Soon, the roof of this incomparably magnificent palace was blown away by a great force.

After losing the roof.

A huge eye also appeared under the eyes of everyone.

above the sky.

The huge eyes stared at Shaolin Temple expressionlessly.

All the people in Shaolin Temple, as long as they look up at that huge eye, they have a feeling of being seen through their hearts.

This is Yang Xuan's mind of good fortune derived from learning three thousand ways and then gathering his own spiritual power.

The eyes of good fortune have the ability to see through people's hearts.

Anyone whose spiritual realm is not as good as Yang Xuan's will be seen clearly by Yang Xuan at this moment.

Therefore, those who want to pretend to be snakes and pretend to surrender first, but plan to make a comeback in the future, cannot leave Shaolin Temple at all.

"¨ Your Excellency actually wants to destroy the Buddha?"

"Why? We admitted that we were wrong in the battle of Tongtian Peak. We admitted it at any cost. We can die, but please don't sever our faith!"

"Amitabha! Your Majesty is the Supreme True Immortal, why do you want to do the things of the devil?"

After hearing Yang Xuan's words, the monks of Shaolin Temple were all extremely sad.

Of course, everyone was extremely angry.

But the power is stronger than others, they dare not speak out.

Because they knew that Yang Xuan hadn't done anything yet, so there might be a little chance.

Once Yang Xuan was angered, Yang Xuan would directly start killing, and all the monks in Shaolin would die.

"Because I don't like Buddha!"

Yang Xuan said very simply.

But he thought about it carefully, since these monks like to engage in beliefs.

Then letting their beliefs collapse is also a way to understand the cause and effect of Tongtian Peak.

Thinking of this, Yang Xuan said, "Let's make a bet!"

"If your Buddha doesn't want you to exist,"

"Or, I am the Buddha, and the Buddha wants to destroy the Buddha!"

"If this is the case, let you give up your beliefs and become ordinary people, are you willing?"

Yang Xuan looked at the monk below with a chuckle.

He can't have a good impression of the monks in this world.

Because, at the foot of the Shaolin Mountain in this world, he saw that the nearby existences were not full enough to eat and not warm enough to wear.

But the Shaolin Temple is resplendent and resplendent.

The cassocks of those eminent monks are all trimmed with gold.

(Of course) Moreover, Yang Xuan found that many monks were not pure yang bodies under the observation of the good fortune mind.

These monks may have long since lost their faith.

He has already blocked the mountain gate of Shaolin Temple with formations.

All monks who have lost their pure yang body, and those who still have faith in Buddha, cannot get out of the mountain gate.

"Shangxian was joking, you are a true immortal, invincible in the world!"

"We are willing to take another step back and migrate as a whole, to find a paradise overseas, and never return here for the rest of our lives. Can I ask Shangxian to raise your hand!"

Abbot Shaolin couldn't help asking for a round.


But what answered him was a cold snort!

Puchi! Puchi!

Under Yang Xuan's cold snort, these monks couldn't help but spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Don't say what you think!"

"I'm not interested in your ideas!"

"I just ask you now, do you believe in your Buddha, and I want you to give up your belief!"

"Believe it or not, it is the Buddha who wants to destroy the Buddha, not the immortals!"

Yang Xuan said so.

This time, the Shaolin monks dared not talk about irrelevant topics anymore.

They looked at each other and quickly expressed their thoughts.

"We don't believe it!"

"Buddha, it is impossible to destroy Buddha!"

"Since there are true immortals in the world, we also believe that there are true Buddhas in the world!"

"The existence of the Immortal indicates that the Buddha also exists."

As soon as the monks finished speaking, Yang Xuan almost laughed out loud.

He didn't expect that his own existence actually magnified these monks' belief in Buddha.

However, this is also good.

"Forget it! Since you don't believe it, I'll let you take a look."

"In this world, the Buddha himself wants to destroy the Buddha."

Yang Xuan's voice fell.

Many great monks suddenly felt a blur in front of them.

next second.

They saw a scene they will never forget. Ten.

Chapter 131 The World Is a Dragon, Everyone Is Like a Dragon (Subscribe)

It was a giant Buddha.

From the perspective of many great monks in Shaolin Temple.

It was a statue whose body entered the sky and whose eyes were like the sun and the moon.

Just one finger can crush the terrifying Giant Buddha in Shaolin Temple.

Such a giant Buddha actually appeared in front of them.

And these great monks, they didn't know when they stood on the palm of this giant Buddha.

"The Buddha is a demon, and the demon is a Buddha!"

"From today onwards, the Buddha will no longer exist, and the Buddha will turn into a demon!"

"The Buddha wants to destroy the Buddha!"

The huge Buddha shadow looked directly at the great monks.

He didn't seem to speak, but these thoughts appeared in the hearts of every monk.

Such a terrifying declaration directly changed the faces of many great monks.

Many great monks, the degree of inner collapse at this time has surpassed before.

Not long ago.

When they learned that there are real immortals in the world, and they are still their enemies, they were already devastated.

But now, it's even more uncomfortable.

At that time, many monks gave birth to the worst case of death, and the worst case was to fight to the death. As for the result, they didn't think about it.

However, they thought of many possibilities.

But he never thought that he would encounter this scene.

Buddha will appear in front of them.

The Buddha will show a demonized side.

The Buddha will say the Buddha who wants to be destroyed.

This simply overturned their cognition.

"What? Impossible!"

"Buddha, how can you be a demon?"

"Buddha, don't abandon us!"

"Fake, everything is fake!"

"It's the method of the immortal. He created illusions. These are all fake!"

Many Shaolin Temple disciples had the same idea at this moment.

They don't believe that Buddha is a demon.

Therefore, in order to stabilize your state of mind.

Or, in order to find an explanation for everything you see.

In the end, they all thought that all this was an illusion and not the real situation.

"Is it a hallucination?"

"You can continue to test to see if this is an illusion!"

When everyone gives birth to everything in front of them, it is an illusion.

Suddenly, a huge mountain peak appeared in front of them.

That is Lingshan!

On Lingshan, every flower and every grass is extremely real.

But in Lingshan, those who have already attained the Buddhahood are doing things that people can't bear to look at.

Killing, multiplayer sports, meat eating, drinking, and bohemianism.

Buddha will not be Buddha.

All living beings suffer.

As soon as this picture came out, the next second was the incomparably sacred Lingshan.

Suddenly exuded a strong black air.

When the Shaolin monks in this world looked hard again, they found that Lingshan was no longer what they longed for.

Lingshan turned into a mountain of corpses and bones.

This spiritual mountain was actually built on the bones of all living beings.

Such a terrifying scene is simply a more demon than a demon.


"Why is this happening?"

"My Buddha is merciful, this can't be the legendary Lingshan!"

"Ah! Buddha, I'm guilty. I shouldn't have used the excuse of sending a son to the Buddha to carry out linkages with the woman at the foot of the mountain dozens of times in a row."

"Buddha! I'm guilty too. I won't change from eating meat, and I shouldn't have killed a villager who saw me eating meat."

"Haha, I'm not wrong! The monks in Lingshan are oppressing the people, which means I'm right, my way is the way of Buddhism."

Under the change of the mental scene.

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