But it was also this door that made Yang Xuan's strength thirty times stronger than before seeing the Lord of Mysteries.

That's right!

After completely absorbing the rest of the world, Yang Xuan's strength increased again.

Before, he was equivalent to twenty times stronger than before meeting the Lord of Mysteries.

Now, it is equivalent to a thirty-fold increase.

That's not all.

Because every world is developing and the population of every world is increasing.

Also, in every world, there will be new geniuses appearing.

At the same time, there will be a strong one.

These powerhouses will make Yang Xuan stronger.

Even Yang Xuan's spiritual path was directly transmitted to the entire heavens and worlds.

In the future, more people will join the spiritual sequence.

The mind sequence is no longer just like the world of cultivating immortals in the starry sky, which can be promoted by taking gene sequence medicine.

No, only like the mysterious world, relying on potions to be promoted.

Rather, it is multiplied by all worlds.

In the world of martial arts, the advanced way of spiritual sequence is martial arts cheats.

The world of immortality is the practice of cultivating immortals.

The magical world is the age of the soul.

The world where the monsters live is the soul blood.

In short, Yang Xuan's power has covered all the worlds controlled by the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

The black sea of ​​his mind, once used now, can directly envelop a vast world.

Even a single blow can destroy a whole world.

Even in the face of Disk of Distortion 5.6, Yang Xuan will not be so passive now.

This is how powerful Yang Xuan is after condensing the Gate of Heaven.

"It's time to return to the mysterious world!"

"There are still enemies waiting for me!"

"Since they want God War, I naturally want to give them God War!"

After successfully completing the fusion of the gates, Yang Xuan directly hid the gate of his mind image.

Then, a new gate of heaven opened behind him.

In the next second, he disappeared in place.

With him disappearing, there is also the door to the endless world.

All the worlds that have been integrated into the gate of the kingdom of heaven have returned to normal again.


Mysterious world.

Boutien looked at the sky solemnly.


In the sky, countless black lightning burst out.

The sky is trembling, the earth is trembling.

"The end is coming!"

Seeing the picture in front of him, Boutien can only use four words to describe it.

Chapter 213 The Evil God Arrives, The Scene of Doomsday (Please Subscribe!)

Mysterious world.

When the end is approaching, black thunder appears in the whole world.

See black lightning above the sky.

Countless people began to shout in panic.


"This is the end of the world!"

"Oh my god, the end is really here!"

"I've heard before that the end of the world is coming, and some rich people went to the shelter at a huge price."

"I've also heard that there is a very safe shelter, which can perfectly help us survive the doomsday!"

"Where are the gods!"

"The gods are all there!"

"Our world is about to be destroyed, why didn't the gods come to save us!"

As the signs of doom appeared, a large number of terrified people began to reveal their true nature.

Some people stayed in their homes obediently, praying silently.

Some people rushed to the street and kept glaring at other people, as if they wanted to vent their fear.

And some others.

Snake scales appeared on the body.

Also, some people's eyes became blood red.


Western Continent.

The capital of the Kingdom of Ennis.

22 Dozens of people with snake scales appeared on their bodies, all showing ecstatic expressions on their faces.

"It's a god!"

"The great snake that devours the world, a powerful ruler beyond the gods, is about to descend on this world."

"What kind of **** of brilliance, what kind of **** of the heart, will die under the great master!"

"For this world, the arrival of the great world-swallowing snake is indeed the end of the world!"

"But for us, it's eternal life!"

Dozens of bearers of the evil god's breath who were infected by the breath of the snake that devoured the world and actively chose to degenerate walked onto the street after the black lightning appeared.

As soon as they came out, they began to promote doomsday theory and the greatness of the snake that devoured the world.

At the same time, the most critical point is the core content.

That is:

The end of the world this time is the end for the world, but it is eternal life for them.

The snake that devours the world will lead them to a new world.

They will become masters in the new world.

This is the message that the snake that devours the world sends to those believers.

Regardless of whether the news is true or false, at least the snake that devoured the world gave them the power to get something for nothing.

The powerful breath of evil gods allowed each of them to reach a Sequence Five.

It is only one step away from attaining divinity and becoming a demigod.

Affected by them, at least hundreds of people chose to believe in evil gods in the face of this doomsday scene.

Then, they also obtained the power of the snake that devours the world one after another.

It's just that it didn't directly become the existence of Sequence Five, it just became the lowest level of Transcendent, Sequence Nine level.

But even so, it is far beyond the scope of ordinary people.

The existence of a Sequence Nine is also a Cthulhu Sequence specially created for devouring and killing.

Even a lowest-level sequence transcendent can easily kill an ordinary person, or even kill dozens of people in a short period of time.

Ordinary firearms are meaningless to them.

After all, the snake that devours the world is also the door of the tenth rank.

"The great snake that devours the world, I am willing to be your believer, please give me strength!"

"Me too, I would too!"

"I also want to live, no matter what the price is, I can accept it."

"I will leave my wife and daughter to you, please let me live!"

For a time, a large number of people began to take to the streets.

Because the church is still making other arrangements, there are quite a few people who defect to evil gods.

The most frightening thing is that some people actually betrayed their wives and daughters in order to survive.

"Mom! I'm scared!"

A little girl who looked like she was only in her early teens was hugging her mother tightly at this moment, looking in horror at the two people whose faces were full of snake scales in front of her.

"This mother and daughter are good, I want it!"

"Haha! From now on, the world is the great snake that devours the world, but you are mine."

"Now you mother and daughter come together."

"In this way, you will have a chance to survive!"

"I can even replace the great snake that devours the world, and give you the power to take revenge on that heartless man."

When a man with a big belly betrayed his wife and daughter, this dramatic scene immediately appeared.

The potbellied man is clearly a previous success.

His wife and daughter are all top-notch in the world.

A wife was once the perfect ideal in the hearts of many people.

But now, she looked at her husband and the believers of the evil **** outside with disbelief.

Although she looked desperate and fearful.

But in the end, he still walked towards the believers of the evil god.

She naturally knew that after taking this step, there was no way to turn back.

But for her own children, she can only choose this.

Moreover, he also wanted to take revenge on his husband, just as the believers of the evil **** said.

After these thoughts appeared, some phantom scales also appeared on the woman's cheeks.

That is the result of being affected by the snake that devours the world.

She was about to become a believer of the evil god.

As for her child, it was almost the same.

On the other hand, the middle-aged man who was so frightened that there were some yellow sticky objects under his pants was not affected by the evil spirit's breath at this time.

It seems that even the aura of the evil **** looks down on him.

Just when the woman walked up to the evil **** believer, under the excited eyes of the evil **** believer and her husband's terrified eyes, she squatted down and was ready to start working.


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