A white palm grabbed her who was about to kneel down.

"Trust in the light!"

"Also guard your heart!"

A deep and magnetic voice appeared directly in the woman's ear.

At the same time, a gentle light directly entered the woman's body.

Immediately afterwards, she was no longer so confused.

Not so angry and resentful anymore.

The mentality of the whole person calmed down.

Even the illusory scales on the faces of women and children disappeared completely at this moment.

They returned to normal.

However, they still have resentment towards their husbands.

"Who are you?"

After calming down, the woman couldn't help but said.


"I am the priest of the Radiant Holy See, you go to the refuge of the Radiant Holy See now!"

"There will be someone to guide you, and you will forget the unhappy things, and work hard to be good in the future, and become a useful person to the world."

After the magnetic voice said a word to the woman.

The resentment in the hearts of women and children disappeared.

At this moment, the two of them only have a healthy and upward mentality.

I am extremely grateful to this 'priest' who has helped me and is full of sacred aura.

"I see, Father!"

The woman made a prayer of the God of Radiance to the 'priest', and then left with her daughter.


Her departure was not stopped by any evil god.

All the evil gods who wanted to stop her unexpectedly dodged when they were about to approach each other.

Even the mother and daughter will help other suffering people on the road.

And all believers of evil gods will subconsciously avoid them and will not interfere.

It's the priest's side.

Those two evil **** believers full of malice, as well as all the evil **** believers around them, suddenly exploded.

They turned into a cloud of blood.

The blood mist quickly floated over the space again, forming an illusory snake shadow.

This snake is the snake that devours the world.

"God of the soul, Bution!"

As soon as the illusory snake shadow appeared, he pronounced the name of 'Father'.

It turned out that the priest was not a priest.

He is the **** of the soul, the only **** on earth who can walk in the real world and will not be expelled to the spiritual world.

Chapter 214 The Angry Snake Devouring the World

Today's Boutien has grown to the point where even the snake that devours the world already knows of his existence.

"The great snake that devours the world, the powerful master of the multiverse!"

"You who have devoured countless worlds and countless creatures like this can actually say my name. It really makes me feel disgusted!"

Seeing the incarnation of the world-swallowing snake condensed by sacrificing dozens of favored ones directly in front of him, Boutien's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Moreover, his words also stunned the snake that devoured the world.

Originally, the snake that devoured the world thought that Boutien was going to compliment him.

After all, just now, Boutien used the word 'great' at the beginning.

But who would have thought that at the last moment.

Boutien came up with another counter-routine, saying that being known by him was disgusting.

Such a reversal made the snake who devoured the world feel a little uncomfortable for a while.

Although as an evil **** who has devoured countless worlds, it is impossible for him to pry his heart and explode because of a certain sentence.

But this reversal really made him feel very uncomfortable.

What was even more uncomfortable was that he knew that Boutien was mocking him and looking down on him, but he had nothing to do with him.

That's right!

He's just an avatar now.

Although this incarnation has reached the previous height, it already has powerful strength at the angel level.

However, compared with Boutien, who is at the level of a **** and whose aura is obviously high, he is still far behind.

Before Boutien didn't achieve Sequence One, he was able to kill the incarnation of the snake that devoured the world.

Not to mention, the current Bution has become a Sequence One, with a power comparable to that of the Lord.

Even when Boutien finished speaking just now, the God of Devouring Worlds felt that his incarnation seemed to be beginning to disintegrate.

"In the past, when you were just facing me, you could only hide in the distance, and even dared to take a sneak peek, and you had to use your peripheral vision, and you didn't dare to look at me directly."

"Now, it has grown into a strong independent side."

"But even so, you can't save your world!"

"My body has at most one hour before it descends on your world."

"When the time comes, I want you to kneel on the ground and beg me to spare your relatives and friends!"

The incarnation of the snake that devours the world, after feeling that he was about to be expelled by Boutien, immediately couldn't help but issued a silent threat.

Facing his threat, a smile appeared on the corner of Butyen's mouth.

In other words, everything.

Just relying on this sentence of the snake that devours the world, Boutien will definitely be greatly troubled.

It can even be extremely stressful.

But now, Butyen didn't care at all.

Under his consideration.

With the help of the origin of the world given by Yang Xuan before, he has created his own mental world.

Moreover, Yang Xuan told him that if he wanted to ensure good living conditions, he could accommodate a population of one billion.

After thinking about it for a while, Boutien decided to arrange a population of 1.5 billion for his world.

Although this will be a little crowded, at least it can ensure the survival of many people.

And the people that Butyen cares about are his family.

Nature has long been transferred to the world of his own mental image.

Therefore, the threat of the snake that devours the world to him is completely a joke.

Unless, the snake that devours the world kills him first.

Then, relying on his breath, he followed his connection with the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, and directly found the body of the True Soul Reincarnation Tower.

Finally, after defeating the Tower of Reincarnation, one finds one's own mind-like world.

But it is actually very difficult to reach that step.

Therefore, facing the danger of the snake devouring the world, Boutien didn't care at all.

"Are you laughing?"

"You don't seem to care about my threats at all, is it because you have no family?"

After the snake who devoured the world saw Boutien's performance, he immediately became depressed again.

Because he thought that Butyen had no family at all, so his threat became a joke.

Although he misunderstood.

But at least one thing is right, that is, this threat is indeed a joke.

"Of course I have family, but they are no longer in this world."

"If you have the ability, you will find the world they are in!"

Boutien didn't hide it either, he deliberately said that he could enter another world.



"I've always been outside your world. You can't possibly have the opportunity to send your family to other worlds."

"This is absolutely impossible!"

The world-swallowing serpent cries impossible.

But for some reason, he suddenly thought of Mystery, the mysterious existence that could fight against Mystery, and even stand on a tie with Mystery.

So, after he thought about it carefully, it was not impossible.

After all, Boutien was in the sequence of the other party, so it was not impossible for Boutien to send his family to that world because of the favor of the other party.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

"A mere little **** dares to fight against me!"

"I will eat you, and then let you sink into the boundless purgatory forever."

I really can't think of what to do to make Boutien devour the snake of the world in pain.

In the end, only such a threatening sentence could be left behind, and then disappeared completely.


Outside the mysterious world.


"Damn humans!"

"Damn God!"

"Obviously as long as my main body finds him, it only takes one look to kill him, or even eat him!"

"Humans who are ten times stronger than him used to tremble under my return."

"This human! This human!"

The body of the world-devouring snake kept roaring.

He let out a terrifying roar, and couldn't help but burst out with all his strength, directly speeding up his invasion of the world.

At least to enter the mysterious world, speed up the entry into the city by ten minutes.

However, this also made his original power weaker.

Perhaps when facing the existence of Taoist level, even the powerful Taoist like Pillar of Light and Boutien, it doesn't have much influence.

You can always face the Lord of Mysteries, or Yang Xuan's words.

The snake that devours the world will be desperate to attack with all its strength just this time, which will cause its own to suffer a little loss in battle.

Perhaps for this ordinary battle, a little flaw is nothing.

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