"With the skill of your sharp-billed birds, you can't compete with this immortal at all. This immortal is now injured, and you can't take advantage of his danger."

"And this fairy was injured because of me, so I must protect it and restore his previous skill, so that I can repay his life-saving grace."

At this time, the big-billed bird said to the Earth Demon Bear.

"That's a grievance between you, but he hurt our leader just now, so we must seek revenge from him. Now we must destroy its fairy bone and avenge our leader."

"¨Earth Demon Bear, so please don't interfere with our rewards, otherwise we will be impolite."

The old devil bear lay on the ground, whitened its eyes, and beat the bird with its sharp beak, they said.

"You can't even beat me, you can only take advantage of the danger, and now you can hurt this immortal."

"I think when this immortal recovers his skills, you are no match for him at all."

"But this immortal was injured just now to save me, so I will never let any spirit beast harm him when he is practicing meditation and improving his mana."

"If you are flattering, please leave here quickly, otherwise I will definitely be rude to you."

At this time, I saw the sharp-billed sparrow in the sky constantly hovering in the sky, as if it wanted to attack Ye Qingxuan.

The Earth Demon Bear saw these sharp-billed sparrows jumping up and down (De Li Zhao) wanting to try and attack Ye Qingxuan.


Bursts of super-strong spiritual waves and deterrent powers rippled toward the sharp-billed sparrow in mid-air, like a sharp-billed sparrow frightened the past.

I saw these sharp-billed birds in the sky flying wildly with their wings, as if they couldn't find a sense of parallelism, and they were about to fall to the ground.

At this time, the Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast withdrew its skills and said to the sharp-billed bird in the sky.

"Please leave as soon as possible. I'm just trying to make a fool of myself. If you really do any harm to this immortal, it will not be so simple."

"So I hope that you don't want to be bored, otherwise we are all spirit beasts who cultivate together in the spirit beast garden. After so many years of cultivation together, it is not good to cause harm to each other.".

Chapter 276 Taming the Earth Demon Bear

"After all, it's really not an easy task for us orcs to repair fairy bones, so I don't want to hurt your fairy bones like this.

These sharp-billed college birds saw the devil bear's determination to protect this fairy, and the devil bear's crazy roar just now made them unable to fly stably in the sky.

If these sharp-billed birds really flew down and did something to this fairy on the ground, the Old Demon Bear would definitely not let it go.

Moreover, the fairy ranks and Taoism of their sharp-billed birds are not as strong as the Earth Demon Bear, so if they really attack this fairy, the Earth Demon Bear will definitely rescue him.

If the two of them fought at that time, the sharp-billed sparrows would still have no chance of winning, so these sharp-billed sparrows thought about it and flew away from here.

Ye Qingxuan was meditating here with his legs crossed. Although his mental strength was very focused on practicing and recovering, Ye Qingxuan heard all the conversations between the Earth Demon Bear and the sharp-billed bird here.

Ye Qingxuan was thinking in his heart, this earth demon bear spirit beast really has some compassion and gratitude. Compared with the few spirit beasts in his current spiritual power space, it seems that the earth demon bear spirit beast is more human. .

If he can tame the earth demon bear and become his spiritual pet, he will definitely be Ye Qingxuan's magic assistant in the future.

From here, you can see a dense purple aura around Ye Qingxuan's body, constantly hovering around Ye Qingxuan's body, and after a while, you can see that this purple mass is slowly absorbed by Ye Qingxuan and merged with his body.

Until finally all these purple qi were sucked into Ye Qingxuan's body, Ye Qingxuan slowly felt that his Danhai was full of strong spiritual qi, and his body gradually became comfortable.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan felt that the pores of his body were very transparent from the inside out, as if a kind of lightness was spontaneously born.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan finished his training, and he jumped into the midair with a slight jump in meditation. This time, Ye Qingxuan seemed to feel his body was lighter.

The Earth Demon Bear saw that Ye Qingxuan had finished training and his body had returned to its previous appearance. At this moment, the Earth Demon Bear knelt down on the ground and talked to Ye Qingxuan.

"This immortal, thanks to your help just now, otherwise the immortal bones I have cultivated for many years may be hurt (ccfg) by those villains."

"Even if they don't hurt my fairy bones and let me become their spiritual pet, I still feel very uncomfortable. They actually used such cruel methods to force me to surrender."

"So even if I am forced to become their spiritual pet, I think that with their character in the future, I will not get a higher immortal rank if I follow them."

"I think the immortal has compassion and benevolence, and your magic power is also very strong. You can tame the ancient dragon and become your spiritual pet. I think you must have your own extraordinary ability."

"Please accept this immortal. I will form a contract link with you and become your spiritual pet. I will practice with you and reach the immortal rank as soon as possible."

Ye Qingxuan was hanging in mid-air, seeing the Earth Demon Bear on the ground, so devoutly wanting to be his spiritual pet, this is exactly what Ye Qingxuan wanted.

Originally, Ye Qingxuan also fell in love with the earth demon bear spirit beast, and wanted to make it his spiritual pet, so that his mana and skills would be even stronger.

Especially when confronting Ye Yu, the understanding of the earth demon bear spirit beast will definitely fight against Ye Yu's spiritual pet together with him.

So here Ye Qingxuan saw the Earth Demon Bear, and he was willing to sign a contract link with him to be his spiritual pet, so Ye Qingxuan was very happy, and said to the Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast at this time.

"Since you sincerely want to form a contract with me and become my spiritual pet, I have also seen that your spirituality is very good, and your fairy bone is also very upright."

"So I agree to form a contract link with you, let you become my spiritual pet, and practice in my spiritual power space."

"Before you also saw my spiritual power space, and now I have several spiritual pets, an ancient flood dragon, two fog beasts, and a fierce tiger spirit beast. You will be their partner. I don't know if you can Accept and accommodate them."

At this time, the Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast heard that Ye Qingxuan had agreed to sign a contract link with him and become his spiritual pet, so he happily told Ye Qingxuan.

"We have crossed paths before and fought against other spirit beasts together, so I believe I will be able to accept and accommodate them."

"I just don't know if they will like me, but I believe that we can all sign a contract link with you and become your spiritual pet. It is all destined by heaven. I believe that we will be integrated together."

Ye Qingxuan heard it. The Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast actually told him so much, and he couldn't help secretly delighting in his heart. Although Ye Qingxuan has already signed a few spirit beasts in his current spiritual power space, although their leaders are very powerful in martial arts and mana, they are still very intelligent. Seems to be a lot less.

But the Earth Demon Bear is different from them. It seems that his understanding is higher and his thoughts are closer to human beings. Therefore, it is very happy for Ye Qingxuan to need such a spiritual pet.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan flew down from mid-air, stretched his hand to the top of the Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast, and slowly input a stream of internal force in his body into the Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast.

At this time, the earth demon bear spirit beast also slowly sent a wave of spiritual power from his body to the top of his head. Transferring and Ye Qingxuan's internal forces slowly merged with each other, and they signed a contract link.

Here, Ye Qingxuan subdued the Earth Demon, and the bear spirit beast's body has returned to its previous state, and with the addition of the Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast, Ye Qingxuan's combat power has increased by another level.

Ye Qingxuan seems to have learned his own martial arts and mana to a very good state this time. Ye Yu is now at the level of an upper immortal, and Ye Qingxuan is still at the level of a middle immortal.

Although Ye Qingxuan was one immortal rank lower than Ye Yu, Ye Qingxuan seemed very eager to find Ye Yu and avenge him.

Ye Qingxuan knew that Ye Yu and the others must be in this secret realm, so Ye Qingxuan decided to move forward and find Ye Yu as soon as possible to take revenge.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan took his Tianjue Sword and continued on the road. Let's see where she will go to this secret realm next. Whether it is possible to meet Ye Yu and the others.

Ye Qingxuan continued to walk forward. As he walked, he suddenly saw a mountain towering into the clouds in front of him. When he looked up at this mountain, there was a patch of green.

Chapter 277 The Hidden Realm of the Spirit (please subscribe!)

I saw this mountain, reaching directly to the clouds, halfway up the mountain surrounded by white clouds and smog, surrounded by a very strong aura around the entire mountain.

Ye Qingxuan looked at this mountain, and then looked around, and found that this mountain attracted his attention very much. The other roads and mountains seemed ordinary. Ye Qingxuan knew that this was an opportunity for him to explore this mountain.

Ye Qingxuan walked forward and saw that at the foot of this mountain, there was a stone ladder leading to this mountain.

There is a stone tablet next to this stone ladder, on which is written Lingyin Secret Realm, and there are some small characters below, marking that Lingyin Secret Realm is the end of this secret realm, and you can leave this secret realm after practicing from here.

At this time, I saw Ye Qingxuan flying towards the mountain peak with a light leap. When Ye Qingxuan flew to the top of the mountain, he found a very beautiful attic on the top of the mountain. This attic looked old and vicissitudes.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan flew lightly to the door of the attic. Ye Qingxuan stood in front of the door of the attic, and saw Lingyin Pavilion written on the attic.

Ye Qingxuan stood in front of the door of Lingyin Pavilion, looked at the attic, then turned around and looked at the opposite and surrounding mountains.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan found that this mountain peak seemed to be really different from other peaks. On both sides of this mountain peak, there was a towering peak with a cloud top, which was very sharp.

But the peaks on both sides are not as high as the one in front of him, and the one in the middle of him is higher than the peaks on both sides. There is such a loft on the top of this peak~.

These three peaks seem to form a river from a distance, and the fan fan in the middle of the attic is on the ground, forming a majestic momentum of three dragons supporting beads.

Such a dragon vein, surrounded by super strong and rich aura, such a place of cultivation, how many immortals will be achieved and then ascend to the immortal rank.

Ye Qingxuan pushed open the door of Lingyin Pavilion, entered the attic, and found that there were nine alchemy furnaces in the attic, each of which contained the three-flavored real fire, and practiced the spiritual pills there.

Ye Qingxuan observed carefully in this Lingyin Pavilion for a long time, but he couldn't find the mystery in this Lingyin Pavilion. He only saw that there were nine alchemy furnaces around, and these people were refining spirit pills.

Yang Xuan has been observing Ye Qingxuan's movements in this secret realm in the long river of fate. When Yang Xuan saw that Ye Qingxuan saw the nine surrounding alchemy furnaces in this Lingyin Pavilion, he couldn't help being very surprised.

These nine alchemy furnaces are the furnaces of the Supreme Lord's honey refinement! I don't know why it appeared in a secret place in this world.

Maybe it's because the Taishang Laojun is looking for someone who is destined to be here so that human beings who cultivate immortals can reach the immortal rank faster.

When Yang Xuan saw Ye Qingxuan in Lingyin Pavilion, he was very confused, not knowing what kind of chance there was with him.

At this time, Yang Xuan used his spiritual pet to connect to Ye Qingxuan and told Ye Qingxuan.

"Ye Qingxuan Lingyin Pavilion, the pills in these nine pill furnaces are all high-quality elixir, and they are placed here to let you predestined people use your own internal strength, mana and skills to treat these nine pill stoves with pills. honey training."

"If you have a destiny with the elixir in this alchemy furnace, you will refine an elixir that suits you. Taking this elixir will allow you to rise to the immortal rank faster."

Ye Qingxuan heard Yang Xuan's guidance, looked at the nine alchemy furnaces, and said to Yang Xuan.

"Master, I think these nine alchemy furnaces are all good. I have the ability to refine alchemy with honey on these nine alchemy furnaces at the same time."

When Yang Xuan heard Ye Qingxuan, he actually told him that he wanted to refine these nine alchemy furnaces at the same time.

Yang Xuan couldn't help being shocked in his heart.

This Ye Qingxuan didn't expect that it was really not simple, it seems that he really did not choose the wrong person, he was even more courageous than himself.

Perhaps this is the courage given to him by the power of hatred. For modern people, it is the release of a potential in his heart.

Yang Xuan couldn't help but admire Ye Qingxuan very much.

Yang Xuan said to Ye Qingxuan at this time.

"Since you want to refine these nine alchemy furnaces at the same time, you can try it, but you must grasp your own proportions."

"Because there are many disciples from other sects in this secret realm, I don't know when they will find it here."

"To make pills, you need to calm down. We are most afraid that someone will come and make trouble. We use all our mana and skills to make alchemy. This is also the time when our magic power and skills are weakest as immortal cultivators."


"So if you are refining elixir in Lingyin Pavilion, you must put a few of your spiritual pets outside and let them protect you. Only in this way can you concentrate on elixir refining without being disturbed by other people."

Ye Qingxuan heard Yang Xuan's reminder, and quickly released a few spiritual pets in the spiritual power space, and said to these spiritual pets.

"This is the Lingyin Pavilion. Now there are nine pill furnaces in it. I want to use my own internal and mana power to refine the pills in these nine pill furnaces at the same time."

When we cultivators are refining the elixir, we need to transfer all the internal energy and mana of our body and mind into the elixir furnace to refine the elixir.


So at this time, our internal strength and mana are the weakest. If someone comes to attack us at this time, we will definitely not be able to fight back.

Or it will cause us to go crazy, so when I am refining the elixir, I need you to protect my safety here.

At this time, several spiritual pets heard that their masters were going to refine the pills with honey. As spirit beasts, they also knew that their masters' mana and utility were the weakest at this time, so they nodded obediently.

At this time, the earth demon bear beast said to Ye Qingxuan.

"Ye Qingxuan, you can refine the elixir here without worry. With us here, others will not dare to attack you."

"So you just need to concentrate on refining the elixir and improve your immortal rank as soon as possible. When your immortal rank rises to a certain level, we, as your spiritual pets, can also practice as soon as possible to improve our immortal rank .”

"So with us here to protect you, you can refine your elixir with peace of mind."

When Ye Qingxuan heard what the Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast said, he nodded in relief, then found the center of the nine alchemy furnaces, and began to use his mana and skill to mobilize the inner core from his alchemy to the outside. The aura from the body is continuously sent to the nine alchemy furnaces.

I saw that with Ye Qingxuan as the center, there were nine purple energies that continuously sent energy to the nine surrounding pill furnaces.

I saw that the Sanweizhenhuo in the nine alchemy furnaces was always burning.

Chapter 278 Swallowing the Elixir (please subscribe!)

Ye Qingxuan saw purple aura slowly boiling out of the alchemy furnace.

Here, Ye Qingxuan was constantly refining pills in the Lingyin Pavilion. At this time, Ye Yu of the Sword Emperor Sect brought many disciples to the Lingyin Secret Realm and flew to the Lingyin Pavilion.

When Ye Yu saw Lingyin Pavilion, the ancient flood dragon in front of the gate, and the two fog beasts, Ye Yu knew about it, and Ye Qingxuan also came here.

The last time Ye Yu fought Ye Qingxuan, although Ye Qingxuan's martial arts and mana were very strong, it seemed that Ye Yu was very shocked, but in the end Ye Qingxuan still ran away.

Although Ye Yu knew in his heart that Ye Qingxuan's martial arts and mana were very strong, but seeing Ye Qingxuan's escape behavior, he knew that Ye Qingxuan was still very timid towards him.

Therefore, psychologically, Ye Qingxuan couldn't fight Ye Yu at all. This "one six zero" is what Ye Yu is very proud of.

So when Ye Yu saw Ye Qingxuan here, he didn't feel a little bit of disdain. After all, after Ye Yu and Ye Qingxuan fought, they found magic tools and skills to improve in the secret realm.

And his immortal rank is already at the level of the upper immortal, so he really dismisses Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Yu saw that there was a fierce tiger spirit beast and an earth demon bear spirit beast in front of the door. Ye Yu saw that the connection between these two spiritual pets was not too high, comparable to his fairy pet. , and Ye Yu also tamed his new spiritual pet in the secret realm.

Ye Yu and the others came to the Lingyin Pavilion, but when they didn't enter the Lingyin Pavilion, they didn't know what good treasures were in the Lingyin Pavilion, or the realm of improving their skills.

Therefore, Ye Yu and his many disciples were not in a hurry to enter the Lingyin Pavilion. Ye Yu released her spiritual pet from her storage space at this time.

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