Zhou Rong wanted to catch up with Yang Xuan, but found that he couldn't match Yang Xuan's speed.

Just this time, his heart that had just swollen suddenly calmed down a lot.

"Forget it! It's just that the movement speed is fast, his strongest method is the sealing technique!"

"But as far as my current mana is concerned, it's easy to crack!"

"Teaching him a lesson today will definitely make that mysterious holy master more satisfied with me."

"It doesn't matter if the Holy Master is reincarnated, as long as he doesn't push him to a dead end, and the Holy Lord's origin doesn't explode, he will be a stronger Jindan stage monk."

"Even if I am a proud person, I can kill enemies at higher ranks, but I am also a proud person now!"

"Tianjiao can kill ordinary monks beyond the realm, but as Tianjiao, naturally the realm is king."

After Zhou Rong also came to the martial arts arena, he secretly encouraged himself in his heart.

He never thought that he would lose.

Then there is such a short moment of practice.

More than a dozen true disciples of the Yuanshen stage who have recently returned to the Ghost Sect one after another because of the competition among the various sects.

Also, more than 30 Jindan period true disciples, and then thousands of other inner disciples began to watch from ancient times.

As for those outer disciples.

They couldn't see it anymore, because they couldn't even get close to the martial arts arena.

But even so, the battle between the two had caused a sensation in the Ghost Spirit Sect.

Especially, those who have heard of Yang Xuan.

Everyone knows about Tianshui Xianlian.

"Junior brother Yang, you are a junior brother, you should act first!"

After Zhou Rong took his position, he asked Yang Xuan to tidy up.


Yang Xuan naturally wouldn't give in.

Since this is what he wants, give it to him.


"Then I can make a move!"

Yang Xuan nodded.

Immediately afterwards, five spirit ghosts appeared instantly.

"Inverse Five Elements Heavenly Ghost Sealing Immortal Formation!"

This time, it was an advanced version of the sealing technique.

And it was also because Zhou Rong's primordial spirit was really strong, so Yang Xuan didn't hold back at all.

The terrifying magic power in his body gushed out instantly.

Powerful, 1800 years of mana.

Through five spirit ghosts, a terrifying sealing circle was formed.

It was at this moment that Zhou Rong discovered that his mana had been sealed!

"No! Impossible!"

"Damn it! Is it an illusion?"

Zhou Rong looked at Yang Xuan in disbelief.

He tried to mobilize mana, but nothing could be mobilized.

"It's not an illusion, my mana is just sealed!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

"I'm a big boss in the Yuanshen period, and I'm the top grade of Yuanshen!"

"How could I be sealed by a person at the golden core stage!"

Zhou Rong stood where he was, sweating coldly.

The heart is already berserk.

But to the outside world, he just stood there quietly and motionless.

He didn't dare to move because it was too embarrassing.

Even though he was a very thick-skinned person, he felt extremely ashamed at this moment.

"If you can't, admit defeat!"

"The reincarnation of the Holy Lord is beyond my comprehension!"

"No wonder the mysterious Holy Master who chose me must attack Yang Xuan!"

"He is really terrifying. If it were me, I would choose to kill him directly during this period."

Zhou Rong has already decided to admit defeat.

He always understood why Yang Xuan looked at him with such contempt just now.

Zhou Rong subconsciously thought that the reincarnated body of the Holy Lord, with no awakening memory at the level, was not something he could deal with.

So he didn't want to fight anymore, never wanted to fight with Yang Xuan again.

He decided to let that mysterious Holy Master deal with Yang Xuan in the future.

But Yang Xuan didn't intend to give him this chance.

"Senior Brother Zhou, you are the one who wants to compete with me, so..."


I saw Yang Xuan's body disappear from the spot in an instant.

In the next second, he came directly to Zhou Rong.

Then he punched him directly on the chin, knocking him into the sky.

"Wait a minute!"

Zhou Rong has already spoken, he wants ninjutsu.

He really didn't want to lose this person.

"The will-o'-the-wisp!"

But at this moment, one of Yang Xuan's spirit ghosts had released an attack.

The cold will-o'-the-wisp directly wrapped Zhou Rong up.

In an instant, a lot of his vitality was burned.

Will-o'-the-wisps are different from ordinary flames.

What it burns is the vitality of the enemy.

"Ghost wind screams!"

The wind attribute spirit ghost also released an attack.

"Ghost tree entanglement!"

"Ghost Spirit Sword Qi!"

"The sea of ​​ghosts is boundless!"

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, five spirit ghosts, and the art of five spirit ghosts.

They were all beaten out by Yang Xuan in an instant.

From the time Zhou Rong asked Yang Xuan to do it to now, in just ten seconds, he was already seriously injured.

However, this is not the end.

"Mysteries, Heavenly Ghosts Arrived!"

"Eternal night ghost disaster!"


Yang Xuan summoned his natal ghost.

This heavenly ghost is the spirit ghost transformed by the Tianshui fairy lotus.

As soon as it appeared, it created a small ghost field.

This is already an attack beyond the Yuanshen stage.

The attack strength has reached the half immortal level...

But outsiders don't know it. Only by experiencing the terrifying Zhou Rong in Huangquan, will they know that they have reached the moment of life and death.

At this moment, if Yang Xuan wanted to.

Zhou Rong will be devoured by thousands of ghosts to death.

So he was scared, and all the swelling was instantly beaten back to its original form.

Even the eyes that looked at Yang Xuan were full of prayers.

He was really scared.

He obviously just got a great opportunity and got a powerful technique.

In the future, even more immortals can be expected.

If you worship a Holy Master, and you are still the Holy Master of the Good Fortune Sect, you will be on the rise.

It wouldn't be worth dying here.

He regretted it so much, why did he insist on provoking Yang Xuan.

Knowing that the other party is the reincarnation of the Holy Master, he still insists on provoking him, he is looking for death!


"I'll let you go this time, but only this time!"

"Recognize your own identity, even an ordinary Yuanshen cultivator dares to challenge me, you really don't know how to live or die!"

Yang Xuan naturally saw Zhou Rong's begging for mercy.

Therefore, he directly transmitted voice to Zhou Rong.

"I see!"

"It is my fault!"

"Elder Supreme, the sect master definitely doesn't want you to expose your strength, so please stop!"

Zhou Rong also sent a voice transmission to Yang Xuan.

Although he said so, in fact, what he wanted was to save himself a little face.


Yang Xuan ignored his request.

Following Yang Xuan's stop.

Although Zhou Rong was not killed, he was extremely embarrassed at this time.

Blood was all over the body, and a lot of hair fell out because of the loss of vitality.

His face was blue and purple.

Not only that, he was still vomiting blood.

This situation stunned the surrounding Ghost Spirit Sect disciples.

"what's the situation?"

"Brother Zhou, who just advanced to Yuanshen, was beaten violently?"

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