"Is this the gods of other worlds!"

"Sure enough, there is a dark forest between the world and the world, either kill or be killed!"

"My era is over!"

Under the pressure of five powerful gates.

Zeus couldn't even move his body.

Just like that, his divine body collapsed directly, turning into a door surrounded by countless divine patterns.

This is...the gate of the gods! .

Chapter 203 The Gate of Heaven (for Subscription)

Under the oppression of the five doors.

Zeus, who had turned into the gate of the gods, soon lost his will.

The king of gods has fallen.

It was as simple as that, and died easily in front of Yang Xuan.

Even when he died, Yang Xuan never took action himself.

He still maintains the appearance of sitting upright on the void.

"it's over!"

"The power of the door of imagery is like this!"

"This world, the world of Daqian level, has also been directly included in the palm of my hand!"

When Yang Xuan said this, he slowly stretched out his hand.


Soon, two doors that shrank to the level of accessories appeared in his hands.

This is!

The gates of hell, the gates of the gods!

"These two doors exist independently, but they are the weakest doors, the ones that are piled up by numbers!"

"Even with such a door, power can only be applied to one's own world."

"Once you leave this world, if such a weak door encounters an existence at the level of the Heavenly Sword Dao Master, it may be an embarrassing situation."

Yang Xuan stared at the two doors that opposed each other but attracted each other, and soon thought of a person.

That is the world of cultivating immortals in the starry sky where you can become the master of your heart.

in that world.

If the king of **** and the king of gods appeared alone in his own world of cultivating immortals in the starry sky.

Then even if he doesn't make a move, the Heavenly Sword Dao Master can force them back.

Although killing is not killing.

After all, there is a huge difference in the realm.

It is impossible for Master Tianjian to kill 22 the king of **** and the king of gods.

However, whether it is the king of **** or the king of gods.

Once they came to Yang Xuan's world of cultivating immortals in the starry sky, Daoist Heavenly Sword could directly defeat either of the two of them in terms of single combat power.

Therefore, in Yang Xuan's view, these two sects are half-baked existences.

That is to say, in the western system, those who don't have the bones of a sword or arrogance will choose to see the path of the door, and they can't wait to become the door.

However, put it into the system of the Eastern practice world.

It is not ruled out that there will be such monks, but more monks will choose the path of becoming the strongest for higher levels and stronger combat effectiveness.

Even in some worlds, not to mention monks, even warriors will take the strongest path, and no one wants to make a living.

But in many Western worlds, making ends meet is the norm.

In many worlds in the East, it is a shame to make a living.

"Although there are two doors, they are very weak doors alone."

"But these two doors are like the yin and yang in the Tai Chi diagram. Once combined, there will be a qualitative change."

"Even, its potential is not inferior to the Gate of Mysteries."

"It will be the strongest door among many Western practice systems."

"The Gate of Heaven!"

After staring at the two small doors for a long time, Yang Xuan analyzed the situation of the two doors with the power of good fortune.

Then, above this world, he started the fusion.

"This is a special world, a world of pure faith!"

"So, if you want to merge the two doors, you must absorb the power of faith in the entire world!"

"No, not just this world!"

"I can put all the realms into one realm. Once the two gates are combined into one, their strongest point is that they can put all the worlds behind the gate."

"This is a gate that determines its own strength by looking at the number of sentient beings!"

"For me, who has already controlled tens of thousands of worlds, this kind of door is one of the most suitable doors for me."

"Once the gate of the sky is condensed, the overall strength will increase by at least ten times for me!"

After Yang Xuan mobilized the power of the great world of the gods, his understanding of this sect became deeper and deeper.

"No, no, this is a very powerful door!"

"If they were one before, then when I come to this world, I will be trapped in their domain."

"Even, they can resist my mind invasion."

"It's a pity that none of them could do anything to each other before, and I didn't give them a chance to join forces. That's why these two doors fell into my hands."

"As for these two doors, in fact, only when they are in my hands can they exert their due strength to the greatest extent."

Yang Xuan couldn't help spying in his heart.

Because the Gate of Heaven is really suitable for him.

To Yang Xuan, discovering this door was definitely an unexpected surprise.

The power of Yang Xuan's mind image, when walking the spiritual path of all living beings.

The gate of the kingdom of heaven is the path of faith for all sentient beings.

Once the two are combined into one, the power of one plus one greater than two can be obtained long ago.

This kind of power was something Yang Xuan had never imagined before.

He didn't even think of it.

My own luck can be so good.

"If you want to fuse the two doors, you need to consume a lot of power!"

"And, the most important thing is time!"

"Merge the two doors and store those worlds!"

"In addition to communicating with the Tower of Reincarnation, this is a big project for me."

"At least ten years!"

After Yang Xuan hastily calculated, he found that he needed a long time.

But luckily.

There are still at least thirty years before the end of the mysterious world.

Therefore, Yang Xuan completely owns this world.

And when Yang Xuan refined the incarnation of the Lord of Mysteries, he also knew that the Lord of Mysteries directly obtained the world of the gods in order to achieve success.

The distance between the two worlds is directly pulled in, so that the time of this world is synchronized.

But to Yang Xuan's surprise, the time in the main world is out of sync with here, basically reincarnating every day.

"So, the specialness of the reincarnated world has something to do with the low personality of the own world, but the most important thing is the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower."

By obtaining another world, Yang Xuan gained a better understanding of the world of the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

Immediately afterwards.

He directly started refining.

In this world, directly communicate with the many worlds controlled by God King Zeus.


Mysterious world.

Eds, who has become a god, is the new God of Radiance.

Suddenly, I found that my personality had been vaguely improved by a large part.

But what followed was that the doomsday was brought forward.

"The Lord of the World, the great being who incarnated into the entire world, has been weakened by at least 30% of his power."

"Originally, I needed to find a way to organize his recovery, and I couldn't take the path of the unity of the three gods, but now even if I have embarked on the path of the unity of the three gods, I have become the pillar of this world, infinitely close to the one who dominates the mind image. The threshold of the realm is fine."

"If three of the Seven Gods were willing to sacrifice and merge into one, the Lord of Mysteries would definitely be revived."

"But now, it's not enough."

"And there is only one person who can bring about such a change and facilitate such a thing."

"That is, the great Master of Mind Image!"

Edsi immediately thought of Yang Xuan.

Although, he didn't know what Yang Xuan did.

But what is certain is that Yang Xuan has wiped out at least 30% of the will of the Lord of Mysteries.

The elimination mentioned here refers to the complete elimination, rather than the situation of breaking up or sealing.

It is a complete annihilation, or devouring.

Of course, Ades is more inclined to the latter.

Once an existence at that level is killed, its own origin will be refined.

"That great existence, during this period of time, competed with the Lord of Mysteries at an unknown location."

"And the result is that the great Lord of Mind Image wins!"

At this moment, Edsi felt that his previous choice was the most correct.

Although the end of the world has been brought forward, he knows his own world, and there is probably nothing wrong with it.

Because Yang Xuan is really too strong.


Mysterious world.

Soul Salvation Society.

"Great Lord, the strength has been improved once again!"

"The weight ratio of the mind sequence has been improved again in this world!"

"Although I have just become a demigod, I can clearly perceive that even the saints of Sequence Three are not necessarily my opponents at this time."

Boutien also felt the changes in the world the moment Yang Xuan refined the Lord of Mysteries.

Before, after he became a transcendent of the spiritual sequence pathway, he discovered that his transcendent pathway was superior to the transcendent pathway of the Church of the Seven Gods in many respects.

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