"I admit, it was my fault that I wanted to refine you into a heavenly pill!"

"But I am willing to be a slave and a handmaiden. I finally became a half-immortal. My aptitude is not very good, but as long as I become a true immortal, I can enter the inner sect."

"Let me go, I don't want to die yet!"

The half-fairy monk kept talking.

After she saw the fate of that disciple, she was terrified in her heart.

However, in the end, his end was still the same as Wang Ling'er.

The Heavenly Creation Pill of the Creation Sect is indeed one of the very powerful methods.

However, this time, Yang Xuan made an unexpected discovery.

This half-immortal has never practiced together with others.

It has to be said that the female monks of the Good Fortune Sect are all very clean.

It's a pity that the heart is very dirty.

For what I don't like, I don't want to suffer at all.

But after seeing Yang Xuan, they all came up with the idea of ​​fighting with Yang Xuan for 800 rounds, and then refining Yang Xuan into a elixir.

It's just that, in the end, the idea was successful, but the position was changed.

The hunter became Yang Xuan.

They become prey.

PS: The author of Xiaopujie got off work late today, so he wrote after 1 o'clock, and then saw a lot of people complaining.

Forget it, they spray theirs, I write my factory.

Thank you for the support of those who like this book, your support is my biggest motivation.

Chapter 141 The secret realm opens, the eighth-level moon spirit root (subscribe!)

On the bright moon fairy boat.

After that things are very simple.

Under Yue Xi's shot, Yang Xuan finally wiped out the Creation Sect's team except for Yue Xi.

Nine disciples of the Good Fortune Sect, and one Southern Wilderness True Immortal who was suppressed and killed by the Good Fortune Sect.

In the end, he actually provided Yang Xuan with 20,000 years of life energy.

In other words, the current Yang Xuan only needs 10,000 years of lifespan to improve his cultivation.

The Yuanshen stage of the fourth stage.

That is a height that the body has not reached.

What's more, he got up by relying on the good luck meeting Yuan Gong.

Although Yang Xuan had guessed a long time ago, the Yuan Kung Fu of this rank must be very strong.

But how strong it is, he really doesn't know.

All I can say is, I'm looking forward to it.

"Now it's your turn, you are the only one left in the Good Fortune Sect."

Yang Xuan turned to look at Yue Xi.

Fairy Yuexi happily nodded without any disgust

The last two began to rest.

This rest is ten days.


Ten days later.

"It's time to go out! These ten days have been the most comfortable days since I was reincarnated."

Yang Xuan glanced at Fairy Xiyue beside him, then went to tidy up his clothes and prepared to leave Haoyue Fairy Ark.

Now, the Haoyue fairy boat was already his.

Not only that, Yang Xuan also obtained a large number of secret methods of the Creation Sect.

And a large number of pills and talismans.

It can be said that his assets alone are already richer than the entire Southern Wilderness Cultivation World.

Happiness comes so suddenly.

As for Fairy Yuexi, Yang Xuan did not refine her into Heavenly Creation Pill.

This woman is very useful to me now.

Even relying on this woman, Yang Xuan thought that he could plan for the Creation Sect.

He was reincarnated into this world by virtue of his eternal soul.

Yang Xuan naturally planned to do something big.

Anyway, after the return, everything will be cleared.

So he has become unfettered in doing things.

It is equal to completely liberating oneself.

Even if it is transformed into a demon, it will become normal after returning.

But if you want to deal with the Good Fortune Sect and the Good Fortune Taoist Master, conventional means are absolutely useless.

Yang Xuan knew that this time he had to use any means.

Only in this way can it be possible to fight against the Creation Daoist.

"Master, I'm ready."

Fairy Yuexi had come to Yang Xuan at this time.

In ten days, her face became a little pale.

After all, a lot of her origins have been taken away by Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan's golden elixir, however, has progressed from the half-step avenue-level golden elixir to the perfect avenue and advanced.

Especially in the case of voluntary risk.

Today, her foundation is almost ruined.

But because she is still useful, and she has been completely controlled by Yang Xuan, so many secret methods have been planted on her body.

Yang Xuan edited and edited the Yuan Gong of the Good Fortune Society.

In the end, he created a technique called Good Fortune Scripture and passed it on to Fairy Yuexi.

So don't look at Fairy Yuexi's pale face and weakened foundation.

But her cultivation has improved a lot instead.

And with this exercise, he can advance to become a half-immortal at any time.

Once advanced, even if there is no goal she came to look for this time, a fairy root with the essence of the eighth level.

Just relying on this exercise is enough for her to become the True Inheritance of Good Fortune.

The scary thing about this exercise is that Yang Xuan can control her by virtue of the exercise, but outsiders can't see it at all.

As for the Taoist master of the ninth rank, the supreme being of the Good Fortune Sect, and the gate body of the Good Fortune Gate.

Whether it can be seen or not, Yang Xuan doesn't know.

So, he wants to take a gamble.

"Once Fairy Yuexi becomes the True Inheritance of Creation, then she will have the opportunity to see the body of the Gate of Creation in this world once."

"It will be a great opportunity then!"

Looking at Fairy Yuexi, Yang Xuan couldn't help but think of this.

In the main world, the founder of the good fortune faction.

He just unintentionally became a true disciple of the Creation Sect in this world.

In the end, I met the Gate of Good Fortune, got the supreme skill, and established the Good Fortune Sect.

Now, although Yang Xuan has not reincarnated into the Good Fortune Sect.

However, 013 unintentionally controlled a direct disciple of the Holy Master of the Creation Sect.

This is also a great opportunity.

"It's okay to tell the truth, but you have to give it a try."

Yang Xuan thought so in his heart.


Myriad Beast Gate.


As the fairy boat opened again.

Yang Xuan and Yue Xi slowly appeared.

This time, Yang Xuan walked behind Fairy Yuexi.

When Fairy Yuexi appeared in front of everyone's eyes, she had already switched from Yang Xuan's state.

At this time, she was still immortal.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, the fairy sound appeared, and the fairy energy was lingering.

But Yang Xuan didn't look so good.

At this time, his footsteps were frivolous and his face was pale, as if he had been overused.

But after seeing him, many disciples of Wanshoumen didn't have the slightest sympathy, on the contrary, they were all jealous to death.

This is the case even for other people who came to participate in the competition.

For example, Zhou Rong from Ghost Spirit Gate.

He was incomparably heartbroken and depressed.

Because Fairy Yuexi fulfilled all his fantasies about female immortal cultivators in the world of immortal cultivators in Zhongzhou.

In the future, he wanted a Taoist companion like Fairy Yuexi.

But who knew, Fairy Yuexi chose Yang Xuan on her own initiative.

"As expected of the reincarnation of the Holy Master!"

"This woman from the Creation Sect must have known this too!"

"So they came here on purpose, wanting to get a title first while the Holy Master didn't get back the memory of his previous life."

"Da Zong's female monk is really scheming!"

"If I become a Holy Master in the future, I must **** this Fairy Yuexi. Aren't you ten days? I want ten years! One hundred years!"

With endless malice in his heart, Zhou Rong thought about such things.

Then, he followed the sect to participate in the competition of various sects.

Along the way, he wanted to join the Good Fortune Sect even more.

Since the advent of the Creation Sect, he has been deeply attracted by the behavior of the Creation Sect.

Shouldn't we monks be so chic and casual?


Myriad Beast Gate.

This time, Gu Qing Tianxian had been waiting for Yue Xi and Yang Xuan very tactfully.

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