The foundation of the spirit net is Yang Xuan's spiritual dream world.

In this reincarnation, Yang Xuan directly used the sentient beings in this world to raise the spiritual dream world to the third level.

Moreover, a part of the mind and dream world has been separated, and it has completely merged with this world.

This can be regarded as one of Yang Xuan's backhands.

Because he has a feeling, maybe he will return to this world in the future.

Today's spiritual dream world.

It's a third-tier portable world.

Although it is not a complete material world, it is just a small spiritual dream world.

But even so, it was a very terrifying existence.

Moreover, the spiritual dream world can also absorb the power of the human dragon court to breed a spiritual dragon.

Or it is called the dragon of dreams, and the dragon of fantasy.

This dragon has the ability to invade reality with the mind and modify reality.

Although there are certainly many limitations.

But relying on this ability, Yang Xuan's progress in the world of Zhenqi Martial Arts has been accelerated a lot.

Without this dragon of the mind and the dragon of fantasy.

If you want to complete the preconditions of the Humane Dragon Court, you need at least another two hundred years.

Although with the improvement of its own strength.

And under the cultivation and nourishment of good fortune and heaven.

Yang Xuan's lifespan, which was one of the few before, has been raised to five hundred years.

But if he could return sooner, Yang Xuan didn't want to waste time.

After all, running around and lighting the flame of humanity is hard work.

After 175 years of hard work, Yang Xuan was really tired.


Today, Profound Sky City.

King Tianwu has just finished dealing with several important government affairs and is going to rest.

As a result, he stopped suddenly.

Then, amidst everyone's puzzled eyes, he looked up at the sky.

above the sky.

A golden streamer slowly appeared in front of him from far to near.

It was a dragon-shaped flying boat.

The entire body of the flying boat is the color of platinum, and the boat exudes endless majesty.

That is the coercion of Shenlong, not a simulation, but the real dragon's might.

On the flying boat.

Yang Xuan stood at the front, looking at Tianxuan City.

Behind him, two fairies, one red and one white, stood quietly.

The person who came was naturally Yang Xuan, and the people behind him were Xuan Meng and Ye Mei.

"It's him! He's back!"

"I got word three days ago that the final steps were ready."

"I thought that he came back yesterday, but I didn't expect that he was a day late. Maybe (ccfg) was too tired all these years and went to rest."

Tianwu King Yang Wu muttered to himself.

At this moment, the ministers of the Profound Sky Empire around him all fell to their knees on the ground in an instant.

One by one in the mouth, they even shouted.

"Congratulations on the return of Emperor Tianxuan!"

The master of the Profound Sky Empire, a great existence that unified the entire world.

The moment returns.

But now, no one has mentioned the identity of the holy son of Yang Xuan's Demon Sect.

The world has been completely changed by him.

"Didn't Tianxuan abolish the ceremony of kneeling and worshiping long ago?"

"We are pursuing a world where everyone is like a dragon, and you ministers are actually taking the lead in doing this."

"Go on, remember there will be no next time."

Yang Xuan's voice, full of boundless majesty, reached everyone's ears.

Sure enough, he was not interested in enjoying the worship of these people at all.

What he wants is the highest achievement of this reincarnation.

However, those ministers did not think so.

Yang Xuan's supreme coercion has long been imprinted in their hearts.

Even without that terrifying Longwei, after they saw Yang Xuan, they couldn't help but pay their respects.

"You are finally back, come back this time, don't leave."

After Yang Wu saw Yang Xuan, he was very happy.

Although, he knew that after Yang Xuan came back, the power of the entire Profound Sky City would change hands.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Having held power for more than a hundred years, the current Yang Wu has long since lost his original ambition.

He just wants to rest now, and he just wants to quickly return the power in his hand to Yang Xuan.

Because with the change of the world, the development of the times.

Yang Wu has already understood that only one's own strength is truly powerful.


"I'm afraid I will disappoint Uncle Yang."

"This time when I come back, I will only stay for a while at most."

"After that, I'm going to go further afield."

Yang Xuan glanced at the sky, and then a dragon's roar resounded through the sky.

Roar! !

Following the roar of the dragon, a huge dragon's head above the sky appeared in front of everyone.

The size of this faucet is like a sun in the sky.


When Yang Wu saw it, his body trembled.

You must know that Yang Wu at this time has also broken through to become a third-order existence.

His golden elixir is also a top-grade elixir.

With the gradual understanding of cultivating immortals, and the concept of spiritual recovery taught by Yang Xuan.

He even knows that there will be many fairy beasts and mythical beasts in the mythology in the future.

However, in the information Yang Xuan told him.

This is something that will take many years to emerge.

In the past few hundred years, the world has at most bred some spirit beasts.

But right now, why did a giant dragon appear.

"This is not a real dragon, but the manifestation of the will of the world, a representative of the Humane Dragon Court."

"This world has turned into Dragon Court."

"All beings in the world will be blessed by the Dragon Court."

"In this world, as long as people's hearts are still there, Dragon Court will always prosper."

"It's also because this world has become the Dragon Court, so natural disasters and natural disasters have been eliminated. Unless it is an external factor, it will not happen."

"The outside world I'm talking about is the interference of forces from other worlds."

"As long as there is no interference from other worlds, this world will be smooth, and basic necessities of life will no longer be a problem."

"Following this trend, Human Dao Dragon Court will possess the potential of the seventh-order world."

"However, it depends on the path you choose."

Yang Xuan also looked at the sky in relief.

For the establishment of Humane Dragon Court, he paid a lot.

"Xiaoxuan, you have given me too much information in one breath, besides our world, are there other worlds?"

"What are you talking about now?"

"Are you leaving? Leaving this world? Ascension to immortality?"

Although Yang Wu was still shocked by the appearance of Shenlong.

But when Yang Xuan finished speaking, he realized that the impact of Yang Xuan's words on him was even greater.

"That's right!"

"I have compiled a lot of information in this jade slip."

"From now on, this Dragon Court will be handed over to you."

"Don't slacken your practice, as long as you continue to go on and become a primordial spirit, a true immortal, and a heavenly immortal, then we may have the possibility to meet again."

"I'm leaving, treasure!"

Yang Xuan finally finished speaking.

Then, the huge dragon head above the sky fell down.

He actually took the initiative to drag Yang Xuan and flew directly towards the sky.

Until it completely submerges into the void and disappears.

Xuan Meng and Ye Mei, who had been following Yang Xuan all this time, couldn't help reaching out to grab Yang Xuan.

He even wanted to call Yang Xuan to stop, and wanted to go with Yang Xuan.

But Yang Xuan didn't speak, the two of them just looked at each other, and then Anzi decided to practice hard, waiting for Yang Xuan to return again.

do not know why.

The two of them also had the feeling that Yang Xuan would definitely return in the future.

They decided that when Yang Xuan returns next time, they must give him 108 children.


The Profound Sky Empire, Tianli City.

This is a city second only to Profound Sky City.

It is also the city built by the only junior brother of Emperor Tianxuan.

"Is that a dragon?"

"Why did it appear so quickly? Didn't the senior brother say that it would take thousands of years for mythical creatures to appear in this world?"

Liu Li is like most of them.

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