This is an existence that can only be looked up to in humility!

All the consciousnesses in the black sea of ​​the soul, at this moment, have resonated voices and thoughts.

These people, like looking up at the bright moon in the sky, looked up at that mysterious existence.

And the one they marvel at, admire.

Naturally it was Yang Xuan.

He has come!

Moreover, it is the true spirit descending!

With the true spirit, descended on the black sea of ​​the soul.

Chapter 166 Mind Pollution, Seed Explosion (Please Subscribe!)

Yang Xuan has arrived!

With his coming.

The whole world of the black sea of ​​the mind has become extremely quiet at this moment.

"It's you!"

"He who is spiritually enlightened, the master of spirituality!"

"It was you who influenced my judgment with your invisible spiritual power, and made me fall into this spiritual world between reality and illusion."

The spiritual voice of the Taoist master of all spirits appeared in Yang Xuan's mind at this moment.

Of course, this is not the ability of the Lord of All Souls.

Instead, Yang Xuan used his spiritual perception to perceive what the Taoist Master Wanling wanted to say to him.


The Lord of All Souls knows this too.

"That's right!"

"it's me!"

Regarding the words of Taoist Master Wanling, Yang Xuan directly admitted it.

Moreover, he continued: "You may not know that what I do is more than what you think."

"You tell Creation that you are aware of my existence and have been looking for what I am doing."

"However, how do you know that you are aware of my existence, not that I deliberately let you think that you are aware of my existence?"

Suddenly, a smile appeared on the corner of Yang Xuan's mouth.

If it was in the outside world, he showed such a smile, I don't know how many people would be immersed in it.

However, it is even more terrifying now.

Because he is now in the black sea of ​​soul, his smile directly appears in the hearts of all those who have fallen into the black sea of ​​soul.

They all imprinted Yang Xuan's perfect smile in their hearts.

"What? Did you let me notice on purpose?"

"What you want to express is that you deliberately made me want to sacrifice the All Souls Starfield to save myself, so as to stand against all living beings?"

"This is impossible! At that time, your spiritual power was not so strong!"

"Even if you can predict that I will be afraid of you, you shouldn't have a premonition of my methods!"

"Unless, you not only influenced my decision, you also secretly infused me with the so-called spiritual thoughts, so that I would voluntarily give up the people in the All Souls Starfield when I was in crisis."

Master Wan Ling quickly thought of this.

She already knew the truth.

In fact, this truth is very cruel to other people in the sea of ​​hearts.

However, her inner voice has been controlled by Yang Xuan now, so she can't convey it at all.

So even knowing it is useless, because her thoughts will only appear in Yang Xuan's mind.

Or take a step back.

Even if she can convey her thoughts, it doesn't make any sense.

Because in Yang Xuan's black sea of ​​mind, everyone's inner thoughts are decided by Yang Xuan.

Even if the news that is not good for him is known, Yang Xuan can turn it around.

And the way to reverse it is very simple, just need a small excuse.

For example.

He will tell all living beings that the Lord of All Souls is lying, and the purpose is to fear the fall.

Then, everyone will believe in Yang Xuan.

This is the power of the black sea of ​​the mind, as for the power of the mind that directly devours everyone.

Yang Xuan didn't intend to do that, although he could do it, but devouring it would be a one-time transaction.

And their survival will allow Yang Xuan to be replenished with the power of the mind at all times, and even expand the area of ​​​​the black sea of ​​​​the mind.

Increase the power of the terrifying black hole of the mind under the black sea of ​​mind.

A wash sale is always the lowest choice.

Only living creatures can bring the greatest value to Yang Xuan.

"No! How could this be the case!"

"When did you plot against me!"

"Why don't I feel anything?"


"Damn it!"

Master Wanling, who had figured this out, became angry again in an instant.

"What I have done is far more than that!"

"However, there is no point in continuing to talk to you!"

"I know you're stalling for time!"

"Actually, me too!"

Yang Xuan's mind once again appeared above the mind of the Taoist Master of All Souls.

Then, Master Wan Ling was keenly aware of a certain bad change in his body.

But she couldn't feel the specific changes.

Just as she was looking for her own situation, and at the same time using her own light of information to keep invading the black sea of ​​her mind.

Yang Xuan's voice came again.

"Master of All Souls, I don't know if you have felt that just when you 'crashed' and fell towards the black hole in your soul, it was actually the will of the world that awakened you."

"So, if I really have no other means, then you will win this time!"

"But the development of all stories is often unexpected, isn't it?"

As soon as Yang Xuan's voice appeared, Taoist Wan Ling, who was looking for his own situation, suddenly panicked.

Yang Xuan's voice appeared in her heart.

Therefore, Master Wan Ling could sense that Yang Xuan's attitude was so calm.

Yang Xuan's thoughts were so relaxed.

Because, these are all calculated by him.

It seems that all the results are the same as Yang Xuan expected.

For Yang Xuan, this is naturally excellent.

But for her, it was a nightmare.

"not good!"

"It's the soul!"

"I have already noticed that you forcibly endowed me with a soul!"

"So, you have tampered with my heart!"

Daoist Wanling suddenly thought of this before.

Immediately afterwards, the mysterious and mysterious will that carried endless mighty power before was rewarded again.

He penetrated Yang Xuan's blockade and directly bestowed the power of the Taoist Master Wanling.

It seems that the Daoist Master who came to Wanling noticed the most important thing.

It also seemed that it was to help Taoist Wanling defeat Yang Xuan.

But this kind of help, in Yang Xuan's view, is the final struggle of the Taoist Lord of All Souls and the world will of this world.

The will of the world is directly shown to help Wan Ling, but it will cost a lot of money.

One is that when it appears, many world sources will be exposed.

Those origins of the world, the Creation Taoist Master will definitely seize the opportunity to directly ingest them into the Gate of Creation, and let them be transformed into the power of Creation to obtain powerful power.

Second, it will make the great world of creation closer to this world.

Thirdly, the Taoist Creator will also gradually gain a certain degree of control over the world by absorbing the origin of those worlds.

Even not only Taoist Good Fortune, even Yang Xuan stole a lot of the origin of this world after the two world wills came.

And once Yang Xuan defeated the Daoist Wanling and refined the words of the Daoist Wanling.


Then, not only will his strength be greatly improved, but he will even turn from an enemy of this world to a man of destiny in this world.

At that time, the origin of the world will not only no longer target him, but will help him.

In that case, the world would be completely destroyed.

Therefore, the will of the world is also taking risks!

In order to help the Lord of All Souls, the will of the world has exposed its shortcomings.

In Yang Xuan's view, the reason why the will of the world favors the Daoist Wanling is because the Daoist Wanling has a deep connection with the nature of the will of the world.

The world, too, has no heart.

It's a pity that Yang Xuan didn't condense the door of the soul.

So he can currently endow the machines in the Starry Sky Cultivation World with hearts, but there is still no way to directly endow the world with hearts.

"I know, I've figured it out! Master Mind, your chance to manipulate me comes from the information body that survived when I investigated you."

"Everything comes from that information body!"

"I was actually polluted by your mind for five days!"

"In the past five days, you have planted seeds in my heart!"


"Yes, it's a seed!"

"Crisis comes from seeds!"

Daoist Wan Ling didn't understand Yang Xuan's power at first, even if he knew that there was a problem with his mind, he couldn't imagine the existence of the mind seed.

However, with the help of the will of the world.

She thought about it.

So, she hurriedly withdrew her light of information, wanting to destroy the seed in her body first.

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