When the huge, sacred dragon head full of endless coercion appeared in the sky, they couldn't help being shocked.

Over the years, he has also achieved golden pills, and he is the best alchemy.

So as long as the world is slowly promoted, maybe you can advance to become a primordial spirit.

After all, the best golden pill, plus the exercises given by Yang Xuan, it is really unreasonable not to be a primordial spirit.

"The dragon head is down, what is it going to do?"

Liu Li has been staring at the huge dragon head.

But because the distance is too far, he doesn't have any magical powers such as clairvoyance and clairvoyance.

So it was impossible to see that Yang Xuan left their world on the huge dragon head.

However, just after the leader disappeared, a voice appeared in Liu Li's mind.

"Liu Li, primordial spirit, true immortal, and heavenly immortal are not the focus of cultivation."

"Beyond our world, there is a powerful Holy Lord, the Taoist Lord."

"So practice hard!"

"You are one of the two kings of this world, and Longting will favor you."

"You, like Uncle Yang, have the right to summon the main body of Longting, which is the golden dragon you saw."

"His might is beyond your imagination."

"So practice hard. If one day you become a true immortal, or even a heavenly immortal, then we will meet again."

Here the sound disappears,

But there was a smile on Liu Li's face.



Liu Li laughed again, laughing loudly!

But the people around him all saw the corners of his eyes, and there were tears dripping down.


above the sky.

As the body continues to rise.

When Yang Xuan looked down again, he realized that what he saw was no longer the ground.

Even the clouds in the sky are invisible.

What can be seen is only endless white light.

The sky of this second extreme world is not the stars of the universe.

The opposite of.

This place is very similar to the world where the sky is round.

The stars here are all above the sky.

But those stars are really just huge floating stones.

The size is only that of a small mound.

After Shenlong dragged Yang Xuan and flew away from the stars.

A hidden connection quickly locked on to him.

"Reincarnation Tower!"

"The will of the world in this world has become the world dragon of the Dragon Court of Humanity!"

"And the Dragon of the World was influenced by me, so he chose the Reincarnation Tower first!"

"For him, joining the Reincarnation Tower and becoming one of the worlds of the Reincarnation Tower is equivalent to getting the supply of the Reincarnation Tower in the future."

"That's a steady stream of spiritual energy injection."

"Just like the world of martial arts, no matter what your own nature is, as long as there are no internal accidents, it is at least a sixth-level promotion channel for the world's essence."

Yang Xuan was completely relieved at this moment.

He knew that his efforts were not in vain.

Everything is as expected.

Then, Yang Xuan burned his own spiritual power instantly, adding it to his communication with Reincarnation Tower.


Between the world and the world.

In the mindless void.

Soon, a huge tower with infinite layers.

Appeared in front of the Human Daolongting World.

Even though, the World Dragon of the Human Dao Dragon Court World is a huge divine dragon entrenched above the world.

But when the Reincarnation Tower appeared, it seemed extremely small.

It seemed that the Reincarnation Tower could kill him and crush him with just a slight turn.


That's not what it seems!

It's the truth!

"The Reincarnation Tower has appeared!"

"So, what is your choice!"

Yang Xuan gently asked Shenlong who was sitting down.

Although he is the creator of the world dragon, he has great control over the world dragon.

But whether the other party will join the Reincarnation Tower and become the second world controlled by the Reincarnation Tower, the decision is actually still on him.

However, Yang Xuan also stayed behind.

This is the case in the spiritual dream world.

If Yang Xuan really wanted to, he could actually directly deprive the gods of their own will and let their own will come to Shenlong.

But in that case, the most important existence of the dragon of the world and the Dragon Court of Human Dao will lose its growth potential.

Therefore, Yang Xuancai asked him what his choice was.

If Shenlong disagrees, he plans to use the backhand.

In other words, Shenlong actually has no choice.

It's just active and passive.

Chapter 132 Return to Settlement! Dao-level Golden Elixir! (Please subscribe!)

"Your thoughts?"

Yang Xuan threw the question to the dragon of the world.


The world dragon also gave a reply.


It roared.

Immediately afterwards, he rushed directly into the Reincarnation Tower in the next second-.

"very good!"

Yang Xuan also smiled.

He knew that he had succeeded.

Then there is no need to do anything by yourself.

The dragon of the world engulfed his body and rushed directly into the Reincarnation Tower.

next second.

Yang Xuan received a reminder.

"Do you choose to return perfectly?"


Faced with such a situation, does Yang Xuan need to think about it?

Definitely the perfect comeback.


Following a flash of spiritual light, Yang Xuan felt that his reincarnated body had turned into the purest energy.

The energy did not enter the golden core, and finally Yang Xuan's true spirit returned to his own body.


main world.

It was just a good day.

Yang Xuan's body opened his eyes, and a golden pill appeared directly in front of him.

Real name: Yang Xuan

Number of Reincarnations: 4

1. Ordinary Urban World (SSS Perfect Level)

Reincarnation achievements:

Invincible in the world, the kingdoms unite, create idealism, break the shackles, and upgrade the world.

2. Doomsday of Spiritual Recovery (Supreme Reincarnation)

Reincarnation achievements:

Invincible in the world, suppress the doomsday, recast the gate of ghosts, save the world, unite the two worlds, and reincarnate supremely (the only one)

Supreme Reincarnation: Your deeds have surpassed the evaluation principle, allowing the Tower of True Reincarnation to obtain all the authority of a world for the first time, so it was given the title of "Supreme Reincarnation".

3. The World of Heavenly Ladder Cultivation (Perfect Reincarnation!)

Reincarnation achievements:

Invincible in the world, unifying the lower world, breaking the shackles, lifting the shackles, purifying the poison of the world, communicating with the two worlds, and reincarnating perfectly.

Perfect reincarnation: You communicate with the two worlds, and the reincarnated body perfectly returns to the main body, which can be perfectly integrated.

4. Zhenqi Martial Arts World (Perfect reincarnation! SSS level perfection!)

Reincarnation achievements:

The world is unified, the spirit is revived, the cancer is pulled out, the Dragon Court is created, the world is upgraded, the perfect reincarnation, the supreme reincarnation.

Reincarnation level: level 1 authority

The current authority of the Reincarnation Tower: 1


1. True Spirit Points: 10,000,000 (has reached the upper limit of Zhenqi Martial Arts world)

2. Nine-turn good fortune golden elixir, heaven level.

3. Dragon of Imagination (the third rank, can be promoted!)

Yang Xuan looked at his attribute panel, and thought inwardly that it was true.

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