
He survived in the end.

After the judgment of will passed, he was just mentally exhausted.

But it's not over yet.



this moment.

Yang Xuan used punches.

Full-level Bajiquan.

After being used by him.

In the entire banquet hall, everyone felt a terrifying pressure.

Even Zhang Hui.

They all found their bodies trembling.

ordinary people.

Some even lost control of their bodies.

Some strange liquid came out.

or solid.

In short.

The moment Yang Xuan punched out!


is static.

And Wang Changhe who faced Yang Xuan's punch directly.

It was instantly blurred.

This moment.

Wang Changhe's mind went blank.

All mental power.

It was all consumed in an instant.

He dare not imagine.

Someone can pack a punch like that.


This is the normal urban world.

Chapter 19 Something Scarier Than Death (Ask for flowers, comments! 3 more)


Some people expressed dissatisfaction with me for not killing 'Wang Changhe'.

As I said before, killing him is tantamount to letting him leave this world.

Not to kill is to let the other party's spirit suffer damage for decades or hundreds of years.

For the reincarnated, death is not scary.

The terrible thing is that being imprisoned in the reincarnation world, the spirit was tortured endlessly.

The following text!


When Yang Xuan's fist hit him on the head.

Wang Changhe's consciousness has completely collapsed.

But what everyone didn't expect was that.

Such a terrifying punch.

It didn't directly blow Wang Changhe's head off.


Many impurities in Wang Changhe's body were punched out by Yang Xuan with the help of his fist.

The I Ching washes the marrow!

This is Yang Xuan using his own strength.

Helped Wang Changhe improve his body.

But at the same time.

Wang Changhe's consciousness also collapsed.

However, he is not dead!

True Spirit still has a little consciousness, immersed in the sea of ​​consciousness.

not dead!

It is impossible to leave the world of reincarnation.

So next.

His consciousness will be lost in this world.

When to die, when to leave.

If in this world be an idiot for decades.

After Wang Changhe's true spirit returned.

will suffer great harm.

Outsiders naturally do not understand these.

But behind.

Liu Qing, who had regained her sanity, turned pale.

"No! Don't do this!"

"Let me go!"

Liu Qing took the opportunity to shout loudly.

She wants to ask for mercy.

But Yang Xuan didn't give her a chance.

His next punch.

It fell directly on Liu Qing's body.

Then, there are two dog legs of Wang Changhe.

four people.

Follow the same pattern.

All turned into idiots.

However, the real spirit has preserved a little.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, awake.

Can feel changes in the outside world, but cannot control the body.


These people have been washed by his I Ching.

Therefore, they will maintain the realm of idiots and live for a long time without disaster or disease.

"Hiss! This senior is so cruel!"

Zhang Hui couldn't understand at first.

But when the four of them were all beaten into idiots by Yang Xuan, they had strengthened their bodies.

He just knew it.

How terrifying is Yang Xuan's actions.

This is even more terrifying than killing people.

Turn enemies into idiots.


Also helps strengthen the enemy's body.

Let the enemy live without disaster or disease.

This is very cruel to the aborigines in the ordinary urban world.


What Zhang Hui didn't know was.

Yang Xuan was more cruel than he imagined.

He relies on the spiritual power of the gods.

And his full-level Bajiquan.

It seems.

It turned Wang Changhe and Liu Qing into idiots.

But actually.

There is still a spiritual seed in their hearts.

This is also because of the nature of the reincarnation.

True spirit!

That is.

Now there are four of Wang Changhe.

There is still a trace of will.

In the depths of my spirit, awake.

that feeling.

It's like being alone.

In an absolutely quiet, absolutely dark space.

How long their physical bodies survive.

It must be in such a space.

Survive multiple times.

that situation.

normal person.

It may not last even half an hour.

Reincarnators are different from ordinary people in this world.

The main world of the reincarnated.

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