It seems that there is a big horror that is about to come.

But in the next second, a towering force of good fortune in his true spirit instantly circulated throughout his body.

Then the coercion disappeared.

Yang Xuan also knew that he had reincarnated safely.

But the price is a towering force of good fortune.

The value of this power of good fortune will move the heart of the ninth-level Taoist master.

This is the price paid by the Gate of Good Fortune to allow Yang Xuan to reincarnate early.

At the same time, it also represents how big the bet under the gate of good fortune is.

"The reincarnation was successful, and I became a child again〃."

Yang Xuan felt his fragile body, although he was weak, his heart was full of surprises.

Because it was informed by Fairy Feng Yu.

It is extremely difficult to awaken the true spirit at birth in this great world of good fortune.

Even the Holy Creator couldn't do it.

However, he succeeded.

Although, there were some costs.

"The power of the mind is gone."

"The spiritual dream world didn't bring it here either."

"All the spells and the newly condensed power of the golden core are useless."

"Even the primordial light has disappeared."

"However, one-click full level, one-click tracking is still there."

"This means that I still have a lot of capital."

Yang Xuan is sorting out his situation.

No matter which world you are in, this is always the first thing you do after your true spirit awakens.

"Experiment the good fortune and heavenly skills first."

"This is the original cultivation method of the great world of good fortune. I major in the heavenly work of good fortune in this world, and there is absolutely no problem."

"The most important thing is that the Good Fortune Sect in this world is, without a doubt, the number one Dao Sect."

"In the future, I will walk the rivers and lakes, murder and set fire, and rob wives. I am afraid that I will often use my identity as a true disciple of the Creation Sect."

Before coming to this world, Yang Xuan made a plan.

If you can awaken the true spirit when you come in, you must give yourself the vest of a disciple of the Creation Sect.

With this in mind, Yang Xuan immediately started to practice.

Newborn babies are extremely fragile.

However, the reason why the Good Fortune Heaven Art is so powerful and terrifying is because of its extremely strong adaptability.

In this world full of aura.

With every breath, the body will be baptized with a lot of spiritual energy.

Those who have not practiced exercises, or who have poor aura affinity, will eventually refine little aura.

However, this time Yang Xuan reincarnated, he did not choose any identity, but the aptitude for reincarnation was perfect, so he was jealous.

Because it's just a short day.

He found that he had just started the Heavenly Art of Good Fortune.

A trace of the power of good fortune has been condensed into shape.

He just had a thought, and a small flame appeared in front of him.

With fire control technique, water channels are formed naturally.

But the spells released with the help of spiritual thoughts are different from the spells engraved on the golden core.

The spells engraved on the golden core, whether they are released or fused into other spells, are very simple.

Like Yang Xuan is doing now, just relying on a little force of good fortune to release, it is to make himself mentally exhausted in an instant.

As for the one-click full level, Yang Xuan can't use it yet.

He is too small.

The current physical body is just a day old baby.

If such a talent is used directly, it will directly cause the body to collapse.

Yang Xuan's body can accommodate at most three strands of good fortune.

Just at his daily speed.

Where can I use one-click full level.


Before the crib.

The charm still exists, the eyebrows are like Qingdai, the black hair is combed into a fashionable cloud bun, and a pair of Yunnan red phoenix hairpins are inserted obliquely.

By the ears, the lady with bright tortoiseshell ears came to Yang Xuan's crib.

After the lady came over, she reached out and pinched Yang Xuan's baby face.

Beside her, there is another girl who just turned five years old, who is as delicate and ordinary as a jade doll.

The lady took the little girl's hand and gently hugged him up.

The little girl also looked at Yang Xuan curiously.

Then, without the lady's attention, she grabbed Yang Xuanyou's part that she didn't have.

Immediately afterwards, the noble lady blushed.

She hurriedly took her daughter's hand away, and regardless of her daughter's suspicious look at her, she hurriedly straightened her expression.

"Sisi, this is your brother."

"However, you will call him Little Master in the future."

"You are just a person with weak spiritual roots. Only by following your younger brother can you be qualified to join the Ghost Spirit Sect."

"But you must pay attention to one thing, that is, don't treat him as your younger brother, but as your master."

"The world of cultivating immortals is very cruel."

"But no matter how cruel it is, it is much better than the mortal world."

When the lady said this, she seemed to think of something.

Then, she took out a jade pendant from her bosom.

"Hold it well. This is the jade pendant passed down from your mother's ancestors. Although it is a second-tier magic weapon, it can speed up your practice."

"Remember, you must be nice to your brother, no, to your master."

"You have to be his confidant and do everything for him."

"Strive to become his Taoist partner in the future, even if you don't have a title."

"Don't think about the blood relationship, as long as he can be crowned as a true immortal in the future, you will be considered as a distinguished person."

"If he is a Lintian immortal, there are countless people in this world who will envy your situation."

"In order for you to follow him, my mother knelt down and begged your aunt."

The lady quickly said this to the little girl.

She doesn't care if the little girl understands or not.

Even to let the little girl remember these.

He also directly injected his own words into the jade pendant just now.

"Sisi remember?"

The lady seemed to be afraid that her daughter would forget, so she emphasized it again.

"I see."

"You must listen to your younger brother and take good care of your younger brother."

The little girl nodded half understanding.

At his age, he had no idea what the lady was saying.

Whether it's a Taoist companion or the so-called status.

From the little girl's point of view, it didn't seem to be an important thing at all.

A five-year-old girl is all she cares about now.

It's when you can eat marshmallows and when you can wear beautiful clothes.

However, although this little girl didn't understand anything, Yang Xuan could hear it clearly.

Good guy, I'm just a good guy.

My father's original wife. I thought of these in advance.

Yang Xuan already knew the cruelty of the world of cultivating immortals.

However, it was incredible for him to be bound to a little girl just after he was born.

"It seems that the real world of good fortune is not the perfect world of cultivating immortals as imagined by ordinary people."

"From a certain point of view, this world of good fortune is actually more cruel."

"The world of cultivating immortals, no matter which world of cultivating immortals it is, is nothing more than the jungle of the jungle. It is not the paradise that mortals dream of."


At this time, there was a sudden explosion in the sky, followed by a terrifying sound that covered the entire city.

"A true disciple of the Ghost Spirit Sect was born in the Yang family in Lincheng. I announce that Lincheng will be renamed Yangcheng in the future, and this will be the city of the Yang family in the future."

This is the arrival of the master of the Ghost Spirit Sect.

As soon as he appeared, he directly announced the owner of the city, and later became Yang Xuan's biological father.

As the news spread, it didn't matter whether it was Yang Xuan's biological father or Yang Xuan's biological mother.

Even the ordinary members of the Yang family became extremely excited at this moment.

That's a whole city.

For mortals and low-level monks like them.

The resources of this city alone are enough for them to live a happy life for hundreds of years.

As for Yang Xuan, he naturally wanted to be picked up by the Ghost Spirit Sect.

Whether it is Yang Xuan's biological father or Yang Xuan's biological mother.

Their current feelings towards Yang Xuan are not the kind of real father-son love, mother-son love.

It's a feeling similar to picking up a treasure.

This situation is not limited to the Yang family.

If it were any family, if there was a child with outstanding qualifications like Yang Xuan.

So as long as the baby is just born, the parents will basically have the feeling of winning hundreds of billions of dollars.

And that kind of mother-child mood, don't mention it.

Perhaps not all families are like this, but at the bottom of the Great Creation World, this situation definitely accounts for 99%.

This is caused by the world system, especially in places like Nanhuang.


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