"I've seen Fairy Yuexi!"

Gu Qing Celestial Immortal is obviously a Celestial Immortal, but when he bowed to Fairy Yuexi, it was a low-level etiquette.

That is.

He showed his identity, not as good as Fairy Yuexi.

"Ancient Qing Tianxian, start your match!"

"I haven't watched this kind of children's play house game for a long time."

Yuexi now maintains her dignity according to Yang Xuan's guidance.

Hearing these words, Gu Qing Tianxian couldn't help being angry subconsciously.

But still, he held back.

Not only him, but all the real immortals around him had extremely ugly faces.

Because this Good Fortune Sect member is too arrogant.

It's fine if you look down on them, but you still slap them in the face.

I just thought of the arrogant attitude of Fairy Yuexi last time when she appeared, and those people who came with her.

The monks in the southern wilderness finally endured it.

no way!

Power is stronger than people.

"The fairy boat is still floating above the Ten Thousand Beast Gate."

"Last time, I remembered that there were many powerful monks from the Creation Sect. They didn't come out. Are they too lazy to watch our competition?"

"Perhaps in their eyes, our Dabi is just a child's play."

"It doesn't rule out the possibility of defending us!"

"After all, that fairy boat is invincible. As long as they stay on the fairy boat, no matter what means we have, they won't be able to pose a threat to them."

Several true immortals communicated secretly.

Even if they stayed in the dark, they all used the most powerful secret method and used their own immortal power to a great extent.

Because they are afraid that their words will be heard.

"let's start!"

"Sometimes it's fun for kids to fight!"

"It's also a special pleasure to watch the elite duels of the Good Fortune Sect, and occasionally to watch the chickens peck each other."

Fairy Yuexi walked directly to the very center of Dabi Square.

Then, he came directly to the main seat in the middle.

She looked at the chief for a while, and then a look of disgust appeared on her face.


In the next second, a fiery gust of wind blew past.

The main seat was directly reduced to ashes.

Then Fairy Yuexi grabbed at the void.

A ray of light flashed from the storage ring.

A huge fairy seat that can accommodate 3-5 people reappeared in the position of the main seat.

"Fairy Artifact!"

"The sixth-tier fairy weapon!"

"Is the Good Fortune Sect so rich and powerful? Every seat is a fairy weapon!"

After seeing Fairy Yuexi's actions, the monks in Nanhuang twitched again.

no way.

For them, Fairy Yuexi's many actions challenged their senses too much.

This also makes everyone not interested in the big competition now.

Because of the benefits of Dabi, it is not as good as an ordinary chair.

It is estimated that there is only one person who has seen Fairy Yuexi showing off in such a way and is still not affected.

That is Zhou Rong!

"I will!"

"I will always have these things in the future!"

"Even she has to be mine!"

"As long as I complete the entrustment of the Holy Master of the Good Fortune Sect, I will be the True Inheritance of Good Fortune in the future!"

"A fairy like her, I want one hundred, one thousand!"

Zhou Rong thought hard in his heart.

Then the big fight started.

Naturally, Yang Xuan will not appear in this competition.

Because this time Dabi was interfered by the Good Fortune Sect.

The whole competition is very simple and boring.

However, this time there was an extremely interesting person in the competition.

That person is Zhou Rong.

With an invincible figure at the same level, Zhou Rong led the Ghost Spirit Sect to become the number one among all the sects.

Received the highest standard resource allocation for Ghost Spirit Gate.

At the same time, even Fairy Yuexi rewarded the master of Ghost Spirit Sect with a bottle of Moonlight.

That's right!

Not a wisp, but a whole bottle.

This bottle of Moonlight alone is enough to raise the status of Ghost Spirit Sect in a straight line.

Because, he gave the sect master of the Ghost Spirit Sect a great opportunity to become a heavenly immortal.

Originally, the sect master of the Ghost Spirit Sect had no possibility of being promoted.

But when a large bottle of Moonlight was dropped, the impossible became possible.

Even if the probability is very low, it also means that it is possible.

"Thank you fairy! Thank you fairy!"

After Ten Thousand Ghosts and True Immortals received their rewards, they were so excited that they nearly fell to their knees.

He thought that he was hopeless, but he didn't expect such a chance.


What Fairy Yuexi did made Zhou Rong so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

Obviously, besides being in the limelight, he won the first place in the Grand Competition.

Why is the reward given to the head.

It's fine to give it to the head, but once you give me some reward, it's okay to even look at me right in the face.

Zhou Rong was extremely depressed.

He worked so hard not only to complete the task assigned by the mysterious Holy Master, but also to gain the favor of Fairy Yuexi.

However, the other party didn't take her seriously at all.

"The competition is over!"

"The secret realm will open in three days!"

"The order of entering the secret realm is according to the ranking of Dabi!"

"The first place is the Ghost Spirit Gate, the second place is the Myriad Beast Gate, the third place is the Flying Star Gate..."

The ancient Qing Tianxian of Wanshoumen announced the ranking.

Originally, he planned to let his Myriad Beast Gate be the first to enter.

But there was Yuexi by the side, and Yuexi also took down a disciple of the Ghost Spirit Sect.

So in the end, the Heavenly Immortal of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect didn't dare to cheat blatantly.

After he announced the ranking, he pointed at Fairy Yuexi.

"The Shangxian from the Good Fortune Sect will enter with the people from the Ghost Spirit Sect!"

"All the monks in the southern wilderness will remember it for me. If you meet Fairy Yuexi during your trip to the secret realm this time."

"Then whatever she asks you to do, you must obey."

"Even if it's death!"

Gu Qing Tianxian said very solemnly.

Many monks who followed him expressed dissatisfaction with his actions.

Nanhuang is not Zhongzhou. When they enter the secret realm, they usually believe in strength.

Everyone sprints for their own opportunities.

Life and death are bearish, and if you don't accept it, you will do it.

To die is to die.

But let them die for others, and die as cannon fodder for those who explore the way and break the ban.

This is really too difficult for the monks in the Southern Wilderness.

"Didn't you hear me?"

"This is what you must do!"

"If you don't listen, I will let you experience something more terrifying than death after my return."

At this moment, Gu Qing Tianxian showed his celestial majesty.

Under his coercion, all the disciples couldn't help but knelt down on the ground.

Then one by one shouted that they would obey orders.

Yue Xi also seemed very satisfied after seeing this place now.

"very good!"

"Then see you in three days!"

Now that Yuexi finished speaking, she was a little bit floating while walking, and walked towards the fairy boat with a pale face.

Obviously, Yang Xuan looked extremely pitiful.

But when everyone saw it, they were all envious.

Being tossed by such a fairy for ten days is a happy thing no matter how you think about it.

The reason why Yang Xuan is like this must be because he can't do it himself.

Especially Zhou Rong.

At this moment, Zhou Rong's clenched hand was bloody.

Wangui Zhenxian wanted to stop Fairy Yuexi.

But what he was carrying was the entire Ghost Spirit Gate.

Therefore, they could only watch Yang Xuan being taken away.

In the end, nothing was said.

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