When everyone is born, the true spirit is extremely powerful.


Even going crazy in the dark, as long as you don't get hurt.

Still maintaining such a trace of sobriety.

You won't go crazy to death just because you are in a claustrophobic space.

So Wang Changhe, their true spirit.

Will persist until physical death.

At this time, at least several decades must be persisted.

Yang Xuan arranged for the best nurses to take care of these four people.

Wang Changhe is even worse, he has a resurrection time.

Yang Xuan can wait decades later.

When Wang Changhe's physical body was about to die, he did it again for the other party.

By the time.

the mental damage he suffered.

It will be twice as much as Liu Qing and the others.

"Zhang Hui, find the best nurse for them."

"I want them alive."

"Live well!"

Yang Xuan called Zhang Hui over.

Naturally, Zhang Hui would not refuse.

"I see!"

"I will definitely do this well!"

Zhang Hui took a deep breath.

He will not disobey Yang Xuan.

not to mention.

Wang Changhe deserved what he deserved.

After he came to this world, what he did was treated like this.

No need for sympathy at all.

"who are you?"

"Do you want to die?"

"Come on, my son, what's wrong with you?"

Wang Changhe's parents.

At this time, he also ran over.

They are also in a daze.

totally no idea.

Why did things develop to this point.

"I leave it to you."

"At sunrise tomorrow."

"I'll wait for you at the top of the first tower in Xuancheng."

Yang Xuan didn't bother to pay attention to the next wrangling.

Face-slapping plot.

He was too lazy to use it on Wang Changhe's parents.

Because there is no sense of accomplishment at all.

The boundary gap is too great.

There's no point in bullying each other.

"Don't worry, sir, I'll take care of it."

Zhang Hui responded blankly.


His heart is extremely excited.

Because he knows.

Yang Xuan told him to go out and come over.

He must be pointed out.

Get the guidance of a master who breaks the void and sees the gods.

This is what warriors dream of.

After Yang Xuan explained.

Also left.

It's still early.

After Yang Xuan left the restaurant, he went to wander around Xuancheng.

When you find something you want to eat, eat it.

When you meet what you want to drink, drink it.

When night falls.

He came to the first tower of Xuancheng.

After coming to the top of the tower easily.

Yang Xuan sat cross-legged on the ground.

Chapter 20 The surface of the water is like walking on flat ground to me (seeking flowers, comments! 4 more!)


There are more than 7,000 flowers, so I don’t say anything, just thank you! Just add more!

Originally, 5 updates are guaranteed today! Guaranteed 6 updates now!

The little author didn't even eat dinner.

I wish readers all the best today!

Go update it!

The following text!


On the first tower of Xuancheng.

Yang Xuan felt the circulation of his own qi and blood.


Every drop of blood, every muscle and bone in his body.

They all seemed to be turned into a villain.

Evolving Bajiquan.

Yang Xuan at this time.

Has reached the state of perfection.

He is in the full-level Bajiquan state.

I also realized some new martial arts knowledge and ideas.


Yang Xuan actually felt that he had touched a bottleneck again.

That is the realm above the immortality.

It is a kind of mysterious and mysterious vitality of the senses.

But this understanding.

It disappeared quickly.

After that, he had no clue.

do not know either.

How to do it yourself.

But even so, his own cultivation.

It is also slowly improving.

The moment the sun appeared the next day.

Zhang Hui came over on time.


"Stand still, don't move!"

Reach out and pass on the skills!

Immortal support!

After some operations.

Zhang Hui with the help of Yang Xuan.

Finally broke through the dark energy.

Completed Baodan and possessed Danjin.

This will improve Zhang Hui's position in the Security Bureau a lot in the future.

"Sir, are you leaving?"

Zhang Hui thought of this.

"That's right! I'm going to fulfill my promise to Zhang Qiang!"

"But before I leave, you all have to play a scene with me."

"Give me the information of the **Three Gang Qi Mahayanas."

Yang Xuan and Zhang Hui want to obtain information about the three top players.

Naturally, we will meet them for a while.

Take a look and see if you can find a cheat.

Anyway, there is one key to fully level this skill.

"I'll point them out one by one."

"But to the outside world, you will announce that I have seriously injured them."

"It doesn't even matter if you want me wanted."

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