At that time, he understood that this was because the ruler of the mind and the Lord of Vientiane was very powerful.

But now he unexpectedly discovered that the power of his path is no longer stronger than other sequences of the same level.

Now, he is a whole level stronger than the pathway of the same sequence.


King of the Mysterious World.

The snake that devoured the world also suddenly felt the changes in the mysterious world.

"The barrier of the mysterious world has weakened!"

The chaotic thoughts of the snake that devoured the world were directly transmitted to the surrounding chaotic evil gods.

"This is not good news!"

"This means that the mysterious recovery has been interrupted, and it also means that the mysterious world has been invaded."

"Damn! It must be made by that mysterious door!"

"When he first appeared, he was somehow able to directly communicate with the inside of the mysterious world!"

"We have guarded this world for several epochs, and we must not give up the world to that hateful guy!"

The fallen lord of all things, the rotten world tree, the endless ruler of flesh and blood, the evil of the abyss, and the eternal perdition of the darkest.

Lots of Outer Gods, evil Outer Gods.

The kind of door that directly devours its own world and destroys its own world in order to become a door.

At this moment, one after another discovered the most important thing.

That is the world that I have stared at for so long.

At this moment, someone almost picked peaches.

For these Outer Gods who have even destroyed their own world, no matter how you look at it, it is possible to allow such a thing to happen.

"We cannot allow things to develop like this!"

"The snake that devours the world, it's time to join forces!"

"If we continue to wait for you like this, then everyone may not even be able to drink soup!"

"We have all seen the power of that person!"

"Back then, he used his own strength to fight against our ten gates!"

"If the secret is not even his opponent, then after the secret is completely swallowed by him, can those of us who attacked him still survive?"

The chaotic evil gods actually regained some sanity at this moment.

They don't recover under normal circumstances, though.

But after being threatened with his life, he regained his sanity for a short time this time.

Because of Yang Xuan's existence, they felt great pressure.

Chapter 204 Three gods unite, the pillar of light!

Because of Yang Xuan's appearance.

Even the evil gods, who are usually extremely selfish, chose to cooperate at this moment.

Because they know that if this continues, no one will get any benefits in the end.

"Okay! That's the only way to go!"

The huge body of the snake that devoured the world, after thinking for a while, finally chose to agree.

Because he also felt threatened.

Ever since, many evil gods were linked together.

Each of them revealed its own door.

Then, one corner per person.

Start the invasion of the mysterious world directly.

The speed of their invasion has been greatly improved at once.

A large amount of evil breath was slowly injected into the mysterious world at this moment.

Just one year.

A large number of evil **** believers began to appear in the mysterious world.

Some of those believers became believers of evil gods because of their own reasons.

Some, because of an accident, heard the whispers of evil gods.

There are many more, because when they advanced to become extraordinary, they were inexplicably watched by the evil gods.

In short.

During this year, a large number of cultists appeared.

Moreover, the number of believers of those evil gods is increasing year by year.

It was the third year when the evil gods formed an alliance.

Dozens of villages have been destroyed because of the followers of evil gods.

In just three years, at least hundreds of thousands of people were killed or injured because of the evil god.

This hundreds of thousands is really a lot for the mysterious world.

not only that.

When the time develops to the fifth year.

The first world where the city was destroyed because of the followers of the evil **** appeared.

An incarnation of an evil god, because his crazy believers sacrificed a whole city of souls, and thus completely descended to the world.

It was a human hanging upside down.

When the incarnation of this evil **** appeared, he turned into a **** angel.

Then countless souls died at his hands.

He also started to evolve.

When the entire city was slaughtered, a pure black angel appeared.

What is most concerning is that as soon as that pure black angel appeared, all those who saw him would bleed from their seven orifices, hang upside down unconsciously, and finally turned into black wings and merged into his wings.

He was there in less than half a day.

From Sequence Four, it has directly grown to Sequence Two, and the real angel level exists.

Edsi, the God of Radiance, directly ruled out the newly promoted two angels who sat down to suppress him.

But it was less than half a day.

The news that the three angels of the Radiance Church have fallen has directly shocked the world.

at this time.

Only then did the entire mysterious world truly realize what it meant to be the end of the world.

In the end, in order for that pure black angel to continue to advance to become Sequence One, let the evil **** pass on more information.

Edsi, the God of Radiance, took action in person and directly suppressed and killed the pure black angel.

But it was also because he had used the power of a true god, so he had no choice but to let his body ascend to the spirit world to gather the kingdom of God.

In the real world of the mysterious world, it is not allowed for the gods to appear.

Even if it is a divine drop, it is generally not the body, but the incarnation of the gods.

The reason why Edsi didn't go to the spirit world these years is because he has been suppressing his breath, not using all his power, and keeping his divine body in the real world.

Originally, his shot was supposed to be used to summon Yang Xuan's body and welcome the arrival of Yang Xuan's body.

However, the appearance of the evil **** incarnation was still under the circumstances that even the three angels joined forces and carried powerful divine creations that could not resist.

Edsi could only do it himself.


above the spirit world.

Edsi entered the spirit world in the divine body, directly came to the kingdom of the God of Radiance, and took over all the inheritance of the God of Radiance.

He immediately started contacting Yang Xuan.

"The great master of the mind, the master of all phenomena〃!"

"I pray to you!"

"I pray for your response!"

"The evil gods all descended suddenly!"

"In the spirit world, you can already clearly see the phantoms of the evil gods."

"As a last resort, I used a powerful **** and had no choice but to return to the star realm with the power of my body."

"Now I have arranged for the sitting angel to watch over the real world for me!"

"The sudden invasion of the evil gods, I don't know why, and I don't know how long I can last!"

"So I pray for your response, for your guidance!"

"Guide us, if we can overcome the difficulties in front of us!"

Even though Edsi became a god, he still respected Yang Xuan very much.

Unfortunately, after sending out his prayers.

I didn't get any response from Yang Xuan at all.

Because Yang Xuan is no longer in their world.

It was also because of not getting a response from Yang Xuan that Edsi's mood became even worse.

He knew that there was nothing wrong with Yang Xuan, because Yang Xuan had defeated the Lord of Mysteries before.

It is conceivable that Yang Xuan must digest the benefits he obtained before, which is the power of the Lord of Mysteries.

That's why he couldn't respond to himself in a short time.

On the side of the mysterious world, they can only rely on themselves to get out of the predicament in a short time.

So, within the Kingdom of God, Aides directly issued instructions to his church.

At all costs, we must prevent the evil **** from coming.

If believers of evil gods are found, they will be wiped out directly.

"Perhaps it's my turn to make some sacrifices."

"Be a pillar!"

"In this way, at least I can persist for a few years!"

After Aides arranged everything about the church.

Start traveling to other kingdoms now.

In the current mysterious world, there is only Edsi, a living god.

The divinity of other gods is within the Kingdom of God.

Those divine kingdoms were all guarded by Yang Xuan with the power of his mind.

But Aides has the authority to go in.

In order to resist the outer gods, Edsi directly came to the kingdom of the goddess of the night and the mother of the earth, and took away their divinity.

Then, he directly integrated the divinity into his body.

A **** at the peak level of a Taoist master was born.

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