With the help of the Creation Lord, the disciple was naturally reincarnated successfully, and he was also reincarnated as a human being with good aptitude.

But in the end, his disciple's personality changed drastically. Even if his memory was awakened, he was no longer the former disciple.

Even the Taoist companions were changed directly.

It's just these things, Myriad Ghosts and True Immortal didn't tell Yang Xuan.


In the cave.

Myriad Ghosts and True Immortal handed Yang Xuan a cup of tea.

Then, he said what he thought of Yang Xuan these years.

There is no way, who made this apprentice of himself, it is too genius.

No, they are no longer apprentices.

Because Myriad Ghosts and True Immortals have already canonized Yang Xuan as the Supreme Elder of Ghost Spirit Sect.

The reason for this is because the True Immortal Myriad Ghosts has discovered that he has not taught Yang Xuan at all these years.

Whether it is the experience of cultivation or the technique of the sect, everything is learned by Yang Xuan himself.

Yang Xuan's cultivation base can reach the height of Golden Core stage within fifteen years.

He didn't dare to take any credit for it.

Because he knew that this had nothing to do with half a spirit stone.


It cannot be said that there is no relationship between half a spirit stone.

At least he took great care of Yang Xuan.

The resources of the Ghost Spirit Sect are basically given to him with the highest priority.

"I can have today's achievements, I still have to thank the sect master!"

"Spiritual stones, elixirs, magic tools, exercises, if there are no resources given by the sect, how can I have the current me."

"Especially, Tianshui Xianlian!"

For these, Yang Xuan is very grateful to Ghost Spirit Sect.

Especially the sect master of the Ghost Spirit Sect in front of him.

However, although he was grateful, he couldn't help but apologize to the master of the Ghost Spirit Sect.

"Myriad Ghosts, True Immortal, although Ghost Spirit Sect treats me very well, but in this life, I am destined to confront Good Fortune Sect."

"So it's a foregone conclusion to feign death in the future."

"But there is one thing I can guarantee!"

"Before I leave, a powerful celestial fairy will definitely appear in your Ghost Spirit Sect!"

"That celestial immortal will definitely replace me and guard the ghost gate!"

Yang Xuan couldn't help but said this to himself, to Myriad Ghosts and True Immortals.

"You are too modest."

"To be honest, at your age, with such a cultivation base, it should be the kind of sharp edge that I am invincible!"

"You are young, but it is better to be vigorous."

"Just think that when you faced Du Yu and the others today, you actually did a very good job at that time."

Myriad Ghosts and True Immortals thought of Yang Xuan's behavior just now.


Even though he was watching from afar, he could vaguely feel that Yang Xuan possessed a powerful and overbearing aura that made people want to submit.

Because of this, Myriad Ghosts and True Immortals were even more satisfied with Yang Xuan.

"Yang Xuan, after three months, it will be the day when the three great sects of the Southern Wilderness will hold their sect competition."

"As long as you are a monk of the True Immortal sect below the Yuanshen stage, you can participate in this Southern Wilderness Cultivation Fair."

"And this big competition is also very important to us!"

"This determines the tribute share for the next ten years."

"And a qualification to explore a secret realm."

"My original intention was to let you bear it for decades, at least after you have achieved Yuanshen, before it will be known to outsiders."

"However, this time in the secret realm, even people from super sects such as Zhongzhou Good Fortune Sect, Tianxin Sect, Wanfa Sect, etc. have come."

"Although up to now, many sects in our Southern Wilderness don't know what precious items are in that secret realm."

"However, let's not talk about other sects. Just being able to get people from the Good Fortune Sect to come over is enough to represent everything."

"Even if the good fortune sect people who came here this time are only inner disciples who are not true disciples, they all mean that the secret realm this time is not easy!"

The Sect Master of the Ghost Spirit Sect threw out a piece of heavy news.

A secret place!

A secret realm that involves the Great Fortune World and the Supreme Sect, the Good Fortune Sect.

Although it can be said that the other party does not pay much attention to it.

But for the poor Southern Wilderness, it is enough to treat it with the highest standard.

"Yang Xuan, so the choice is yours!"

"Do you want to participate in this trip to the secret realm?"

The sect master of Ghost Spirit Sect questioned Yang Xuan.

As for Yang Xuan, he was calculating quickly in his mind.

"Good fortune sect, so quickly matched up."

"Perhaps, I can take advantage of this trip to the secret realm and feign death to escape."

"Anyway, Yang Sisi has almost been cultivated by me."

"The baptism of the power of good fortune for so many years, plus the improved Taiyin Mantra of Controlling Ghosts!"

"And the idea of ​​the supernatural law that I have been involved in."

"She only needs to get a powerful spirit ghost seed, a spirit ghost seed whose essence has reached the seventh level, then she will definitely be able to advance to the seventh level in the future."

"People like Yang Sisi are suitable for staying in the sect!"

"And this trip to the secret realm may be suitable for Yang Sisi's spirit ghost seed."

"There really isn't one, the worst thing is to forcibly refine one."

"I've reached the full level of the secret method of spirit ghost refining."

"I am now, as long as I have enough materials, I can completely refine a spirit ghost with the essence of the seventh level."

"What's more, I have the blessing of the power of creation, maybe I can refine the essence of a higher-order ghost spirit."

Yang Xuan seemed to have only thought about it for two seconds.

But many thoughts flashed through my mind.

In the end, he looked directly at the ghosts and immortals, and expressed his decision.

"The disciples feel that this trip to the secret realm must be very suitable for me."

Yang Xuan has already expressed his thoughts by saying so.

That is, he is going to participate in this martial art competition.

"Okay! Then this time I will lead the team myself!"

"Your identity to the outside world is an ordinary true disciple of the Ghost Spirit Sect."

"The quota to enter the secret realm will definitely be yours."

"So when you are competing in martial arts, don't be too exaggerated, just average strength."

Myriad Ghosts and True Immortals have already considered what to do if Yang Xuan wants to participate.

"I see!"

"Thank you door master!"

"Then I will retreat first!"

Yang Xuan saluted Ten Thousand Ghosts and True Immortal deeply, and then left the cave of Ten Thousand Ghosts and True Immortal.

To be honest, this Myriad Ghosts and True Immortal really looks like an elder.

At least he is more like a teacher than Fairy Fengyu.

Fairy Fengyu is more like a cold and beautiful big sister next door.


Ghost Spirit Gate, in the mansion of the true disciple.

As soon as Zhou Rong came back, he excitedly summoned his natal spirit beast.


"You can't think of it! You absolutely can't think of it!"

"This seat not only has spirit ghosts, but also a spirit beast!"

"Moreover, the spirit beast of this seat is the most precious azure divine bird among the Ten Thousand Beasts!"

"It can make a spiritual oath for me, and it can't be seen through even if it's a real fairy face to face."

"This is my greatest secret and greatest opportunity."

"none of them!"

Zhou Rong couldn't help but think of his days in Wanshoumen.

Many years ago, he hadn't been selected as a secret agent and was assigned to the Ghost Spirit Gate.

When the sect was selecting spirit beasts, it was framed by someone to accidentally choose a spirit beast egg of extremely poor quality.

As a result, who can think of it.

At that time, the appearance was extremely poor, and it didn't look like a good spirit beast egg.

Finally, an azure divine bird hatched.

This divine bird is a divine bird whose quality is at the eighth level.

That is why it is called the bird of God.

In other words, its essence is stronger than Yang Xuan's Tianshui Xianlian.

This is Zhou Rong's biggest secret.

But he didn't dare to say it at the time, let alone let outsiders know.

Although the Southern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation Realm is relatively peaceful now, occasional fights still occur.

Especially a sophomore like Zhou Rong.

He would often leave the ghost spirit gate and go to some monks' gatherings to buy some items.

Sometimes, someone else will be watching.

Sometimes, it also stares at other people.

But in the end he survived, and most of the credit was due to this spirit beast that could be integrated into his body.

That is, the eighth-level essence of the sky blue bird.

With it, Zhou Rong is considered invincible at the same level.

But Yang Xuan is not counted among them, because Yang Xuan is an existence beyond the standard.

"My accumulation is almost done!"

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