After Zhu Yun thought for a while, under the gaze of Yang Xuan above the sky, he slowly knelt down on the ground.

boom! boom! boom!

As soon as he knelt down, he began to kowtow crazily.

"The Immortal Venerable, calm down! The Immortal Venerable, calm down!"

"My lord, no, the villain is willing to bear any punishment, even if I ask the immortal to leave a trace of blood for my Zhu family!"

"The immortal is the supreme immortal, and the villain is just an ordinary mortal, leaving the blood of the villain, they can't make any waves."

"Also ask the Immortal Venerable to show mercy"

As Zhu Yun spoke, he kowtowed frantically.

The moment he saw Yang Xuan, what was the kingship, what was the **** of the world, and what was the development of the people's livelihood.

Everything has turned into a passing cloud.

Who is the peak at the end of the 'Wang' road? When you see the sky, the Tao is empty.

Zhu Yun could no longer feel any resistance.

"The cycle of karma, the retribution is not good!"

"There is no absolute right or wrong in this world. I really don't like your Zhu family."

"I don't even bother to get rid of the blood of the Zhu clan!"

"I came here today just to take your life!"

"But you have been king for so many years, don't you understand the human heart?"

"The reason why I didn't take action against your Zhu's lineage is because even if I don't take action, someone will take action."

"Could it be that if I don't take action, people from your Zhu family can survive?"

Yang Xuan broke Zhu Yun's dream.


If Yang Xuan doesn't make a move, can his Zhu clan survive?

Even if Yang Xuan didn't even kill Zhu Yun, would he survive in the end?

Even if Yang Xuan turns around and leaves now, can Zhu Yun survive tonight and see the sun tomorrow?

The answer, of course, is no.

Even if Yang Xuan doesn't make a move, someone will take the initiative.

The person who made the move must be the people around him.

Even, there will be his relatives.


"It's all because I think too much!"

"However, since my Zhu family is finished!"

"Then there is no need for me to pray to you."

"Even if I die, I will die by my own hands!"

Zhu Yun stood up instantly, and then quickly rushed to a guard not far away.

Now, after Yang Xuan came to the top of the dynasty.

Those Zhu Yun's guards are just like Zhu Yun.

Seeing Yang Xuan's fairy-like demeanor, he immediately knelt down.

Without Yang Xuan's permission, none of them dared to stand up.

Zhu Yun rushed to them, but he didn't dare to move.

"My ancestors, my ancestors, I am sorry for you!"

"I knew that weeds must be cut by the roots!"

After Zhu Yun drew out the guard's sword, he was about to commit suicide.



With the sound of a sword chant appeared.

The long sword in Zhu Yun's hand was instantly shattered inch by inch.

next second.

With a flash of cold light, the big head fell to the ground.

"The mastermind is dead, but I still remember that one of the people who blocked Yang Tong was a Shaolin disciple."

"It seems to be a supreme master, but that master was killed by Yang Tong!"

"Among the top ten sects, there is no Shaolin anymore."

"However, the stop on Tongtian Peak seems to be mainly planned by Shaolin!"

"If the great monk in the Tianbang hadn't died at that time, I'm afraid that the present Shaolin would already be famous all over the world."

As soon as Yang Xuan read this, he left.

Of course.

Before leaving, he also completed the creation of the dragon vein node of the Human Dao Dragon Court.

If you want to build the Dragon Court of Humanity, you must first ignite the Holy Flame of Humanity in a city full of people.

Yang Xuan himself is now the fire seed of the Human Dao Dragon Court.

When he came to the main city of the Zhu Dynasty in the form of a fairy.

There is no need for him to do anything at all. Anyone who sees him will basically worship him, see Shangxian.

Even some people will not surrender.

But also innocuous.

As long as 90% of the people in the city agree with the existence of Yang Xuan.

You can light the flame of humanity.

The existence of the flame of humanity is invisible to outsiders.

But Yang Xuan could see clearly.

In the future, the stronger their sense of belonging to Yang Xuan's Tianxuan Empire, the stronger the flame of humanity will be.

If one day, they no longer recognize Yang Xuan's Sky Profound Empire.

Then the flame of humanity will be extinguished.

That's why Yang Xuan appeared in such a high-profile manner.

The identity of a fairy will play a great role in cohesion.

But that's not all there is to it.

After Yang Xuan ignited the sacred fire in the city, he needed Yang Wu to arrange for people to rebuild the city.

In the past six years, how to rebuild each city has actually been almost arranged.

But rebuilding a city is not that simple.

not to mention,

All cities must also learn from the development of Profound Sky City.

To implement the academy.

To build roads.

To develop steam means.

And, in the future, the method of cultivating immortals will be promoted.

Everyone is like a dragon, that is the humane Dragon Court.

Therefore, the establishment of the Humane Dragon Court will take a long time to implement.

What Yang Xuan needs to do is to gather people's hearts.

That is to say, Yang Xuan has condensed the nine-turn golden elixir in this world, and at the same time, he also has this flying technique, which can quickly gather people's hearts.

Otherwise, it may not be possible within hundreds of years to build the Human Dao Dragon Court.


Ten days later.

The world of low martial arts, Shaolin.

"The Zhu family is dead!"

"After that Shangxian was born, he has recovered nearly a hundred cities!"

"He looks like he's going to do something really big!"

"The route he is going to is our Shaolin!"

"However, they didn't come directly, but went along the road to show their saints in front of people in every passing city, town, and village!"

"It stands to reason that as a living true immortal, he doesn't have to care about other people's opinions at all, but he did it deliberately, which must have a deep meaning."

In the grand hall of Shaolin Temple.

The nine great monks gathered together and talked about the current situation.

"What a fairy!"

"Unexpectedly, in our world, a real fairy appeared!"

"I always thought that immortals are legends!"

"That fairy will come to Shaolin in half a day at most, how should we deal with it?"

"Surrender, hand over everyone who participated in the battle at Tongtian Peak!"

"Then the old monk will personally take the blame, and hope that the immortal can keep the fire of Shaolin."

"I just hope so!"

The abbot of Shaolin stepped forward at this time.

He was ready to sacrifice.

But just as he finished speaking, his face suddenly changed drastically, and then he raised his head in disbelief, looking directly in front of the hall.

Straight ahead, a figure appeared at some unknown time.

"Emperor Tianxuan, Yang Xuan!"

After seeing the person coming, the abbot directly called out the person's identity.

"All the monks who participated in the battle of Tongtian Peak are gone."

"However, this is not enough to calm down the karma of the year!"

"My world doesn't need a Buddha!"

"From today, in the Profound Sky Empire, no Buddhist scriptures are allowed, and no one is allowed to recite the Buddha's name!"

"The action of destroying Buddha starts from you!"

"Now I will give you a chance to take off your cassocks and leave Zhehuo immediately!"

"If you want to keep your faith, those who chant scriptures and Buddha will die!"

"Don't try to deceive me, your inner thoughts cannot escape it."

When Yang Xuan said this, he pointed to the sky lightly.


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