"For the Martial Art Competition in March, I want to participate with my Yuanshen Stage cultivation!"

"Then, report the breaking news I got today to the Ten Thousand Beasts Gate, and take this opportunity to return to the Ten Thousand Beasts Gate."

"Afterwards, I exposed my spirit beast essence, and became a true disciple of the Wanshou Sect in one fell swoop."

"At that time, I should rise to the top and become the leader of the younger generation of immortal cultivators in the entire Southern Wilderness."

The more Zhou Rong thought about it, the happier he became.

So he directly activated the formation of his own cave, and began to retreat and recuperate.

To the outside world, he is just a monk in the middle stage of Jindan.

But in fact, he has already reached the golden elixir stage of Dzogchen.

So this time he plans to directly promote Yuanshen.

As for outsiders, if someone comes to ask, just make up an excuse.

For example.

I had collected an elixir before, and it hadn't been used before, so I planned to explode this time.

At that time, if anyone doesn't believe it, just make a spiritual oath directly.

Anyway, his spiritual oath will never take effect.

The credibility of the spiritual oath is very high in this world.

After all, there are not many divine beasts like the Sky Blue Divine Bird in the entire Creation World.

Even most of the monks in the Ghost Spirit Sect don't know the existence of the Azure Divine Bird.

In this way, Zhou Rong began to practice with his own dream.

But what he didn't know was.

Just at the moment when he began to adjust his state.

Suddenly, an extremely cold force descended on his mansion.

"Early stage of Yuanshen?"

"Which brother or sister is it?"

After feeling this breath, Zhou Rong woke up suddenly, and looked around carefully.

However, in his heart, he was extremely shocked.

"Damn! How did the other party come in? Obviously, my defensive formation didn't sense anything!"

"Or, the other party has already lurked in?"

"But what is the other party going to do? Is something about me exposed?"

For a while, Zhou Rong thought of a lot.

He has done too many bad things and worried too much about being discovered.

So when I noticed someone, I felt a little guilty.

"Which senior brother or sister is it? I'm planning to practice in seclusion today, junior brother. Please stop joking with me."

After a while, Zhou Rong realized that he could only sense the cold aura.

But after he couldn't lock the direction of that breath at all, his mentality became a little impetuous.

Even, when talking to the surroundings, he couldn't help mobilizing his spiritual power, as well as his secret weapon, the Azure Divine Bird.

"I see!"

"It turned out to be a bird!"

"A bird of extremely high quality!"

"If nothing else, the ability to ignore the oath of the heart probably comes from it."

Unreal voices came from all directions.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Rong was shocked.

Because his biggest secret was exposed.

At this moment when it was exposed, and it was said directly, Zhou Rong subconsciously believed that the opponent's strength was superior to his own.

The visitor may even be a true immortal.

Even if it's not a true immortal, it's just a fifth-level half-immortal.

For a monk like him who has not grown up, it is the most deadly.

not to mention.

Now that I am in the Ghost Spirit Gate, I dare not use the power of the Azure Divine Bird at all.

Otherwise, the elders, deacons, and even the head of the Ghost Spirit Sect will be alarmed.

At that time, he will definitely die.

"Who is the senior?"

"Since I knew my secret, but didn't announce it to the public, and didn't find the elders and sect masters of the Ghost Spirit Sect to arrest me, I must not be a member of the Ghost Spirit Sect."

"I don't know what the junior can do for the senior. As long as the junior can do it, I will do my best to help the senior to complete it."

After Zhou Rong's identity was exposed, although he was very nervous.

But after that, I thought of this crucial point.

Yes, the opponent has the ability to take him down, but he didn't make a move.

Not only that, but also intentionally revealed a ray of breath to make himself aware of the other party's existence.


Now that he revealed his secret, he didn't intend to act preemptively.

Doesn't it mean that the other party doesn't intend to kill himself at least now.

In other words, the other party wants to trade.

After thinking of this, Zhou Rong bowed to the void.

Since he couldn't lock the position of the other party, then he regarded the other party as close in front of his eyes.

"You are very smart!"

"No wonder it can be selected by the Wanshoumen as a secret work!"

"It's just that you are too careless!"

"To be honest, it's a small place like Ghost Spirit Gate that didn't notice your abnormality!"

"If it were made by me in Zhongzhou... Well, if it were made in Zhongzhou, you would have been discovered thirteen years ago when you made the deacon of the outer sect of the Ghost Spirit Sect disappear."

"To put it another way, if you were placed in Zhongzhou, you wouldn't be able to sneak into the sect at all. Only small sects would believe the spiritual oath."

The voice in the void did not say what he wanted Zhou Rong to do.

But his words shocked Zhou Rong extremely.

Especially, the sentence Zhongzhou, made!


Why do you say this word!

Do you even need to think about what the creation of this character represents in Zhongzhou?

Even, in the entire Great Creation World, do you even need to think about it!

good fortune! good fortune!

Zhou Rong couldn't help being shocked.

"Is it a senior from the Good Fortune Sect?"

He kept thinking about it in his heart, but he didn't dare to ask.

I really dare not ask!

It is about the Good Fortune Sect, who dares to participate indiscriminately and ask indiscriminately.

Moreover, the other party actually knew what happened thirteen years ago.

In other words, the other party has been hiding in the Ghost Spirit Gate.

Could it be that a small ghost spirit gate contains some big secret, and it is worth the people of the Creation Sect lurking in it.

"Zhou Rong, I can help you better condense your primordial spirit, and even help you completely refine this azure divine bird."

"As a price, I want you to win the first place in the Southern Wilderness Sect Grand Competition after three months, and then be the captain of the team that leads the Ghost Spirit Sect into the secret realm."

"After that, I want you to use your own power to bring your Heavenly Ghost Supreme Leader to me alone."

"That's what I want you to do."

"It's very simple!"

The ethereal voice continued to appear in Zhou Rong's secret room.

But Zhou Rong broke out in a cold sweat after listening to it.

Became the number one in the various sect competitions.

That alone is difficult.

As for dealing with the Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Ghost Sect, if this mysterious man's request was followed, Yang Xuan's existence would not be exposed to the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect.

But Yang Xuan's strength, he is very clear.

"Senior, it's not that I don't want to help senior!"

"Since you are also at the Ghost Spirit Gate, you should know how powerful he is!"

"Although our Supreme Elder is young, although he has just condensed the golden core, his mana is not weaker than that of the Yuanshen stage."

"I'm actually stronger, but to be honest, I don't think I'll be his opponent even if I rely on the Azure Divine Bird to condense the primordial spirit stage."

"Originally, I planned to report this matter directly to the elders of the Ten Thousand Beasts, because Yang Xuan is a genius with the appearance of a fairy himself, and such a genius often crosses the border and kills the enemy without any problem."

"Although I, Zhou Rong, have some opportunities, I also know very well how big the gap is between me and the elders of Tiangui and Tianshang."

Zhou Rong is very self-aware.

In other words, this fine work is very stable.

"Hmph! I didn't let you face Yang Xuan in person!"

"At that time, he will have himself to deal with it himself!"

"Yang Xuan's strength, I know better than you!"

"Don't say it's just you, even if there are ten thousand of you, it's impossible to pose the slightest threat to him."

"You Nanhuang are just too weak. No one has discovered that Yang Xuan is not a child of an ordinary family."

"To tell you the truth, his status is extremely noble, and now is his weakest time, and what I have to do is very simple, to kill him before he grows up."

"Otherwise, once he returns to the sect, my life will be difficult."

The ethereal voice brought Zhou Rong another breaking news.

From the words of this voice, Zhou Rong confirmed one thing.

Then Yang Xuan's identity is still a secret.

"Senior, could it be that our Heavenly Ghost Elder is the reincarnation of a great existence?"

"But all ghosts and real immortals have confirmed it personally, and the other party is obviously..."

Zhou Rong asked suspiciously.

Whether it is reincarnated or not is actually very easy to judge. He doesn't think that all ghosts and true immortals will make mistakes in this regard.

But before he finished speaking, a mysterious voice in the void interrupted him.


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