panting, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but feel very distressed.

Ye Qingxuan hurriedly sent a few spiritual pets to his spiritual power space at this time, because Ye Qingxuan had already taken six elixir in this Lingyin Pavilion just now, and now the mana and skills in his body are already very strong.

Ye Qingxuan has not transported these elixir in time to give him the energy, if Ye Qingxuan has the opportunity to practice meditation here now, Ye Qingxuan will soon be able to reach the online standard.

But now time has not given Ye Qingxuan this chance, after all Ye Yu has brought many of his disciples to Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan saw it, Ye Yu smiled very proudly there, and said to Ye Qingxuan very mockingly.

"Ye Qingxuan didn't expect that you haven't walked out of this secret realm yet! Could it be that you can't get out?"

"Hahaha, with your little skill, you dare to come to the secret realm!"

"It's a pity that I let you run away last time. I didn't expect that this time, Yuanjia Road is narrow. We will meet again this time. I will definitely smash your fairy bones again."

"Let you be wiped out! This time, you won't be given another chance to escape."

Ye Qingxuan was very angry when he saw Ye Yu standing here, but he didn't expect Ye Yu to mock him like this.

Ye Qingxuan was very angry at this time, he got up and jumped, suspended in mid-air, raised the Tianjue Sword, and stabbed at Ye Yu.

At this time, Ye Yu also got up to meet Ye Qingxuan, and shouted loudly.

"Just your Heavenly Absolute Sword? Silent sword qi, you still want to fight with me. You are really asking for trouble."

When Ye Qingxuan heard Ye Yu still despise him like this, he also shouted to him loudly.

"Ye Yu, today I must make your fairy bone perish, and you just wait to die!"

"Shameless and filthy villain, you hurt my parents, hid my fairy bones, and completely annihilated me. Fortunately, with the help of noble people, I can experience the fairy bones again and seek revenge from you."

I saw Ye Yu and Ye Qingxuan clinking in the sky, and dozens of rounds passed in a short while.

Many disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect saw their master and Ye Qingxuan flying in the sky on the ground, and they all kept applauding there.

After all, they are very clear about how powerful their master's martial arts are, and not long ago, their master's immortal rank has once again ascended to the level of the upper immortal.

The Ye Qingxuan in front of them was only at the level of a middle immortal, but seeing his mana and skills, he seemed to be close to a high immortal.

However, Ye Qingxuan has not yet fully developed and experienced, so he is still at the level of Zhongxian.

Just a little Zhongxian dared to yell at his head, so these many disciples kept clapping and applauding below, watching the excitement.

Because in their hearts their sect masters are the most powerful, and Ye Qingxuan's level is simply to send him to death, and with Ye Qingxuan's little Zhongxian rank, he dares to yell at their sect masters. I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan and Ye Yu fought more and more fiercely. In his eyes, Ye Yu killed his parents and won his fairy bones, making him an ordinary person without the opportunity to practice, and let her become his sword servant to serve him. He left and right, and finally killed him, throwing her off a cliff.

These scenes flickered in front of Ye Yu's eyes like a movie. Ye Qingxuan had just swallowed six elixir, and he hadn't had time to transform and practice.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Ye Yu brought many disciples to the Lingyin Pavilion to meet Ye Qingxuan. The hatred in his chest couldn't help but arise spontaneously. At this time, and because the six elixir in the village uniform just now were not fully transformed, Ye Qingxuan at this time Some are in a state of madness.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan opened his blood-red and angry eyes, and there was a lot of spiritual energy, magic power and skills in his body that were being released to the outside.

When Ye Yu confronted Ye Qingxuan at first, he didn't take Ye Qingxuan seriously.

After all, Ye Qingxuan ran away when the two of them fought before, which shows that Ye Qingxuan is still very afraid of him in terms of aura. Seeing that Ye Qingxuan is just a small center now, and he is now at the level of a Shangxian.

So Ye Yu didn't pay attention to Ye Qingxuan at all, but what he didn't expect was that Ye Qingxuan and the child were fighting more and more fiercely during the 160 battle. Ye Yu saw Ye Qingxuan's eyes exuding a blood-red fierce look, that was very hatred face.

Ye Yu couldn't help but feel very scared, but a little terrified, what happened to Ye Qingxuan?

Ye Yu couldn't help thinking, is Ye Qingxuan a little bit crazy now? If a center is in a state of madness, his mana and skill can reach the level of a fairy.

Although being insane is a state of failure in cultivating immortals, but when he is in a state of insanity, he can completely release the excessive spiritual power, mana and skills in his body, and then restore his own heart root. The cultivation process of ascending to the immortal rank.

However, this process of cultivation is also like a bet. If there is no particularly good heart, the immortal bones will be completely shattered, turning back into ordinary people, and there will be no chance of cultivating immortals. In this case, it will be completely destroyed, and it will be wiped out, and there will be no chance of becoming an ordinary person.

However, this state of obsession is indeed very terrifying. Seeing Ye Qingxuan's situation, Ye Yu couldn't help but start to feel a little scared, but he was thinking, Ye Qingxuan is only at the level of a middle immortal, how could he possibly be able to fight against him? A celestial being.

Chapter 280 Heaven's Absolute Sword Phantom

Although Ye Yu was very scared when he saw Ye Qingxuan in this state, but he was also very confident in himself. At this time, Ye Yu deliberately used a very confusing sword technique, trying to make Ye Qingxuan's state of madness even worse. .

But I didn't expect that the Tianjue sword in Ye Qingxuan's hand had a blood contract with Ye Qingxuan, and Tianjue, the sword is a good spiritual weapon, although its owner is currently in a state of madness.

But as the master's contract spirit weapon, he released his powerful skills at this time, using the phantom of the sword of heaven to fight against the invincible sword in Ye Yu's hand.

At that time, I saw Ye Qingxuan holding the Tianjue sword and pointing at the sky, preparing to use the Tianjue secret formula to fight against Ye Yu. At this time, I saw the Tianjue sword, which seemed to transform into a phantom, like a silver dragon rushing towards the sky.

A super-powerful wave of spiritual energy trembled in the entire Lingyin Pavilion. Ye Yu and his many disciples were immediately shocked when they saw this super-powerful wave of spiritual energy.

As the head of the Sword Emperor Sect, Ye Yu's Invincible Sword is a very powerful spiritual weapon, but even if Ye Yu has reached the upper limit level, this spiritual weapon has not yet transformed into his phantom.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qingxuan's Heavenly Spirit Realm should be obtained by him after he came to the secret realm, and within a short period of time, he could merge with Ye Qingxuan and transform into a phantom.

Especially when Ye Qingxuan was still in a state of madness, Tianjue Sword was able to conjure up a phantom, perform a crazy handbrake on his enemies, and help its master out of trouble. This kind of aura phantom is really rarely produced through experience of.

I saw the phantom of the silver dragon transformed by Ye Yu's Tianjue sword rushing towards Ye Yu, and saw this phantom directly rushing towards Ye Yu's heart and passing through Ye Yu's body.

At this time, I saw Ye Yu standing there looking at the blood bubbling from his chest, then looking back, and flying towards the phantom of the Heavenly Absolute Sword in the sky.

At this time, Ye Yu quickly took out his quick repair elixir from his storage space, and swallowed it.

Many disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect on the ground saw that their head was injured, they all jumped up and went to the office to besiege and kill Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan's energy was distracted by the siege of many disciples, but he continued to fight back against the many disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect who surrounded him.

After a while here, I saw Ye Yu's body slowly recovering, and the blood on his chest had slowly healed. I saw Ye Qingxuan flying lightly to the back of the crowd, using his invincible sword emperor spirit weapon to attack Ye Yu.

Here, because Ye Qingxuan has gone crazy, he has been fighting with these many disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect crazily. Seeing Ye Yu's shadow, standing behind these many disciples, Ye Qingxuan held the Heavenly Absolute Sword in his hand, and went straight Ye Yu shot over.

Ye Yu didn't show weakness either, he raised his invincible sword, and a sharp aura rushed towards Ye Qingxuan in an instant.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan felt his flesh ache from being scratched by the sharp breath. Although Ye Qingxuan's Tianjue Sword was also very powerful, the Tianjue Sword could block the sharpness of the Invincible Sword in Ye Yu's hand.

But after all, Ye Qingxuan came head-on, and he hadn't reached a certain level of immortality, so when this sharp aura reached Ye Qingxuan's face, he would feel pain in his flesh.

However, Ye Yu here was also drawn by Ye Qingxuan's Tianjue sword, and the one who shot was unable to stand still and floated in mid-air.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan took advantage of Ye Yu's vacillation to transform his internal force again, and the phantom of Tianjue Sword broke away from the entity of Tianjuejian again, and shot at Ye Yu.

Since Ye Yu was injured by the phantom of the Tianjue sword last time, so this time he reversed his body quickly. Although he avoided the phantom of the Tianjue sword and did not stab his own heart, he pierced from the edge of his body , The waist was injured.

Seeing that his waist was injured, Ye Yu quickly rolled over, trying to take out a panacea to heal his wound.

Many disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect also saw that Ye Yu was injured by Ye Qingxuan's Tianjue Sword again, and they also saw the Tianjue Sword. When Ye Qingxuan shot arrows outward, many disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect hurriedly jumped outwards to avoid the phantom attack of Ye Qingxuan's Absolute Heaven Sword in time.

At this time, I saw a wave of purple waves vibrating and floating in the sky, and the aura kept trembling in the entire midair, which was the deterrent force brought by the phantom of Tianjue Sword.

Since Ye Yu had been injured by Tianjue Sword before, he was meditating on the side of his waist, using the elixir to repair his immortal body in time.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qingxuan brought the Tianjue Sword to attack her again, and even transformed into a phantom of the Tianjue Sword. The shadow of a silver dragon rushed out of the Tianjue Sword, and crazily passed through Ye Yu's body .

At this time, Ye Yu was injured again, spitting out blood, and gurgling blood flowed out from his chest again. Ye Qingxuan was very happy to see Ye Yu like this, took out the Tianjue sword again, and shot at Ye Yu again.

At this time, many disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect had already jumped to the side and saw Ye Qingxuan's chain, stabbing the Tianjue sword at Ye Yu twice, and they couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air.

Although their masters are very powerful, they also saw the superb skills of the phantom of the Heavenly Tribulation Circle just now. If their masters were shot by the Tianjue sword and the phantom twice in a row, then their masters must also be affected by it. no.

At this time, many disciples of Sword Emperor Sect jumped into the sky one after another, and surrounded their head, trying to block the phantom of Tianjue Sword from attacking the head again.

Unexpectedly, the phantom of Tianjue Sword appeared this time with a super-powerful (Winning King's) deterrent force, knocking out all the disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect.

He saw many disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect fall from mid-air to the ground, spitting blood, and Ye Yu saw many disciples helping him block the arrows, but none of them could block the phantom of Ye Qingxuan's Tianjue Sword.

At this time, Ye Yu turned around and jumped, wanting to leave here as soon as possible. He saw Ye Qingxuan who was in a state of madness, and he was very powerful now.

Ye Qingxuan is now like a lunatic who has lost his temper, his mana and skills have become stronger, and with the help of Tianjue Sword Phantom.

At this time, Ye Yu knew that he was really not Ye Qingxuan's opponent now. Seeing many disciples, they all fell to the ground because of his injuries.

Ye Yu didn't have time to save his many disciples at this time, so he could only fly away from here as soon as possible, escape from the danger, and come back to kill his many disciples.

Chapter 281 Fighting (please subscribe!)

Ye Qingxuan saw Ye Yu flying away from here quickly, and quickly jumped up to follow, and saw the purple air in mid-air turbulent.

When Ye Qingxuan saw that Ye Yu wanted to escape, his heart was burning with anger, and he saw Ye Qingxuan closely chasing Ye Yu with his scarlet eyes open.

Seeing Ye Qingxuan's angry and terrifying look, many disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect who fell on the ground were also worried that many of their master disciples could still get up, so they quickly got up and jumped towards Ye Yu and Ye Qingxuan. .

Ye Qingxuan has been chasing Ye Yu closely, because Ye Yu was injured by Ye Qingxuan's two chain arrows before, so now his body is very weak, and he keeps taking out elixir from his storage space to send to the mouth, and flew forward tightly to prevent Ye Yu from catching up.

But this time, Ye Yu is completely in a state of madness, and seeing Ye Qingxuan has been in front of him, letting an enemy he particularly hates within his line of sight arouses Ye Qingxuan's anger even more.

Gradually, Ye Yu's physical fitness became more and more unbearable. At this time, he looked back and saw that Ye Qingxuan was chasing after him. Ye Yu looked at 160 from front to back, left, and right. Physical strength is definitely not Ye Qingxuan's opponent.

Ye Yu saw a thick forest below, Ye Yu hurriedly jumped into the forest, Ye Qingxuan followed closely behind, saw Ye Yu jumped into the deep forest below, and quickly jumped down too.

Because the branches and leaves in this forest are very luxuriant, after Ye Qingxuan jumped down, he quickly hid his aura, found a place like this, hid there quietly, swallowed the elixir, and practiced meditation there to recover. physical strength.

Ye Qingxuan jumped down from the sky and went to the forest to look for Ye Yu, but he couldn't find him. At this moment, he had gone mad, and he was slashing wildly in the entire forest.

Many disciples of Sword Emperor Sect came here with Ye Qingxuan and Ye Yu, and jumped into the forest one after another. When they saw Ye Qingxuan was in a state of madness, they were in a very serious state.

Originally, they planned to take advantage of the situation and destroy Ye Qingxuan, but just in front of their head, it can be regarded as a great achievement.

But when they saw Ye Qingxuan's state of slashing and cultivating with scarlet eyes, none of them dared to approach the front.

Yang Xuan felt at the bottom of the river of fate that something was wrong with Ye Qingxuan, so he quickly opened his magic power to connect with Ye Qingxuan.

Only then did the old Taoist realize that Ye Qingxuan had gone mad. After careful observation, he discovered that it was Ye Qingxuan who had swallowed too much elixir and did not have time to transform it. Ye Yu and the others came to ask for it.

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