"Either surrender!"

Just this sentence is like thunder from the sky.

Covering this city with a population of 300,000.


The people from the Blood Knife Gate heard the thunder in their ears.

All of them couldn't help but **** in a breath of cool air.

Their inhalation synchronization rate even made the surrounding oxygen content instantly change from 20.9% to 18.5%.

Almost hit the dangerous value.

After Yang Xuan's voice disappeared, the entire Blood Knife Sect fell into a deep silence.

It doesn't matter whether it's those outside the city or those disciples of the Blood Sword Sect.

Still in the city, those merchants and common people living in Xuedaomen, or warriors who happened to pass by here.

At this time, everyone really didn't dare to take a breath.

Because Yang Xuan's roar was beyond their imagination.

Within one person, the roar can be heard by 300,000 people.

If such a roar turned into an attack, it would come with true energy.

Doesn't that mean that the opponent can overwhelm 300,000 people with a roar, and even seriously injure or kill 300,000 people.

Although they thought of it.

Yang Xuan, who is only five years old now, absolutely cannot do this.

But as time goes by, when Yang Xuan's skill is even higher.

Then it is really not impossible to make a decision with one word, to kill tens of thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands with one word.

"Surrender! We are willing to pursue Lord Son of God and rebuild the Demon Gate!"

Just when everyone was silent and didn't know what to do.

Finally, the last high-ranking member of the Blood Knife Gate.

That is, the head of the Blood Knife Sect spoke.

He is the child of the ancestor of the blood knife, but he has no intention of avenging his father at all.

Even, in order to survive, he was the first to make a statement.

In his eyes, there is an even more humble look.

"I am also willing to surrender!"

"Master Shengzi, I am also willing to surrender!"

"Master Shengzi, we are all willing to return to the Demon Sect and throw our heads and blood for the Demon Sect!"

The other disciples of the Blood Knife Sect saw their own sect master like this.

What else can they say.

The boss is shameless, and they can naturally let go of everything in order to survive.

"what's your name!"

Yang Xuan asked the head of the Blood Knife Sect.

He could feel that the head of the Blood Knife Sect was really afraid of him.

His mind has been completely broken by himself.

Faced with such a state, it will be difficult to improve one's own strength in the future.

after all.

It is extremely rare even among first-class fighters and masters to be able to achieve a certain degree of dedication to martial arts like Wei Feng, the great elder of the Xuedao Sect.

Most of the warriors, if their hearts are frustrated, will be the same as the current master of the blood knife sect.

"Master Hui Shengzi, the younger one's name is Ye Ming, and it will be bright all night long!"

"The Blood Knife Sect used to be under the command of the Demon Sect, but now the little one is willing to smear the ground for Lord Shengzi, and die!"

The sect master of the Blood Knife Sect, Ye Mei's father, Ye Ming.

While talking, he kept kowtowing to Yang Xuan.

He doesn't want to die! I really don't want to die!

In this world, there are only a few people who are truly not afraid of death.

"Ye Ming!"

"You remember two points!"

"First, the Blood Knife Sect becomes the Blood Knife Hall of the Demon Sect, and you are the head of the Blood Knife Hall!"

"Secondly, this seat is not a holy son of the Demon Sect, from now on, this seat will be the Holy Lord of the Demon Sect!"

Yang Xuan made an explanation to Ye Ming.

That's right!

Yang Tong is already dead, so Yang Xuan doesn't need to bear the title of Holy Son.

He himself is the Holy Lord of the Demon Sect.

"Yes! Lord Holy Master!"

"Young one, let's go and gather all the disciples of the Blood Knife Hall and let them come to pay homage to Lord Holy Master."

Ye Ming was as happy as a child when he heard that he didn't have to die.

"No need!"

"You go and arrange for someone to take my little junior brother, and..."

After Yang Xuan thought of the old Taoist priest, he didn't know how to address him for a while.

After thinking for a while, he thought of a theory.

"Go and bring my little junior brother and Yang Wu, the protector of the Demon Sect!"

"Remember to explain clearly to them, don't let them be frightened!"

After Yang Xuan gave Ye Ming an order, he strode towards Blood Knife City in stride.

"Yes! Let's do it, little one!"

"Young one, please go and invite the Lord Protector yourself!"

Ye Ming felt relieved, he hurried to do this matter.

Then he gave a wink to a subordinate beside him, and the other party immediately came over and followed Yang Xuan, and followed Yang Xuan towards the city.

Wei Feng, the Great Elder of the Blood Knife Gate, did not know that a luxurious carriage had been found there at this time.

He respectfully welcomed Yang Xuan into the carriage.

When Yang Xuan walked into the blood knife city.

All warriors and ordinary people fell to their knees on the ground the moment they saw the carriage entering the city.

One by one, they shouted even more.

"Holy Lord is supreme, invincible in the world!"

The common people didn't know who started it, so they all started shouting.

Yang Xuan didn't stop them either.

After all, this is the custom of this world.

Now that I have come to this world, I naturally have to do as the Romans do.

What's more, now he is the Holy Lord of the Demon Sect.

Of course there must be some cards.

Most importantly, Yang Xuan hoped that they would maintain such awe towards him.

In this way, one of the secret techniques learned in the previous world can be used in this world.

Humane Imperial Court!

Although the laws of this world do not appear, the aura does not exist.

But after having the experience of helping the world to advance once, Yang Xuan already knew how to operate in such a world.

The aspiration of the people, the way of the world.

With the will of the living beings, control the world.

The way of the humane imperial court is perfect in such a world.

So Yang Xuan thinks about it now.

The Holy Lord in the beginning is also a treasure boy.

Not only did he give himself a powerful ability, that is, the light of the beginning.

It even gave him the method of humane imperial court.

"My lord, this is our headquarters!"

"I'm going to arrange for someone to clean it for you, and I will make sure you stay comfortably tonight!"

The Blood Knife Sect strategist who was following Yang Xuan started to express himself hard at this time.

"Do it! By the way, call someone in charge of city construction!"

"Although this city is good, it is not what I want."

"By the way, find another person who is familiar with many sects and information in the world."

"If you don't have that kind of person in Blood Knife City, just grab it for me!"

"I don't care where I have it, in short, I will find the person I want!"

Yang Xuan made a few more requests.

He wants talent.

He's going to make a big fuss!

Because he wants to use this world to do an experiment.

In the previous world, after reaching the full level of the Humane Emperor's Court with one click.

In fact, a strange realization arose in Yang Xuan's heart.

That kind of enlightenment became clearer when it came to this world and was just worshiped by people.

That is, the advancement of the Humane Imperial Court.

That is, Human Way Dragon Court!

What he wants is to lay out the world.

The earth is the body!

The sky is your wing!

The river is blood!

Mountains and rivers are bones!

The city is like scales!

Plants for hair!

Birds and beasts as claws!

The sun and the moon are eyes!

The stars are the corners!

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