"There's no way to fight back!"

"Sure enough, after the advanced stage, you shouldn't be embarrassed. Brother Zhou doesn't know that the weakest time is after the advanced stage."

"Hey! Maybe Senior Brother Zhou thinks that his Yuanshen stage can suppress the Jindan stage, but he forgot that he is now in a weak stage."

"That's right! Senior Brother Zhou was careless, and he asked Senior Brother Yang to make the first move. Isn't this looking for abuse?"

Most of the onlookers thought that Zhou Rong was careless.

They didn't know that Zhou Rong was not actually in a weak period, but was abused in his heyday.

With their way of thinking, they couldn't think of this in terms of timing.

"Senior Brother Zhou, go back and heal your injuries!"

Yang Xuan ignored those people's words, and said something to Zhou Rong in a lukewarm manner.

Then, he left directly.

After Yang Xuan left, Zhou Rong struggled to get up.

The reason why he got up was because his current mana was still sealed.

According to the strength of the seal, he will be sealed for at least three days.

In other words, he couldn't use mana for these three days.

Simply terrible.

"Senior Brother Nan, please help me, my current mana has been sealed!"

After Zhou Rong got up, he looked at those disciples who were watching his jokes with their eyes wide open and silent, and even wanted to get into this hole.

But now he can't do it, so he can only ask for help from a true disciple who is good with him.

And, still talk.

Because after Yang Xuan's last blow, he increased the seal on him again.

Now Zhou Ronglai can't even do it.

As for the qualified status, not only he was extremely shocked, but also the true disciple with the surname Nan was shocked.

This true disciple is a true disciple who just returned from the Yuanshen stage a few days ago.

On weekdays, he basically practiced in closed doors, and he was considered one of Zhou Rong's previous backers.

After the monk surnamed Nan came over, the first thing he did was to help Zhou Rong break the seal.

As a result, after mobilizing his mana, he found that he couldn't do it.

That's right!

He could not crack the seal under Yang Xuan.

Not to mention breaking it, it is impossible to shake it.

This made the monk surnamed Nan puzzled, but he was too embarrassed to tell outsiders, and just looked at the direction Yang Xuan left in doubt.

In my heart, I secretly thought about why this new true disciple was so terrifying.

"Go! Go back and talk!"

The monk surnamed Nan took Zhou Rong away with a gloomy expression.

He also felt ashamed.


Ghost Spirit Gate, the gate master's cave.

After they all left, Wan Gui Zhenxian, the master of Ghost Spirit Sect, withdrew his spiritual thoughts.

"Zhou Rong's primordial spirit is actually top-ranked!"

"This is really an unexpected surprise!"

"However, Yang Xuan's golden elixir is too powerful. Could it be the power of the heavenly ghost transformed by the Tianshui fairy lotus?"

"A golden core stage can actually seal the mana of a high-grade primordial spirit. I've never even heard of this."

As a true immortal, although he did not come in person, the head of the Ghost Sect still witnessed Yang Xuan's strength.


For the next three days.

Primordial spirit stage monks from Ghost Spirit Sect tried to help Zhou Rong break the seal.

But in the end, they all found out with regret that they couldn't do it.

Anyone who tried to crack Zhou Rong's seal was eventually called away by the sect master, and then made a spiritual oath.

The turmoil in which Zhou Rong was defeated by Yang Xuan lasted for a full month.

Even after a month, the topic of this matter still appears in the Ghost Spirit Gate.

Zhou Rong didn't go out at all during this time.

He is autistic.

5.6 is too embarrassing, I have never been so embarrassing in my life.

Until another half a month later.

The master of the Ghost Spirit Sect came out and controlled the secret treasure of the Ghost Spirit Sect, which was triggered by Wan Gui Yunhai with many true disciples.

The goal is the Ten Thousand Beasts Gate.

The Grand Competition of the various sects will be opened in half a month.


Southern Wilderness.

"Is this the Southern Wilderness? The aura is really thin!"

"Not only is the spiritual energy thin, but there is also a hostile energy in the world!"

"It's no wonder that the monks here cannot have the existence of the eighth rank. It is impossible to reach the eighth rank when practicing in such a place!"

"If it wasn't for the ancient secret realm, I really don't want to come here."

A team of ten.

At this time, he was driving the majestic flying boat and came to the Southern Wilderness Cultivation Realm.

These ten people are led by a real immortal.

In addition, there are three half immortals.

The remaining six are Yuanshen stage monks.

But among this group of people, the leader is indeed a female monk in the primordial spirit stage.

The female monk looked leisurely, pacing back and forth on the flying boat with a slight smile.

She didn't complain like other monks.

She just smiled and admired the different scenery, her whole demeanor was extraordinarily noble and elegant.

In this situation, standing by her side, there is a feeling of clearness and emptiness.

His appearance is naturally stunning.

And when she smiles, anyone will feel a true and pure artistic conception.

"Senior Sister Yuexi, this time we will definitely get that celestial root. With that celestial root, you will definitely be able to condense the celestial root of good fortune, and then become the true inheritance of good fortune!"

Just as the little fairy was admiring the scenery, a clear voice like a lark reached the fairy's ears.

"Yeah, I will definitely get it!"

"No one is competing with us for this fairy root, so naturally it will only be mine!"

"The family has already let go, and all the immortal sects and aristocratic families in Zhongzhou dare not come over and rob me."

"As for the monks in Zhongzhou, with Xiao Linger around, they are all vulnerable."

Fairy Yue Ning patted the head of her junior sister beside her, her words were full of incomparable confidence.

The monks in the southern wilderness were completely ignored by her.

Although she is only a primordial spirit, the little Linger beside her is also a primordial spirit.

But the primordial spirit of the Creation Sect is different from ordinary primordial spirits.

"That's right!"

"If anyone doesn't have eyes, I'll directly train him into Heavenly Creation Pill!"

Heavenly Creation Pill, a pill that improves aptitude and restores mana.

But to refine this celestial pill, the material is indeed the soul of the monk.

"It's like the half-immortal who intercepted us halfway!"

"A rogue cultivator and a half-immortal, seeing that we don't run away, he is courting death!"

The good fortune sect female monk named Xiao Ling'er is not humble at all.

Because along the way, they killed a total of five casual cultivators and half-immortals.

A true immortal with no eyes was also killed by their half-immortal.

As for the true immortals of the Good Fortune Sect, they haven't made any moves until now.

But the disciples of the Good Fortune Sect are very confident that even if their team does not have a fairy, they are still invincible in the Southern Wilderness.

This is the confidence and confidence of the Good Fortune Sect.

Chapter 139 The Fairy Throws Herself into Her Arms, Creates Heavenly Might! (Please subscribe!)

Half a month passed by in a flash.

Five days ago, everyone from the Ghost Spirit Sect had already arrived at the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect.

The other true immortal sects under the jurisdiction of Wanshoumen also came to Wanshoumen within two days.

There are a total of six True Immortal sects interfering in the Wanshoumen area.

However, one of the True Immortal sects just appeared a month ago.

The area of ​​the Southern Wilderness is huge.

Even the most affluent Zhongzhou is definitely not as big as Nanhuang in terms of geographical area.

So it's not inconceivable that a real fairy suddenly appeared again.

But this morning, before the Great Competition among various sects, a small accident was discovered.

Because, this huge fairy boat appeared in front of everyone.

It was a fairy boat surrounded by fairy energy, the moment it appeared.

All the spiritual energy in the entire Ten Thousand Beasts Gate was swept away in an instant.

All the auras were summoned to Xianzhou one after another.

Then it was converted into immortal energy, and finally the immortal energy turned into a series of mysterious runes.

Finally, the rune hid in the space around the fairy boat.

Although it is no longer visible to the naked eye, it does not mean that the door has disappeared.

With such a method, many monks in the wild were stunned.

This scene was too shocking for them.

The wild middle-level monks were all discussing the profound and unpredictable magic of the Creation Sect in low voices.

As for the higher-ups, they frowned one by one, considering what the other party's purpose was for doing so.

Even Yang Xuan felt great pressure.

Because he knows that the coming person is very strong.

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