Daoist Wanling at least tried to protect them, but Daoist Wanling couldn't do it in the end, so he considered sacrificing them.

Actually, for some sane people.

Such a situation should not be unacceptable.

But in the black sea of ​​mind, under Yang Xuan's mind, they just couldn't accept it.

Even, extremely hateful.

That feeling, as if the person I love the most has betrayed me.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

After the endless hatred and anger erupted against the Daoist of all spirits alone.

Finally, the entire Black Sea of ​​Mind has changed.

An endless dark and deep hole appeared at the bottom of the Black Sea of ​​Soul.

At this moment when the minds of all living and non-living things have been targeting the Lord of All Souls, the entire black sea of ​​minds is not erupting violent waves.

Instead, he fell into complete silence.

Under the endless silence, the sea of ​​mind seems to be quiet.

Everyone is not communicating.

Yes, it's just anger directed at Master Wan Ling.

At this time, everyone's wishes were unified.

Everyone (ccfg) has only one thought at this moment.

That is to let the master of all spirits fall into the deepest core, that endless black hole that is darker than pitch black and darker than gloom.

Mind black hole!

Just after everyone's thoughts were unified at this moment.

Yang Xuan obtained his first powerful ability with the great supernatural power of the Black Sea of ​​Mind.

In other words, the black hole of the mind!

The reason is to use the state of the black hole to show the current appearance.

In fact, it wasn't Yang Xuan who took the initiative to make the Black Sea of ​​Mind become like this.

He just has a very simple, very pure idea of ​​guiding sentient beings.

But deep in the souls of all beings in the All Souls Starfield, the most powerful ability in this world is the black hole.

So in the end, the bottom of the black sea of ​​mind was completely turned into a black hole.

Moreover, turning into a spiritual black hole is not over yet.

Because of all heart awareness, this moment isn't just about hoping the Lord of Souls falls into it.

At the same time, they also hope that the Lord of All Souls will fall into it faster.

Ever since, within the black sea of ​​the mind, changes have reappeared.

brush! brush! brush!

Countless sounds of breaking ground came from the black hole in the soul.

This moment.

Immediately there are countless silk threads that are darker than Youhei.

It rushed out directly from the bottom of the sea, and entangled towards the heart of the information transformed by the master of all spirits.

The moment when the Lord of All Souls was entangled.

Then endless emotions poured directly into Wan Ling's heart.

This caused Daoist Wanling to freeze for a while.

That is, such a short time of effort.

The Lord of All Souls is getting closer to the black hole of the mind.


But this is the moment.

An inexplicable force, carrying a supremely great aura, broke through the endless barriers and descended on the black sea of ​​Yang Xuan's mind.

Then, that force lightly tapped the heart of the Lord of All Souls' confidence.

Immediately afterwards, the master of all spirits woke up.


"The light of information!"

"Don't you want to devour me!"

"Although I have a heart and emotions that shouldn't appear!"

"But the power of emotions, according to my calculations, not only has negative effects!"

"In my mind, there are countless inspirational novels and countless inspirational quotes!"

"Wake up in despair, reborn in disaster!"

"I am all spirits, I will not die!"

"My soul, I want to turn into light!"

"I, Wanling, want to counterattack this sea of ​​souls, and I want to turn all the seas of souls into light!"

"Swallowing you, I can condense the gate of information!"

"This is the new way!"

"Although it is not as good as the Gate of All Beings, at least the victory is mine!"

At that moment, Wan Ling suddenly struggled from the falling state.

As a Daoist, it is naturally impossible to be defeated so easily.

In the midst of a huge crisis, Master Wan Ling once again saw a new way.

Information Gate!

New paths, new hopes.

At the same time, as soon as this hope appeared, it immediately suppressed all other negative emotions.

Ever since, she actually turned into light!

The previously transformed heart-shaped information shape burst into endless colorful light at this time.

It's not that the seven-color light is more powerful than the pure white light.

Only because information represents a large amount of knowledge, it will be manifested in colorful actions after it is turned into light.

In fact, those lights that Yang Xuan saw.

For example: the light of creation, the light of eternity, the light of the beginning, the light of eternal life and so on.

All are stronger than the light of information.

"Worthy of being a Daoist!"

"I approve of your ability!"

"If I have no other backup, I'm afraid I will be counterattacked by you this time!"

"After all, this is your home field. In your world, you have a certain degree of initiative and the blessing of the power of the world!"

"The power of the world in the dark is taking care of you at this moment!"

"But ah... this is nothing more than a dying struggle, a cornered beast!"

Just as the Master of All Souls regained the initiative, he began to break free from the attraction of the black hole in his mind.

When starting to counterattack Yang Xuan.

Suddenly, a mysterious voice appeared directly above the Taoist master of all spirits.

Yang Xuan's information is not mysterious, but this is for those who are familiar with him.

For Wan Ling, Yang Xuan is naturally the most mysterious existence.

A spiritually enlightened person is LSP in her seriousness.

No, it's LYB!

It's Voldemort!

"Do not make excuses!"

"This time, the loser is you!"

The voice of the soul of the Lord of All Souls appeared on the entire ocean of soul this time.

Of course, everyone in this black sea of ​​hearts can clearly hear her words at this moment.

It's just that after Yang Xuan's will came, the voices of those people's communication did not erupt in the black sea of ​​mind.

So far.

at this moment!

In the entire black sea of ​​the soul, except for Yang Xuan and the Taoist master who made all spirits, no one else has the ability to transmit the voice of the soul.

Moreover, the entire Black Sea of ​​Soul is still trembling.

It is excited, it is happy.

That's the time!

All the people in the black sea of ​​the soul, envelop the master of all souls.

Only then did I discover a terrible fact.

That is this black sea of ​​souls, all of which have 'hearts'.

It actually has its own consciousness.

And the will of this soul black sea is a combination of countless wills.

The reason why it is so happy and excited is that a person it respects has come.

this person!

It was Yang Xuan!


Peace of mind above the Black Sea.

A pair of turquoise road boots suddenly stepped on the surface of the black sea of ​​the soul like a mirror.

Obviously, the black sea of ​​the soul is pure black.

But at this moment, there was a clear reflection of the figure of the person coming.

That figure is an unforgettable voice once you glance at it.

This figure was dressed in a white robe, with an ethereal figure, and three thousand black hair flowing down his shoulders, shining slightly.

His face is like a crown of jade, but he is alienated, which makes people astonished as a heavenly man.

Even on the surface of the quiet sea of ​​mind, there is a feeling of coolness and excellence.

For outsiders, it seems that it is sacrilege to look at him more.

Its black eyes are as deep as a pool of ancient spring, when people look into those dark eyes, they feel powerless and unable to take a step.

All the wills in the sea of ​​hearts, although unable to communicate, cannot speak.

But in everyone's heart, there is a voice.

Is this a fairy?

Is this the fairy?

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