The Yang family, in the small courtyard where Yang Xuan lived.

The head of the Yang family has been waiting for a long time.

When the head of the Ghost Spirit Sect arrived, he immediately let his original wife, that is, the noble lady.

He hurriedly hugged Yang Xian, pulled his little daughter, and came in front of the master of Ghost Spirit Sect, Ten Thousand Ghosts and True Immortals.

As soon as they came, they hurriedly saluted.

"¨Meet the Immortal."

"This is Xiaoer. We have tested his aptitude three times, and it is absolutely unmistakable."

The head of the Yang family gave his original wife a look.

The other party quickly handed Yang Xuan to the head of the Ghost Spirit Sect.

Xiannian shook.

The sect master of Ghost Spirit Sect, Ten Thousand Ghosts and True Immortals, naturally wanted to test Yang Xuan's aptitude in person.


"It's true! This is really a child with a heavenly qualification!"

After confirming Yang Xuan's qualifications.

The Sect Master of the Ghost Spirit Sect couldn't help but tremble.

This is a very difficult situation for a true immortal.

Because the true immortal has more perfect control over himself.

Not to mention being a true immortal, even monks in the primordial spirit stage seldom let themselves show such a shocked gesture easily.

"Very good, I accept this child, and he will be my true disciple from now on."

"In the future, if you have any difficulties in the Yang family, you can go to the resident of the Ghost Spirit Gate for help."

"But there is one thing I want to remind you. When this child is practicing at the Ghost Spirit Gate, I hope that people from the Yang family will not disturb him."

This is the head of the Ghost Spirit Sect telling the head of the Yang family what he can and cannot do.

With Yang Xuan's talent, from the perspective of the Ghost Sect, they would definitely not let her have too deep a relationship with the Yang family.

"Don't worry Shangxian, I will definitely keep this in mind."

The Patriarch of the Yang family hurriedly nodded yes.

He naturally did not dare to disobey the will of Ghost Spirit Gate.

What's more, this kind of thing is very common in this world, and it's not just new to the Yang family.

When all the sects accept a talented disciple, they don't want that disciple to have too deep a relationship with their own family.

"That's right! Shangxian!"

"According to the regulations, can't we bring another person into the ghost gate?"

"This child is my choice. Although he has poor aptitude, he is born smart. And he is related to Yang Xuan by blood, so I hope Shangxian will take her away with him."

At this time, the head of the Yang family pointed to the little girl next to the lady, that is, Yang Sisi.

"Aptitude is mediocre. If there is no accident, such a person has no hope of even becoming a golden elixir."

"However, since this is your choice, then according to the rules set by the Ghost Spirit Sect, I will naturally take her there, and she will serve by Yang Xuan's side in the future and take care of him. .”

"But after Yang Xuan grows up, if he dislikes this girl, then it's up to Yang Xuan to decide whether she will stay or not."

"After all, Yang Xuan must have a bright future after that day in Ghost Spirit Sect. He has the right to choose his own attendant."

The head of Ghost Spirit Sect didn't reject the Yang family's request, but he also brought his ugly words to the front.

"That's good, that's very good."

"Shangxian, this is a little thought from us. Although it is not much, please accept it."

After the head of the Yang family finished speaking, he also took out a lot of spirit stones.

These spirit stones account for 90% of all the savings of the Yang family.

Because the Patriarch of the Yang family knew a long time ago that there must be a real Shangxian who would come to welcome Yang Xuan.

That's why in order to please the other party, he used such a large amount of wealth, hoping to gain the other party's favor.

Such efforts generally pay off more.


After seeing these spirit stones, Wangui Zhenxian sneered angrily.

Perhaps those ordinary Ghost Spirit Sect disciples, if they come to such a city, they will take away a seedling with good talent.

Then they will accept such a bribe.

But how could he, who was at the level of a true immortal, value such a little spirit stone.

But just when Myriad Ghosts and True Immortal was about to leave with a wave of his hand, he thought about it again.

There are not too many things like spirit stones anyway.

Just take it.

"Forget it, these spirit stones should be used for this little guy's initial cultivation."

"As for this seat, I don't need it. This seat doesn't care about your things at all."

"In the territory of this seat, you have not recognized the real body of this seat until now. It seems that this seat has really failed."

After Wangui Zhenxian finished speaking, a spiritual light suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, a spirit ghost came out.

This spirit ghost is unexpectedly also a spirit ghost of the sixth rank, a true immortal level.

Although she is called a spirit ghost, in fact, she looks like a fairy.

If it weren't for the coldness, people would believe her if she was said to be a fairy or a fairy.

Also, this cold air, under the control of the spirit ghost, will not harm anyone nearby.


Under the order of the ghosts and immortals, the magic power of the spirit ghost came out.

He took Yang Xuan and Yang Sisi directly into the sky and left the Yang family.

After he left, everyone in the Yang family was stunned.

"Shangxian said this is his territory?"

"Could it be that... just now this is!!"

"I remembered, and I said why I always look familiar!"

"The existence just now is the master of the Ghost Spirit Sect!"

"It's a real fairy! It's a ghost and a real fairy!"

After Wangui Zhenxian left, the people of the Yang family came to their senses.

The person who just came here is the owner of this area, the real boss! .

Chapter 136 True Disciple? No, I am the Supreme Elder!

After Yang Xuan was brought to the Ghost Spirit Gate, it didn't cause much trouble.

Because of the news, it was directly suppressed by the ghosts and true immortals.

Even Myriad Ghosts and True Immortals didn't directly announce that Yang Xuan became his true disciple.

It was just that the elder who knew the news, also known as the half-immortal known as Ming Gui Daoist, watched and guarded Yang Xuan secretly.

The idea of ​​Ten Thousand Ghosts and True Immortals is very simple.

That is, before Yang Xuan grows up, the news of Yang Xuan's top-grade aptitude must not be exposed.

Once this news leaks, it will be very serious.

In this way, Yang Xuan spent his life before the age of five in a flat manner.

In order to ensure myself, I also completely integrated into this world.

Yang Xuan also used the one-click max level system to max out his language level.

Without the power of the mind, even if Yang Xuan's spirit is strong, it is very difficult to learn a language.

So just hit the full level with one click.

That's right, language.

In this great world of creation, the language used here is not the language of the reincarnated world.

The language used in the main world is useless here.

Moreover, in the Ghost Spirit Gate.

Yang Xuan did not dare to use his powerful spirit to perceive other people's thoughts.

When he was in the Yang family before, he could rely on the spiritual mysteries to perceive what the people of the Yang family were talking about.

But now that you are in the Ghost Spirit Gate, this method will not work. First, the monks in the Ghost Spirit Gate are very strong.

Secondly, because Yang Xuan was worried that he would be discovered by people from the Ghost Spirit Sect.

So when he was two months old,

Directly using the life span of one day, the language of this world has reached the full level.

For this kind of skill similar to language talent, the consumption required is very small.

Wait until Yang Xuan is five years old.

He gradually began to show his talent in cultivation.

Although he had already completed the peak practice of Qi training when he was one year old.

But under the cover of the power of good fortune, he didn't show his cultivation at the peak of Qi refining until he was five years old.

But even so.

When the elders of the Ghost Spirit Sect, as well as the Ten Thousand Ghosts True Immortal, were still extremely shocked after learning that Yang Xuan had achieved the Great Consummation of the Qi Refining Stage at the age of five.

Even, after they knew the news.

He didn't even announce it to his disciples.

Because this was too unbelievable, they chose to let Yang Xuan endure it.

This forbearance lasted another five years.

When Yang Xuan was ten years old, Yang Xuan's performance to the outside world was a step up in his realm.

That is to say, he showed the state equivalent to the peak of the second stage, that is, the state of Dzogchen in the foundation establishment period.

this time.

The elders of Ghost Spirit Sect, as well as Myriad Ghosts and True Immortals, were even more shocked.

The ten-year-old foundation-building period Dzogchen is very rare even among those sects at the level of immortals.

Not only the Celestial Immortal sect, but even those sects in Central Continent with the eighth rank and true immortal rank may not necessarily have a genius like Yang Xuan.

Because no matter which world it is.

A ten-year-old child is really just a child.

Their minds, their thinking, are still in a state of ignorance.

But if one wants to reach the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage, one cannot just rely on hard work to achieve it.

This also requires a comprehension of heaven and earth, comprehension of Taoism, and comprehension of nature.

And when faced with some bottlenecks, how to break through and how to choose.

Therefore, Yang Xuan's performance is already considered very strong.

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