As for Yang Xuan's vision when he was born, one of them was a chaotic green lotus.

Fairy Yuexi suspected that Yang Xuan had the qualifications of a Taoist master.

This is Yuexi's report to Yuehong Tianxian now.

Of course, this report was also instructed by Yang Xuan.

After Tianxian Yuehong received the news, she didn't really believe it.

Although Yuexi is now her great-great-granddaughter.

But after all, he is a person with insufficient knowledge.

But Tianxian Yuehong was excited because he thought that even if Yang Xuan was not in the form of a Taoist master, he was very likely to be in the form of a holy master.

If it is really the posture of the Holy Master, then it must be pulled into their Yue family.

If possible, refine it directly into Heavenly Creation Pill.

As for how to operate it, you have to see it to know.

However, Tianxian Yuehong also understands that those geniuses whose aptitude is against the sky, their aptitude is difficult to be brought up by Heavenly Creation Pill.

Most of the things extracted by the Creation Heavenly Pill are qualifications and origins.

But the natural physique, unless you seize the house.

But Duoshe, the degree of compatibility with the physical body cannot reach 100%, which is another drawback that will make it difficult to even become a god.

So, at least in this orthodox world of cultivating immortals, even the bigwigs of the Good Fortune Sect are not willing to take it easily.

They would rather be like Fairy Yuexi, to find the spiritual root of heaven and earth, and let her refine it.

However, the spiritual root of heaven and earth has to be suitable for oneself.

Moreover, the spiritual roots of heaven and earth also have disadvantages, and generally those below the sixth level will be considered.

Those at the seventh level and above will not be considered.

They need their faerie purity.

"Yuexi, is this your Taoist companion!"

As soon as Tianxian Yuehong came up, he saw Yang Xuan directly.

After all, there are only Yang Xuan and Yue Xi in the entire Haoyue fairy boat.

"That's right! Patriarch, this is my Taoist companion!"

"Yang Xuan, who is unparalleled in talent!"

Yue Xi said with a smile, there was no problem at all on the surface.

Even Tianxian Yuehong didn't see the problem with her great-great-granddaughter at this moment.

Otherwise, he would have suppressed the two of them on the spot.

"good very good!"

"Aura and temperament are both orthodox, and the most important thing is that they are born with a trace of good fortune!"

"This dao rhyme is born!"

"It's a terrifying qualification that outsiders can't take away!"

"Seizing the house, refining, can't take away your aptitude!"

"Such a powerful good fortune dao rhyme, you deserve to be favored by my good fortune sect."

"And, it's still our Yue family!"

Immortal Yuehong looked extremely happy after seeing Yang Xuan.

Although he is not a holy master, he is just a fairy.

In the entire Good Fortune Sect, only the third echelon existed.

But his knowledge is definitely not weak.

The Holy Master of the Good Fortune Sect, like the Taoist Master, is an existence that does not easily interfere with world affairs.

Those holy masters are also looking for opportunities to become Taoists, and they all want to advance as much as possible to become Taoist masters.

So completely ignore family matters.

Just like the Holy Lord Xuanyue.

If it weren't for this incident, a new Holy Master would have been involved.

He didn't care about the Yue family's situation at all.

To him, the Yue family is not so much a family as 22, but a tool.

For Holy Lord Xuanyue, the meaning of the Yue family's existence is that when he needs a certain treasure, the Yue family has to run errands for him.

And when I need a lot of materials, the Yue family should bring them for me as soon as possible.

So he doesn't care about the face of the Yue family, nor the status of the Yue family.

He doesn't even care about the life and death of the disciples of the Yue family.

Anyway, Holy Master Xuanyue alone is the entire Yue family.

Even the entire Yue family, except for him, fell.

He can spend no more than ten years at most, and he can re-train a family for a month.

The relationship between the Holy Master Xuanyue and the Yue family is exactly the same.

Holy Master Xuanyue can live without the Yue family.

But the Yue Family cannot live without Holy Master Xuanyue.

That's why, when Tianxian Yuehong and the other six heavenly beings of the Yue family were blasted out, although they were very angry, none of them spoke.

As Holy Master Xuanyue said.

His orders must be carried out.

"Patriarch, I have violated the sect's regulations, and I have passed on the heavenly power of good fortune to my Taoist companion!"

"After all, I can't let him miss the best age of cultivating immortals!"

"Also, please forgive me for my selfishness. After discovering Yang Xuan, I did not return to the Yue family because I was afraid that he would be robbed."

"He is too important to me."

"Just now you also noticed that dao rhyme. As long as I become a Taoist partner with him, my aptitude and origin will be gradually improved when I practice with him."

"Such an improvement may not be many at one time!"

"But after several years of accumulation, I have now become a top half-immortal!"

Just when Yuehong Heavenly Immortal praised Yang Xuan, Yuexi suddenly released her aura first.


Then, a powerful aura appeared directly.

He was clearly a half-immortal, but he exuded an aura that surprised even the heavenly immortals.

Even Tianxian Yuehong felt the slightest threat.

Although it is only a slight threat, don't forget the gap between the two, but the difference between a human and a fairy.

"So strong!"

"Your aura and essence are also very strong!"

"Although I'm only a fifth-ranked half-immortal, it made my heart alert!"

"Forget it, I've taken care of this matter for you. If anyone doubts you, you can directly report my name, even the other three holy masters don't care."

"After all, our Yue Family also has a Holy Master."

"You can already become the True Inheritance of Creation!"

"After I go back, I will take you to meet the Holy Lord!"

"Yuexi, you already have the aptitude to become a seventh-tier angel."

"Even, has the potential to become the eighth rank!"

Tianxian Yuehong was extremely excited.

Don't look at Yuexi who just has the prerequisites to become the eighth rank.

But with this potential, I don't know how many monks have been stuck to death.

Even if there are not many immortals in the entire world of fortune, there are definitely not many.

But there are so many celestial beings, only a few holy masters appeared in total.

Just like the good fortune sect.

As the first sect of the great world of good fortune.

In this world, there are 30,000 celestial beings in the entire Good Fortune Sect.

A total of 30,000 angels.

But among the 30,000 celestial beings, there are only four holy masters in total.

One of the holy masters has just appeared.

And the number of 30,000 celestial beings is only the surviving ones now.

As for those who fell in the middle, those who failed to attack the Holy Lord and fell.

Adding everything up, the chances of a celestial being becoming a holy master will reach a terrifying one in a million.

Although the immortals have the same longevity as the heavens, they will still turn into ashes under three disasters and six calamities.

Only the Holy Master can be free from all calamities.

But when the era changes, the Holy Master is also in danger.

Therefore, the Holy Lord will still pursue the Taoist Lord.

Once you enter the Tao, you will become a Taoist master.

The change of era can't affect them.

Even every time the era changes, they can get a lot of spiritual materials and treasures.

But is the Daoist satisfied?

The Taoist still wants to pursue the existence above, the mysterious existence of the tenth rank.

"Patriarch, my aptitude is far behind Yang Xuan's!"

"I think we should cultivate him carefully, he will definitely become the Holy Master in the future!"

"It's not impossible to even hit the Taoist master!"

"I just don't know how the sect looks at this matter. Is the sect master willing to see a Taoist master appearing in our world?"

Fairy Yuexi asked in a low voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuehong Tianxian fell silent.

The Creation Taoist once spoke in dialects, and he never minded who could become the Taoist.

He even hopes that a Daoist will appear.

Because the appearance of the Daoist Master will improve the quality of the Creation Great World.

But the Good Fortune Sect and the Good Fortune Great World have gone through at least a hundred Huiyuan.

That is, hundreds of epochs have changed.

In fact, Shengzhu changed several batches.

But the second Daoist never appeared.

Is it true that no one has the qualifications to achieve the Holy Lord?

In other words, anyone with such aptitude was strangled in the cradle by the good fortune Taoist master.

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