This point, Yuehong Heavenly Immortal also does not know.

"The appearance of a Taoist master, but he is not a Taoist master after all!"

"To be honest, I don't know what the sect master thinks!"

"But one thing I know very well, Yang Xuan's aptitude cannot be concealed."

"Because the Taoist Lord knows everything!"

"I even suspect that when you brought him back, the Taoist already knew of his existence."

"So, don't hide it, just report it directly."

"If the Taoist Lord cared about him, he would have died."

Yuehong Tianxian said so.

Although he didn't know what Taoist Good Fortune thought of Yang Xuan, at least now Taoist would definitely not let Yang Xuan die.

"Yang Xuan, let go of your mind and let me check your situation!"

"Although Yuexi has guaranteed you, you are not a native disciple of the Good Fortune Sect."

"I also learned the good fortune and heavenly skills in advance, so I must check you carefully."

"If you can't even pass my level, then don't talk about the Lord, you won't be able to pass the level of the Holy Master."

Yuehong Tianxian couldn't help but said.

He wants to check the situation.

Especially, check Yang Xuan's golden pill.

He had to make sure that Yang Xuan was not a spy from outside.

Even though people with such qualifications, if those other sects got it, they would have hidden them for Yang Xuan to attack the Taoist master, how could it be possible for Yang Xuan to come over and act as a spy.

But what if?

What if someone goes against the routine.

If there is such a situation, perhaps under the suppression of the Creation Taoist Lord, there will be no storms.

But if they can't find out, even if the Taoist Good Fortune destroys Xuanyue's lineage, they have nothing to say.


Yang Xuan nodded to Yuehong Tianxian.

Immediately afterwards.

He let go of his mind.

Moreover, it is still very generous, completely letting go of the mind.

"Have courage!"

Yuehong Tianxian nodded, and then began to check.

Following his mind, it turned into a celestial thought and entered Yang Xuan's body.

In an instant, he felt a terrible breath.

"What a powerful breath, what a terrifying personality!"

"Not only has the golden elixir been made, but it has also turned the golden elixir into a lotus?"

"This is a mutated golden pill!"

"No, it's not a mutation, but a perfect golden elixir!"

"So it is! So it is!"

"The perfect golden pill is not a fixed pill shape!"

"Our golden elixirs are not perfect golden elixirs!"

"Even, there is a big gap with Yang Xuan, the golden core!"

"If you use a certain realm to describe it, I'm afraid it's the gap between mortals and immortals."

"Unexpectedly, Jindan still has such a realm!"

"Haha! It turns out that we lost from the starting line."

After Tianxian Yuehong checked Yang Xuan's situation.

Can't help but look up to the sky and howl.

His laugh was very strange.

Obviously very happy, but also a little bit sad.

Happily, Yue's family has another good seedling.

But sadly, I knew it too late.

Then, he waved his sleeves at Yang Xuan and Yue Xi.

The blessed land and cave unfolded in an instant, and disappeared with the two of them in the next second.

When they reappeared, Yuehong Tianxian brought the two of them to the cave of Xuanyue Holy Master.

"Holy Master, Yue Hong sees you!"

At this time, Holy Master Xuanyue has closed his blessed land.

He didn't even perceive the outside situation.

It was not until Yuehong Tianxian asked to see him that there was a voice from inside.

"Get back!"

"Give Yuexiang to the Lord Wangqing, this is my last warning to you!"

The cold tone came from the Holy Master's cave.

It seemed that Holy Master Xuanyue was very impatient.

Fortunately, at this time, Yuehong Tianxian immediately said: "My lord, I didn't come here for the sake of the Lord of Forgiveness, but because one of my disciples has reached the standard for promotion to the True Inheritance."

"And, a disciple with unparalleled aptitude who makes me sigh as a forbidden disciple!"

As soon as Tianxian Yuehong finished speaking, Holy Master Xuanyue inside became silent.

After a while.

The voice came from inside again.

Immediately afterwards.

"come in!"

The deep voice reappeared.

In the next second, the space is transferred directly.

Yang Xuan, Yue Xi, and Yue Hong came directly to a cave.

Yang Xuan, who entered the Holy Master's cave for the first time, was severely shocked.

This blessed land of the holy master who created the great world is much more luxurious than the holy master of the main world.

In the cave built by Xianyu, the spiritual veins directly became the foundation, and the spiritual springs gushed out continuously.

Not far away, you can also see the fairy beast resting.

Countless mysterious treasures and books can be clearly seen.

The most important thing is that Yang Xuan didn't even notice how the other party did it when the space shifted just now.

Holy Lord Xuanyue's methods are beyond Yang Xuan's current imagination.

The most important thing is that it is full of immortal energy.

One day of practice in this cave is worth one year outside.

This is the foundation of the Great Creation World.

It is also a terrorist capital owned by the God of Fortune faction.

"I have seen the Holy Lord!"

"Yuexi has seen the Holy Master!"

"Yang Xuan has seen the Holy Master!"

Under the leadership of Tianxian Yuehong, Yang Xuan and Yue Xi also bowed to Holy Master Xuanyue.

It's just a simple junior etiquette, bowing hands.

Yang Xuan can accept this.

But the moment he bowed lightly, a huge sense of immortality locked onto Yang Xuan in an instant.

Moreover, the other party didn't ask him to let go of his mind, and directly entered Yang Xuan's body with strong heart, and began to check Yang Xuan's qualifications without any scruples.

Not only Yang Xuan was checked, but Yue Xi was also checked.

But Yuexi's inspection was quick and simple.

But Yang Xuan was different.

Holy Master Xuanyue's examination of him lasted for nearly ten minutes.

Because, when Holy Master Xuanyue noticed the condition of Yang Xuan's golden core.

The thing to do is no longer to check, but to analyze and analyze.

But no matter what, he doesn't have the good fortune to know Yuan Gong, even if he is a master of the Holy Master level.

At this moment, there is no way to know how Yang Xuan's Dao level was condensed.

That's right!

At this time, Yang Xuan had undergone fifteen years of precipitation.

In addition, Yue Xi killed many real immortals and half immortals who had no eyesight in the past fifteen years, and then turned them into Heavenly Creation Pills for Yang Xuan to use.

In the end, Yang Xuan lost his foundation.

In this world, the first golden pill of Dao level was condensed.

Also, the most perfect golden elixir.

So even though it was only at the Golden Core level, even the existence of the Holy Master level was shocked.

"What a terrifying golden core essence!"

"Your golden elixir has reached the limit, this is the perfect golden elixir!"

"Golden core can be perfected to this point!"

"If I had a golden core like you when I was in the golden core stage, then I might be able to sprint to the ninth-level Taoist master!"

"With your qualifications, you should join our Good Fortune Sect!"

"It's just! The Taoist side... I don't know the specifics."

Holy Master Xuanyue's anger dissipated at this moment.

He originally thought that Yuehong Tianxian came to intercede with Yuexiang, but he didn't expect that he brought back two geniuses.

Yuexi's semi-immortal nature gave him a little experience.

It can be said that she will definitely become the true biography of good fortune.

But Yang Xuan's aptitude beat Yue Xi by a few blocks.

In particular, Yang Xuan still has a touch of Dao charm.

"Not only your aptitude, but also your Dao Yun!"

"Dao Yun, in this world, besides the Taoist master, this is the first time I've seen Dao Yun exist on someone else's body!"

"When the Taoist master hears the news, I'm afraid the degree of shock will not be lower than mine."

"Or, he already knew it, but the incarnation knew it."

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